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After 19 years of trauma 1914-1933 (four years of World War I, then 10 of the chaotic, jewish-controlled “democratic” Weimar Republic, then three years of the Great Depression — caused by Wall Street in New York, but it crashed the German economy) the German nation was deeply grateful to Hitler for saving them from misery and giving them back hope and pride. http://trutube.tv/video/14375/Adolf-Hitler-My-Heart-Will-Go-On-Banned-in-200-Countries




Paintings by Adolf Hitler




Watercolor painting of “Karl’s Church in Winter” in Vienna, Austria by Adolf Hitler 1912


       John F. Kennedy


“Hitler ¦ one of the most significant figures who ever lived”

~ President J.F. Kennedy

“Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived ¦ He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him.
He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.”

~ John F. Kennedy,
President of the
United States of America

Jewess Gertrude Stein, Nobel Peace Laureate, recommended that Adolf Hitler be given the Nobel Peace prize.

…..What did Adolf Hitler achieve?

He took a major nation mired in bankruptcy, with 6 million unemployed

–to full employment and a booming economy in three years
— free medicare,
–free education right thru university,
–over 1.2 million affordable and extremely attractive family homes (coddling their favorite mass murderers),
–the 8 hour workday,
–Sundays off,
–21 days paid holidays a year for workers,
–paid maternity leave for pregnant women and young mothers,
–maternity spas,
–over 4000 new kindergartens,
–holiday resorts for children,
–luxury liners on which workers could go on two-week cruises for less than 170 marks [ about $250 today],
–regular symphony orchestra performances in factories,
–vivisection outlawed,
–high environmental standards,
–the Autobahn,
–the Volkswagen,
–low prices
–high standard of living etc.,
….and all this when the rest of the world could only think of war as a measure of ending the Depression. . .

and all this accomplished with no natural resources to speak of, no gold reserves and nothing but hostility surrounding the country. . ……Auschwitz


……How AH helped workers

My video: The Friend of the White Worker

My 2010 video, shot near Brackenridge, Pa., shows why Hitler was loved by the Germans: He brought 1) JOBS, 2) made the streets safe again, 3) stopped drugs and alcoholism, 3) promoted strong families without divorce, abuse, homo marriage or molesting, 4) he demanded good books, music and movies, and 4) he promoted genuine national pride based on success and hard work.

I explain economic and social justice under Hitler, a son of generations of peasants and workers, and how the Fed deliberately prolongs the current Great Recession, whereas Hitler restored the German economy by freedom from Jewish banks. Shocking testimony before Congress is given by the surprisingly honest Jewish director of the 2007-08 bank bailout.

(This video — repeatedly hacked by Jews — deals with the worries real working-class people have about economic and psychological survival TODAY.)



A sheer horror show of swimming pools, soccer fields, a 40,000 volume library, a theatre, 12 different orchestras, a state of the art hospital and dental clinic run by Jewish doctors, a maternity ward, a kindergarten, university education classes, a state of the art community kitchen, brick dormitories, a post-office, an inmate run police, a jail, a brothel; and work, lots of it, WITH PAY.

And let’s not forget INVISIBLE GAS CHAMBERS.

And thousands of babies burned alive in massive ditches filled to the brim with ground water. 😉Elie Wiesel saw it all himself and “  he got a Nobel Peace Prize for writing the book “Night” about it.

Auschwitz “ still stands complete with brick housing facilities and swimming pool.

Here is the truth about the Holocaust — highly recommended:

Holocaust deprogramming

Menachem Begin

“Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Prime Minister of Israel, Menachim Begin (above), in a speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, Begin and the “Beasts”, New Statesman, 25 June 1982.


“If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged” -Professor Noam Chomsky


Adolf Hitler & Young Friends

Hitler’s proposals for a European pacification plan for Europe were delivered to the Geneva League of Nations. His proposals included:

¢  prohibition of the dropping of gas, poisonous or incendiary bombs
¢  prohibition of dropping any bombs outside fighting fronts
¢  prohibition of artillery weapons over 12 miles from battle zones

“Germany will be perfectly ready to disband her entire military establishment and destroy the small amount of arms remaining to her, if the neighboring countries will do the same thing with equal thoroughness. Germany is entirely ready to renounce aggressive weapons of every sort if the armed nations, on their part, will destroy their aggressive weapons within a specified period, and if their use is forbidden by an international convention. Germany is at all times prepared to renounce offensive weapons if the rest of the world does the same. Germany is prepared to agree to any solemn pact of non-aggression because she does not think of attacking anybody but only of acquiring security” ~ Adolf Hitler

Ever wonder why the Germans were so ecstatically happy in this video? Because they had a brave, brilliant leader who cared!

And the war was FORCED on him by Jew-controlled foreign governments!

And he did NOT gas six million Jews or any Jews!






1) Hitler and guns

I just saw an excellent pro-gun video by Bill Whittle, who calls himself the Virtual President:

But at the 6th minute (and like others) Whittle makes the egregious error of claiming Hitler took guns away. He absolutely did not. While he was indeed a dictator, he campaigned for years publicly to get emergency powers as chancellor, he requested them from the parliament and received them, and then he proved extremely popular by getting Germany out of the Depression.

As for gun rights, Hitler actually increased them. It was the US occupation forces under the loyal Roosevelt man Dwight David Eisenhower that took guns away from the German people under pain of death!

The Jews overwhelmingly backed Roosevelt for four straight terms as president.





Brother Nathanael Kapner was born and raised Jewish, then converted to Orthodox Christianity

Here he shows who is really leading the charge for gun confiscation.



I just saw this excellent video about Obama planning to take away our guns:

My comment underneath was:

Excellent video but a truly terrible, idiotic ending.

Hitler did NOT confiscate guns; he made it easier to own guns. He was incredibly popular and had far, far fewer bodyguards than US presidents today, who DO rule by fear.

In 1945, it was US general Eisenhower who, on orders of Roosevelt — a liberal gun-control freak — confiscated millions of guns from private German citizens. It infuriates me to see Alex Jones and his ilk constantly repeating the big lie that Hitler took away the guns when he did the exact opposite. It was Roosevelt who took the guns away from Germans, 90% of whom, as newsreels show, loved Hitler and fought to the very end for his government.ähttps://johndenugent.com/english/united-way-offered-condolences-to-sandy-hooks-parents-three-days-before-the-shooting-alex-jones-stomps-pro-gun-grab-brit-piers-morgan-on-his-own-cnn-show:

Hitleräagainstägun control!

Of all theälies told about Hitleräthe nonsense about him supposedly confiscating guns from the Germans is especially outrageous.

“But Harcourt points out that Hitler’s gun law otherwise completely deregulated acquisition of rifles, long guns and ammunition. It exempted many groups from requiring permits. The law lowered the age for legal gun ownership from 20 to 18. And it extended the validity of gun permits from one year to three years.”

Hitler knew that Germany was sooner or later going to be in a fight for its national survival, and the last thing he would ever do is disarm the German people. But people in the west insist on parroting the lies that they hear every day from the controlled media, without taking the time to do their own research. Alex Jones, for all his merits, repeats these lies, too– so Jews will not call him antisemitic and shut down his show….

With all the articles, videos and blogs obsessing over gun control, I’ve noticed that Hitler has been held up as the worst example of what happens when ‘gun control’ laws are enacted. Hitler is proffered as the epitome of evil more than Satan is!

Hitler, grim, at the funeral of a fallen hero, the assassinated Reinhard Heydrich, seen greeting his two blond little sons.


The gutsy Heydrich actually sped in his car AFTER his assassins to gun them down, pistol in hand though severely wounded, after they had chucked their lethal bomb into his car.

(Hitler himself, as for valor, won two Iron Crosses for bravery in WWI. You can see his Iron Cross, First Class, above, hanging on his jacket, right below the left pocket-flap button. On average, only 1 enlisted German soldier in 1,000 during WWI was awarded the Iron Cross First Class. Unlike in WWII, theäEisernes Kreuz Erste Klasseäwas normally reserved for officers.)


Here is an officer, Lieutenant Leffers, wearingähisäIron Cross First Class. It was like getting the Navy Cross for an American enlisted sailor or Marine; any vet would buy you a cup of coffee (oräein Bier) if they saw that on a non-officer. It was THAT special.


Well, here’s a bit of historical FACT that needs to make the rounds so the nauseating attempts to exploit a dead man’säerroneous reputation will end — at least among those interested in learning theätruthäinstead of swallowing the filth being spread by jew-fearing cowards, (/peeing in their pants that they might get slapped with the “Nazi” label, and also by jew-serving government infiltrators into the “truther” cause!

Ultimately, the only solution to everything is to TELL THE TRUTH and DYNAMICALLY ABOUT HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote fromähttp://mk.christogenea.org/content/gun-control-germany-1928-1945-excerpt

“Unfortunately for those who would like to link Hitler and the National Socialists with gun control, the entire premise for such an effort is false. German firearms legislation under Hitler, far from banning private ownership, actually facilitated the keeping and bearing of arms by German citizens by eliminating or ameliorating restrictive laws which had been enacted by the government preceding his: a left-center government which had contained a number of Jews.

Gun registration and licensing (for long guns as well as for handguns) were legislated by anäanti-National Socialistägovernment in Germany in 1928, five years before the National Socialists gained power.äHitler became Chancellor on January 30, 1933. Five years later his government got around to rewriting the gun law enacted a decade earlier by his predecessors, substantially ameliorating it in the process (for example, long guns were exempted from the requirement for a purchase permit; the legal age for gun ownership was lowered from 20 to 18 years; the period of validity of a permit to carry weapons was extended from one to three years; and provisions restricting the amount of ammunition or the number of firearms an individual could own were dropped). Hitler’s government may be criticized for leaving certain restrictions and licensing requirements in the law, but the National Socialists had no intention of preventing law-abiding Germans from keeping or bearing arms.äAgain, the firearms law enacted by Hitler’s governmentäenhancedäthe rights of Germans to keep and bear arms; no new restrictions were added, andämany pre-existing restrictions were relaxed or eliminated.

At the end of the Second World War,äAmerican GIs in the occupying force were astounded to discoverähow many German civilians owned private firearms.äTens of thousands of pistols looted from German homes by GIs were brought back to the United States after the war. In 1945äGeneral Eisenhowerä– the future president and ultimate RINO — “Republican In Name Only”! — ordered all privately owned firearms in the American occupation zone of Germany confiscated, and Germans were required to hand in their shotguns and rifles as well as any handguns which had not already been stolen. In the Soviet occupation zone German civilians were summarily shot if they were found in possession of even a single cartridge.

Hitler was PRO-gun, and he did not fear the German people! He was the most popular politician of all times! He created jobs, security, and a clean, wholesome culture to raise your kids by! This video depicts him AFTER four years of his rule! Until the Obama of 2013, the bloom was not off the rose after his first four years.

Hitler’s popularity just grew and grew and grew. The Germans supported him until the every end, knowing he loved them — and proved it every waking moment of his harried life, in 31 straight years of 16-hour days of service — from 1914 to 1945. [See more at the link above.]





3) The Jewish War on the Kennedys


Read (from even many Establishment sources) how the Kennedys secretly fully approved of Adolf Hitler’s fight against the Jews!


4) Hitler’s love for the British people



5)  Hitler believed in Jesus, not Judeo-Christianity

May 25, 2015 2

¦..Hitler was not anti-Jesus! I have written one hundred times how Hitler was NOT an atheist, and in fact believed in God, the immortality of [ ¦]

9) Hitler and Christianity

December 25, 2015 0

The Christianity of Hitler revealed in his speeches and proclamations Compiled by Jim Walker Originated: 27 Feb. 1997 Additions: 03 Jun. 2006 . “You are [ ¦]


1 Comment

  1. Die Wahrheit kommt immer unter dem Stiefel. Mußte ich die allierte ,,Geschichte” um die Heimat meines Ahnenerbes. (Doch von den Lügner geschrieben) .
    Vergißt ihr nicht, daß Joseph Kennedy Sr. unser Herr Hitler unterstützt hatte. Auch Henry Ford Sr.)

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