Hitler’s one staggering error — trying to conquer and colonize, not liberate, gigantic Russia

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George Patton (murdered 1945) reincarnated in 1946 as Donald Trump, with the same personality, flair, showmanship, swaggering ego, aggressive nature, hotheadedness, apparent lack of compassion (slapping a soldier with PTSD in a medical tent, and calling him a coward)  and politically conservative and patriotic ideas.

Patton was appalled at the outcome of WWII — not an American victory at all, but a massacre of the good German people, and a jewish and bolshevik triumph.

He saw communist Russia rising to superpower status. Soon, it would steal the nuclear bomb. Marxism spread, and the horrible wars in Korea and Vietnam ensued, the truly terrifying Cuban Missile Crisis brought us within hours of Armageddon, and incredible American expenditures on arms were the upshot, not to mention the agony, misery, depression and  poverty that filled the lives of hundreds of millions of Eastern European whites.

Between lives, I spent nine bitter years after the war mulling over my flaws, and this one was the real doozy, treating the Russians as the Israelis have treated the Palestinians  — we are taking your land, and a few can stay as serfs:


Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

Why has God forgiven me? Because 1) I had also done a lot of good, and 2) I ruthlessly excoriated myself for my errors, and processed without excuses what I did wrong.

Use your life-review video after death to face how you affected others. The good is in there — all the promises you kept, the loans padi back, the depressed friends you spent time with — and the bad and bullheaded is in there too.


God is a bit nicer than Darth Vader. 😉 



…..See also (esp. for my Trump, reincarnation, Hitler, Disengagement Movement, and Van Rensburg-prophecy material) 

Especially important blogs


…..Mayan insights

The original founder of the ancient Mexican/Central American culture was the mysterious, blond-bearded, racially non-Indian STRANGER, Quetzalcoatl.

The Mexicans freely acknowledge in their textbooks and murals that an Aryan founded their first civilization.

After he mysteriously moved on, then tragically another and truly demonic influence came to the fore, the Greys.

In any case, under Quetzalcoatl the early Central Americans suddenly also became were incredible astronomers, and they analyzed the karma (past life) and dharma (tasks we agree to accomplish in THIS life) of children based on star positions when they incarnated.


…..Adolf Hitler’s Mayan astrology for April 20, 1889, Braunau, Upper Austria

[transl. from https://johndenugent.com/deutsch/hitlers-maya-horoskop/]


Birthplace (today, with a left-wing “he-was-evil” plaque on a stone in front)



MANIK, the blue hand
know, realize, heal
Direction: west
Element: water
Chakra: heart

Your birth with MANIK, the Blue Hand, promises an active and intensive life.

You thirst for action, are curious and avid for knowledge. These traits are your companions which make you keen to experiment and make contacts.

Your antennae are always extended and you want to note everything. Your actions are result-oriented and determined. As a Blue Hand, you don’t just want to talk about things — you also want to do them, realize it, and deliver a final result.

WW I Adolf-Hitler-front an-der-

You know that true knowledge comes only through experience. And active implementation is the key to how you learn.

But pay attention to the feedback that occurs during your work and organize your projects for the benefit of all who will be affected.

“That means also –  here is something for you, and for you, and for you – and not just for your own people” — and then you will achieve something great.


You will then become a healing and blessing for your whole environment. The healing effect comes from the fact that the participants find meaning in working for your project. The key to this salvation is to focus activity on the well-being of all.

MANIK-born are born leaders.

They want to take the world by the hand and lead their whole environment via their project to the salvation of the world.



Shadow patterns

The great ability to implement MANIK becomes problematic when the motives do not come from your heart, and they are either too much in your own interest or too much in the interest of others [the German Reich]. In both cases, it leads to disaster and becomes destructive, whether for the initiator, for those involved in your project, or for both.

You can see the signs of a misalignment of your actions in the form of a great restlessness and a growing work addiction.

[In the end, Hitler worked 20 hours a day by using pep pills, amphetamines, which Dr. Morell gave him. But it could not stave off defeat — three superpowers (UK, USA, and USSR) against one.]

Adolf Hitler, right, views the damaged Reichskanzlei in Berlin, Germany, in April 1945, shortly before his suicide. This is one of the last photos of Hitler. Person at left not identified. (AP Photo) — Adolf Hitler, rechts, begutachtet Ende April 1945, kurz vor seinem Selbstmord, in Berlin die zertruemmerte Reichskanzlei. Es ist eines der letzten Bilder des Diktators. Person links nicht identifiziert. (AP Photo)

Anyone who has selected CABAN, IK and EB also have access to MANIK energies.

VAXAC, Galactic Tone 8

Unity, harmonize, shape

The galactic tone 8, VAXAC, offers you the best potential to realize your goals. You feel that you want to make a big difference, and you are a very active person. You have the ability to find a common denominator and can bring people and projects together. Last but not least, your sensitive and perceptive qualities will support you. Once you have created unity, you can influence and lead people in a goal-oriented manner. In this way you can implement and shape your goals with maximum effectiveness.

Shadow pattern

Your great power of realization harbors the risk that you can wreak havoc if you choose your goals selfishly, and are not in spiritual balance [yin versus yang, such as seeing that the Russians are people too, in fact, they were the most pitiful, suffering victims of the bolshevik jews].

Then you will eat a large and bitter pot of soup alone. You could appear to others as ruthless and dictatorial, because success at any cost is your most important goal. Your goals should always serve the overarching whole.




…..What disappointed me about the Political Testament of April 30, 1945


It was all basically so very true, but also relentlessly about Germany, Germany, Germany — not about the other whites, the Americans, Brits, Europeans and Russians who would live in a post-war, jew-conquered world — and how basically he had been selfless and right.

It was accurate as far as it went, but lacked the humility that is true greatness.

From http://hitler.org/writings/last_testament/




My political testament.

More than thirty years have passed since 1914 when I made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the First World War, which was forced upon the Reich.

In these three decades love and loyalty to my people have guided all my thoughts, actions and my life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions ever to confront mortal man. In these three decades I have spent my strength and my health.

It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was wanted and provoked solely by international statesmen either of Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the limitation and control of armaments, which posterity will not be cowardly enough always to disregard, for responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be placed on me. Nor have I ever wished that, after the appalling First World War, there would ever be a second against either England or America. Centuries will go by, but from the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred of those ultimately responsible will always grow anew against the people whom we have to thank for all this: international Jewry and its henchmen.

Only three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I proposed a solution of the German-Polish problem to the British Ambassador in Berlin – international control as in the case of the Saar. This offer, too, cannot be lied away. It was only rejected because the ruling clique in England wanted war, partly for commercial reasons and partly because it was influenced by the propaganda put out by international Jewry.

I have left no one in doubt that if the people of Europe are once more treated as mere blocks of shares in the hands of these international money and finance conspirators, then the sole responsibility for the massacre must be borne by the true culprits: the Jews. Nor have I left anyone in doubt that this time millions of European children of Aryan descent will starve to death, millions of men will die in battle, and hundreds of thousands of women and children will be burned or bombed to death in our cities without the true culprits being held to account, albeit more humanely.

After six years of war which, despite all setbacks, will one day go down in history as the most glorious and heroic manifestation of the struggle for existence of a nation, I cannot abandon the city which is the capital of this Reich. Since our forces are too meager to withstand the enemy’s attack and since our resistance is being debased by creatures who are as blind as they are lacking in character, I wish to share my fate with that which millions of others have also taken upon themselves by remaining in this city. Further, I shall not fall into the hands of the enemy who requires a new spectacle, presented by the Jews, for the diversion of the hysterical masses.

I have therefore decided to stay in Berlin and there to choose death voluntarily when I determine that the position of the Führer and the Chancellery itself can no longer be maintained. I die with a joyful heart in the knowledge of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our peasants and workers and of a contribution unique in the history of our youth which bears my name.

That I am deeply grateful to them all is as self-evident as is my wish that they do not abandon the struggle but that, no matter where, they continue to fight the enemies of the Fatherland, faithful to the ideals of the great Clausewitz. Through the sacrifices of our soldiers and my own fellowship with them unto death, a seed has been sown in German history that will one day grow to usher in the glorious rebirth of the National Socialist movement in a truly united nation.

Many of our bravest men and women have sworn to bind their lives to mine to the end. I have begged, and finally ordered, them not to do so but to play their part in the further struggle of the nation. I ask the leaders of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force to strengthen the National Socialist spirit of resistance of our soldiers by all possible means, with special emphasis on the fact that I myself, as the founder and creator of this movement, prefer death to cowardly resignation or even to capitulation.

May it become a point of honor of future German army officers, as it is already in our Navy, that the surrender of a district or town is out of the question and that, above everything else, the commanders must set a shining example of faithful devotion to duty unto death.


*** I really dislike this part — in firing them he could have acknowledged also their great merits.

Before my death, I expel former Reichs-Marshal Hermann Göring from the party and withdraw from him all the rights that were conferred upon him by the decree of 29 June, 1941 and by my Reichstag statement of 1 September, 1939. In his place I appoint Admiral Donitz as President of the Reich and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

Before my death, I expel the former Reichsfuhrer of the S.S. and the Minister of the Interior Heinrich Himmler from the party and from all his state officers. In his place I appoint Gauleiter Karl Hanke as Reichsfuhrer of the S.S. and Head of the German Police, and Gauleiter Paul Giesler as Minister of the Interior.

Apart altogether from their disloyalty to me, Göring and Himmler have brought irreparable shame on the whole nation by secretly negotiating with my enemy without my knowledge and against my will, and also by attempting illegally to seize control of the State.


In order to provide the German people with a government of honorable men who will fulfill the task of continuing the war will all the means at their disposal, I, as Führer of the nation, appoint the following members of the new cabinet:

President of the Reich: Donitz
Chancellor of the Reich: Dr Goebbels
Party Minister: Bormann
Foreign Minister: Seyss-Inquart
Minister of the Interior: Gauleiter Giesler
Minister of War: Donitz
Supreme Commander of the Army: Schorner
Supreme Commander of the Navy: Donitz
Supreme Commander of the Air Force: Greim
Reichsfuhrer of the S.S. and Head of the German Police: Gauleiter Hanke
Trade: Funk
Agriculture: Backe
Justice: Thierack
Culture: Dr Scheel
Propaganda: Dr Naumann
Finance: Schwerin-Crossigk
Labor: Dr Hupfauer
Munitions: Saur
Leader of the German Labor Front and Minister without Portfolio: Dr Ley.

Although a number of these men, including Martin Bormann, Dr Goebbels and others together with their wives have joined me of their own free will, not wishing to leave the capital under any circumstances and prepared to die with me, I implore them to grant my request that they place the welfare of the nation above their own feelings. By their work and loyal companionship they will remain as close to me after my death as I hope my spirit will continue to dwell among them and accompany them always. Let them be severe but never unjust and let them never, above all, allow fear to preside over their actions, placing the honor of the nation above everything that exists on earth. May they, finally, always remember that our task, the consolidation of a National Socialist state, represents the work of centuries to come, so that every individual must subordinate his own interest to the common good. I ask of all Germans, of all National Socialists, men and women and all soldiers of the Wehrmacht, that they remain faithful and obedient unto death to the new government and its President.

Above all, I enjoin the government and the people to uphold the race laws to the limit and to resist mercilessly the poisoner of all nations, international Jewry. [This final send-off, however, was clear and perfect.]

Berlin, 29 April, 1945, 4 a.m.

                 Adolf Hitler


Dr Joseph Goebbels        Wilhelm Burgdorf
Martin Bormann            Hans Krebs


This was a greater man, their acknowledged leader doing the most humble work a household slave could be tasked with when honored guests would come off the hot, dusty road to visit. When Temple soldiers were sent once to arrest Jesus, they could not, and reported back in explanation to the furious High Priest: “Never spake any man thus.”

“Namaste”  — the Aryan, Sanskrit greeting: “I worship the god within you.”


What you can do now is spread and share this article, and say that much more is to come.

This is a time for heroes.





  1. That article was a good one, but when reading it I thought you were being a little to hard on yourself, because at least according to many of your recorded statements from Table Talk, you had respect for most of the native Russians. Yes you wanted to bring German high culture and German settlers in to maximize the gifts of the boundless land, but you respected the many beautiful and hardy Russian peasants. If you were victorious in winning the war and removing the Bolshevik government it seems to me the Russian natives would have had much, much to gain under your benevolent rule and the world would be a much more beautiful and wonderful place. I could be wrong, but that’s how I see it at this moment.

    • Thanks for your loyal and supportive motives, comrade!

      If you have not yet really read the entire, mile-long article here 😉


      (as in MK days, as a writer –not speaker — I am guilty of writing v-e-r-y long and very detailed Germanic disquisitions 😉 )

      ….it is clear from passages out of said MK that my goal was to take Russia as a free country away from the Russians, whatever my feelings about Tchaikovsky or the bravery of the Russian soldier, and make the place into Germany’s breadbasket. It was like agreeing the blacks were good at basketball 😉 or waving, as I really did, to the track champion Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics.

      It didn’t mean I wanted England to let the Black majority rule their colony of South Africa. 😉

      Also Table Talk was ideas uttered in mixed company, with the ladies present, and I never would lay out anything brutal — atrocities or harsh decisions to make — which would cast a pall over the room. So, of course, I said nice things about certain Russkies.

      I also held back in mixed company about reincarnation and UFOs, just tossing off short remarks, but never letting on how seriously I took such “advanced” ideas. People were not ready for them.


      I also have strong current reasons for being harsh on myself.

      1) The new kind of leader will be confident but humble. And most of all, not be seen as a megalomaniac who thinks he is always right.

      2) We need Russian support, and they hate Adolf Hitler.

      3) My outreach and apology to the Russians proves my bona fides for my outreach to others that no WN befoer me has built strong bridges to: the blacks, the Indians, the Arabs, Latin Americans and others who secretly hate Jewry, too.

      4) I feel a personal need to apologize to the Germans for losing a war that maybe we could have won, or fought to a draw. (In the interesting novel Fatherland, America, Sovet Russia and Germany all develop effective nuclear weapons around the same time and so battle lines are frozen. An armistice happens, and no one “wins.”)

      5) The life review video is about personally facing the truth. I must lead by example.

      6) I can only forgive myself and be effective now if I know I have processed what I did wrong and why.

      7) What others want is a new kind of Hitler who fights the Jews but is humbler, and listens, not just talks, heils, rants in Klingon-sounding German, and gives the order to goose-step. 😉
      They will feel safer that way, especially the “five sisters” — US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — who have been raised on Lord Acton’s dictum that “all power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
      Let the Anglo-Saxons (old expression) know that I can always correct my course and, if a policy is wrong and fails, I will listen to reason at all times from other good men. 🙂 Then I learned my great personal lesson and can be more effective for us than ever before. 🙂
      This 2014 video is not just PR, but it comes from the bottom of my heart to the whole world that suffers from the Jews:


      [video width="640" height="360" mp4="https://johndenugent.com/images/AH-Damals-und-jetzt-Then-and-Now.mp4"][/video]

      • Wow, that is a beautiful video. I haven’t seen that one before although I did read that entire, long, Hitler’s Great Mistake in Russia blog entry a week or two ago. Thank you for all the clarifications!

  2. JdN says about the final testamemt:
    “It was all basically so very true, but also relentlessly about Germany, Germany, Germany — not about the other whites, the Americans, Brits, Europeans and Russians who would live in a post-war, jew-conquered world — and how basically he had been selfless and right.

    It was accurate as far as it went, but lacked the humility that is true greatness.”

    Fair point, he could have perhaps shown more humility or have been clearer in his wording. I’d just like to mention, however, that he did say people of Europe once and people of European Aryan descent another time. Also he said near the end all National Socialists.

    I’d say any European could have been a National Socialist, if not by literal membership, but by heart. Many Europeans from many different countries joined the Waffen SS and so were basically de facto National Socialists. Yes, many did it out of pride for their own country and to have a piece of the pie in the potential victory but much of Europe united with Germany in that holy crusade.

    It could have been more though, as you’ve explained in the extended article linked here. It wasn’t enough, but perhaps it would have been with a bit more humility and a wider view…but our hindsight is 20/20.
    Anyways, onwards and upwards we go! Cheers, comrade!

  3. Oggi è diverso perché hai la tua Margi..è molto di più di un supporto! È una guida spirituale,a parte la Donna che ami immensamente.
    In quei duri giorni chi avevi?Eva..??No,era gelosa perfino del tuo cane!!
    Sposarla il tuo ultimo giorno..
    Che senso aveva?
    Guarda anche Federico cosa ha combinato con Bianca Lancia;quella donna meritava di più..(dal mio punto di vista)intorno a lei ruotano tante leggende molto tristi.
    Il Fallimento di alcuni uomini sta proprio qui-Gesù ha avuto una Megera al suo fianco,si è risollevato solo con Marta(anche se ormai erano entrambi anziani)Akhenaton ha preso la giusta decisione di prendere in moglie Nefertiti(è stata la sua salvezza,anche se hanno combattuto duramente contro i nemici).
    Questa parte Spirituale va sollecitata in tanti uomini(molti uomini stanno impazzendo per questo,sono spenti)..la Chiesa è un totale fallimento come vedi(improntata su Paolo che ha sfruttato la figura di suo padre Gesù per ingraziarsi l’Impero di Roma,Pietro..uomo del niente,geloso fin dai primi tempi della figlia di Gesù!-“Che ha lei più di noi,Maestro?!”
    Ha meritato quella fine!
    Gesù aveva compreso l’importanza di unire questi due poteri(Marte-Venere,Sole-Luna);da qui parte la vera Conquista!!

  4. Rudolf Hoess confessed under torture to 3 million dead in Auschwitz. He also confessed to an extermination camp in Wolzek — a city that doesn’t even exist. This hero did this to show us that Holocaust is a lie!

    When the Big Lie crumbles, Jewish power will crumble, too, and then we can live. Therefore, let’s take down the (((Big Lie))) wherever we can. Our future depends on it!

    The truth will prevail, but only if we fight for it tirelessly!

    • Thanks for these two excellent images.

      But I cannot share at all your optimism that the truth about anything — by itself — will move the masses.

      Is there one single person in all of Germany or Austria who still thinks the muslim migrants are, as Merkel and company lied, “urgently needed skilled workers” (dringend benötigte Fachkräfte)?


      As I recently posted on VK (German, then in English):

      Ohne den Fusel und Marihuana (und gefühlsleere Porno-Orgasmen) zur unser Überleben gefährdenden, idiotischen “Beruhigung” hätten wir schon Pogrome, Aufstände und Revolution. Gerade nach dem Frankfurter Schubsereimord an dem Buben mit seiner Mutter hätte es vor 100 oder 200 Jahren garantiert einen Amoklauf des Volkes gegen Ausländer gegeben. EN Without booze, marijuana (and joyless porn-induced orgasms) that idiotically “calm us down” while endangering our very survival, we would already have had pogroms, riots and revolution against these scum — especially, in Germany, after the Frankfurt shoving murder of the boy pushed by an African muslim onto the train tracks with his mother, who saw him be cut in half … 100 or 200 years ago, the people would have gone, guaranteed, on a killing spree against unwanted, dangerous, arrogant, parasitical, illegal-alien foreigners.
      Cartoon: Two aliens with one eye at the end of a stalk discuss: “So THIS is why they call earth a blue planet!” [“blue = “drunk” in German]

      The sad truth, comrade, is that until I start my new, authentic, genuinely spiritual, Aryan, and transforming religion, free of all myths and dedicated, not to truth but to the heroic embracing of the truth, the capacity of “the average Joe” to live in total denial of reality is infinite, and stronger even than the suipposedly most powerful drive that exists in humans or animals, the survival instinct.
      This we have seen over and over in every white country.
      Look, for a truly crass example, at the AFD, the “Alternative for Germany” party, which is well-run and bends over backward to be politically correct for the brainwashed and “anti-Nazi” population, with a lesbian married to a non-white woman, Alice Weidel, as its co-chairperson, and strictly banning all antisemitism and pro-NS sentiments.
      Co-chair Alexander Gauland says national socialism was “mental diarrhea,” and Alice Weidel is a lesbian married to a non-white. But STILL the “naziphobic” Germans refuse, like Pavlov’s dog, too ignore their conditioning and vote for them, thought their whole program is just common sense.

      It is still struggling at under 10% or 20% in most areas, even though it is the only viable party in the parliament, the Bundestag, that is defending the suffering native-German people.
      If truth mattered, and if the survival instinct were all-powerful (two myths), then every woman in Germany — especially the leftists and feminists!!! — would wear a t-shirt saying something like this:

      PS Here s a sweet Austrian girl, a new VK friend of mine. I like her foxy t-shirt too: “The movie in my head would deserve an Oscar.” 😉


    • This video is infuriatingly dogmatic and contrafactual. There is no “fact” at all that Trump is “100% controlled.” If he were “100%” controlled, then he would have bought peace from the Jewish Deep State AND AVOIDED IMPEACHMENT AND ALL THE MEDIA HATE by jettisoning the Second Amendment, and the Wall, and becoming a total RINO.

      I can say — as a high-profile WN — that the vicious persecution of me by the FBI stopped abruptly when Trump came in.

      Thank God on your knees that he is in, and not THE WITCH-BITCH Killary!

      She would have used the Parkland High School mass shooting, media hysteria, and RINOs like Romney to castrate both the First and Second Amendments. With neither free speech nor guns, GAME OVER for America and the whole white race, since all WN truth is from websites on American-based servers.

      Trump is no angel and he is an overt narcissist, like other presidents, and he kisses Jew butt nauseatingly, but he IS buying us more time to launch a viable and true WN movement. AND THAT IS MY MISSION.

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