Holappa scandal “reloaded”: underemployed person HAS to know if my eyes are really Hitler-blue or instead (gasp) blue-green? ;-)

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A bright but trying comrade bordering on trolldom wrote:


[Anglin] could simply be wearing blue-tinted contact lenses, which are readily available – I’ve seen black people with “blue eyes,” courtesy of their blue-tinted contact lenses. […]

On the subject of eye color, you’ve never specifically addressed Henrik Holappa’s allegation that your eyes are actually green, and that you use blue-tinted contact lenses to make them appear blue.

*** Really, Osiris?


You’ve called Holappa a liar, which I’m sure he is, since he’s now working for the Jews against white nationalist organizations, but you’ve never specifically addressed Holappa’s allegation about your eye color.

Not that it matters at all to me – I have green eyes myself, and I’m of 100% German ethnicity.

But it seems to be a big deal for you, since you’ve mentioned your blue eyes many times in comparison with Hitler’s blue eyes.

You’ve said that you wear contact lenses, and posted a photo of a ripped pair that you had to wear during your trip to the UP, and the lenses did look bluish in color.

So, what say you to Holappa’s allegation about using blue-tinted contact lenses to hide your green eyes? I guess the only way to definitively refute Holappa’s allegation is to make a quick close-up video showing you removing your contact lenses, but I won’t hold my breath waiting.


My response:

I really do not read Anglin every day as you do — seemingly to hate him more. 😉

Remember, Osiris, envy is the least fun of the mortal sins. 😉

And you have green eyes, which harkens back to Shakespeare’s green-eyed monster. 😉

As for Holappa, falsus in unum, falsus in omnia. You concede he is a liar, but still bring up Holappaisms.


Actually, I think all traitors to their race, nation (and to true friends when they were in need, to their common-law wife and to their own child) for Jew money and fame should be shot, don’t you?



Now as to my eye color, just for you, o mighty god 😉 , here is the dispositive-proof video you requested.

1) my two eyes, close-up, 2) then I remove one contact lens, 3) I show that said object is absolutely clear and achromatic (colorless), 4) then I show the eyes again  (it is the irises that were blue-tinted by a Dr. Wotan of Beverly Hills, Norway 😉 ) … and then 5) I smile at my most fervent admirer, Osiris. 🙂

Just write pro-white British activist Jack Sen on Facebook, for corroboration of my eye color.


He and I have had at least 100 webcam conversations since 2014, and he and his daughter Alexa, my goddaughter, have seen me and my evil Hitler-blue eyes, with and without my contacts in, real close-up, every single time. 😉

By the way, the exact color is Prussian blue (as Margi pointed out)… yes, indeed, as in cyanide. 😉

Here is the video.


Prussian blue is dark blue with some green, not “blue-green” like algae. 😉

(David Duke has this blue-green color, and yes, I know him personally. This article on him is accurate, though libtarded: https://theluxuryspot.com/ugly-inside-complete-guide-david-dukes-plastic-surgery/)

His fellow sex maniac, Bill Clinton, is also algae-eyed.


I have only seen Germans and German-Americans carrying this eye color, Prussian blue.That means  97% real, classic blue, and about 3% green. (The Irish, Poles and others often have blue-gray eyes.)

Prussian blue (with probably a good 10% green) is the color, by the way, of the cyanic acid residue on the walls of real gas chambers, as shown by revisionist and scientist Germar Rudolf.

Prussian-blue here is seen mixed with the brick-red of the outer wall of a genuine delousing gas chamber for clothing at Auschwitz. The cyanide precipitates onto, and seeps outward, through the brick.


Here, inside the real gas chamber, we see some real Prussian blue with a good deal of green, but not blue-green.

Now again the dispositive-proof video — (drumroll…) my eyes are pretty darn  hitlerblau. 😉


My “fake blue contact lens,” Osiris, “like de blax weah.” 😉 Clearly blue-tinted 😉

Reminder: The Most Evil Man EVER might come back.

I had to smile when, on Facebook, a comrade saw the video below, and ingenuously praised me for my “talent at languages” and “really good Austrian accent.” 😉

Well, thanks, but I practiced it for 56 years. 😉

That’s why this Ahnold accent I have — or any special and uncanny talent we may be “born with,” any skill we pick up with uncanny speed, may just be something we loved and worked at before, and were already a master of. 🙂

I love this video of my Austrian girls doing a schuhplattler dance 😉 Honestly, do you know any other American this darn crazy about everything “Germany and Austria”? ‘A Yank who grew up in dem’s-and-doze-guys Rhode Island, yet speaks German without any accent, and even has a perfect Austrian dialect?


This was me in Cranston, Rhode Island, obsessed with Germany… 😉


(Actually, I was reading the ingredients in an A-1 Steak Sauce bottle in the high chair, but the Hitlery Twilight-Zone movement came when I was five at grandma’s house and saw her hidden, framed Hitler stamp.)

Not the same, but that was for my protection. Think about it. Every college ethics class asks the question : “If you could kill Hitler as a baby, or a boy, and thereby stop the Holocaust and WWII, would you?”😉   They all say yes.


My warning about World War Three


At the front, thin, and appalled by the senseless slaughter, with good men on both sides being driven by their officers straight at smoking enemy machine guns, where they were mowed down. 

*** Hitler’s military service

First World War Service
of Adolf Hitler
20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945


Feb 14 Screened for Austrian Military Service; Found Unfit (too thin)
Aug 14 Hitler petitions to serve in Bavarian forces despite Austrian Citizenship
16 Aug 14 Hitler volunteers for 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment, also known as the List Regiment after its commander
8 Oct 14 Hitler takes oath to King Ludwig III of Bavaria
29 Oct 14 Sees first action 5 miles east of Ypres
Nov 14 Unit near Messines; Assigned war-long role as headquarters messenger
Dec 14 Awarded Iron Cross 2nd Class; Refuses to participate in Christmas Truce
1915 Hitler promoted to Lance Corporal; participates in several actions in Artois Sector
7 Oct 16 Wounded in leg at the Somme; Hitler then spends two months at military hospital in Beelitz near Berlin
Early 17 On light duty after being wounded
1 Mar 17 Returns to Regiment at Front in Picardy
Summer 17 List Regiment returns to Ypres Salient
31 July 17 Battle of Passchendaele begins
Fall 17 Regiment rested in Alsace

Late 17/Early 18 Regiment sent to Oise/Aisne Sector
Mar 18 Operating near Montdidier
Aug 18 Awarded Iron Cross 1st Class for service since 1914 as messenger
28 Sep 18 Incident involving Henry Tandy, VC
Oct 18 Regiment back in Ypres Sector
13 Oct 18 Gassed and temporarily blinded near Wervicq
Oct 18 Recovering his sight at Pasewalk, Germany, Hitler witnesses naval mutineers
11 Nov 18 At news of armistice; Hitler reacts bitterly

Miscellaneous Comments

  • Hitler passed up promotion to full corporal because it would result in his being reassigned from the messenger group.
  • Besides two Iron Crosses, Hitler was awarded the Bavarian Military Medal 3rd class with bar, and later received, as did all wounded soldiers, the Cross of Military Merit.
  • He never faced American forces during the war.
  • The List Regiment and the headquarters messenger group suffered tremendous casualties during the war, but Hitler avoided many close calls and regularly indicated he expected to survive the war.
  • Hitler’s life was once spared by a British soldier, Henry Tandey, VC. Read John Godl’s article about this incident. Article



Two happy music videos I did, and these times must come back for our people.


German graphic:  “A picture that says everything about the big problem we face”

German graphic: “Alright, that is IT! I’m calling Hitler!” 😉




  1. Thank you for that quick video. Yep, your eyes ARE blue, and Henrik Holappa IS a damned liar. And yes, I am your most fervent admirer, mein Fuehrer. 🙂

    • Thank you, comrade. Coming from you, a born sleuth, investigator and skeptic, and we need such men, that is a very, very high compliment.

      Actually, your query regarding the exact shade of blue of my eyes was also quite useful, because Prussian blue is indeed a very rare eye color. Since clearly Hitler had it, as do I, it can be a relevant fact if part of a very long list of unique similarities that seem to suggest a real pattern and correspondence.

      (Btw, Nikola Tesla had the same dark-blue eyes, Prussian or Berlin blue: https://www.tesla.ch/english/2-Tesla.html)

      I can assure you, comrade, that I would view any crass, shameless, ego-ridden inventing of such a reincarnation sequence as a wicked, despicable, disrespectful, usurpative and outrageous swindle.

      This was the full sequence in our era: 1) Laval Count Nugent, an unbeaten field marshal from Ireland who became Austrian, and was a huge patron of the arts and a fanatic admirer of Ancient Greece and Rome), 2) Adolf Hitler (needs no introduction here 😉 ) and 3) John de Nugent, a man reviled by the once mighty Duke-Black WN empire, threatened directly by the White House on 23 November 2015, and the man whose article was used by Vladimir Putin on Russia-1 television to communicate a warning about assassination by Jews to Donald Trump on September 11, 2016.

      Now, if the world comes to believe I was Hitler, and yet it is not even true, and I prove to be merely a bright fellow but lack his profound genius, I will either fail — or merely rise briefly, followed by a quick fall.

      Please remember also that if “Hitler-has-reincarnated-as-John-de-Nugent” believed by the masses, /and, ominously, in time by Jewry itself, and specifically the Jewish Defense League and the Mossad, not to mention Antifa,and leftist loners who want to do something famous), what do you think the Jewspapers will start to say over, and over, and OVER about what has to be done about John de Nugent?

      That he HAS to be stopped.

      So this very belief puts my very life in absolute jeopardy, the status of being, for the hoi polloi, the most reviled, hated, feared man on this earth.

      And no guardian angel would offer me the least protection after perpetrating such a monstrous hoax.

      A real guardian angel like the one who made me get up and leave my comrades during lunch in the trenches, with an inner urge like a dentist drill — get-up-right-now and instantly move away.

      Seconds later, an artillery shell wiped out the entire unit.

      Or when the bravest, most decorated soldier in the British Army, recipient of the Victoria Cross, Private Henry Tandey, spared only my life, and actually let me go!!! (Tandy was personally decorated by King George V at Buckingham Palace on 17th December 1919. He was one-man slaughter machine that day of German soldiers, so why on earth did he neither shoot me nor take me prisoner?)

      Another sign was, in this life, when I ran in 1990s Boston into my old French girlfriend from WWI. She had then been the mother of my only natural child. Now she was a pretty, buxom, blue-eyed young woman (just my favorite combination 😉 ) who worked at a top Back Bay hotel’s front desk. (Methinks it was the Copley Square Hotel: https://www.copleysquarehotel.com/)


      It just popped out of my mouth to ask her this — an absolutely perfect stranger standing at the ATM line on Boylston Street — in French — and in downtown Bawstin, of all places:

      “Bonjour! Êtes-vous de Lille?” ( = “Hello, are you from Lille?”)

      For me, it seems an angel made me ask her this utterly startling question, (not so I would fall in love with her, which I also did not the first time around, for she was just a nice, average women both times…) so as to tell me something… something about me, that is, to remind me of the responsibilities I had assumed on 14 July, 1954 when I accepted this incarnation.

      In Providence in Rhode Island, and Providence (in German, “die Vorsehung”) was always my favorite word for God as Hitler.

      I must evolve from a politician, pleasing the masses, to a spiritual leader, correcting the masses, and this transition, this growth, has not been easy for me. But it is the assignment I accepted from on high.

      Because as the Jews clamped down on anything white after WWII, the political road has become more and more hopeless.

      (Look what they did to my fellow former Marine, Congressional candidate Patrick Little — smart, handsome, gutsy and well-spoken, a vet, and yet going almost nowhere. The Jews just thwarted him by committing massive electronic-voting-machine fraud against him, just as with me in 1990. 🙁 )

      So I MUST fulfill this new mandate, this dharma I accepted to lead us spiritually, to take us to the next level, to be a visionary and aspirational leader, not a jobs, bread and autobahns guy 😉 ….

      …because I just cannot deliver on that.

      First, the Jews have to go, no matter at what cost, and if it takes 25 generations.

      It will take millions of us sacrificing our lives, doing so out of love, and confident also in our reincarnation.

      To use Hegel’s dialectic in my case, the thesis was: general (Laval Count Nugent), a true kshatriya.

      Antithesis: politician (Hitler).

      Synthesis: a prophet of a tough-love God (my calling today).

      Well, here now is another seeming trivium, comrade, that, by itself, means little, but it forms yet another piece of the puzzle that fits perfectly — the rare, set-back, so-called marionette line.

      Some have a marionette line straight south from the corner of the mouth. Angela Merkel has this (here with George Soros, another marionette-line guy), and boy, IS she a marionette, HIS, and he is Rothschild’s. 😉

      But with me, the line is set way back — along the jaw.

      Here it is again, in a 2010 photo, but not so deep as now.

      And in this guy…

      I would add that in my recent video on the Van Rensburg prophecy, at 1:02, you can see two other rather unique Hitler features, 1) the up-and-down, train-track worry lines between the eyebrows and 2) the two bulges above the forehead ridge.

      The two very clear bulges:

      In me (holding up a German copy of Eckhart Tolle’s “The New Earth”:

      And so, following the correct dictum which people ascribe to the Jew scientist Carl Sagan, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof,” I have spent many hours accumulating, writing up, and publishing these proofs. As FOX News (LOL) used to proclaim: “We report. You decide.” 😉

      At some point, sheer obstinacy is what kicks in, and jealous, egoic envy, in WNs who stubbornly refuse to trust the evidence I provide to their own “lying eyes.” They claim to revere Hitler yet revile him in a new body, just as rival rightwingers reviled him throughout the Weimar period. 😉

      “Convince me against my will, and I shall believe it still.” 😉

      The real proof of Hitler-became-de-Nugent, however, is will be in the religious pudding. 😉

      If the new religion shakes up the world, then people really will believe I was Hitler, but more importantly, if they believe I was Hitler, the religion will for this very reason shake up the world. 🙂

      After all, I am not inventing any new doctrines, not reincarnation, nor the realization that we earthlings are hardly alone in this vast galaxy, that the white race came here in waves from several different white planets as colonists and refugees, or that the Jews are the traitorous puppets sent here by a reptilian race that is out to exterminate all humans in the entire galaxy. Said race needs the Jews as deceitful humans to get us to acquiesce mentally in our own destruction. And of course the concepts of the egoic mind and mankind being insane go back to Buddha, Jesus, and, in our time, to Eckhart Tolle and also Neal Walsch.

      With all these ideas, what I bring to the table is 1) the courage to say these radically new truths to the oblivious but suffering white masses — just as my use of a red flag, with a pagan Hindu swastika on it, and adding to the party name “socialist workers,” were very, very shocking decisions for normal rightwingers in 1920.

      President von Hindenburg was very skeptical of me almost to the very end of his life, being a died-in-the-wool conservative for whom I was a “strange character.”

      And 2) I have the will, experience and desire to create an organized movement around these “new” truths, and with this movement to wage relentless war on genocidal Jewry at the sacrifice of my own life and that of every white man who understands we must fight, not talk, thoroughly grasping what the Jew has planned for our women and children, of which the anti-Boer atrocities by blacks — rape of men and women, burning alive with gasoline, and murder — are the small-scale foretastes.


      But the whole Hitler thing, comrade, is at most like the space shuttles’ booster rockets.

      I saw this space shuttle take off which was carrying the Hubble telescope into space. The key initially is the power of the booster rockets.

      SUPERB VIDEO of bold, inventive, Aryan America!

      Well, as you see, the Hitler thing is true — and you had the spiritual greatness and grace to see it, and then manfully, publicly, come out and say it. 🙂

      But, again, having been Hitler is also just the booster rockets, not the shuttle or the payload. 😉

      And, as with the shuttle, the booster rockets, soon after launch, no longer needed, will just fall away….

      If it were about me, and my happiness, then at 64, finally no longer living destitute, but dwelling on a beautiful lake, in such a nice, all-white town, I would really, really, really instead like to make it about caring for my Margi, a lovely, loyal, feminine Aryan female that God sent me, and try to just enjoy the time we have left. 😉


      But duty calls. What is more beautiful than duty fulfilled, than love expressed, than loyalty proved, than truth spoken?

      Than to be a promise-keeper, a hero — for a white child that needs both?

      Onward and upward.

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