Holocaust Deprogramming Course 6

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Britain’s Political Warfare Executive and its predecessor first deployed stories of homicidal gassing as part of propaganda efforts in two areas unconnected to treatment of Jews. Their objective was to spread dissension and demoralisation among German soldiers and civilians, and among Germany’s allies.

The documentary record showing British propagandists’ promotion of homicidal gassing stories runs from December 1940 (under SO1) to March 1942 (under PWE). In this period the gassing stories did not relate to Jews or Poles. British intelligence official Victor Cavendish-Bentinck discounting later claims of gassings suspected that the Jewish and Polish lobbies had picked up on the rumours that British intelligence had been disseminating and put their own spin on it, in a case of what would later be termed “blowback”, defined as follows by intelligence historian Mark Lowenthal: “The main controversy raised by propaganda activities is that of blowback. The CIA is precluded from undertaking any intelligence activities within the United States. However, a story could be planted in a media outlet overseas that will also be reported in the United States. That is blowback.”  Britains Rumour Factory: Origins of the Gas Chamber Story

Blowback: The First Reports

The first reports emanate from Polish Jewish underground newspapers in the winter and spring of 1942. The first claim of mass gassing pertaining to Jewish people that received wide circulation was contained in the so-called Bund Report, which was smuggled to the Polish government-in-exile, located in London, in the third week of May 1942. The report contained two gassing rumors: the first that a special automobile (a gas chamber) was being used to gas 90 persons at one time. The second rumor pertains to actions in Warsaw: it is said that Jews were being experimented upon with poison gases.

The Bund Report, in turn, appears to be a composite of at least two documents that had come from Warsaw during the spring of 1942. The first of these was an underground communication from the Jewish Labor Bund, in Warsaw, dated March 16, 1942, which described German activities in western Poland as follows: In a number of villages the Jews were put to death by gas poisoning. They were herded in a horrible way into hermetically sealed trucks transformed into gas chambers, in groups of fifty, entire families, completely nude ¦. This report further alleged that “gas poisoning” was being carried out in Lodz. The second document that contributed to the Bund Report was a lead article in Der Veker, April 30, 1942, at a time of internecine struggle between Jewish resisters and collaborators in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Two of the members of the Polish National Council-in-exile were Jewish: Zygielbojm and Szwarcbart, and they could be expected to be particularly interested in what was being alleged about their coreligionists several hundred miles away under German military occupation, and in spreading these allegations as a means of getting support for their people. The Bund Report was thus extensively publicized in the media. On June 24, 1942, the Bund Report was summarized on the BBC. The following day, the Daily Telegraph ran a major story on the report, with two headlines of note: “Germans Murder 700,000 in Poland,” and “Travelling Gas Chambers.” On the 26th, Zygielbojm delivered a broadcast over the BBC, summarizing the Bund Report in Yiddish, and hence obviously directed to the Jewish population in Poland. Within a week, the BBC had made an arrangement with the Polish National Council giving the BBC priority in the reporting of all future atrocity stories. By July 16, 1942, the allegations of gassing were repeated in the News Review, here with the claim that the Germans were preparing “large gas stations” where the Polish Jewish population would be murdered.

The BBC had already begun to play a major role in recycling these rumors back to their point of origin in Poland. These broadcasts in effect created a feedback loop that repeated and gave authority to Polish rumours, which were then reinjected back into Poland, where they multiplied and burgeoned.  ” The Gas Chambers of Sherlock Holmes by Samuel Crowell

Origins, development and decline of the “gas chamber” propaganda lie
By Carlo Mattogno


The word Holocaust means “fiery sacrifice” as an old English word. It cannot possibly mean, for example, death by gassing. Applied to World War II it could allude to the effect of the two and a half million tons of bombs which the US/UK dropped onto central Europe, especially Germany. In order to walk away on “moral high ground” after perpetrating the most dreadful war crime in human history “ deliberate city incineration, one at a time “ it invented at Nuremberg “The Holocaust.”

Entering Germany after the war, the victorious Allies saw burnt-out cities like lunar landscapes, and German labour camps with their piles of dead bodies. The Allies’ systematic and massive destruction of German cities not only brought about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of German civilians but also interdicted the railroad lines that would have re-supplied the camps resulting in the large number of deaths from typhus and starvation. The piles of corpses and emaciated inmates provided the opportunity to deflect responsibility from the Allies onto Germany; not only for the deaths in the camps but to deflect attention away from the incineration of German cities and from the atrocities that had been carried out by the Soviet Union.

The origin of much of the Holocaust hoax lies with the Soviet Union’s desire to create atrocity propaganda against Germany, in retaliation for the latter’s exposure of Communist atrocities. In 1940, the Soviet Union’s secret police murdered thousands of Polish officers and intelligentsia and buried the bodies in the Katyn Forest. The Germans discovered the mass graves in 1943, and and exposed it to the world’s attention making much propaganda of the incident. Desperate for revenge, the Soviets invented much of the initial propaganda about the Holocaust at the end of the war, including obtaining “confessions” from Germans for all sorts of crimes ”including the massacre at Katyn. The Russian government only formally acknowledged Soviet guilt for Katyn in 1990. The Germans who had “confessed” to the Katyn massacre in 1945 had been tortured into making their statements. This tactic was applied to a large number of German prisoners in Soviet hands, and most of the major “confessions”are now used as “evidence” for the Holocaust.

The Holocaust story has served to create a highly profitable business for large numbers of Jews, something which the honest Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein described as the “Holocaust Industry” in his book of the same name (The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, Verso Books, 2003). The “Holocaust” served (and still serves) well in justifying the Zionist seizure of Palestine. Any criticism of the overt human rights violations and atrocities committed by the state of Israel against the Palestinians is dismissed as “anti- Semitism.”


This is a February 29, 1944 letter to the BBC & higher members of the British clergy, from the British Ministry of Information.

It lays out in no uncertain terms the following:

● We all know the crimes committed by the Bolsheviks over the last 24 years in Russia and Eastern Europe.

● It is inevitable they will do the same in Central Europe.

● We will cover up their crimes by lying about the Germans.

● The public is not as stupid as it was, our lies will be better.

● You (BBC & Church) must spread these lies, convincingly.


I am directed by the Ministry to send you the following circular letter:

It is often the duty of the good citizens and of the pious Christians to turn a blind eye on the peculiarities of those associated with us.

But the time comes when such peculiarities, while still denied in public, must be taken into account when action by us is called for.

We know the methods of rule employed by the Bolshevik dictator in Russia itself from, for example, the writing and speeches of the Prime Minister himself during the last twenty years. We know how the Red Army behaved in Poland in 1920 and in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Galicia and Bessarabia only recently.

We must, therefore, take into account how the Red Army will certainly behave when it overruns Central Europe. Unless precautions are taken, the obviously inevitable horrors which will result will throw an undue strain on public opinion in this country.

We cannot reform the Bolsheviks but we can do our best to save them ” and ourselves ” from the consequences of their acts. The disclosures of the past quarter of a century will render mere denials unconvincing. The only alternative to denial is to distract public attention from the whole subject.

Experience has shown that the best distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy. Unfortunately the public is no longer so susceptible as in the days of the “Corpse Factory,” and the “Mutilated Belgian Babies,” and the “Crucified Canadians.”

Your cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your wholehearted support of various charges against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry.

Your expression of belief in such may convince others.

I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,


The Ministry can enter into no correspondence of any kind with regard to this communication which should only be disclosed to responsible persons.

This letter is reproduced in a 1958 book entitled:
Allied Wartime Diplomacy: A Pattern in Poland by Edward J. Rozek,
the image below is captured from the first edition. Pages 209/210

Allied Wartime Diplomacy A Pattern in Poland

This is quite an astounding document. This letter is ample evidence that during World War II, the Allies used atrocity propaganda against Germany to distract their own people from the atrocities being committed primarily but not exclusively by the Red Army “ their “comrades”! “ in the invasion of Europe as Hitler’s war drew to an end.

Britain’s collusion in creating “death camp”atrocity lies exposed


It was widely reported during World War One (1914 to 1918) that the Germans, and their allies, were using gas chambers to kill thousands of prisoners. However after the end of the War Stanley Baldwin admitted in Parliament that it had been propaganda, and no such gas chambers had existed. He also apologised publicly to the German People for this racist slur on them.

Gassing people in WW1
Don Heddesheimer in his brilliant book The First Holocaust (2005) reproduces an article printed in Britain’s The Daily Telegraph on March 22, 1916. It states the Austrians & Bulgarians were killing people by shutting them up in churches and suffocating them with poison gas.
Gassing people in WW1
During World War One the British spread propaganda lies that the Germans were:

Bayoneting German babies

Cutting off children’s hands

Crucifying Canadian soldiers

Making human soap in a “corpse factory”

On December 2, 1925, British Foreign Secretary Austen Chamberlain, didn’t apologise for the lie that Germans made human-soap in a “corpse factory.” But he admitted it wasn’t true, and hoped it wouldn’t happen again.
Austen ChamberlainWW1 German atrocities lies
An article from the Saskatoon Phoenix from 1915 states that the Germans were:
Saskatoon Phoenix 1915

Cutting off a baby’s head and playing football with it

Cutting off children’s hands and feet or fingers

Making soup with a baby

Crucifying a young girl

Hitler reacts to news of his death camp

David Irving in Hitler’s War writes how Hitler reacted to seeing a 
newspaper headline similar to this one on October 27, 1944:

At the war conference later that day Press Chief Otto Dietrich showed Hitler an English newspaper which reported a claim by Moscow that 1,500,000 people had been liquidated in a concentration camp at Majdanek, which the Red Army had overrun, near Lublin; by way of evidence, there was a photograph of neat stacks of combs. A hush fell on the war conference. Hitler angrily laid the newspaper aside: ˜That’s the “hacked-off hands” again “ pure enemy propaganda!’ (He told Sonnleitner after the conference that Allied propaganda had claimed in 1914 that German troops marching into Belgium had cut off babies’ hands and hung the children upside down in church bells as clappers.

Falsehood in WartimeBelgian Congo crimes inspired anti-German propaganda

English atrocity propaganda from 1641, it’s strangely familiar

Invented Propaganda Tales of German Atrocities During World War One

Herbert Morrison, a member of Britain’s wartime coalition government during the Second World War wrote in 1920:

“All the governments of all the warring nations deliberately deceived their citizens and their fighting men. They founded propaganda departments for this special purpose, paying men out of public funds to deceive their fellows by the spoken and written word. The government suppressed truth, newspapers, books and organisations, and imprisoned good men and true.”

“Never again shall leaders of [the] Labour [Party] or their rank and file be so ill-informed and so lacking in a sense of responsibility as to accept without critical analysis the statements of Governments (of whatever Party) who desire to lead this country into war.

Quoted in: “Never Again!”, The New Leader, Saturday, November 29, 1941, pp. 4-5.

Quote from the 1946 Annual Report of the Rockefeller Foundation:

“The Committee on Studies of the Council on Foreign Relations is concerned that the debunking journalistic campaign following World War I should not be repeated and believes that the American public deserves a clear competent statement of our basic aims and activities during the second World War.”

World War I Atrocity Propaganda and the Holocaust

1946 “ Council on Foreign Relations  “ Debunking of atrocity propaganda should not be repeated


The Council on Foreign Relations, an organization supported by The Rockefeller Foundation, The Carnegie Corporation and others, made up its mind that no “revisionism” was to be encouraged after World War II: The following is an extract from the 1946 Report of The Rockefeller Foundation, referring to the Council’s work:

“The Committee on Studies of the Council on Foreign Relations is concerned that the debunking journalistic campaign following World War 1 should not be repeated and believes that the American public deserves a clear and competent statement of our basic aims and activities during the second World War.”

Accordingly, a three volume history of the War was to be prepared under the direction of Professor William Langer of Harvard , in which (one must gather this from the use of the term “debunking”) no revisionism was to appear. In other words, the official propaganda of World War 1 was to be perpetuated.  “ and the public was to be protected against learning the truth.


churchill eisenhower

Churchill’s Second World War does not mention Nazi ˜gas chambers,’ a ˜genocide’ of the Jews, or of ˜six million’ Jewish victims of the war. Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume Memoirs is 2,054 pages.  In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages there is no mention either of Nazi ˜gas chambers,’ a ˜genocide’ of the Jews, or of ˜six million’ Jewish victims of the war.”


During World War One the British Government had agreed with leading Jews that they would support a Jewish homeland in Palestine in exchange for the powerful Jewish lobby in America getting the USA to join the Allies. This led to the Balfour Declaration being made by the British Government promising the Jews a homeland in Palestine. After World War One the British Government were unable, or unwilling, to make good on this promise. From 1919 onwards the Jews claimed 6 million Jews in Europe were under threat from extermination unless they got a homeland in Palestine. This was 14 years before the Nazis came to power and 24 years before the alleged Holocaust started.

Dr Paul Nathan’s View of Russian Massacre, New York Times, March 25, 1906
A Jewish publicist addresses an audience in Germany where he claimed that the Russian government had a “solution of the Jewish question” and that this solution entailed the “murderous extermination” of “6,000,000 Jews.”  Of course, the Russians never had any such plans but the fictional story was resurrected during WWII with the Germans being on the receiving end of these slanderous accusations this time around.

As a side note: 1906 was the year after the first Jewish-led Communist uprising in Russia had failed.  This lame sob story was nothing more than a ploy to distract public attention from the fact that the Communist-led upheaval that took place in Russia a year earlier was the work of his fellow Jews who perpetrated widespread atrocities against the Russians.


271 references to 6,000,000 Jews prior to the Nuremberg Trial announcement

Two hundred ˜Six million Jews” allegations from 1900-1945.

140 Occurrences Of The Word Holocaust & The Number 6,000,000 Before The Nuremberg Trials Began

Lots of 6,000,000 Jews stories prior to WW1

The “Six Million” Myth

Erm ¦ How do you know its six million?

Ilya Ehrenberg “ The Man Who Invented The ˜Six Million’

Britain’s to blame, for 6,000,000 Holocausted Jews
Cleveland Jew, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver addressed 70,000+ people at a Zionist rally in Madison Square Gardens, New York City on June 11, 1945.
Somehow, despite it being 5 months before the IMT at Nuremberg would even begin, Dr. Silver knew 6,000,000 Jews had been killed by the Nazis.

March 1943: OSS agent says 6,000,000 Jews will be obliterated
Wallace R. Deuel (supposedly a non-Jew 1) was a Chicago-born political scientist who worked at the American University in Beirut between 1916 “ 1929, and from 1934 “ 1941 was a correspondent in Berlin for the Chicago Daily News 2 (so was surely a fluent German speaker). He wrote anti-German books 3, many anti-German newspaper articles 4, anti-German radio plays 5, and even advised Walt Disney on anti-German propaganda cartoons 6. In 1942 he joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as special assistant to OSS’s director William J. Donovan. From 1954 “ 1968 Deuel held numerous senior positions in the CIA in which he oversaw propaganda, and he was also the CIA representative at the White House during the Kennedy administration. 7
The article below reports on a lecture Deuel gave in Maryland on March 22, 1943. It reads:

“The Nazis set out in the beginning to destroy whole peoples. They expected to obliterate from the earth not less than 6,000,000 Jews as a beginning.”

Wallace R. Deuel

1933: Zionists knew German Jews would be exterminated

6,000,000 figure of Jews from 1936

6,000,000 Jews killed in 136AD
This 1897 “Science of Religion” American magazine, claims nearly
six million Jews were killed in the Bar Kokhba revolt 132-136AD



Ben Weintraub’s 1995 book, Holocaust Dogma Of Judaism, fully explores and explains the Kabalistic gematria and occultism involved in the number. 6,000,000 is the number of perfect souls times ten, and ten is number of the Sephiroth, the divine emanations of G_d as seen in the Kabala. Thus, it is numerologically predetermined.  As a result, it can never, ever be changed. This is critical, central to the hex. 6,000,000 is the number. There are never more deaths; there are never less. 6,000,000 is the number. It must be ritually repeated and publicly acknowledged. 6,000,000 never refers to actual deaths. It is a purely symbolic, esoteric, mystical number, symbolizing the perfect result, a perfect creation, a magical Great Work in progress. Perhaps this is a part of tikkun olam, the Kabalistic-Talmudic “repairing” or “perfecting” of the world, done of course by the self-chosen ones.

Benjamen Blech, confirmed this reality in his book “The Secrets of Hebrew Words”:

Certain letters and the corresponding numerical value, are considered in Judaism to have greater mystical power than others because of the frequency with which they are found in ˜Torah’. One such value, the expression of which holds a predominant power in the Jewish psyche, is the Hebrew letter ˜vav’ which has a numerical value of six.  The number ˜ten’ in the Jewish religion relates to Sefiroi (enumerations) by which, Jews believe, God manifests himself in the physical and metaphysical planes. ˜Ten’ is believed by the Jews to be the number of ˜divine projection’. Therefore, the 600,000 souls of Israel, which are ˜pieces of the Divine’, when multiplied by ˜divine perfection’ come to Six Million. source  “The Hebrew word for ˜ye shall return'(TaShuVU), seems to have been spelled incorrectly. Grammatically it requires another (vav). It ought to read (TaShUVU). Why is it lacking the letter (vav) which stands for six?. [TaShuVU] without the vav is a prediction to the Jewish people of ultimate return to their national homeland. TaShuVU in numbers adds up to 708: tav=400, shin=300, vei=2, vey=6. When we write the year, we ignore the millennia. In 1948 on the secular calendar, we witnessed the miracle of Jewish return to Israel. On the Hebrew calendar it was the year 5708. That was the year predicted by the incomplete word (TaShuVu), you shall return. We did return, lacking 6 “ an all important 6 million of our people who perished in the holocaust. Yet the fulfillment of the prediction of return in precisely that year implied by the gematria of TaShuVU gives us firm hope that the words of the prophets for Final Redemption will come true as well. ” “ The Secrets of Hebrew Words”, Benjamen Blech

” ¦ it is taught that numbers, like the Hebrew alphabet, are the hylic matter from which God constructs the universe. Therefore numeric relationships, especially those that appear in the language of Scripture, are not accidental or coincidental. Rather, such equivalencies reveal key interrelations in the structure of God’s universe and hidden creative potentials.”  “ The Encyclopaedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism

“These numbers do matter,” Hilberg said. “They also matter for the very simple reason “ call it religious if you like.”  “ Raul Hilberg

The Rabbinical Exaggeration or ˜Guzma’ is a common device employed by Jewish religious writers and authorities; both past and present, and finds common utilization in the Babylonian Talmud for example. Its origins lie in the unusual and exaggerated tales told by rabbinical authorities in the Mishnah and Gemara to make a specific point: so if say Maimonides had been speaking to Nachmanides they might use a guzma to make a point of scale.

However when using the guzma historically Jewish religious writers and authorities have been conscious of the possibility that an exaggeration could be taken as reality rather than how it was actually intended to be understood. To combat this the rabbinical authorities used a system of absolute absurdity: so that everything said in divrei gumza (lit. ˜tall tales’) was so absurd that only the ignorant would take it literally.

Now the method used by Jewish religious writers and authorities to express the scale of a Shoah event; and bear in mind the term is much older and has seen much more use than its single modern usage (i.e. in regards to the ˜Holocaust’) may imply to most people, is to multiply the number of Israelites the Mishnah lists as having coming out out of Egypt (i.e. approximately 600,000) to give a sense of how much worse an event is or large something in relation to the Exodus.


Samuel in August 1933 talks of a planned annihilation and extermination of Jews underway in 1933 and of the war that must be waged against Germany to stop it.

Samuel-Untermyer-sacred-war-speechSamuel Untermyer, speaking on behalf of Jewry worldwide, declared war on Germany with an economic boycott.
Judea-declares-war-on-germanyShortly after that, Untermyer gave an hysterical radio broadcast denouncing the Germans as “ingrates” and “cruel and savage beasts,” and calling for Christians to unite with the Jews to destroy Germany in a “sacred war.” Untermyer claimed that the Germans were “annihilating” the Jews by:

“locking them in vile concentration camps, starving and torturing them, murdering and beating them without cause and resorting to every other conceivable form of torture, inhuman beyond conception, until suicide has become their only means of escape, and all solely because they are or their remote ancestors were Jews, and all with the avowed object of exterminating them.”

Even the official historical narrative of today only says that the so-called “extermination” of Jews, and the widespread utilization of concentration camps in Germany did not begin until 1939, yet this was only 1933 and Untermyer was already making clear and direct references to what we now know as the “Holocaust.”

How is that possible? That fact alone (along with no real evidence to the contrary) is proof that the Holocaust story is just the result of Jewish propaganda, rather than an actual happening. Furthermore, Zionist Jews had been pushing the “six million” figure going back many decades, as early as 1897.


“Meanwhile, the war against the Soviet Union has allowed us to dispose of new territories for the final solution. Consequently, the Führer has decided to displace the Jews not towards Madagascar but towards the East. Thus, there is no longer any need to consider Madagascar for the final solution.”
 Franz Rademacher, Feb. 10th 1942, Nuremberg Doc. NG-3933

Documents captured by the Allies after the war, prove that “The Final Solution of the Jewish Question” (“Endlösung der Judenfrage”) was a phrase used by the National Socialists regarding the “auswanderung” (emigration) and “evakuierung” (evacuation) of Jews in occupied Europe. The term “Endlösung der Judenfrage” (Final Solution of the Jewish Question) along with the words “auswanderung” (emigration) and “evakuierung” (evacuation) appear in a July 1941 letter written by Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. The term “Endlösung der Judenfrage” (Final Solution of the Jewish Question) appears in a February 1942 letter written by SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich.

But the Nazis weren’t the first to use the term, that was the Zionists: In 1897 the National Jewish Association “ Cologne published its programme (called ˜Theses’): (ii) Experience has shown that civic emancipation has fallen short of securing the social and cultural future of the Jewish people. The Final Solution of the Jewish Question lies therefore in the establishment of the Jewish State. Germany, Turkey, and Zionism 1897-1918 (1997) By Isaiah Friedman Theodor Herzl the ˜Father of Zionism’ used the term ˜the final solution of the Jewish Question’ in an 1899 letter to the Russian Czar. “I supplemented this endeavor in my covering letter to the Czar: Sire: It is to the graciousness of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden, who has consented to become the exalted sponsor of my humble request for an audience with Your Imperial Majesty, that I owe my permission to submit the Zionist plan for the final solution of the Jewish Question” “ The complete diaries of Theodor Herzl: Volume 3 Zionist Nahum Sokolow wrote in his 1919 book History of Zionism “The progress of modern civilization has come to be regarded as a sort of modern Messiah for the final solution of the Jewish problem.” “ History of Zionism (1919)

“It is customary to quote this (Goering’s) letter with deletion of the reference to “emigration and evacuation.”  “ Professor Arthur Butz notes in his 1976 book Hoax of the Twentieth Century

1899: The “Father of Zionism” proposed the ˜Final Solution of the Jewish question”
1898: Final Solution of the Jewish Question
“The Zionist Plan For The Final Solution Of The Jewish Question”
More Zionist plans for the Final Solutionâ„¢
The Zionist “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”
1916: Final Solution, Jewish policy
The Final Solution was common knowledge
Trotsky & the Final Solution of the Jewish Question
How Holocaust historians distort evidence to support the Big Lie
May 1943: No-ones told Goebbels about the Final Solution
Hitler said Jews will have to leave Europe after the war
Final Solution of the Canadian-Japanese problem


Germany Must Perish! is a book written by the Jewish businessman Theodore N. Kaufman in 1941, which advocates for the genocide of the German people.

The only written plan for genocide during World War II was not a German plan to exterminate the Jews but rather a Jewish plan to exterminate the Germans. Before there was any mention of a so ” called “Holocaust,” and while America was still neutral, American Zionists, with the approval of the media, produced the most mass genocidic book in history: Theodore N. Kaufman in Germany Must Perish (Argyle Press, Newark, 1941) literally urged the sterilization of 48,000,000 German men and women of childbearing age, so that, he explained, Germanism will be extirpated in two generations. Kaufman’s fervent proposal for the systematic sterilization of the entire German population was given respectful attention in the American press, including reviews in a number of newspapers. A review in the weekly Time magazine, March 24, 1941, called Kaufman’s plan a “sensational idea.”

Continued here: https://johndenugent.com/holocaust-deprogramming-course-7/