Holocaust Deprogramming Course 7

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Did you know that some Jews lived openly in Berlin during the war, with synagogue services? When the Soviets entered Berlin, they found over 800 who had been sheltered in a hospital that was open throughout the war. How could this be? Judaic folk also lived peacefully in other parts of wartime Europe. Gertrude Stein, et al, spent the war in German-allied Vichy France. And, we must not fail to mention the 150,000 (probably more) Jews and mischlinge (“mixed”; part-Jewish) who served in the German military. Others were made “Honorary Aryans” and rewarded for their services to the Reich. For more about Jews living in National Socialist Germany during the war, see Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg, 2002. He and the Holocaust fundamentalists seem astounded, and annoyed, that few, if any, of these assimilated Jews and part-Jews seem to have known anything at all about the alleged atrocities. Of course, neither Rigg nor Lucy Dawidowicz, et al, ever considers that they did not recall anything because nothing like that actually happened!

800 Jews Lived Through “Holocaust” In A Berlin Hospital

800 German Jews spent all their war time in a Jewish Hospital in Berlin. Something strange while an “extermination plan” was supposedly running to kill all of them.

Md. Holocaust Survivor Makes a Point of Speaking Out 
By Ben Blumberg

Klaus Zwilsky, 74, of Calvert County MD, is a Holocaust survivor. However, his story is relatively unique among Jews who emerged from the horrors of Nazi Germany. He was not sent to a concentration camp, nor did he spend World War II hiding in the home of a sympathetic non-Jew. Instead, Zwilsky survived in a Jewish hospital in Berlin, with the knowledge, and consent, of the Nazi government.

“We were very fortunate to survive,” he said. He remembers the Gestapo, German secret police, ordering members of his extended family off to the concentration camp at Theresienstadt in January of 1943. “Most of the family got wiped out.”

Zwilsky is one of twenty who were interviewed for Daniel B. Silver’s book “Refuge in Hell: How Berlin’s Jewish Hospital Outlasted the Nazis.” The book details how the 800 or so Jews living in the hospital managed to survive in the capital of Nazi Germany. Causes range from bureaucratic infighting to German leader Adolf Hitler’s ambivalence about how to handle Jews of German descent to the simple fact that the Nazis needed a place to treat Jews.

However, that survivor insists in telling that it was a miracle he passed through the “extermination plan” because:

“We didn’t know at the time,” he said, that the Nazis were systematically executing Jews. “You find out all these things afterwards.”

Revisionist history is amazing “and so educational as well. Just think, there were all these Jews in the Nazi capital, being well-treated in a Jewish hospital there, without ever knowing that a holocaust was going on at the same time. Incredible.

Synagogue Allowed In Berlin During The War

In the middle of World War II, the Jewish community negotiated with the Gestapo for the sale of their synagogue, which happened to be down the road from Hitler’s HQ.

rykestrasssyndIn Die Synagoge Rykestraße (1904 “2004) a book on the history of the Rykestrasse Synagogue in Berlin, written by a former head rabbi at that institution, he writes:

“The Jewish school in the front building was forced to close in 1941. However, the Jewish community formally remained proprietor of the site. In May 1942 the borough of Prenzlauer Berg declared its will to acquire the site paying the ridiculous sum of reichsmark 191,860 and with effect of 1 September 1944 the site was conveyanced to the borough. When on 6 May 1943 the Jewish community applied at the Gestapo for a sale permission, since all its property was under custodianship as were any sales proceeds, it named the Heeresstandortverwaltung I Berlin (German Army garrison administration no. I) as the tenant of all the site, except of two little apartments in the front building still rented out to residential tenants.”
“ (Hermann Simon (Die Synagoge Rykestraße (1904 “2004), Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich and Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin / Centrum Judaicum, 2004, (Jüdische Miniaturen; vol. 17)

Daily life of German Jews during the war (Three documents)
The Germans considered the Jews as a whole to be representatives of a hostile belligerent power, all the more formidable since, internationally, it disposed of considerable resources in the field of finance (money, the sinew of war) and in those of the communications media and propaganda. Physical attacks engendered reprisals, which in turn gave rise to new attacks. Just as the Americans or the Canadians, considering persons of Japanese descent dangerous or hostile, decided “ notwithstanding the absence of attacks or sabotage on their part “ to place them in concentration camps, the Germans proceeded to evacuate large numbers of German Jews, putting them in concentration, labour or transit camps. However, a certain Jewish life subsisted openly in Germany all through the war. The three documents below make it possible to provide a sketch of that daily life: a newspaper, an excerpt from the telephone directory, a ration card. Obviously, the longer the war went on the further that daily life deteriorated, as did, for that matter, the lives of other Germans.


Chapter reproduced from The Six Million: Fact or Fiction by Peter Winter

Anti-Partisan Warfare ”The Real Purpose of the Einsatzgruppen (“Task Forces”)

From September 1947 to April 1948, a series of trials took place in Nuremberg known as the “Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals.” Better known as the “Einsatzgruppen Trials,” these proceedings laid the basis for the allegations that German “Special Action Groups” operating behind German lines in occupied Russia, murdered millions of people, mostly Jews, by mass shootings. The defendants in the trials were the surviving commanding officers of the Einsatzgruppen, and as many senior officers as could be found ”twentyfour in total. All were charged with three offenses:

1. Crimes against humanity through persecutions on political, racial, and religious grounds; murder; extermination; imprisonment; and other inhumane acts committed against civilian populations, including German nationals and nationals of other countries, as part of an organized scheme of genocide.
2. War crimes for the same reasons, and for wanton destruction and devastation not justified by military necessity.
3. Membership of criminal organizations, the SS, the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), or the Gestapo, which had been declared criminal organizations previously in the international Nuremberg Military Tribunals.

The astute observer will see immediately that the third charge was bogus: The men were put on trial for the “crime” of belonging to an organization which was perfectly legal at the time when they joined, and only declared a “criminal organization” after the war ended. All the defendants were convicted of this third charge ”of course ”and so it can be safely said that one-third of all the convictions at the Einsatzgruppen Trial were legally fraudulent. The evidence prepared on the other two charges was obtained mainly from “confessions” extracted from the accused under torture, as detailed below.

The Einsatzgruppen were set up with two purposes, all of which was openly stated in the authentic and surviving German documentation. These purposes were, firstly, to physically eliminate the entire Soviet Communist Party Commissar structure in areas occupied by the German army as it advanced eastward; and secondly to coordinate anti-partisan fighting behind the front line so as to ensure that there was as little disruption as possible to German supply lines. The Einsatzgruppen were therefore active military units mostly engaged in active combat with Communist partisans, and not simply, as the allegation goes, “mobile killing units.” In fact, Franz Stahlecker, commander of Einsatzgruppen A in the Baltic region and White Russia, was himself killed by partisans in 1942.

Soviet records claimed that in three years of warfare, from July 1941 to July 1944, Soviet partisans in Byelorussia “eliminated approximately 500,000 German soldiers and officers, 47 Generals, blew up 17,000 enemy military transports and 32 armored trains, destroyed 300,000 railway tracks, 16,804 vehicles and a great number of other material supplies of all kinds” (.S. Telpuchowski, Die Geschichte des Grossen Vaterländischen Krieges 1941 “ 1945, Bernard & Graefe Verlag für Wehrwesen, Frankfurt/Main 1961, p. 284.). These losses, it bears remembering, were in one sector of the Eastern front alone, and therefore give the reader an idea of the scale and intensity of the war behind the German front line.

Given these figures, it comes as no surprise to understand the real nature of the Einsatzgruppen ”as anti-partisan units. In fact, the only surprise is how small they were. Each Einsatzgruppen consisted at maximum strength of 900 men, which meant that the total force deployed by all four units in Russia never exceeded 2,700 men ”and that at full strength, which was never the actual case. In spite of their relatively tiny numbers, it is claimed by the Holocaust storytellers that these 2,700 men killed anywhere between one and three million people by shooting them in mass execution style. The sheer logistics of this undertaking ”bearing in mind the Einsatzgruppen only worked from July 1941 to late 1943 ”should by itself make the mass murder allegations out to be preposterous ”but, as the reader will see, all the “evidence” submitted at the trial was compiled under duress ” as was later openly admitted by the Chief Prosecutor.

Nonetheless, the order to physically eliminate the Soviet Commissar structure is in fact the closest to the truth that the entire “Holocaust” story ever comes. There were tens of thousands of Commissars ”and, because of the close affiliation between Soviet Jews and the Communist Party, large numbers of these Commissars were Jews. It was therefore to be expected that the Einsatzgruppen would, as part of their activities, execute large numbers of Jews.

Benjamin Ferencz, Jewish Chief Prosecutor at the Einsatzgruppen Trials, Admits to Using Forced Confessions and Death Threats

The American Army’s Chief Prosecutor at the Einsatzgruppen Trials was not even an American, but a Hungarian Jew by the name of Benjamin Ferencz, who in 1945 had somehow been “assigned” to the job of setting up a war crimes branch and “collecting evidence” for the trials. In this capacity, he was sent to concentration camps in western Germany which had been seized by the American Army. Ferencz was therefore primarily responsible for the “evidence” presented to the Einsatzgruppen Trial, and it is his “work” which is still today presented as “proof” that the German Task Forces killed vast numbers of people in the East.

In a much later ”and rare ”candid moment, Ferencz openly admitted that he had used threats of summary execution against civilians to “obtain confessions.” In an interview with The Washington Post in 2005, Ferencz explained it this way: “You know how I got witness statements? I’d go into a village where, say, an American pilot had parachuted and been beaten to death and line everyone one up against the wall. Then I’d say, ˜Anyone who lies will be shot on the spot.’ It never occurred to me that statements taken under duress would be invalid” (“Giving Hitler Hell,” The Washington Post, July 24, 2005.). In the same interview, Ferencz also confessed to being at least a passive participant, or observer, in the torturing of captured Nazis at a concentration camp: “I once saw DPs [Displaced Persons] beat an SS man and then strap him to the steel gurney of a crematorium. They slid him in the oven, turned on the heat and took him back out. Beat him again, and put him back in until he was burnt alive. I did nothing to stop it. I suppose I could have brandished my weapon or shot in the air, but I was not inclined to do so. Does that make me an accomplice to murder?” (“Giving Hitler Hell,” the Washington Post, July 24, 2005).

Below: Jewish Chief Prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz. He later openly admitted to obtaining his evidence by threatening to kill innocent civilians, and by participating in the torture death of an SS man at a concentration camp.

These admissions by the Chief Prosecutor in the Einsatzgruppen Trials casts an immediate shadow over the entire proceedings. Is this the sort of “objective” legal person who can be relied upon to produce evidence at a major trial? The dreadful irony of a Jewish Chief Prosecutor at Nuremberg threatening to kill German civilians in order to gain “confessions” about Germans allegedly killing Jews, will not be lost upon the reader.

The Einsatzgruppen Ereignismeldungen (“Event Reports”)

The Einsatzgruppen sent irregular reports by radio, known as the Ereignismeldungen (EM), back to Berlin on their activities. Once received in Berlin, they were transcribed and edited by civil servants, and distributed in summary format, called the Tätigkeits- und Lageberichte (TuLBs) der Einsatzgruppen, to non-SS offices such as the German Foreign Office. In total, there are 194 Ereignismeldungen, 7 TuLBs der Einsatzgruppen and 12 TuLBs of Einsatzgruppen B in existence today ”all of them copies, and none in the original. The accuracy and authenticity of these reports has long been open to question, primarily because the originals have never been produced, and secondly because even though the officers charged with transcribing the reports attested to the general report-capturing nature of their work, the actual copies which have been produced show clear signs of postwar additions.

One such typical example, “Einsatzgruppen Report No. 111,” contains not only completely garbled wording, but also a clear addition to the end of a paragraph (highlighted in italics below): “These were the motives for the executions carried out by the Kommandos: Political officials, looters and saboteurs, active Communists and political representatives, Jews who gained their release from prison camps by false statements, agents and informers of the NKVD [National Commissariat for Internal Affairs], persons who, by false depositions and influencing witnesses, were instrumental in the deportation of ethnic Germans, Jewish sadism and revengefulness, undesirable elements, partisans, Politruks, dangers of plague and epidemics, members of Russian bands, armed insurgents ”provisioning of Russian bands, rebels and agitators, drifting juveniles, Jews in general.”

The authenticity question surrounding the Ereignismeldungen and TuLBs has been further questioned by researchers because, once again, like so much other “evidence” of Nazi atrocities, the documents emerged from the Soviet occupation zone. It is a common tactic of Holocaust storytellers to claim that the Ereignismeldungen were “captured” or “seized” by the US Army when they “took the Gestapo Headquarters” ”but this is another blatant lie, because the Gestapo headquarters were located at 8 Prinz Albert Street in Berlin, and were captured by the Soviets in April 1945.

Even the chief prosecutor at the Einsatzgruppen Trials, the self-admitted forced confession expert, Benjamin Ferencz, admitted in his memoirs that the “copies” of the Ereignismeldungen which the Americans had, and which were used in the trial, originated with the copies held by the German Foreign Office ”in Berlin, which makes them also originally Soviet-origin papers.

Finally, the trial of German Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, in August 1949, cast further doubt over the accuracy of the Ereignismeldungen. Charged with overseeing the Einsatzgruppen activities in his command sector on the Eastern Front, Von Manstein denied all the allegations, and his British lawyer R. T. Paget demonstrated that whole areas which the Ereignismeldungen claimed had been “cleared of Jews” (Judenfrei) contained many flourishing Jewish communities that were actually fully functional and untouched throughout the entire war.

The trial court accepted this argument ”that the Ereignismeldungen were unreliable ”and Von Manstein was acquitted on that charge. Nonetheless, the Ereignismeldungen are widely regarded as authentic by Holocaust storytellers ”even though this claim, if true, raises more problems with the Holocaust narrative then it does to “prove” it. Firstly, to address the numbers claimed killed by the Einsatzgruppen in the Ereignismeldungen. If the reports are genuine, then the total number of killings ”due to the intense combat and subsequent executions ”is unreliable by virtue of the fact that the surviving reports are incomplete. Secondly, in accordance with the stated purpose of the Einsatzgruppen, the Ereignismeldungenlist deaths which were due to both the ferocious antipartisan warfare as well as executions. For example, by the autumn of 1941, Einsatzgruppen B reported having executed 1500 partisans. Thirdly, the surviving Ereignismeldungen also reveal that by late 1942, there were no more “Jewish Actions” (Judenaktionen) taking place ”meaning that after that time, no formal anti-Jewish operations took place, and the rest of the Task Forces’ existence was taken up with anti-partisan operations.

The “Confession” ”and Retraction ”of Einsatzgruppen Commander Otto Ohlendorf

SS-Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf was the commanding officer of Einsatzgruppen D, which was deployed in Moldova, south Ukraine, the Crimea, and the north Caucasus. Arrested after the war, he was initially not charged with any crimes and instead called as witness for the prosecution in front of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg in January 1946. There, under cross examination, Ohlendorf claimed that his Task Force had killed 90,000 people, Jews and non-combatants, that from the Spring of 1942, women and children had been executed in “gas vans,” that the victims were all buried in trenches, and that he had personally been present at two mass shootings. Despite this “confession,” Ohlendorf was not charged with any crime until 1948, when he was arraigned as a defendant in the Einsatzgruppen Trial mentioned above.

At the 1948 trial, he completely recanted his 1946 confession, claiming that it had been extracted from him by force. In his recantation, Ohlendorf never mentioned killing children; declared that the Einsatzgruppen were merely engaged in fighting an anti-partisan war; that he knew nothing about gas vans; and reduced the number of executions under his command to 40,000. Furthermore, Ohlendorf continued, he denied any knowledge of, or participation in, any grand genocide plans, testifying as follows: [Ohlendorf Direct Examination Testimony. Questions posed by his defense lawyer, Dr Aschenauer.]

Q. Did you know about plans or directives which had as their goal the extermination on racial and religious grounds?

A. I expressly assure you that I neither knew of such plans nor was I called on to cooperate in any such plans. Lieutenant General [Obergruppenfuehrer] Bach-Zelewski testified during the big trial [before the International Military Tribunal] that the Reich Leader SS in a secret conference of all lieutenant generals made known that the goal was to exterminate thirty million Slavs. I repeat that I was neither given such an order nor was there even the slightest hint, given to me that such plans or goals existed for the Russian campaign. This is not only true for the Slavs but this is also true for the Jews. I know that in the years of 1938, 1939 and 1940, no extermination plans existed, but on the contrary, with the aid of Heydrich and by cooperation with Jewish organizations, emigration programs from Germany and Austria were arranged; financial funds even were raised in order to help aid the poorer Jews to make this emigration possible.

The presiding judge at the 1948 trial rejected Ohlendorf’s recantation, and refused to consider it as evidence ”effectively convicting Ohlendorf and the others on the basis of the earlier “confession” which had been extracted under duress. Ohlendorf expressed his bitterness at the refusal to acknowledge that his earlier “confession” had been forced from him, and in his closing statement to the 1948 trial, said the following: “I have been now in the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg for two and a half years. What I have seen here of life as a spiritual force, in these two and half years, has increased my fear. Human beings who under normal conditions were decent citizens of their country were deprived of their basic conception of law, custom, and morals by the power of the victors.” After he was sentenced to death ”on the basis of his forced confession and no other physical evidence ”Ohlendorf went into attack mode, telling the Jewish chief prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz that “the Jews in America would suffer for what he [Ferencz] had done” (Nuremberg Trials and Tribulations, 1946 “1949, Chapter 4, Benjamin Ferencz). Ohlendorf also publicly attacked the Jewish attorney-general of the “Bavarian State Office for Restitution,” Philip Auerbach, who had announced that he was “seeking compensation for eleven million Jews who had suffered in concentration camps.” Ohlendorf said that “not the minutest part” of the people for whom Auerbach was seeking compensation had even seen a concentration camp. Ohlendorf lived to see Auerbach convicted of embezzlement and fraud before his own execution finally took place in 1951.

The Wildly Varying Numbers of Einsatzgruppen “Victims”

The wildly varying numbers of victims claimed for the Einsatzgruppen also reveal much about the “accuracy” of this story. “ In the book Jews in the Soviet Union, by Solomon M. Schwarz (Syracuse Univ. Press., Syracuse 1951, p. 220), it is claimed that 3 million people were shot by the Einsatzgruppen. “ In the book Die Truppe des Weltanschauungskrieges. Die Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD 1938 “1942, by H. Krausnick, H.-H. Wilhelm (Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1981, p. 333), it is claimed that 2.2 million people were shot by the Einsatzgruppen. “ In the book The Destruction of European Jewry by “Holocaust expert” Raul Hilberg (Quadrangle Books, Chicago 1961; pb: Harper & Row, New York 1983; 2nd ed., Holmes & Meyer, New York 1985), it is claimed that 1.3 million people were shot by the Einsatzgruppen. In the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, issued by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, it is claimed that “over 1 million” people were shot by the Einsatzgruppen. All of these sources claim to quote “eyewitnesses” and “official records.” The fact that the number of victims claimed can vary so wildly from 1 to 3 million, shows an obvious flaw in the “proof” available.


The Babi Yar Massacre in Kiev: Wartime Aerial Photography Exposes the Lie

One of the most infamous atrocities attributed to the Einsatzgruppen (in this case, Einsatzgruppen C) is an alleged mass-murder outside Kiev in the Ukraine, known as the Babi Yar massacre. The allegation is that after the Germans occupied Kiev, a series of bombs, set off by Communist insurgents, struck the city, killing many civilians and German occupying troops. Much of the city was set on fire as a result of the bombings, and as German troops helped with putting out the blaze, a Jewish insurgent was caught cutting one of the water hoses. According to the Holocaust storytellers, the arrest of this Jew persuaded the Nazis that all the Jews in Kiev had to be killed, and Einsatzgruppen C rounded them all up over the period of September 29 “30, 1941, marched them to a ravine outside the city, and shot them all ”some 33,771 individuals.

The “evidence” for this atrocity is contained in one of the disputed Ereignismeldungen, where the report specifically gives the figure of 33,771 Jews having been shot in Kiev on that date. Once again, the Ereignismeldungen report is open to question ”because the physical facts surrounding the Babi Yar ravine do not support the report’s claim. There are today no remains of tens of thousands of bodies to be found at the Babi Yar site, even though a monument now stands on the spot. The Holocaust storytellers claim that the reason why there are no bodies to be found at the site ”even though the story claims 33,771 people were shot there ”is because the Nazis sent a special team back to the site in 1943 to exhume, burn, and crush the bones ”using, of all things, tombstones from a nearby Jewish cemetery to smash the last of the bones. Of course, the time, effort and fuel it would take to exhume, stack on iron rails, burn and then crush 33,000 bodies makes the allegation absurd ”but nonetheless, this is the given reason why there are no bodies present.

The Soviets even produced a compliant German officer, SS-Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel, to “confess” to having destroyed all the 33,771 bodies within a period of thirty days, from August 18 to September 19, 1943. The “confessions” remind the reader of those “obtained” by the Soviets to cover up the Katyn massacre, which was also blamed on the Germans. In fact, the parallels with Katyn offer a further valuable insight into the Babi Yar claims. The mass graves created for the Soviet massacre and burial of Polish officers and intellectuals at Katyn (a crime that for fifty years was blamed on the Germans), as well as the graves used to accommodate the bodies of some 100,000 innocent residents, including children, of Hamburg, Germany, that were slaughtered by Allied bombing, have proven that it takes about a one acre area of excavation material to bury roughly 10,000 bodies. Babi Yar would have needed a minimum of three and one half acres for 33,000 bodies. There is, therefore, no possibility that the precision aerial photos available from the period in question would not show such a disturbance in the soil. Even if the mass grave’s depth is increased to sixteen feet, 50,000 bodies would take up about one and a half acres. Approximately 1,600,000 cubic feet of soil would need to be excavated. This would be a major excavation project even for today’s modern heavy equipment. Any claim that it was done in 1941, and once again in 1943 under battle conditions, is pure fantasy. This does not even address the question of where was this equipment obtained on a battle-weary front?

There are a host of other physical problems associated with the Babi Yar massacre story. For example: “ In order to “machine gun” people, it is worth emphasizing that twice as many bullets as the given number of people would be needed. If 33,771 people were shot, then the Germans would have needed at least 67,000 rounds ”and probably more ”to complete the task. Such a large amount of ammunition would weigh about 1,876 pounds, or 850 kilograms. Lead is essentially an inert substance which survives practically forever in the soil. That amount of lead should be easily recoverable on the site ”if it had been shot out there, but not a trace of it has ever been found. “ Next there is the matter of the fuel needed for cremation of the bodies, which the Holocaust storytellers say took place two years after these “murders” and while the German army was in full retreat in that sector. The Holocaust storytellers claim that the bodies were burned in the open, with wood, after being piled onto iron rails. Present-day open air cremations, as carried out in India amongst Hindus, require at least 10 hours per body, and 330 pounds (150 kilograms) of wood. This would mean that the cremation of 33,771 bodies would require at least 11 million pounds (5 million) kilograms of wood. To believe that anyone could cut down and provide that amount of firewood in the face of a rapidly advancing Soviet Army is about as nonsensical as believing that the removal of so many trees in the nearby area could go unnoticed. “ Furthermore, the “mass murder” of Jews at Babi Yar allegedly took place almost four months prior to the Wannsee Conference, where, the Holocaust storytellers claim, the idea to kill all the Jews was first planned.

The Babi Yar allegations therefore, fairly typically, raise more questions than answers. Finally, aerial photography, held in the US National Archives in Washington DC, contains 600 wartime aerial photographs of Kiev, including Babi Yar, taken on over 20 flights over the area. The first photos, taken at 12:23 pm on May 17, 1939, reveal such details as cars and even the shadows of the lamp posts on the streets of Kiev. More importantly, every large bush and small tree is visible on the slopes and at the bottom of the Babi Yar ravine. The last aerial photo coverage of Kiev (and Babi Yar) took place on June 18, 1944, about nine months after the city was re-occupied by the Soviets. These reconnaissance photos show clearly that the foliage and ground cover of the ravine remained completely undisturbed throughout the two years of German occupation, and that there is absolutely no evidence of human activity in the ravine.

Below: Wartime aerial photograph of the Babi Yar Ravine, taken at the exact time that the SS was allegedly exhuming, cremating, and crushing tens of thousands of bodies. If the Babi Yar massacre had occurred as claimed, the whole area would have seen massive earth displacements, burning stacks of bodies, and frenetic human activity. Instead, the entire area is completely undisturbed. The photo is available from the US National Archives and is listed as: GX 3938 SG, exposure 105.

The claims of a “massacre” at Babi Yar Ravine do not, therefore, match up with the physical evidence, and also cast a serious shadow over the reliability of the Ereignismeldungen.

1.3.2. The Alleged Babi Yar Massacre (Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues)

Of all the mass shootings allegedly perpetrated by the Germans and their local helpers on the Eastern Front, the Babi Yar massacre is the most notorious. On 29 September 1941, 33,711 Jews are said to have been killed at the Babi Yar ravine near Kiev. Predictably, Jonathan Harrison uncritically accepts the official version of Babi Yar in his chapter about the “Extermination of Soviet Jews, June 1941-March 1942.” (p. 100)

Udo Walendy and Herbert Tiedemann have documented the wild implausibility of the official version of Babi Yar. As just one example, the various “witnesses” to this alleged crime flagrantly contradict each other on the most basic issue of identifying the killing instrument: the victims were shot with rifles, or submachine guns, or slaughtered with bayonets, or buried alive, or blown up by mines, or squashed with tanks, or killed by means of lethal injections, or drowned in the Dnieper, or exploded by hand grenades, or had their heads crushed with rocks, or were suffocated gas vans. 41 Needless to say, none of these embarrassing discrepancies are mentioned by Harrison.

Had the Germans really murdered more than 33,000 Jews on the outskirts of Kiev on 29-30 September 1941, the Soviet government would have learned of this atrocity within days and immediately denounced it in the strongest terms. As it happens, the first official mention of the “massacre” came at an impossibly late date. On 6 January 1942, Soviet foreign minister V. Molotov stated that “a large number” of Jews had been stripped naked, beaten (!) and shot in the Jewish cemetery of Kiev.

So much for “eyewitness testimony.” What about forensic remains? According to the official version of the Babi Yar story, the bodies of the victims were dug up and burned by the SS in September 1943, as the Red Army was approaching the Ukrainian capital, in order to destroy all evidence of the crime. If we are to believe the “witnesses,” this mass cremation action wrapped up just before the end of the month. Yet on September 26, the German Luftwaffe flew a reconnaissance mission over Kiev, taking aerial photographs of numerous parts of the city, including the district in which Babi Yar was located. In 1992, revisionist researcher John Ball obtained a copy of the Babi Yar photograph from U.S. archives, and published it. His commentary encapsulates what any objective observer can see from the photograph itself:

“1943 air photos of Babi Yar ravine and the adjacent Jewish cemetery in Kiev reveal that neither the soil nor the vegetation is disturbed, as would be expected if materials and fuel had been transported one week earlier to hundreds of workers who had dug up and burned tens of thousands of bodies in one month.”

However, it remains to be noted that the killing of 33,711 Jews near Kiev is indeed mentioned in one of the Einsatzgruppen reports. So either the report is a forgery, or it is formally authentic but historically inaccurate. In either case, the report casts doubts on the authenticity, or veracity, of the Einsatzgruppen reports as a whole.

Does this mean that no Jews were shot near Kiev in late September 1941? Indeed it does not. As soon as German troops had occupied the Ukrainian capital on September 19, 1941, tremendous explosions rocked the city, and on 25 September a major fire caused widespread damage. Before long, mines had destroyed almost all public buildings, and hundreds of German soldiers and Ukrainian civilians had perished. To this kind of terrorist activity the German military typically responded as occupying armies throughout history have responded to similar provocation: with reprisals.

If shown hard evidence that two or three thousand Jews were indeed shot towards the end of September 1941, I would not be overly surprised. Since the Germans would not have wanted to alienate the local ethnic Ukrainians (many of whom had welcomed them as liberators from the “Jewish”-Communist yoke), according to the grim logic of war the local Jews would have emerged as the natural target of such reprisals.

In any case, crucial questions remain unanswered. If a certain number of Jews were indeed killed, and if the killing itself was indeed carried out at one location in Babi Yar, why do the various “eyewitness” reports allege such wildly differing “ and absurd “ killing methods? On the other hand, if reprisals were carried out at another location (and in fact, Babi Yar is not mentioned at all in the respective Einsatzgruppen report), why did the Soviets not identify the place of execution correctly? After all, in the absence of external observers to check their assertions, they could have claimed as many victims as they wanted either way.

4.3. Babi Yar (Air Photo Evidence, John Ball)

It is said that after the city of Kyiv was occupied by German troops the Jews of this city were taken to Babi Yar, a ravine at the northwestern edge of the city, near the Jewish cemetery. According to eyewitness accounts, they were shot there, thrown into the ravine, and buried “ according to some witness statements, the ravine was also blasted and the bodies buried under the rubble.

In late summer of 1943, when the Front retreated again, the bodies were allegedly exhumed and cremated on gigantic funeral pyres or in pits. These activities allegedly ended on September 28, 1943, when the Kyiv area was already part of the main battle zone.

Illustration 3 shows the ravine of Babi Yar in an air photo taken by the Luftwaffe on September 26, 1943. The part of the ravine (near the Jewish cemetery) where the massacre allegedly took place is shown as enlargement in illustration 4. What we see is in fact a placid and peaceful valley. Neither the topography nor the vegetation has been disrupted by human intervention. There are no access roads for the transport of humans or fuel, no fuel depots, no excavations, no burning sites, and no smoke.

We may conclude with certainty that no part of the Babi Yar ravine was subjected to topographical changes of any magnitude during the war years right up to the Soviet reoccupation of the area. The vegetation in this valley was also not disturbed.[16] Hence, there can have been no mass graves in these locations, and the mass cremations attested to can also not have taken place at this time.

This photo was taken in the middle of the 4 week period when thousands of corpses were allegedly being exhumed and cremated each day in the ravine bottom. There is no evidence of trails from trucks, horses, or people in the ravine, and no evidence of mass exhumations or cremations.

What Happened at Babi Yar? Fact vs. Myth

“Little Evidence Supports Story of Nazi Atrocity”
William Lawrence’s famous doubting Thomas article about Babi Yar, which appeared in November 29, 1943 edition of The New York Times. Much worth noting is Lawrence’s assertion that: “No witness to the shooting appeared before the (Kiev Atrocity) commission or talked with the (Anglo-American-Soviet) correspondence.” Because 24 years later at the West German trial of SS men who partook in the September 1941 massacre of 33,771 Jews at Babi Yar, it was reported that the majority of 175 witnesses who appeared in court to testify, were there to recount what they claimed to have witnessed at Babi Yar!

Little Evidence Supports Story of Nazi Atrocity


David Ivring is a brilliant historian of World War II but since being persecuted by the establishment for questioning the fictional Holocaust narrative it is evident that David Irving has been compromised into making false claims. Claims which are easily refuted.

David Irving has made the statement that 2.4 million Jews were exterminated in the Reinhardt transit camps without evidence and his claim is even 900,000 MORE than official Jewish “Holocaust historian” Raul Hilberg claimed. There is no physical evidence to support the claim of mass murder in the Reinhardt transit camps. If 900,000 to 2.4 million were exterminated there would be mass graves with a huge amount of human remains. There are no mass graves because the killings never happened. If there weremass graves they would have been excavated and fully exploited by the Holocaust propaganda lobby decades ago. Irving’s claims were refuted by Jürgen Graf in his 2009 article David Irving and the “Aktion Reinhardt Camps”. Also at: http://juergen-graf.vho.org/articles/david-irving-and-the-aktion-reinhardt-camps.html

“Talking Frankly” about David Irving
A Critical Analysis of David Irving’s Statement on the Holocaust
By Hadding Scott
The following article is a critical analysis of some statements made by British historian David Irving in a “privately filmed interview” of April 2009 lasting over 2 hours, and entitled, “Talking Frankly.” Until early 2016, this interview was available only on DVD. It was posted on YouTube in March 2016.

After his testimony for Ernst Zündel in 1988, David Irving seemed to be an intellectual hero in full self-actualization. He said in a 1988 speech that he knew that he had “joined the ranks of the damned” and that the next five to ten years would be difficult, but that he would persevere. David Irving’s stand for Holocaust Revisionism seemed to be an expression of his long-evident character as the historian who intended to correct the omissions and distortions of victors’ history. Holocaust Revisionism seemed to be consistent with the essence of David Irving, the logical next stage in the evolution of the heroic historian.

But in retrospect, with greater knowledge, one can see that David Irving’s truth-advocacy was never entirely free of hesitation. While David Irving seemed to be an uncompromising truthteller, one can just barely discern the influence of calculated self-interest and the moistened finger in the breeze, even in his most outspokenly controversial period. The seed of retreat was always there.

Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? By Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/08-t.pdf
A review by Jürgen Graf: http://codoh.com/library/document/1652/

Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf and Thomas Kues in ˜The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt” ”An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the “Holocaust Controversies” Bloggers’
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/28-tecoar.pdf

Revisionist documentary producer Eric Hunt wrote a comprehensive response to the baseless and dishonest claims made by David Cole in his book “Republican Party Animal” regarding the Aktion Reinhardt camps. The below extract from Eric Hunt’s response totally demolishes the claim made by David Cole and David Irving.

Response to David Cole Regarding Treblinka
By Eric Hunt

A Revisionist sent me a link to David Cole’s written response defending his alleged belief that 900,000 Jews were “gassed”, buried, dug back up, cremated, and reburied and / or scattered at Treblinka 2. I was disparaged along with my documentary and I’d like to respond.

I thank him for taking the time and keeping an open mind while watching the documentary and responding to it. I wasn’t directly disparaged too roughly by Cole, so I’d like to keep it courteous between us, if he will allow it.

To support Cole’s view on Treblinka and “Action Reinhard Death Camps”, he relies on two general documents (the Korherr Report and the Höfle Telegram), two sinister but vague entries in the Goebbels Diary and statements by Himmler.  However, Cole denies the large amount of physical, photographic, and now, testimonial evidence which supports the idea that no mass gassing could have occurred at Treblinka 2 and it primarily served as a transit camp where Jewish wealth was seized before Jews were divided into appropriate groups and sent on to other locations.

Mass Graves

There would by necessity have to be huge remnants of mass graves at a site claimed to have murdered 10 times the capacity of the 90,000 seat Los Angeles Colliseum. Ground penetrating radar can detect such enormous ground disturbances as Cole and Treblinka believers claim must exist, yet Caroline Sturdy Colls’ GPR / LIDAR radar shows no such thing.

Caroline Colls’ Ground Penetrating Radar scan actually proves “deniers” right. In the “extermination camp” quadrant of the camp (in the lower right below) there simply are no markings signifying massive mass graves which could possibly have held 900,000 bodies. Other than some smaller “pock marks”, in fact the ground looks remarkably mostly UNdisturbed.

The archaeologists chose to dig in areas which showed ground disturbances. They found nothing but fossilized shark teeth. Shouldn’t they also be able to find 25 million 200,000 Jewish teeth buried at Treblinka?

This hard evidence proves Cole has misinterpreted documents and his “code words” mean nothing when we now have undeniable proof that there are no massive ground disturbances signifying massive mass graves for the 900,000 alleged gassed, buried, dug back up, and reburied at Treblinka 2.

To clarify, there are certainly mass graves at Treblinka, mostly for those who died on the way to Treblinka. But nowhere near 900,000 could possibly have been buried in this remarkably mostly undisturbed ground.

While Cole says this physical evidence (or lack of evidence pointing to massive mass graves) is worthless, this is in fact the most important evidence, not misinterpreted documents, with added code words or speculation. The evidence is still there!

The New York accented “Chief Rabbi of Poland” refuses the complete excavation and exhumation of Treblinka that would would definitively destroy “The Holocaust” myth forever or destroy “Holocaust Denial.”

The rabbi didn’t count on non-invasive LIDAR and GPR technology being able to see through the ground, exposing the Treblinka hoax.

Where did the Jews go?

Where did the Jews go after being transited through the General Government and Warthegua districts? Likely to one of the recently admitted whopping 42,500 camps and ghettos, not the 7,000 previously thought.


Because Korherr didn’t have or write any detailed information about the Jewish population of specific ghettos and concentration camps East of modern Lviv, Cole and the exterminationists claim this is proof the Jews were gassed at Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor. Really!

In addition this quote from Korherr shows the Nazis went out of their way to transport elderly Jews to Theresienstadt (not gas them) at the same time we’re told these “evacuated Jews” (code words!) were gassed.

“Between January 1 1943 and March 3 1943 113,015 Jews were evacuated from the Reich including Bohemia and Moravia, the new Eastern Territories and the district of Bialystok to the East and 8,025 Jews were moved to the Ghetto for the Aged in Theresienstadt.” “ The Korherr Report

Review of David Cole’s ˜Republican Party Animal’ by Chip Smith

No matter where the chips fall, I do think that Cole’s “exterminationist” interpretation of the Aktion Reinhardt system is superficially plausible and therefore useful. Whether it can withstand more intensive scrutiny is a different matter. Being a dilettante at best, I can only say it’s not how I would bet. Presumably for reasons of brevity, Cole neglects to directly address the copious revisionist literature in this area, so when he states that “revisionists have never produced an alternate explanation of the fate met by the Jews sent to camps like Treblinka and Sobibor, with empty trains returning” I am left to wonder whether he has read Samuel Crowell’s carefully documented treatment of the Aktion Reinhardt camps in the Nine-Banded Books edition of The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes. For what it’s worth, the relevant discussion is framed in the seldom-read fourth part of Crowell’s book, “The Holocaust in Retrospect,” where “ I’m trying to save everyone time here “ the most succinct statement of an “alternate explanation” (though Crowell would probably call it an “interpretation”) is advanced in the fifth section, “Aktion Reinhardt and the Legacy of Forced Labor,” beginning at page 339. Without wading too deep into the morass, Crowell offers a contextual reading of several key documents to support the revisionist position that “Aktion Reinhardt was about wealth seizure and SS control of Polish Jews, chiefly for labor purposes: It was not about mass murder.”

While Crowell’s analysis does not “ indeed cannot “ exclude the possibility that these sites were at some point devoted to the crudely mechanized destruction of human beings, including by mass gassing, I think he is persuasive in his interpretation of documents that render the scenario less likely than Cole asserts. For example, the authentic Franke-Gricksch inspection report (which wasn’t discovered until 2010 and is not mentioned by Cole) explicitly discusses the eastern program as a plunder operation, makes no reference to gassing, and includes population assessments that are plainly at odds with the numbers in the “final” Korherr report (which, it should be noted, has been disavowed by Korherr himself).

Crowell’s discussion of the top secret 1944 Globocnik report to Himmler along with its addendum also provides clear support for the interpretation that the AR system was primarily devoted to wealth seizure and includes an important note about “relocated persons” being given chits as a kind of bullshit assurance that “future compensation” would be rendered for their assets “some day in Brazil or in the Far East.” If the reference to “relocated persons” meant Jews “ and there is a strong contextual reason to assume so, given the geographic presumption in the wording “ then this addendum is difficult to reconcile with the notion that Jews were being systematically snuffed upon arrival at the camps.

David Cole, the Holocaust and Israel

I quote Cole’s own words about what he believes:  ˜For the record, I never denied the Holocaust. My position was that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, and the buildings displayed there as gas chambers are Soviet fakes. I never denied mass exterminations of Jews at camps like Treblinka and Sobibà³r.’

Cole is being typically disingenuous here, because he ˜denies’ that Auschwitz was used as a death camp. He claims Treblinka, Sobibor and (presumably) Belzec were ˜death camps’ and that he has ˜never denied this’. This is rank lunacy of the first order for the simple reason that the ˜evidence’ for these camps being part of a ˜mass extermination program’ targeted specifically at Jews (aka the ˜Holocaust’) is actually worse than the ˜evidence’ for Auschwitz, which Cole ˜denies’ was a ˜death camp’.

To be specific:

A) There is no physical evidence of such a homicidal purpose at the camps.

B) The ˜survivor’ testimony is even more insane and contradictory than the ˜survivor’ testimony at Auschwitz. I mean gassing people with the fumes of a captured Russian submarine’s diesel engine or killing them with electrical frying pans is hardly likely to be true in the first place let alone with the absence of other evidence (rather like the infamous ˜vacuum chambers’): is it?

C) The ˜survivors’ shouldn’t have survived a pure death camp according to the official narrative and simple applied logic.

D) The transit/logistics records directly contradict the whole claim (i.e. huge numbers of Jews can be shown to have transited through these ˜pure death camps’ came out alive and been sent on to work camps a few days later).

Cole has got to know this given that the numerous book length revisionist studies that have come out since he was around (and are freely available on the internet) that his position is frankly laughable, but hey it is all about being ˜respectable’ and reinventing his career.  After all if Cole was really interested in historical truth; he’d be speaking about why serious scholars, in the true sense of the term, of the ˜Holocaust’, such as Jurgen Graf, Thomas Kues and Carlo Mattogno, are wrong and he is right. But hey it is easier to go and bash out easy-reading copy for Takimag than dare debate those three scholars than a comedian with a PhD like Michael Shermer.


Are 2 Million People Really Buried In 74 Graves?

It is alleged in orthodox historiography that, during WW II “ hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of people were buried in numerous “huge mass graves” at the four very small, precisely known locations of “ Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor and Treblinka II. (Yad Vashem alleges that over two million people died at these four sites.) However, despite all the deceptive allegations / insinuations to the contrary, the simple truth is; the largest of the “ four “ extant so-called “huge mass graves” ever located / proven to exist at these four sites “ in which actual, verified human remains have literally / truly been physically unearthed / tangibly located by archaeologists / forensic investigators “ by means of bona fide, verifiably honest and conclusively documented archaeology / forensic science, contains the remains of “ only six bodies!


Lest you think there must be some truth to this “huge mass graves” canard

(That’s the psychology of the big-lie technique at work)

The National Association of Forensic Historians TM presents


For proving  “  just  1 / 1,000  of  1%  “  of the fraudulently alleged buried remains claims

The Daily Mirror reported on May 15th 1945 that 7 million were killed by the Germans at Treblinka according Moscow radio.
Also reported in the Derby Evening Telegraph

Dees - Treblinka

Continued here: https://johndenugent.com/holocaust-deprogramming-course-8/