Honoring Faurisson and all French bravery for our race

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…..The hero against the Illuminati Jacobins

On 28 January 1794, twenty-one year old Henri du Vergier, Count of La Rochejaquelein, died for the cause he embraced. He was one of the leaders of the Royal and Catholic Army that opposed the jew-financed, Masonic-led French Revolution and hoped to restore the monarchy in France.

A great saying by the monarchist Maurras, but the truth is that on a spiritually completely insane planet, all forms of government degenerate within one or two generations, whether monarchy or democracy. Mankind has to change, and only then will the government not consist of psychopathic wolves devouring cowardly and docile sheep.

Under his command, royalist fighters of the Vendée region managed to show serious resistance against revolutionary troops outnumbering them.

In a famous speech to his troops, he told them: “Let’s find the enemy: when I move forward, follow me ; if I retreat, kill me ; and if I die, avenge me!” Some churches’ stained glass in France acknowledge him and his fellow fighters.


I am still thinking, six years after he passed on, about the late, great, legendary Holocaust revisionist, Professor Robert Faurisson of France, who also was from Scotland via his mother, and was both a French and a UK citizen….

And I dedicate this blog to one of his equally heroic countrymen.

Remember that the ancient Romans gave up all hopes of conquest with just two peoples, t1) he Germans and 2) the Scots! Instead, they built walls, such as Hadrian’s Wall and the limites in Germany, to try in vain to keep them out! 😉

The professor died at age 89 on October 21, 2018, right after this public appearance in England, which Antifa terrorism turned into a violent attack.

He was buried on October 26, 2018 — and the psychopathic, frustrated, hate-soaked Jews, mindful of his victories over them, then went and threw away all the flowers placed on his tomb!




In sum, all physical “evidence” for the claimed Jewish Holocaust has been totally disproved.

Only 1) the verbal lies of Jewish “survivors”

Herman Rosenblat and his equally lying wife

and 2) the inadmissible “testimony” given under duress by Germans tortured or terrified by Jews still prop it up.

US Army colonel Harry Thon of the infamous “Ritchie Boys” kicked in the testicles of SS men.

German Jews in US Army — the “Ritchie Boys” — “interrogated” German soldiers; testicle crushing at Nuremberg

I spoke briefly with Professor Faurisson twice in 1989. Once was at the Institute for Historical Review conference in California, just two weeks before the savage, horrific physical attack which he suffered at the hands of a gang of bullying Jew terrorists in a park in Vichy, which left him with a lifetime of severe facial pain!!!

And I also saw him and exchanged pleasantries in the office in Washington DC of the IHR’s co-founder, Willis Carto.


And I had email correspondence too with this saint and hero of the truth in 2015, over two matters.

I had paid for and sent to him at his request (see below) via Amazon.com a great book from the year 1994 on the case of a lying, fake Holocaust victim, the jew Mel Mermelstein, written by the American author (and my friend) Michael Collins Piper (also the son of a WWII US Marine father, as in my case).


From: Jean Norton <celine.norton[]@[]>
To: “john_denugent@yahoo.com” 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June 2015, 9:16:06 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Fwd: FW: Mike Piper has died
Dear John,
I hope you are well.
Would you be so kind as to send me Piper’s work The Mermelstein Affair and the Triumph of Historical revisionism ? If it is actually a book, please send me a copy for which I shall reimburse you.
My address is: [street address], F-03200  VICHY (France).
Thank you so much.
Best wishes,    
Robert Faurisson


But it was seized or blocked by the French authorities — to the great disgust of the professor.



The pdf of this great book:


I will get to the second matter at the end of this article.

As to Robert Faurisson personally, he was one of those rare men with a powerful, positive aura that made you feel good around him.

He radiated a palpable energy: it consisted of wit, humor, courage, vitality, and a burning, serious passion for accuracy and truth, which he called exactitude.

Faurisson was also a good-looking man, on the short side but with a highly erect bearing, that of a real soldier in fact — as I can say as a former non-commissioned officer of the US Marines. He possessed what my father, a veteran of the legendary battle of Iwo Jima, called “command presence” — and that means that when a man like that walks into a room, all eyes turn to him. A man like that a soldier  WANTS to obey, defend, and follow forward.

Faurisson spoke the truth about how NS Germany did NOT genocide the European Jews — and this indirectly exposed the wicked slime who still defame it today, and thereby all whites who live everywhere. This means even the Americans and Britons who fought Germany, as being supposedly guilty of “not having stopped Hitler in time.”

Though Americans and Brits died like flies to defeat Hitler, they still are guilty of “not preventing the rise of Hitler.” And “an antisemitic America only joined the war against the Nazis after Pearl Harbor, when the Japanese forced us into it”….

I may write a short story some day that proceeds from the Faurissonian diagnosis, which says that the Jewish “Holocaust” is becoming gradually a secular religion: one of sin, confession, repentance, atonement, saints, and heroic martyrs.

In this story I may write, we will see re-education camps for white nationalist Americans, and, just as in the Red Chinese brainwashing camps for Americans captured during the Korean War, a big part of not being punished severely will be to publicly confess your “sins” and “crimes.”

To avoid beatings and isolation, each American in this camp has to confess that “we Gentiles” have wickedly persecuted the poor, noble Jews for thousands of years, and merely shrugged our shoulders when Satan incarnated as Adolf Hitler and began to genocide them.

“Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.”

For inside this camp, the pseudo-Holocaust is used to “prove” that Gentiles must no longer rule their own affairs, because our Freudian “id” makes us obey an innate Gentile urge to slaughter the poor jews — to mass-murder our innocent, philanthropic, erudite benefactors, the Chosen of God.

What monstrous goy ingratitude, since these jews have invented all civilization and all morality — and won 100 Nobel Prizes! — yes, we killed the humble, unselfish, loving, light-bringing Jews……

As my late wife Margaret Huffstickler said, we must hammer home to the masses not so much the “hoax” aspect but instead how the NS Holocaust of European jewry is a MASSIVE, LUCRATIVE CRIMINAL FRAUD — no different from the fraud which Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman-Fried committed.



It is not a mere historical debate about who did what and how much, eight decades ago.

But there is actually only one fraud that is even greater and more dangerous: the myth implanted via the Judeo-Christianity of “Saint” Paul that the Jews were chosen by the divine creator of the universe, Almighty God, to rule this planet.

And all Abraham, ancestor of the jews, had to do to ensure this was to agree to Yahweh’s demand that he slit his own son’s throat.

It is the acceptance of this dangerous foundational lie of Judeo-Christianity that God chose the Jews to be His people and rule the world that makes humanity care so much about the supposed genocide of the Jews — when so many peoples have suffered real genocides throughout history.


Not long ago, in 2015 in Holland, mass graves were found of a total genocide carried out by the Romans under Julius Caesar.

150,000 Germanic men, women and children from east of the Rhine River, in what is now Germany, were annihilated by eight Roman legions in a surprise attack — two entire peoples: the “Usipetes” and the “Tencteri,” after they had asked Caesar for mercy and asylum!



Found, where Caesar decimated the Dutch: Archaeologists pinpoint site of battle that left 150,000 dead

  •  Tribes were massacred in the fighting with the Roman general in 55 BC
  • Skeletons, spearheads, swords and a helmet unearthed at the site
  • Carbon dating proved the items dated to the 1st century
  • Caesar wrote about the battle in his account of the Gallic wars – but the exact location of the battle has been unknown until now 


But no Dutchman or German today is demanding that the modern Italian people pay reparations for a mssacre back then, or beat their breasts in anguish, and wear sackcloth and ashes.

It is not in the Aryan nature to whine, to manipulate and to enrich oneself by inducing a paralyzing guilt trip in others, not even over a very real and very proven holocaust, with the mass graves of these proto-Dutch/Germans actually found, and in them mountains of shattered skulls of men, women and children.


I salute Robert Faurisson (and, after him, Ernst Zündel and Germar Rudolf) as true giants of humanity.


Zündel (was arrested by the Americans, and suffered seven years in American, Canadian and German prisons)

Rudolf (lost his career, was also arrested by the Americans, and suffered two and a half years in a German prison)


If the white race survives, and it will, it will be in large measure due to their exposing the massive criminal fraud of a fake Jewish “Holocaust,” which has been perpetrated since 1942 by the overt enemy of the white race, Talmudic Jewry.

As persecuted and prosecuted Holocaust revisionist Georges Theil wrote recently:

FR Figurez-vous qu’il n’y a pas d’Europe possible sans victoire du révisionnisme ; comme le Professeur me le confia un jour :

[EN You must understand that the existence of Europe will become impossible unless revisionism prevails, as the Professor told me one day.]

FR “Vous ne vous imaginez même pas encore le nombre de problèmes géopolitiques et psychologiques que résoudra facilement la victoire du révisionnisme”.

[EN “You cannot even imagine the number of geopolitical and psychological problems that will be easily solved by the victory of revisionism.”]


As Jesus, also denounced as an antisemite, memorably said, “the truth will set you free.”

The truth, yes, can set us free, but only via

1) the Faurissonian diligence to PROVE it —

and then

2) the Faurissonian courage to SAY IT!

Hamlet, Act 1, scene 2:


I saw [your father] once. He was a goodly king.

He was a man. Take him for all in all. I shall not look upon his like again.


Antisemite Mel Gibson in producer Franco Zeffirelli’s superb 1991 “Hamlet” 

I am well-known for believing in life after death and in reincarnation, based in both cases on researching the scientific facts.

I have a science degree from Georgetown University, a top college,

I graduated in the top ten percent and with high honors there.



image description

And so I look forward to seeing this “great soul,” this mahatma, our dear Robert, once again.

How many, many men lead wasted lives….and no one misses them for more than a week, if that.

They pass through their mediocre life, committing no great crimes and doing no great deeds, and never excel at anything except maybe at self-loathing, self-pity, depression and shame over the fact that they never did anything heroic and befitting a real man.

But some choose to inspire the world; they live life to the shining end as a hero.




In an email Professor Faurisson sent to me in 2015 he confirmed a quotation from him which I used in a 2011 video:



Jean Norton <celine.norton[]@[]>
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
9 Jun 2015 at 5:10 AM
Cher ami, [Dear friend]
Je suis submergé de travail à cause, en particulier, de deux procès à venir. Aussi n’ai-je pu encore écouter l’intégralité de votre vidéo. Je me suis donc simplement reporté au passage que vous avez eu l’obligeance de m’indiquer.
[I am overwhelmed by work because, in particular, of two upcoming [political] trials [which I face in Paris].
So I have not been able to listen to your entire video yet. So I simply refer now to the passage [quoting my words] of which you were kind enough to inform me.]
Ce que vous me faites dire est exact. [What you have me saying is correct.]
Voici l’affaire. Un jour, une personne m’a félicité de mon travail tout en ajoutant : “Mais le premier devoir d’un homme n’est-il pas de protéger sa femme et ses enfants ?”
[Here is the story. One day, someone congratulated me on my work while adding [in view of the many persecutions, prosecutions and serious physical attacks I have suffered], “But is it not a man’s primary duty to protect his wife and children?”]
Je lui ai répondu : “Peut-être est-ce son premier devoir mais peut-être n’est-ce que son second devoir. Peut-être le premier devoir d’un homme est-il d’être un homme.
[I replied, “Perhaps this is his primary duty, or perhaps only his secondary duty. Perhaps the primary duty of a man is to be a man.“]
Merci. Bien à vous.   [Thank you, and best regards.] 
Robert Faurisson


“A Man”– a documentary film in France allowing Faurisson to fully say his peace



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