Make no mistake, treasonous Theresa May has betrayed the 17 million native Britons who voted for “Brexit”

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“Theresa May betrayed our democracy, spitting on the graves of the men who sacrificed their lives for our national sovereignty. She has sold out all Britons with her decision to kowtow to our oppressors in Brussels.”

This is something Liberty Defenders, Jack Sen, told me when we spoke on SKYPE this afternoon.

Yes, Theresa May, any way one looks at it, is a traitor.

But why would she be anything else, seeing as she is driven by nothing other than greed and self.

Like so many of her brethren (Macon, Vradkhar etc) she has no children and as such, has no stake in the future of this country. She is evil in appearance, motives and spirit and undoubtedly one of the greatest traitors this country has ever seen.

Curvy-nosed May yucks it up with the communist, black-racist South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa, who has announced that his government will seize all white-owned land without any compensation and also take away the whites’ guns.
No problem for the witch May that one million of the four million terrified Whites in South Africa who are now suffering under black rule — and massive rape and murder — are white people of proud British stock and language!


British Prime Minister Theresa May will go down in history as the Judas Iscariot of her people. She has stabbed 17.4 million voters for Brexit in the back by cobbling together a deal that makes Britain a vassal state of the EU and is a triumph for multiculturalism and mass immigration, with no real real control over the country’s borders.

REUTERS/Phil Noble

An anonymous correspondent writes to me: “This devious little snake-in-the grass should be put on trial for treason! And if found guilty, she should be executed by firing squad, along with that other great betrayer of her people, German Chancellor Angela Merkel.”

An unhelpful comment no doubt, given that we no longer have capital punishment in Britain. The sentiment is nevertheless understandable. The visceral loathing many people feel in Britain for this cheating liar, masquerading as a good churchgoing Christian—a Vicar’s daughter—probably stems from her arrogant hypocrisy.

Speaking at Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons, one of her own Tory MPs, eurosceptic Peter Bone, scolded Mrs May with these harsh words: “If the media reports about the EU agreement are in any way accurate, you will not be delivering the Brexit people voted for and today you will lose the support of many Conservative MPs and millions of voters.”

A vote of ‘No Confidence’ in the Prime Minister is expected any day now.

For this to succeed, resulting in the forcible removal of the Prime Minister from power, at least 48 of her Tory MPs must send in letters of No Confidence to Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee which policies the Tory leadership rules. It is widely known that more than 48 Tory MPs are more than willing to defenestrate the Prime Minister but have been advised to exercise restraint in the interests of party unity and to give Mrs May a last chance. The PM’s latest antics, however, have make them lose all patience with her now. They are hopping mad with her, sensing her treacherous duplicity. It’s now only a matter of time before they turn and tear her apart.

A senior source of the European Research Group (ERG), an 80-strong group of eurosceptics led by distinguished Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, was particularly scathing about the Prime Minister’s appalling record in government. He said: “There is no point carrying this Prime Minister any more. She f***ed up the election and she has sold out the country on Brexit.” (The Daily Mail, 15 November, p. 6)


Brexit Betrayal : Enemy of the People Theresa May Stabs 17.4 Million British Voters in the Back



  1. That pretty much says it all, she is a liar and a traitor to Britain and the British people.

    I’m disgusted with this deceitful woman, and what really breaks my heart is the disrespect her actions are showing to the men and women of two world wars, who gave up their lives to keep Britain free from tyranny. She is now colluding with the very country that waged those wars against the whole of the european continent and that country is Germany.

    She should hang her traitorous head in shame and she has no right to call herself British. She must really hate Britain to do what she’s doing.

    • Thanks for your comment.

      As for Germany, we know that the British (and the US media) lie all the time.

      But suppose the lies did not begin only in the postwar period after 1945?

      We know that once the British people had played a key role at great sacrifice in destroying Hitler Germany, the British ruling class and the media they run began flooding Britain from the late 1940s on with Third Worlders (Jamaicans, then Pakistanis, then many others), which was against the secret wishes of all Britons.

      Then came the vilification of Enoch Powell after his so-called “Rivers of Blood” speech (where he never even said those words!!!), ending his career as a top Conservative.

      Then came the destruction of white, British Rhodesia, which is now a total chaos.

      More recently, we saw PM Tony Blair’s campaign of lies (at the craven behest of George W. Bush) about Saddam’s non-existent “weapons of mass destruction” — and the fake suicide which was certainly murder of Dr. David Kelly.

      Nothing is more obvious to me than that MI5 murdered the brave Dr David Kelly as punishment for stating the truth (as did the French foreign minister Dominique de Villepin at the UN, and also US Marine Corps major Scott Ritter, a top UN weapons inspector in Iraq) that there was zero evidence that Saddam had WMDs.

      But let us suppose the British media was lying much earlier on, too?

      And then imagine that Germany perhaps had no hostility toward Britain at all in WWI (where the kaiser and the king themselves were first cousins, both having Queen Victoria as their grandmother) and the same in WWII…

      Suppose the Germans actually viewed the English as their blood cousins, actually admired England, and did the famous 1914 Christmas Truce out of genuine regret that war had broken out?

      …… when the madness stopped




      “We had a very decent Christmas Day in the trenches. We had Christmas puddings sent up to us and a few of the boys and myself managed to hot them up, and with some sausage and potatoes and brussels sprouts, which we succeeded in foraging from a farm, we had a very good dinner.

      On Christmas Eve we were surprised to see Christmas trees alight on the tops of the enemy’s trenches.

      Some of the Germans (139th Saxon Regiment) shouted to our fellows to come over and have a drink and a smoke. They turned the searchlight on, and some of our boys went out and met them half-way.

      The first German who came along threw his arms around one of our chap’s neck and kissed him!

      Next they offered us cigars. On Christmas Day we were out of the trenches along with the Germans, some of whom had a song and dance, while two of our platoons had a game of football.

      It was surprising to see the German soldiers “ some appeared old, others were boys, and others wore glasses.

      But they ˜played the game’ for all that, and some of them even went as far as to state they would not shoot so long as our regiment was on that particular set of trenches. A number of our fellows have got addresses from the Germans and are going to try and meet one another after the war.” – Pvt. Farnden, of the Rifle Brigade, writing to his parents at Leyton.

      Kaiser Wilhelm II


      And suppose that the same media bunch that lied to us about how wonderful “diversity” was, and how evil Enoch Powell was, and how evil the British Rhodesians were for opposing a black takeover, and assured us that Saddam had “nukes,” and that Dr David Kelly killed himself — imagine that these same newspapers were lying way back in 1914 and in 1939, too??

  2. Get her Out! She has cheated us, the British people, long enough.

    It’s lies all the way.

    We trusted her to do as was voted for, and now she ignores our wishes for her ego.

  3. Hitler never wanted war with the UK. He was trying to stamp out communism on mainland Europe. There is evidence to say that Churchill was approached several times through official channels but refused to consider peace with Germany. Hitler even stopped the German Army advancing in France when our forces were stranded at Dunkirk.

    Mr Churchill was a warmonger, a racist who was strongly against giving India independence, and he planned to infect Germany with anthrax towards the end of the war.

    As Hitler himself said: No-one will ever ask the victor if he told the truth.

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