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See below, 1/3rd down, after my Leo Frank commemoration and info on the film “Frozen”

…..35,000 views on all platforms, my video commemorating 101 years of Leo Frank’s hanging, August 17, 1915 outside Atlanta, Georgia











Even murderers loathed him for raping and killing a 13-yar-old child, who worked 55 hours a week for peanuts in his sweatshop



Three juries unanimously found him guilty, and the Georgia State Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court confirmed his guilt. All three Jews on the grand jury voted to indict him; that is how clear his guilt was until the vile proto-ADL jumped in and repainted it as a case of “bigotry,”



The jewspapers nationwide went ballistic over antisemitism.



Oy veh! Anothuh nice jewish boy is poisecuted!


In his Little Lord Fauntleroy suit with beady rat-eyes


Oy, our Leo (top-center) was just swimming at the beach here in Brooklyn last week!


Leo did some light sweeping in coat and tie in prison for show when visitors arrived, while usually writing letters all day at his special desk in the prison, whining about persecution and bigotry, and, despite many rejected appeals, continuing to try to frame and hang two innocent blacks in his place, watchman Newt Lee and janitor/doorman Jim Conley.



Well, he forget about the white men of Georgia and publisher Tom Watson!






White men hanged white cattle rustlers….

Original caption: "Cattle Kate" and Postmaster Averill, lynched. Stockmen a Sweetwater, Wyo., July 21, end the career of a lawless pair of depredators - swung from a cottonwood at the rope's end. Undated illustration. --- Image by © AS400 DB/Corbis

…..they cured white pedophiles, permanent-like….


…..they strung up black rapists….


….AND they came even for an Ivy League Jew boy, Leo Max Frank, despite all his rich New York friends and the screeching newspapers.


Git that rope, son!


Hang him high!




Sheriff Swanson of Cobb County


Former governor Joseph Brown


Mary Phagan, 13


Four-foot-eleven and eyes of blue, a perfect Christian girl who had never dated any boy


How the girl with the unique, blond-auburn hair might have looked had she ever reached 20 and met a nice man.


Her sister, mother, very loving stepfather John Coleman, her brother in the US Navy, and her aunt





Her mother Frances never stopped grieving until the day she died.


……JdN interviewed on the Frank case by Dr. Jim Fetzer





…..”It Never Ends” Department

Jewish judge Stephen Schuster, Chief Judge of the Cobb County, Georgia Superior Court (in this county near Atlanta, Mary Phagan was raised on a farm, was buried here after her murder, and Leo Frank was appropriately brought here as well to be lynched), orates on poor Leo at the Georgia Historical Society; he is a regular oy-veher at Rabbi Lebow’s events



Huge display at teh Historical Society on the poor victim (Frank, of course, not that stubborn shiksa Phagan, of course ,who would not give it up to our horny little Leo ; the colorized photo lower-right of Mary is ripped off from our own WN www.leofrank.org)




At Mt Carmel Cemetery in Jew York City, where the embalmed carcass of the pedophile gets annual pilgrimages – now the jews are against injustice (like trying to get a pedophile rapist off with libel and bribes?) leo-frank-adl-glorifying-gravestone-mt-carmel-cemetery


The Leo Frank lynching historical marker in Marietta, like the monument at Mount Carmel Cemetery up in NYC, falsely accuses Georgians of running Frank’s trial with rampant anti-Semitism.


The Jews, like their antifa and SJW minions, keyboard endlessly terms like racism and anti-Semitism inot articles and documentaries to turn their murderers into martyrs and our heroes into villains.


In 1945
The most evil tyrant who ever lived (my 2011 video)


Can we have justice in our society when Jewish Chief Judges of a Superior Court like Schuster can defend an eight-times-condemned pedophile sex killer like Leo Frank?

Three juries — (coroner, grand and petty) — AND the Georgia Supreme Court, AND the US Court of Appeals, AND the US Supreme Court (IN FACT, TWICE) said he was guilty!

This is incredible. Look at all the events below which the Jews had for Leo Frank, the toilet strangler…. http://buzz.blog.ajc.com/2015/08/14/leo-frank-commemorative-events-start-in-marietta/

Frank’s lynching centennial was celebrated with multiple events, while Mary Phagan’s murder was barely a blip on the radar.
Just a shiksa, in Hebrew “a piece of meat,” who refused to accept her goy place under the master race. As in Islam, the infidel female must submit to sexually servicing her pious master.


…..”Leo Frank commemorative events start in Marietta”

Comments 5

A standing-room-only crowd packed the Earl Smith Strand Theatre on the Marietta Square Thursday night to hear author Steve Oney and historian Stan Deaton discuss one of the darkest moments in Georgia history: the lynching of Leo Frank.

“One hundred years ago, a stone’s throw from where we are gathered, the best men of Marietta were putting the final touches on a bold and damnable plot,” said Oney, author of “And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank.”

“These men came from Marietta’s finest families,” Oney continued. “Their ghosts are here tonight. Also here is Mary Phagan, the 13-year-old child laborer whose murder Marietta sought to avenge.”

MORE COVERAGE: Events explore resonance of Leo Frank case

leo-frank-collage-sf-headlineThese newspaper pages and photos of Leo Frank and Mary Phagan are on display at the Southern Museum of Civil War & Locomotive History in Kennesaw. A new exhibit, “Seeking Justice: The Leo Frank Case Revisited,” starts Monday, the 100th anniversary of Frank’s death. AJC [American Jewish Committee] photo: BOB ANDRES / BANDRES@AJC.COM

“Marietta, not surprisingly, has had a difficult relationship with Leo Frank but Leo Frank will forever be a resident of Marietta,” Oney [sell-out weasel historian married to a Jewess] said. “His ghost is here, too.”

Frank, who was Jewish, was the superintendent of the factory where Mary worked and where her body was discovered. Convicted on circumstantial evidence [wrong] following a shoddy investigation [wrong], amid a sea of anti-Semitic rhetoric [wrong!], Frank was sentenced to die. Gov. John Slaton commuted his sentence after thoroughly reviewing the case, so enraging some Georgians that the governor was hanged in effigy and had to declare martial law for a time.

A cabal of prominent Marietta residents broke into the prison and lynched Frank near the site of where the “Big Chicken” stands today. No one was ever charged.



mary-phagan-marker-marietta-cemeteryMary Phagan is buried in the Marietta City Cemetery, not far from the Marietta Square. Photo: Jennifer Brett

[JdN: The final sentence on this marker is highly misleading. Frank got an illegal (posthumous) “pardon” in 1986 that did not state he was innocent, only that he should not have been lynched. But the man had already exhausted every single appeal possible, including twice the US Supreme Court. What legal steps at that point — two years after he should have hung — was the man still being denied? How was justice miscarried when the vigiliantes carried out his legal death sentence after the governor, clearly bribed, had insolently pardoned his own law firm’s client, Leo Frank?]

Leo Frank was lynched at Frey's Gin, about two miles east of the Marietta Square. The site is not far from the "Big Chicken." A historical plaque marking the site has been taken down temporarily due to DOT work but will be returned to the site afterward. Photo: Jennifer Brett, jbrett@ajc.com

Leo Frank was lynched at Frey’s Gin, about two miles east of the Marietta Square. The site is not far from the “Big Chicken.” A historical plaque marking the site has been taken down temporarily due to DOT work but will be returned to the site afterward. Photo: Jennifer Brett, jbrett@ajc.com

Thursday’s discussion, hosted by the Georgia Historical Society in partnership with the Cobb Landmarks and Historical Society and the Marietta Museum of History, kicked of a series of commemorative events to mark the grim centennial.

“Seeking Justice: The Leo Frank Case Revisited,” an exhibition of original artifacts and photography on display Aug. 17-Nov. 29 at the Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History, in partnership with the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum and the Museum of History and Holocaust Education. The Southern Museum’s hours are 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $7.50 for adults, $6.50 for seniors 60 and older, $5.50 for children 4-12 and free for children 3 and younger. 2829 Cherokee St. N.W., Kennesaw. 770-427-2117, southernmuseum.org.

Centennial Remembrance. The Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History, in partnership with the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum, the Museum of History and Holocaust Education, the Radow Lecture Series in the KSU College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Congregation Ner Tamid, hosts a commemorative event at 2 p.m. Aug. 17 at Congregation Ner Tamid, 1349 Old 41 Highway N.W., Suite 220, Marietta. Scheduled speakers include Rabbi Tom Liebschutz, former Georgia Gov. Roy Barnes, Kristine Goldstein and Dr. Catherine Lewis. The event is free but space is limited; please RSVP to the Museum of History and Holocaust Education at mhhe@kennesaw.edu or 470-578-4699.

Remembering Leo Frank. Oakland Cemetery will host two tours on Aug. 16: “Fear & Accusation: The Leo Frank Story” at 5 p.m. followed by “The Jewish Grounds of Oakland” at 6:30 p.m. Admission: adults, $20 for both tours, $12 for individual tour; students and seniors 65 and up (with valid ID), $10 for both tours, $6 for individual tour. Free for Historic Oakland Foundation Members. 248 Oakland Ave. S.E., Atlanta. oaklandcemetery.com.

Leo Frank Memorial Service. 2 p.m. Sunday at Temple Kol Emeth, 1415 Old Canton Road, Marietta.

Commemorative program and tree planting. 2 p.m. Sunday at Congregation Etz Chaim, 1190 Indian Hills Parkway Marietta.

“An Evening With History: From the Dark Side ” The Leo Frank Case.” Historian and former Marietta City Councilman Van Pearlberg presents a lecture about the Frank case on Aug. 18 at the Marietta Museum of History. Reception at 6:15 p.m., lecture at 7 p.m. Admission is $10 for members and $20 for nonmembers. Memberships will be available for purchase the night of the event. 1 Depot St., No. 200, Marietta (on the Marietta Square). 770-794-5710, mariettahistory.org.

“Leo Frank: 100 Years in the Media.” 7 p.m. Sept. 21 at the Museum of History and Holocaust Education in the Kennesaw State University Center, 3333 Busbee Drive N.W., Kennesaw. Free. 470-578-2083, historymuseum.kennesaw.edu.


In Sunday’s AJC, reporter Christian Boone takes a comprehensive look at the Leo Frank case. Check myajc.com this weekend for a multimedia presentation.

Read AJC editor Kevin Riley’s July column about the parallels between the Leo Frank case and more contemporary political events at myajc.com. 

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