Horowitz: FBI did nothing wrong; now, if Trump were REALLY bad-ass…

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Nobody at FBI did nuthin’ wrong, sez Inspector General HOROWITZ-STEIN-BERG-BARR.
Trump, when, o WHEN, you big, dumb, blond “galut,” will you stop kissing — totally in vain — the Khazars’ radically ungrateful tush?
I said back in March 2017, after his Syrian cruise-missile strike, done under Deep-State duress, that the only way to defeat the Deep State was for Trump to desperately find a way, some way, any way, even a false flag, to declare martial law, then rule legally as a presidential dictator — and then purge this country from top to bottom, with fire and sword, of its genocidal, treasonous, psychopathic, Khazarian pluto-pedophilo-cracy, the existence of which the Epstein case has more than proven.
But it seems Trump lacks the support to pull off a successful presidential coup.
So he continues to spend 80% of his time on the ropes, fending off blows, instead of 1) building The Wall, which would save both Caucasians and his Republican political party, 2) getting us out of both NATO and the Mideast, and 3) making peace with an outraged Russia, now drifting against its will into an ominous Chinese orbit.

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