Horrors of the Mongol and Turkish slave trade with blond Northern Europeans

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Tatars in the Crimea (Mongol) were vicious slavers, selling Whites to Turks for centuries.

Here, one makes off with a blond female captive.

The Crimea was a place of intense misery, with up to 30,000 slaves —  blond Finns and Slavs.

They were captured by the hundreds, and most of the men, women and children they took were actually required to walk into slavery. It was because they had to be able to walk, and fast, that the slant-eyed slavers icily killed most of the very young and old white prisoners, leaving small blond children behind to freeze and starve to death.



Or they let their boys hunt and kill the old and young for practice.

One of the key reasons Russia and Ukraine stayed poor and backward was that its best people were being raided, abducted and enslaved, and the most beautiful women were led off and bred in Turkey by Turks.

Also Russia (called then “Muscovy”) and Ukraine had to pay enormous ransoms to get some of their slaves back, their loved ones….

Or these kingdoms spent huge resources on setting up big militaries, walls and fortreses to try to stop Mongol-Tatar slaver expeditions.

The steppes — vast flatlands — offered, unfortunately, no serious natural barriers to invasion  — unattended rivers can be forded or crossed on barges —  and the grass on them would feed Tatar horses forever.

So while Western Europeans were having their Middle Ages and their Renaissance, building beautiful cathedrals and big cities….


….Ukraine and Russia were spending resources to protect Europe from the Mongol East, giving ransom money constantly to the mongolic Tatars, or fighting them bravely — at great cost —  and always, just trying to keep warm for six months of winter and snow by chopping wood and burning it.


(I am seeing, by living in Ontonagon on Lake Superior, Michigan, what a six-month winter is like. Today we have natural gas, so you can just turn up the thermostat and pay the bill — but not back then! View from my back deck.)

LESSON: If you are weak and good, someone strong and bad will notice, come, and take your best women, and work your men to deathsimple as that.

Russian model and conseservative Maria Katanasova 

with French nationalist Jean-Marie Le Pen, whom I met and translated for in 1985 in Washington DC

I had encounters with Turks in 1996, and most of them were blond. I was shocked, but this article below explains why.

Also, shame on the Christians — Catholic and Orthodox – … and some Italian Genoese and Venetians…. ….who were just fine with selling their fellow Whites to swarthy Turks just for being pagans!


You can see from all of this that unenlightened humans are a nightmare to each other.

This is sickening. This has to end.

We learn from history that the masses of unenlightened men never learn from history!
….savage attack on white child


1 Comment

  1. I wasn’t aware that the Tatars went all the way up to Finland; I thought that their raids were limited to the steppe parts of southern Russia and Ukraine!

    There is a Russian movie based on a 16th-century Russian legend about a 13th-century battle between the Russians and the Mongols. Here are the trailers and the movie with English translation, in case you find it interesting! 🙂


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