Horst Mahler, having fled Occupied Germany, was just arrested by Hungary

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A giant of a man….. the most hated NS dissident in Germany today. Hungary just denied his request for political asylum and arrested him at the request of the Merkel regime. http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Horst_Mahler

do you think it’s a case in which Hungary really had no power to not detain him?

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Most of all, Hungary is a small, landlocked county of just ten million that would collapse if hit with full economic sanctions.

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent But technically Hungary MUST arrest and extradite him under EU law, since EU member Germany has requested he be taken into custody and extradited back to Germany to serve another three years imprisonment.
Viktor Orban clearly is afraid of World Jewry, which already hates him for the border wall he has erected against the muslim rapefugees.

· Reply · 4 mins · Edited


John de Nugent
John de Nugent He is 81, sick with diabetes, and his right foot was already amputated. He was released a few years back on medical grounds after serving two-thirds of a TWELVE-YEAR sentence.

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent I met and interviewed Horst in Mannheim Germany in 2006 at the Ernst Zündel trial — a hero, brilliant philosopher and fine lawyer (since disbarred by the Zionists).

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· 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent He and I recently discussed my translating into English his “Satanic Verses” — his compendium and analysis of the most revealing anti-Gentile quotes in the Old Testament, Talmud and Shulchan Aruch.

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· 2 hrs


I have tried reading parts of the Talmud, you really have to get used to Jew-speak to make any sense out of it. I’ll be looking forward to the Satanic Verses book

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent I need donations to do it. It is very powerful and shows the Old Testament is just the pre-Talmud. The anti-gentile hatred starts in the “Holy Bible.”

· Reply · 2 mins · Edited


John de Nugent
John de Nugent I asked Horst why he was a marxist in the 1960s and 1970s, and about the cop who was shot and killed (for which he did ten years).

· Reply · 1 hr


Hille Wand
Hille Wand you’re talking about Ohnesorg or Dutschke?

· Reply · 1 hr


John de Nugent
John de Nugent No, the bank robbery.

· Reply · 2 mins


John de Nugent
John de Nugent He expressed sincere regret for the death of the police officer, and said the cop was a soldier as he was — and every man must be willing to give his life.

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· 1 hr


John de Nugent
John de Nugent He also said; “John, in the 1960s and 1970s there was no Islamic threat or massive muslim migrant invasion, not like today. The country was 99% white. The problem in West Germany was Wall Street, American high finance, crushing our soul. As for the [WN and NS] NPD party., it was dead in the water, and probably set up by the regime from the start. So I used marxism as a vehicle to fight the main enemy, the Wall Street banksters.”.


  1. The arrest of Horst Mahler demonstrates that would-be-hero Orban has capitulated vs. Merkels request to deliver her the real Hero. The next surrender is the maintaining of the Soros-university in Budapest which Orban promised to close. The ultimate capitulation will most probably be the re-opening of the borders for the pseudo-refugees. End of another dream.

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