How a British general with guts stood up to a rabid jew and avoided WWIII between NATO and Russia in 1999; now singer James Blunt as an eyewitness of the incident and British officer

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An out-of-control, Russia-hating American four-star general, Wesley Clark (Supreme Allied Commander) ordered an airstrip be blocked to prevent approved Russian peace-keeping forces from fully occupying the Pristina Airport in Kosovo.


A brave British airborne general, Sir Michael Jackson, categorically refused to obey a direct order from Clark to attack the Russian forces, saying

“I refuse to start WWIII FOR YOU.”

(Briton Mark Felton is a very Establishment vlogger; his historical videos are good but always slanted and cover many things up)

*** Wiki on the russophobic hothead Clark, who was later FIRED as SAC:

Clark’s father’s family was Jewish; his paternal grandparents, Jacob Kanne [orgin. Cohen; see below] and Ida Goldman, immigrated to the United States from Belarus/the Russian Empire,[9] in response to the Pale of Settlement and anti-Jewish violence from Russian pogroms. Clark’s father, Benjamin Jacob Kanne, graduated from the Chicago-Kent College of Law and served in the U.S. Naval Reserve as an ensign during World War I, although he never participated in combat. Kanne, living in Chicago, became involved with ward politics in the 1920s as a prosecutor and served in local offices. He served as a delegate to the 1932 Democratic National Convention that nominated Franklin D. Roosevelt as the party’s presidential candidate[10] (though his name does not appear on the published roll of convention delegates). His mother was of English ancestry and was a Methodist.[11]

Kanne came from the Kohen family line,[12] and Clark’s son has characterized Clark’s parents’ marriage, between his Methodist mother, Veneta (née Updegraff [Dutch]), and his Jewish father, Benjamin Jacob Kanne,[13] as “about as multicultural as you could’ve gotten in 1944”.[14]

Clark was born Wesley J. Kanne in Chicago on December 23, 1944.[15] His father Benjamin died on December 6, 1948; his mother then moved the family to Little Rock, Arkansas. The move was made to escape the cost of living in the city of Chicago, for the support Veneta’s family in Arkansas could provide, and her feeling of being an outsider to the religion of the Kanne family.[16]

Once in Little Rock, Veneta married Victor Clark, whom she met while working as a secretary at a bank.[17] Victor raised Wesley as his son, and officially adopted him on Wesley’s 16th birthday. Wesley’s name was changed to Wesley Kanne Clark.

Wiki on General Jackson:

After nearly 45 years in Army service, he became Chief of Staff of the British Army in 2003, and received the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, Commander of the Order of the British Empire, and the Distinguished Service Order.
An apparent Russophile, the young officer majored in Russian studies at the University of Birmingham, graduating in 1967.
“Following the confrontation with [General Wesley] Clark, Jackson went to the [Pristina] airport to meet Viktor Zavarzin, the Russian general leading the detachment, and established a working relationship with him. Jackson, who is fond of whisky and cigars,[3][6] discovered that the Russian troops were apprehensive about being attacked by the Kosovo Liberation Army, and promised to protect the Russians by sending a detachment of British soldiers, commanded by his own son, Mark, along with a bottle of whisky.[6]”


NATO’s hatred for even the democratic, capitalistic and peace-seeking Russia of post-Soviet times became highly apparent for the first time during the Serbian War. At the end of the aggression against Serbia in 1999, the Supreme Commander of NATO, b. Wesley Kanne, adopted by a Gentile and renamed “Wesley Clark,” attempted to start World War III.
Clark demanded that British Lieutenant General Sir Michael Jackson prevent more Russian troops from landing at Pristina Airport.

It was the courageous General Jackson who first refused the Armageddon order. “I will not start World War III for you.” With these words, according to [“Der Spiegel,” meaning “The Mirror,” rather appropriately, is an ultra-Establishment German newsmagazine, btw, founded in Hamburg in the British Occupation Zone after WWII. It is obsessively pro-NATO, pro-US, and anti-Russian, big on Putin-bashing and it brings up the “Holocaust” every single week to make the young modern Germans feel rotten and guilty over stuff that the Allies say happened 80 years ago.]
It is interesting that General Jackson apparently recognized the agenda, otherwise he would not have specifically said, “I will not start World War III FOR YOU.”
Kanne/Cohen AKA Clark then ordered US Admiral Ellis to take the airport at Pristina: “He then approached Admiral Ellis, the American commander of NATO’s Southern Command. He ordered him to land helicopters on the airport runway to prevent the Russian Ilyushin transport planes from landing. This time it was Admiral Ellis who thwarted the direct order, saying ‘General Jackson would not approve of it.’ ” [7]


…..James Blunt on the incident


1 hour ago

@JJHW Thanks!

BBC News

Singer James Blunt ‘prevented World War III’
Published14 November 2010
Singer James Blunt has told the BBC how he refused an order to attack Russian troops when he was a British soldier in Kosovo. Blunt said he was willing to risk a court martial by rejecting the order from a US General.

But he was backed by British Gen Sir Mike Jackson, who said: “I’m not going to have my soldiers be responsible for starting World War III.”

Blunt was ordered to seize an airfield, but the Russians had got there first.

In an interview with BBC Radio 5 live, broadcast on Sunday, he said: “I was given the direct command to overpower the 200 or so Russians who were there.

“I was the lead officer with my troop of men behind us…

“The soldiers directly behind me were from the Parachute Regiment, so they’re obviously game for the fight.

“The direct command [that] came in from Gen Wesley Clark was to overpower them. Various words were used that seemed unusual to us. Words such as ‘destroy’ came down the radio.”

‘Mad situation’
The confusion surrounding the taking of Pristina airfield in 1999 has been written about in political memoirs, and was widely reported at the time.

But this is the first time Blunt has given an account of his role in the incident.

Blunt, who was at the head of a column of 30,000 Nato troops with his unit, told Pienaar’s Politics it was a “mad situation”.

He said he had been “party to the conversation” between senior officers in which Gen Clark had ordered the attack.

“We had 200 Russians lined up pointing their weapons at us aggressively, which was… and you know we’d been told to reach the airfield and take a hold of it.

“And if we had a foothold there then it would make life much easier for the Nato forces in Pristina. So there was a political reason to take hold of this.

“And the practical consequences of that political reason would be then aggression against the Russians.”

Court martial
Asked if following the order would have risked starting World War III, Blunt, who was a 25-year-old cavalry officer at the time, replied: “Absolutely. And that’s why we were querying our instruction from an American general.

“Fortunately, up on the radio came Gen Mike Jackson, whose exact words at the time were, ‘I’m not going to have my soldiers be responsible for starting World War III’, and told us why don’t we sugar off down the road, you know, encircle the airfield instead.

“And after a couple of days the Russians there said: ‘Hang on, we have no food and no water. Can we share the airfield with you?’.”

If Gen Jackson had not blocked the order from Gen Clark, who as Nato Supreme Commander Europe was his superior officer, Blunt said he would still have declined to follow it, even at the risk of a court martial.

He said: “There are things that you do along the way that you know are right, and those that you absolutely feel are wrong, that I think it’s morally important to stand up against, [continued below] and that sense of moral judgement is drilled into us as soldiers in the British army.”

Blunt left the Army in 2002 to pursue a career in music, later scoring a worldwide hit with “You’re Beautiful.”




  1. The Russians refer to the Christian Serbs as “Nis” = ours, as the Russian see the Serbs as close relatives.
    The Yugoslavian War was about establishing muslim/ African migration routes into Europe.
    This is so the Zionists can ethnically cleanse the White Christian countries of Europe and replace Whites after a race/religious war in Europe. This is because the zionists are still pissed off with Europe not giving them Israel sooner.
    Russian private aircraft flying in weapons to their fellow Serbs were routinely shot down.
    Bill Clinton and all European leaders wanted a Muslim state in Yugoslavia as a motorway for the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan [to mongrelize the Whites with brown races] to work.
    Russia tried to help the Serbs stop Muslim expansion, but was stopped by NATO.
    All part of the zionist plot to remove all the leaders — Gaddafi, Assad, Saddam Hussein — who stopped Muslims/ Africans/ Asians from passing through their countries into Europe.
    Slava Russa. ( That’s how it’s pronounced)
    White Christian leaders are provided immigration as the zionists pay them.
    Look what Dr Alan Shatter [ a jew] did to Ireland. He opened up Ireland’s borders to Blacks/Muslims — who now build mosques there.

    • Thanks, Carl. Very informative.

      On Shatter:


      Born in Dublin to a Jewish family, Shatter is the son of Elaine and Reuben Shatter, an English couple who met by chance when they were both on holidays in Ireland in 1948.[2][3] He was educated at The High School, Dublin and Trinity College, Dublin. He has been to Israel a number of times, including to work on a kibbutz as a young man.[4]

      Shatter has lived most of his life in Dublin — he grew up in Rathgar and Rathfarnham and lives now in Ballinteer with his wife, Carol Ann (Danker) Shatter, and two children.[5] He is the only Jewish member of Dáil Éireann.

      Business interests
      Shatter owns several properties in the United States. With interests in fifteen properties, Shatter had the largest property portfolio of any member of Ireland’s cabinet while minister.[6]

      It is all daft. The Irish fight for 900 years to get the English out, a kindred people, but then allow hordes of parasitical brown wogs to pour in.

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