How China sees American Whites, blacks and jews; illegal immigrants got the jobs under Biden; Britain arrests white 11-y-o boy for Facebook post against migration

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National socialism removed women from politics, and kept them out of the military, but German women were very busy — and honored — as mothers, businesswomen, scientists, nurses, teachers, farmers, artists, etc.


…..Women voting more than ever for the left, and men for the right


South Korea suffers from the world’s lowest fertility rate of 0.72 children per woman. Successive governments have sunk 380 trillion won ($284 billion) in incentives to boost fertility, according to the National Assembly Budget Office research. But the situation has not improved, prompting President Yoon Suk Yeol’s government to tap foreign nannies. Photo: the capital, Seoul



…..Non-White males feel a need to mock those white palace guards

People cannot get it through their heads that these are not toy soldiers but regular British infantry, the Coldstream Guards, who are the oldest unit in the British Army. They only do short three-week stints at Buckingham Palace. They are not merely ceremonial!

Maybe to stop this nonsense they need to doff the redcoat, wear standard camouflage uniforms, and carry loaded rifles, and sock more jews and negroes mocking them in the jaw.


….but wait for this second video’s satisfying ending.

…….How Chinese media see us

This meme in the Chinese media lumps Taiwan in with China, which is understandable since it is historically, ethnically, racially, culturally and religiously Chinese. A

Also understandable: it creates an athletic category for the black race, and the bottom one, with the least medals, is for jews in Israel lumped in with the American Anglo-Saxons (which means Whites from all countries in northern Europe).

The message;  The Han Chinese are the most high-achieving race in sports, followed by the Blacks, and in third place are the fat white American blobs and jews. Beijing has lost all respect for us now that the jews have degenerated, satanized, and turd-worldized this country.

…..What do you notice about Moscow?

…..It’s WHOM you know

…..Immigrants got the jobs under Biden



……..11-y/o white UK boy arrested for “rioting” against immigrants

They (the brownies) can rape, stab, and kill, but since they are all “traumatized” by racism, THEY get a slap on the wrist. Slanted article:



….. [British] “teachers will be trained to challenge ‘whiteness’ in [UK] schools”

Guidance aims to encourage ‘anti-racist’ teacher training to maintain diverse educator workforce

Guidance has been created for teacher-training courses, to ensure future educators are “anti-racist” and prepared to implement this in the classroom.

Teachers will be instructed in how to “disrupt the centrality of whiteness” in schools, according to a best-practice document.

The term “whiteness” in critical race theory refers to social attitudes considered normal by white people, and guidance suggests that concepts including “meritocracy”, “objectivity” and “individualism” should be questioned.

Documents state that student teachers – if they happen to be white – should also be helped to develop and project a “positive white racial identity”.

‘Impact of whiteness’

Separate guidance has been developed in Scotland and England, and both documents have been endorsed by universities offering teacher training, including Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Newcastle, along with the National Education Union.

Documents claim that encouraging “anti-racist” teacher training will help to maintain a diverse teaching workforce, and will help to close the attainment gap between white and non-white pupils.

The Scottish “anti-racism framework”, drawn up by the Scottish Council of Deans of Education and endorsed by 10 universities, states that changes to the way in which teachers are taught will “disrupt the centrality of whiteness and enable different ways of seeing, thinking and doing”.

This process may involve more references to colonialism and racism in lessons, and instilling an understanding of the “impact of whiteness”.

This, it says, will help teachers project a “white racial identity grounded in reality and allyship” in the classroom, free from “false notions of superiority”.

The national anti-racism framework for initial teacher training, launched in 2023, states that those teaching future teachers should “debunk the myth of objectivity” in scholarship, and instead examine how some views are “silenced” in academic work.

Those educating teachers have been urged to strive for racial justice “through activism” and teacher unions, according to the guidance.

‘Tools of whiteness’

A parallel anti-racism framework for teacher training was commissioned by the National Education Union in 2023, and funded by the University of Newcastle, was developed for England.

It states that “teachers working with all age groups” are “crucial to anti-racism work”, and directs tutors to academic literature on how to deal with “whiteness”.

The term “white” has nearly 400 mentions in the guidance, the term “whiteness” features 121 times.

The assorted academic literature sets out the importance of dispelling “notions of objectivity” along with what are termed the “tools of whiteness”, including “individualism” and “belief in a meritocracy”.

The framework also directs tutors to passages that claim “white privilege” includes the “right to enjoyment”, and that “emotions are themselves racialised”.

Scottish guidance aims to tackle racism in education, and to create a more diverse teaching workforce.

It has been made available by higher education institutions providing teacher training, including the universities Aberdeen, Strathclyde.

A Newcastle University spokesman said: “As we saw with the recent public unrest across the UK, racism is pervasive in our society. The way that we educate current and future teachers will play an important role in breaking this cycle and the framework was developed to provide practical guidance on this.”




  1. Western Europe is 100 percent finished, and the only hope for western Europeans is fleeing to Russia, Belarus, Slovakia and Croatia.

    When there are mass food shortages, famines, full-scale lawlessness, mass violence, rapes and killing by 3rd world savages from the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia, I will predict that the western European politicians, police and military will literally side with the black, brown, and muslim savages. They will have their own people slaughtered and put in communist prisons and gulag-style camps.

    A wise quote from the greatest conqueror and warlord in human history, Genghis Kahn:

    “Only a fool fights a war he cannot win.”

    This means fleeing to a safer place where your tribe and people can survive and not be exterminated. The survival of your people, your race, is the most important thing.

    Your countries and lands of origin can always be retaken later on.

    If nearly all western European civilians fled to Russia and parts of eastern Europe, then Russia would only have to cut off the gas supply and wheat supply into western Europe, and they could easily launch missiles and bomb and gas western Europe. It would be the only way for western Europeans to survive in that situation. It’s a hypothetical scenario, but is possible with how bad, dangerous, and unstable Europe is now.

    The next decade will determine if our race survives and if the planet is destroyed by globalism and by chemtrails, which are geo-engineering.

    Zionism and cultural marxism need to be destroyed and that will enable the end of globalism.

    • Wise words.

      But I can tell you this: they will never just leave us alone if we wander of to some remote area, because a white, Aryan, and altruistic society, a folk community, would be happy, safe, prosperous, and successful — and even in the short term, Whites by the tens of millions would want to move there.

      This is how it was with Germany — as soon as Germany freed itself from the jewish parasites, everything began moving back upward again, in fact, in a spectacular fashion. This would have motivated the entire white race to jettison its jews.

      I can think of two groups in the USA that just want to be left alone, the Mormons (who moved way, way out to Utah in the pioneer wagons, with many perishing along the way) and the Amish (with their black horses and buggies), and the jews have them under pressure, too.

      The only hope is for a new White America to assert itself and seek the active friendship of all nations and governments that hate the evil, tyrannical,pedophilic, judeo-american thugocracy run out of New York and Washington.

      Russia, China, Iran, and many other countries would welcome regime change in America.

      It would be in ther national interest for us to win.

  2. Also the worst case scenario is ww3, with nuclear missiles launched by Nato and retaliation by Russia. With a nuclear winter, everyone is dead and there are no winners in that situation.

    • I watched it and thanks.

      I also read the article in the Russian-language Wikipedia (Wiki being jew-owned, jew-founded and jew-run) about it, supposedly debunking everything.

      They trot out a jew expert, a Gerstein. And they say the old miners from back then agree that they found no such sarcophagus.

      Well, guess what? Jews bribe and threaten people and make them lie…and jews just love anyway to lie to the goyim, and about everything.

      You see the same “experts” and “witnesses” about the Holocaust, and bribed witnesses in the 1913 Leo Frank trial, in the lurid stories of SS Dr. Josef Mengele, of the moon landing, of Covid….. Scientists and “experts” prostitutes will say anything for money, or out of fear, or due to both reasons.

      How many MDs asserted with perfect confidence that the vaccine was safe and effective?

      And we read that the brain of President John Kennedy disappeared after the autopsy…. Ah-hah….

      And look at the Nuremberg “War Crime” Trials? One big orchestration of massive lies…. but what a dignified courtroom, with judges, prosecutors, defense lawyers, transcripts, and testimonies — and all of it was a stinking pile of lies.

      The jews say “every man has his price.” This is sadly true for 90% of earthlings.

      As I have written, our governments fear they would be destabilized if we knew that there are far higher civilizations than ours in this solar system (living IN the planets, not ON them, so surface temperatures and poison gases are irelevant) and they also live in this galaxy…. worlds which are not like us, not violent, barbaric, secretly jew-run, and full of corruption, pedophilia, rape, torture, making people sick from cancer and other diseases for profit, and just plain evil.

      And all they will admit now (since 2017 with the tic-tac ET video footage from the two US Navy pilots) is only the existence of non-human aliens who are weird or scary-looking, and, they suggest (esp. in the notable Spielberg/Tom Cruise movie “War of the Worlds”) may want to conquer us — so what we need is a world government.

      Btw, one commenter said that one of the newspaper articles in Russian that were shown said the Americans had taken possession of the body in the 1990s. This would be credible since post-Soviet Russia in the 1990s, under the drunk Boris Yeltsin, had a near collapse of the economy, jewish oligarchs bought up everything for pennies on the dollar, so to speak, and many things in Russia were sold off to wealthy foreigners (often jews) or to foreign governments, and some top Russian scientists also got jobs in the USA.

      Several commenters point out the inanity of the English-language video narration saying the princess had dark-brown hair when the Russian narration (and the visuals) says her hair was blond, and it claims her eyes were shut whereas the consensus of the miners was that her eyes were blue.

      The whole thing is, of course, reminiscent of the stories of Sleeping Beauty. But this fairy tale does not mean the whole story of the Tisul Princess is entirely fake. As I have written, these ancient stories of gods, goddesses, the Flood, giants, shape-shifters, etc. often have some basis in fact, though embroidered by the common people over the millennia. Story-telling was a big part of the culture back then, and things get exaggerated or new material is added.

      Anyway, here is the Russian Wiki article “debunking” the princess (just as jews “debunk” and “fact-check” lots of things that may well be true).

      I will just add this: For centuries the jews have whined about “blood-libel” — how we falsely accuse them of ritually murdering white boys and draining their blood, which, dried, is baked into matzo for the jewish Passover.

      And lo and behold, in 2007 Ariel Toaff a tenured professor at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel — the son of the Grand Rabbi of Rome, Elie Toaff — wrote a 130-page scholarly monograph, replete with footnotes, saying that some of the ritual-murder reports from medieval Italy, on examination of Vatican documents, turned out to be true. In fact, the Pope at that time was clearly a skeptic himself, had intervened, and had wanted to save the jews who were arrested for killing little Simon of Trent, but the evidence was overwhelming that they were in fact guilty of torturing and draining the blood from this boy, killing him.

      Debunked by the jew, nevertheless true.


      Princess of Tisul
      Material from Wikipedia-the free Encyclopedia
      The Tisul Princess is a pseudoscientific hoax about a sarcophagus allegedly found in 1969 with the embalmed body of a woman, which was extracted from a coal mine in the village of Rzhavchik Tisulsky district Kemerovo region RSFSR. The source is the 2002 article “The Lady who is 800 million years old” by Oleg Kulishkin (Gonchar) in the newspaper “Khakassia”. According to Kulishkin, the burial site was dated to the Carboniferous period, which contradicts the generally accepted theory of human origin[1].

      Later, the article appeared in the newspapers “Arkaim”, “New Life”, etc., and spread in the press, on the Internet[2] and on television. The website of the administration of the Tisul Municipal District reported that “it was not possible to find at least one witness to those events either in Tisul or on Rzhavchik, and professional archaeologists do not comment on this information”[2]. A survey of old miners conducted by the former head of Tisul Vladimir Lomekin also did not confirm the existence of the sarcophagus. Kulishkin’s statements were mostly refuted by experts and investigative journalists.

      1 Kulishkin’s article
      2 Popularization
      3 Later opinions
      3.1 Investigation of the newspaper “Sibdepo”
      3.2 Investigations of the Kuzbass newspaper
      3.3 Expert opinions
      4 Notes
      5 See also
      Kulishkin’s article
      According to Kulishkin’s article, in early September 1969, in the village of Rzhavchik, Tisulsky district, Kemerovo region, “during blasting operations at a coal mine in the core of a 20-meter coal seam that lay at a depth of more than 70 meters, a miner Karnaukhov [ … ] discovered a two-meter marble casket of amazing mechanical precision.” Because of the discovery, “at the command of the head of the site, Alexander Masalygin [ … ], all work was immediately suspended”[1]. Raised to the surface, the” casket “was opened after some effort and it turned out to be a sarcophagus,” filled to the brim with a pinkish-blue crystal transparent liquid, under the spring surface of which rested… a tall (about 180 cm)” woman, slender, looking about thirty years old, with fine European features, large, wide-open blue eyes He had thick, reddish-brown hair that reached to his waist and had short, neatly trimmed nails. [1] The woman was dressed in a snow-white lace transparent dress with a length just below the knees, with short sleeves embroidered with colorful flowers, but without underwear[1]. The article explained the sarcophagus’s location in the coal bed by the fact that it originally stood in a wooden crypt in the middle of a forest thicket, but over time “the crypt grew into the ground, collapsed, and after millions of years became part of the coal bed without oxygen access”[1].

      The discovery was allegedly reported almost immediately to the district center, and “the authorities, firefighters, military, and police arrived” [1]. For about five hours, the sarcophagus with the body was on public display, after which it was loaded onto a helicopter and sent towards Novosibirsk[1]. Then an elderly professor came from Novosibirsk to Rzhavchik, who stated that the woman was buried in the Carboniferous period and the burial site is at least 800 million years old, which refutes the generally accepted theory of human origin[1]. It was stated that “the genetic analysis of the woman’s body showed her 100% sameness with a modern Russian person” and that the woman belonged to an “ancient Russian civilization”, the level of which “exceeds all known ones so far, including ours”[3].

      Later, however, all the discoverers of the sarcophagus allegedly died in car accidents and the surviving witnesses were silenced[1]. In 1973, when, according to the authorities, the excitement had passed, on the shores and islands of Lake Berchikul, near the site of the sarcophagus, “large-scale excavations were carried out all summer until late autumn in the strictest secrecy”[1].

      Kulishkin named as his source a certain retired KGB colonel, who was his random fellow passenger on the train. [4] Kulishkin did not give the colonel’s last name, citing the risk of imprisonment otherwise. In 2012, Kulishkin stated that “he did not lie a word, only concealed the true circumstances of his acquaintance with the colonel (this was his condition)” [1].

      Near the village of Rzhavchik, a stone with a sign and a billboard about the Tisul Princess were installed[5]. On the shore of Lake Berchikul, the annual interregional festival-competition of folk art “The Legend of the Tisul Princess” began to be held[6]. In 2016, the Tisul Central Regional Library published a selection of materials “Unprecedented near…: the legend of the Tisul princess” [7]. In television, the topic of the Tisul Princess was raised in 2013 on REN TV and in 2019 in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast”.

      Later opinions
      Three authors of newspaper investigations, as well as some experts, identified a number of factual and logical inconsistencies in Kulishkin’s article. In particular, Kulishkin’s stated 800-million-year dating corresponds not to the Carboniferous, but to an even earlier period, the Precambrian (more precisely, the Upper Blue (Riphean) of the Upper Precambrian according to the Soviet terminology of the 1960s[8] or the Upper Riphean era of the Proterozoic according to the modern General Stratigraphic Scale). At the same time, Kulishkin stated that although “the woman was buried in the Carboniferous period”, this was “long before the formation of coal on the planet”[3].

      Investigation of the newspaper “Sibdepo”
      In 2007, an investigation was published by Roman Yanchenko, a correspondent of the Kuzbass newspaper Sibdepo, who visited the places mentioned by Kulishkin. The coal mine, sometimes called a quarry, was closed in 1973, and by the time Yanchenko arrived, a forest had already grown in its place. However, Yanchenko managed to meet with the worker of the team that allegedly found the sarcophagus, Nikolai Mikhailovich Garmanov. At that time, Garmanov worked as an excavator driver and stated that during his 33-year work at the coal mine, there were no cases of finding sarcophagi or any artifacts in general[9]. At the same time, Garmanov confirmed the existence of Karnaukhov and Masalygin, but said that they held other positions[9]. Garmanov also confirmed Kulishkin’s claim that Karnaukhov later died after being hit by a truck (according to Kulishkin, it was a KrAZ brand) [9]. Yanchenko also managed to meet Karnaukhov’s widow, Tatiana. She confirmed that Karnaukhov had once worked in a quarry, although she did not know anything about the sarcophagus discovery. [9] The director of the village school, Galina Rebrikova, said that after Kulishkin’s article caused a stir, “we ourselves became interested, we started interviewing locals who were older and lived here in those years, but, firstly, it turned out that there were only a few of them here, and secondly, they do not remember anything like this, that is, roughly speaking, there was no discovery at all”[9].

      Investigations of the Kuzbass newspaper
      In 2017, the Kuzbass newspaper published an investigation by the historian-archivist Nikolai Galkin. Galkin confirmed the existence of a coal pit in Rzhavchik in the 1960s, but found that Kulishkin’s claimed more than 70-meter depth of coal there does not correspond to reality — the deepest areas of occurrence from the earth’s surface hardly reached 40 meters[10]. Like Garmanov, Galkin also pointed out that Alexander Masalygin held a different position — in 1969, he was not the head of the site, but a mechanic of the mine, while Alexander Ivanovich Karnaukhov, according to archival documents, was a blacksmith of the mine that year[10]. According to Galkin, “if this” miner “worked directly with the coal seam (and came across the sarcophagus), then we can assume that he was either an excavator driver or a bulldozer operator,” which contradicts archival documents[10]. Galkin also noted several logical inconsistencies with Kulishkin, such as the professor’s arrival and public disclosure of information that, according to Kulishkin, was classified. As a result, Galkin recognized Kulishkin’s article as a hoax[10].

      At the same time, Galkin confirmed the statement about excavations at Berchikul in the 1970s. According to Galkin, there were archaeological expeditions organized by the Department of Archeology of Kemerovo State University under the leadership of scientist Vladimir Bobrov[10]. The first expedition arrived on the Berchikul coast in the summer of 1973, and after several years, various monuments of the Neolithic, Early Bronze and Early Iron Age[10]. Sometimes there is also a confirmation of the former KGB employee and writer Valery Malevany: “From the KGB archival sources, we know that in 1973 this area was tightly cordoned off in three layers of fencing. There was a lake about six kilometers away. Two more graves were dug in the middle of the lake on the island”[4]. According to the administration of the Tisul Municipal District, in 1972, a burial complex of four mounds, presumably of Tagar—Tashtyk time, was opened on the northern bank of Berchikul[2]. But Bobrov in his memoirs did not mention any sarcophagus from the coal mine and later also recognized it as a journalistic hoax[10].

      The topic of the Tisul Princess in the newspaper “Kuzbass” was also dealt with by journalist Larisa Maksimenko, who cited, in particular, the testimony of the former head of Tisul Vladimir Lomekin, who in 1969 worked as a driver at the mine: “The Tisul Princess is a legend. There were no such finds either at the mine or at the mine site. Just like there was no 70-meter depth. The depth together with the overburden in the quarry was 24 meters, in some places a maximum of 25-27. The thickness of the coal seam ranged from five to six meters”[11]. In the early 2000s, Lomekin interviewed old miners (except for Karnaukhov and Masalygin, who died) and no one confirmed the existence of the sarcophagus and the princess[11]. Maksimenko summed up: “Over the years of working on the Tisul Princess, interviewing residents of Rzhavchik and the district, I came to 99 percent that this is a legend”[12].

      Expert opinions
      Mikhail Gerstein, a biologist and former chairman of the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena of the Russian Geographical Society, among the various inconsistencies in Kulishkin’s article, called genetic analysis, which was not yet used in 1969, “dress fabric that does not lend itself to scientific analysis” (whereas in 1969 electron microscopes, spectral analysis and other methods already existed that allow working with unknown materials), “the oldest varieties of onions and garlic” in the embalming fluid, which did not exist either in the Precambrian or in the claimed Carboniferous period, and the inability of any organic substance to preserve the body for millions of years[3].

      KuzSTU physicist Gennady Zaitsev stated: “Marble retains its physical and mechanical properties for up to 100 years. Then its strength properties are lost. And the marble sarcophagus would have lain there for a hundred years, and then, most likely, it would have crumbled… So a rough calculation shows that the legend is not consistent. The mechanical strength of marble allows you to withstand the load of soil 70 meters thick. But the properties of a marble sarcophagus do not last long. We should forget about the period of millions of years”[11].

      (neopr.) Princess of Tisul — unsolved mystery of the 70s The Epoch Times (August 26, 2020). Accessed: February 16, 2023. Archived from the archive on February 17, 2023.
      (neopr.). Administration of the Tisulsky municipal district. Accessed: February 16, 2023. Archived from on October 19, 2021.
      (neopr.) Russians in the Precambrian Ufocom (October 2, 2021). Accessed: March 14, 2023. Archived from the archive on March 13, 2023.
      (neopr.) The 800-million-year-old Tisul Princess: where did it come from and where was it taken? Village economy (February 2, 2021). Accessed: February 16, 2023. Archived from the archive on February 16, 2023.
      (neoprene). Library portal of the Kemerovo region. Accessed March 16, 2023. Archived from the archive on March 16, 2023.
      (neoprene). Courier (July 7, 2021). Accessed March 16, 2023. Archived from the archive on March 16, 2023.
      (neoprene). Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library named after V. D. Fedorov. Accessed: February 16, 2023. Archived from the archive on February 16, 2023.
      “Stratigraphy of the USSR”. Moscow: State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Literature on Geology and Protection of Mineral Resources, 1963. – T. Upper Precambrian. – p. 14.
      (neopr.) Tisul sarcophagus Sibdepo (November 7, 2007). Accessed: February 27, 2023. Archived from the archive on February 17, 2023.
      (optional) The myth of the “Princess of Tisul” “Kuzbass “(January 4, 2017). Accessed: February 18, 2023. Archived from
      on July 31, 2020.
      (neopr.) Fabulous armor Kuzbass (September 9, 2020). Accessed March 13, 2023. Archived from the archive on November 28, 2021.
      (neoprene) The central TV channel again became interested in the Tisul princess from Kuzbass Kuzbass (April 14, 2021). Accessed March 13, 2023. Archived from the archive on October 22, 2021.

  3. I didn’t read all of that, but at least half of it. It’s typical coverup in my opinion. Notice that one of the witnesses, who his friend said never got drunk, suddenly got drunk and then died in a motorcycle crash. Also, when I watched the video last night, it seemed different than when I first watched the video a year ago and shared it with a few people. It seems that they added AI figures into the video and the story got longer.

  4. Back to your article, it is shameful that an 11 year old boy has been arrested, for a lawful protest. As you’ve pointed out, it does not matter if the outsiders who have been allowed into the UK engage in hatred and violence, it only matters if Whites have the courage to protest against it.

  5. The video about the Tisul Princess I posted above at 12:08 am. It seems to me that it has been edited, compared to when I watched it almost a year ago. I don’t remember all of the AI scenes being in it.

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