How egoic band members and a jew manager destroyed the stellar band “Creedence Clearwater Revival” within two years

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Saul Zaentz was the classic jewish agent who steals from his own clients, like Allen Klein with the Beatles and Neil Reshen for country star Willy Nelson. Nelson lost $32 million, and had to go back on the road to work off a huge IRS debt his jew manager had caused.

“Creedence Clearwater Revival” (called “CCR”) had been around for a decade when suddenly, with the unique voice of lead singer and songwriter John Fogerty, it produced huge breakthrough hits in 1969-70 in a unique rockabilly style.

But hitting the big time brought in greed, jealousy, ego, and, like a maggot feeding on decay, a treacherous jew agent, Saul Zaentz.

Zaentz used his fat profits from stealing the fruits of the musical genius of John Fogerty to start a big movie company, and he won three Oscars from his fellow jews for Best Picture: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” (1975), “Amadeus” (which utterly slandered the Italian Antonio Saltieri as the poisoner of Wolfgang Amaedus Mozart) (1984) as well as for “The English Patient” (1996). He also produced two of the three huge “Lord of the Rings” movies.

The Hollywood movie jews had no moral qualms over doing big deals with the very man who had fleeced real good the goyim of CCR.

What is just as dismaying for me is to see just how easy it was for Saul to manipulate the goyim, in this case put ideas into the heads of the jealous fellow band members.

None of them had the voice or songwriting talent of John Fogerty. While these average musicians COULD have been grateful to have such a superstar in ther midst, who was also making them rich to boot, they instead became tense and jealous, especially John’s own brother, Tom.

They insanely demanded that this band, which was 90% John Fogerty, be ruled by a kind of musician democracy where their songs and voices too had to appear on a certain number of songs on the next album.

But these guys were just your usual rockers, and their stuff was ho-hum. Yet the jew Saul Zaentz convinced them by flattery and incitement that they were soooo gifted themselves, and how John was selfishly hogging the limelight.

In the end, this amazing band broke up — and it was the jew Saul who got the big bucks. He owned their songs for many years, which nauseated John Fogerty, who developed a drinking problem, got divorced and became estranged for life from his brother Tom and the other two band members.

Zaentz himself once said:

“Money does not change people; it unmasks them.”


Oh, and by the way, Saul Zaentz worked with this bank, Castle Bank & Trust, to steal CCR money. It was a crooked CIA front started by two other jews.


Castle Bank & Trust was a Bahamian bank that was involved in tax evasion, as well as covertly funneling funds for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The bank was founded in the 1960s by (((Paul Helliwell))), a former member of the Office of Strategic Services, and (((Burton Kanter))), a tax lawyer.

*** JdN Helliwell with the classic jewish bat ears:


The bank was used by the CIA to funnel money for covert military operations, including those at Andros Island, a staging area for anti-Castro activities. [JdN: (((American Jews, among them gangsters, had big gambling and pedophilia rackets going in Cuba — and Castro had shut them down.)))]

The bank had many clients, including celebrities, organized crime figures, and wealthy business owners. Some of the most notable included John Fogerty and other members of Creedence Clearwater Revival, who lost most of their wealth when the bank collapsed, Tony CurtisHugh HefnerPenthouse, and members of the Pritzker family (owners of the Hyatt hotel chain).[1] Reputed organized crime members that were customers included Moe Dalitz, Morris Kleinman, and Samuel A. Tucker.[2][3][4][5]

In the early 1970s, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service started an investigation into the tax avoidance schemes used by the bank. The investigation was called Operation Tradewinds. The IRS was able to secretly photograph a list of the bank’s clients, after being provided with a bank executive’s briefcase that was taken from the executive’s apartment by an IRS informant.[1] As a result of this information, the IRS launched a new investigation, called Project Haven, into the tax affairs of the people on the client list.[6] A prosecution of one of those clients eventually reached the United States Supreme Court as United States v. Payner. Project Haven was later suspended because the names of the clients obtained from the briefcase was an illegal search. The Department of Justice also dropped its investigation for the same reason.[1]

According to The Wall Street Journal reporter Jim Drinkhall, the case was later dropped because of pressure from the CIA, which had been using the bank as a front to fund covert operations.[1]





This amazing 1970 song, written and sung by John Fogerty of Seattle, and performed with the great band “Creedence Clearwater Revival,” says it all…..


Long as I remember, the rain been comin’ down.
Clouds of mystery, pourin’ confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, tryin’ to find the sun;
And I wonder, still I wonder, who‘ll stop the rain?

I went down to Virginia [home of Washington, Jefferson, Patrick Henry], seekin’ shelter from the storm.
Caught up in the fable, I watched the tower grow. [tower of Lord Sauron from “Lord of the Rings”]
Five-Year-Plans [marxist] and New Deals [Roosevelt-American], wrapped in golden chains.
And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain.

Heard the singers playin’, how we cheered for more.
The crowd had rushed together, tryin’ to keep warm.
Still the rain kept pourin’, fallin’ on my ears.
And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain?

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