How far our race has fallen — good-looking, married, blond, white cop is a PEDOPHILE

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Pedo cops — what a disgrace:

This one, a sheriff’s deputy named Jaylen Fleer, a MARRIED MAN, had worked at the San Diego County jail in California, and got 12 years. Can you imagine what it is like for him to be in prison as a crooked cop AND as a pedophile?
In the old days, when America was and was seen as a Northern-European-settled country, one would have said Fleer had “All-American good looks.”

The last name Fleer generally has Germanic roots and is thought to be derived from the Middle High German word “vlieren” meaning “to fly”. This name is often found in eastern Europe and the Germanic-speaking regions of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
The Fleers were early settlers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. It is likely that this family originated in the greater Wolfenbüttel region of Germany. The family name Fleer is also found in parts of the United States, particularly near the Wisconsin-Illinois border. This area was settled by German immigrants in the mid 1800s.

I saw once an interview on PBS with William Weld, who had been an Assistant Attorney General under Reagan and then, overall, an excellent two-term Governor of Massachusetts as a Republican in an extremely liberal state. (
He said pedophiles are basically incurable and NINETY PERCENT do it again, the worst recidivism rate of any kind of criminal. Some murderers go straight; and so do some robbers, drug dealers, con men, fences, etc., but not pedos. 90% will try to molest another kid. It is truly addictive.
I am a survivor myself of them; I had nightmares until I was 49 from what happened to me and finally got counseling.
I frankly don’t get it how a skinny, flat-chested 12-year-old girl, a mere child, can be attractive to an adult man. I like a woman with a womanly figure — an adult who has brains, has raised kids, and had deepening life experiences, a person who has been through the battles of life, a gal with whom one can have an enriching adult conversation, a person as eager to grow and learn as I am.
This pedo thing is sooo twisted. And it has infected far too many Whites.
This country, right now, is about finished.


  1. Pedos like this guy who are attracted to girls who are 12 years old (hebephiles) are sick enough, and must be stopped at all costs.

    But I feel they are a bit less sick than men who are attracted to boys, which is totally incomprehensible to me.

    A Danish politician who was 34 at the time had sex with a 15-year-old girl. He became minister of foreign affairs years after the event, which says some about how sick Weimar Denmark is:

    • Wow.


      Jeppe Sebastian Kofod (born 14 March 1974) is a former Danish politician of the Social Democratic Party who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark between 27 June 2019 to 15 December 2022.

      The great Russian novelist Dostoyevsky:

      “If there is no God, everything is permitted.”

      When I look at this guy, he has a VERY nordic appearance, as I do, and light eyes and hair, and especially his forehead is very high.

      This high-forehead feature was brought up by Jenny Roestenberg as one of several things she noted in the nordic aliens she encountered in Staffordshire in 1954.


      And yet this high-foreheaded Kofod is a total hypocrite and scumbag!

      Of course, with all the porn, egotism and atheism the jews are pushing, they are especially targeting Northern Europeans.

      Translation of your link:

      Old case about sex with 15-year-old hobbles Jeppe Kofod as foreign minister

      After intense pressure on social media, Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod (S) has once again had to do penance and regret that he showed a “lack of judgement” by having “a morally inappropriate relationship” with a 15-year-old girl in 2008. The old case overshadows his already shaky role as
      Denmark’s voice abroad

      Jeppe Kofod’s 12-year-old case has resurfaced. But Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen flatly rejects that there should be anything to come after, and emphasizes that “Jeppe Kofod has both apologized and regretted and did so many years ago”.

      Jeppe Kofod’s 12-year-old case has resurfaced. But Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen flatly rejects that there should be anything to come after, and emphasizes that “Jeppe Kofod has both apologized and regretted and did so many years ago”.

      19 September 2020

      Unchallenged by the intense debate about sexual abuse of power at home, Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod (S) tried last week to stir up social-democratic values ​​on the world stage. For only the third time in the kingdom’s history, Denmark must have a new foreign policy strategy – this time based on “social democratic values”.

      It should have been time for a new Danish doctrine, the Kofod doctrine. But it hardly gets much more remote from the world. The timing is so hopeless that the launch has come to appear as an awkward diversionary maneuver.

      In the coming time, the foreign minister also plans to travel around the country and the kingdom and collect popular inspiration for his new diplomatic offensive: “It is important that foreign policy comes more in line with the everyday lives of Danes,” Jeppe Kofod wrote on Facebook and continued: “That we put your energy into the issues, hopes and worries that you and your loved ones talk about around the dinner table and with colleagues at work.’

      Right now, however, it is a completely different topic that dominates the conversation ‘around the dinner table and with colleagues at work’, namely Jeppe Kofod’s own past. In 2008, the then 34-year-old foreign affairs minister was in Esbjerg to give a presentation on a DSU Easter course, and he had a sexual relationship with a young girl who, according to several sources, was later found crying.

      The old sex case has flared up after De Radikale’s gender equality spokesperson, Samira Nawa, when asked about the case the other day, stated: “We had not elected a minister who had such a case pending,” and she followed up with the words: “In light of the fact that we talk about #MeToo these days, this case was a classic example of a position of power being abused.’

      The Radicals: Some bullshit

      At that time, Jeppe Kofod was immediately stripped of all positions of trust in the party and at the same time was pressured to come forward as repentant: “In the evening at a party, I showed a lack of judgment by having a morally inappropriate relationship with a 15-year-old girl,” he stated in 2008, distressed and embarrassingly affected.

      The old excuse no longer satisfies the critics now that a number of other cases of sexual abuse of power have been exposed in the media. Today, political reporter Sofie Carsten Nielsen (R) calls the foreign minister’s behavior “some scumbag”, although De Radikale actually criticized the Social Democrats for having punished Jeppe Kofod far too harshly.

      When he was immediately sacked as the Social Democrats’ foreign affairs spokesman, De Radikale tried to call to his senses, and Morten Østergaard stated in 2008 that Jeppe Kofod had simply committed a “legal stupidity” which would not “have had the same consequences in relation to positions of trust in The Radical Left’. But times change, and suddenly the stool under Jeppe Kofod has become hot.

      Formally, none of the supporting parties are demanding that he be fired, but even so, on Thursday he had to – again – apologize : “I wish I could do it over.” All I can do is repent.’

      But the new excuse doesn’t seem to work either. The Alternative’s equality rapporteur, Franciska Rosenkilde, who is also mayor of culture in Copenhagen, believes that the process shows that the prime minister has also failed: “With the appointment, Mette Frederiksen has helped to legitimize a norm that makes it okay to act in that way.”

      Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen flatly denies that there should be anything to settle for, and emphasizes that “Jeppe Kofod has both apologized and regretted and did so many years ago”. She has full confidence in her foreign minister, and he also refuses to resign himself.

      In the shadow of #MeToo

      Testimony from female politicians documents that sexual abuse of power continues to ravage Danish politics. And certainly not only among male social democrats. However, Denmark’s Social Democratic Youth (DSU) seems to have been particularly infected until recently.

      Last year it emerged that the then DSU chairman Lasse Quvang Rasmussen resigned from the post in 2017 because he had offended several women. Initially, the abuses were blacked out by the party leadership, and the official explanation was that he was simply “overworked and exhausted”. Many have since asked what DSU and the other youth parties have actually learned from the cases.

      Voters, however, are more forgiving. Jeppe Kofod has thus been re-elected three times since 2008. In the direct meeting with the voters, he has been taken to heart: At the last EP election, Jeppe Kofod received 188,757 personal votes. And even then he was fully supported by his circle on Bornholm, where the local party chairman said that Jeppe Kofod “isn’t the first man to lose his head”.

      Strictly speaking, Jeppe Kofod therefore has neither a democratic, legal nor parliamentary problem. But modern politics does not work that simply anyway, because as the very embodiment of a culture of abuse where older men expose younger women to sexual abuse of power, the Foreign Minister is left seriously weakened. The past covers the future.

      Today, only a few people can take Jeppe Kofod’s far-reaching words about a new foreign policy doctrine seriously, yes, or just listen to him as Denmark’s voice in a chaotic world. Reasonable or not, it quickly takes on a parodic tone when he tries to talk about equality and basic rights.

      Although Jeppe Kofod is unlikely to be punished again, and Mette Frederiksen for the time being seems to want to keep him as minister, he has come to stand in the way of the S government’s own foreign policy project.

      At a time when precisely the values ​​that Jeppe Kofod himself highlights as the strategic benchmarks for a new Danish foreign policy – ​​”values ​​such as right and duty, equality, freedom and binding communities” – are under tremendous global pressure, Denmark has shrunk to become an even smaller small state with him at the front.

      In the shadow of #MeToo, the popular conversation about “social democratic values” on the world stage has ended before it even started, and as a politician Jeppe Kofod is left both stripped and neutered.

      (Lars Trier Mogensen writes political analyzes in Information and is editor-in-chief of the newsletter /dkpol, which is published by Føljeton.)

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