How Jack Sen and I sent $300 to Matt Heimbach and Matthew Parrott

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Proof I promised — 135 British pounds sterling sent by Jack Sen to Matthew Parrott for Matt Heimbach, the equivalent then of US$180.

Some well-intentioned intermediaries, such as CD, JL and MRJ, have proposed a cease-fire between me and Jack Sen & our defamers, Matthew Parrot and Matt Heimbach.

Parrott: Nomen est omen? 

Heimbach four years ago with his Jewish girlfriend

More recently: Jesus loves everyone — except  Jack Sen and John de Nugent


While our suprise-attackers mull that cease-fire over, our pressure continues, and our promises to our blog, Twitter, FB and VK readers are kept. Here is the proof and the truth: we HELPED them, and they blocked and trashed us. 

[Skype conversation between me and Jack Sen (edited for typos and with explanatory photos added by me, JdN]

[12:30:36 PM] [Jack Sen]: I hate infighting and I feel guilty telling people how I helped Parrott and Heimbach after they gave me their tale of woe, how poor they were and couldn’t afford food or bus tickets.

But when I learned the bastards called me a Paki (I am part-Indian, not a Paki and no way a muslim!) and then blocked me for no reason, even after I sent them money, it made my heart sink. I thought to myself, “are people in this movement really this dishonourable and ignoble? Anyway, I have the print screen for you, John.


[12:30:46 PM] [Jack Sen]: It’s for 135 British £, which was, at the time, US$180.
[12:30:57 PM] [Jack Sen]: I sent another one, I was reminded by Natasha.

Natasha, Alexa and Jack at Trafalgar Square, London

[12:30:59 PM] [Jack Sen]: ….but can’t find it
[12:31:04 PM] [Jack Sen]: I also have some other PayPal bits from Jez Turner

BR December 2015 kickoff event: a winsome female supporter; Jack Sen, Jez Turner; and Jack’s wife, Natasha, who is Swedish and Ukrainian

[12:31:33 PM] John de Nugent: I need also the exact and full story of Heimbach letting you down.
[12:31:50 PM] [Jack Sen]: Okay, basically Heimbach agreed to come [and speak at our British Renaissance kickoff event].

INAUGURAL BRITISH RENAISSANCE EVENT A HUGE SUCCESS; homophile Larry Nunn, alias Max Musson, has envy rage

[12:31:54 PM] [Jack Sen]: He then was banned [by then Home Secretary, now Prime Minister Theresa May]

[12:32:09 PM] [Jack Sen]: But [Heimbach] was in Germany and agreed to fly into Ireland and meet [important WN writer] and drive over [to British Northern Ireland] and take the ferry [quietly into England]
[12:32:16 PM] [Jack Sen]: For that he needed money for the airfare and ferry.
[12:32:22 PM] [Jack Sen]: which was 250$ or so
[12:32:28 PM] [Jack Sen]: I sent him the money. Then he rang me, saying he had to cancel as something came up.

[12:32:52 PM | Edited 12:32:52 PM] [Jack Sen]: But he NEVER sent me the money back for the airfare or ferry!

[12:58:30 PM] John de Nugent: Heimbach was to be a key speaker then, right?
[1:19:47 PM] Dorset Deb: Yes, he was.
[1:19:51 PM] Dorset Deb: He, I and Jez [Turner]
[1:19:56 PM] Dorset Deb: We replaced him with Andrew Joyce, who was FAR superior, and a top writer. Joyce,a family man, literally flew over from Northern Ireland with two days to spare, cancelling his own plans, and came to assist.

My radio show with Joyce, who has a beautiful Northern-Irish accent,  for

LATEST PROGRAM – John de Nugent interviews anti-Zionist academic and Occidental Observer associate editor, Dr Andrew Joyce

Heimbach was going to actually come in and speak, but he pussied out — AND he kept the money, John. NOT a man. He is just some trailer-dwelling, beta-male fool! Degenerates like Bitter Beer Face Parrott

…only call me a Paki bc they need to to feel better about their own worthless trash lives.  They’re the bottom of the proverbial food chain, and if I hadn’t seen their kids, I’d have assumed they were both permavirgins.

[12:33:44 PM] [Jack Sen]: He will try and tell you perhaps — if he recalls — that one of his backers sent me money four months later to make things right, but that was for an expensive video camera [for our British Renaissance videos –JewTube just deleted the whole huge channel]

And that had NOTHING to do with Heimbach.

The man actually told me he was not making things right for Heimbach as he “needed to grow the fuck up.”

[12:34:19 PM] [Jack Sen]: He was just buying me cameras as he felt I’d been fucked enough by the entire Heimbach wannabe KKK outfit.

[12:34:19 PM] John de Nugent: Thanks, Jack.
[12:34:24 PM] [Jack Sen]: He wanted to assist us at British Renaissance, not Heimbach any longer.

By special order of the Home Secretary, the BR website was deleted off the Internet in 2016.

[12:34:31 PM] [Jack Sen]: I also sent money over to Heimbach’s father in law
[12:34:32 PM] John de Nugent: I will use all this.

[12:34:37 PM] [Jack Sen]: Can’t recall how, or how much
[12:34:42 PM] [Jack Sen]: But in total I am sure it was 300$
[12:34:50 PM] [Jack Sen]: So you have the PayPal payment record, the separate donation to the father-in-law?
[12:34:57 PM] [Jack Sen]: We had it. It showed US$180.

[12:35:06 PM] [Jack Sen]: They kept trying to get money
[12:35:09 PM] [Jack Sen]: pleading poverty

[12:35:24 PM] [Jack Sen]: Then I hear him trashing me..AND you….  And when I go to write to him, I see he had blocked me!  And then you informed me that he had blocked YOU TOO!!
[12:35:28 PM] John de Nugent: How did you send the money to the father-in-law? Also by PP? or was it WU [Western Union]?
[12:35:42 PM] [Jack Sen]: I don’t recall … It was not PP. All I could find was this one to Parrott. It was prbly Western Union.
[12:36:07 PM] John de Nugent: Do you have proof I can show of the funds sent to this father-in-law?
[12:36:12 PM] [Jack Sen]: Thinking back, it could have been my old PayPal that I am blocked from using.
[12:36:15 PM] [Jack Sen]: I don’t have proof because that account is blocked.
[12:36:18 PM] John de Nugent: OK. As you know, I was blocked back in 2012 for life by PP. They even kept $250 of mine for 18 months,”investigating possible fraud”!
[12:36:22 PM] [Jack Sen]: But you can mention that I did send funds to the father-in-law, but I don’t have the receipt. But we do for the first one, with the other acct. Around $300 total.
[12:36:31 PM] John de Nugent: Good enough, then.
[12:36:39 PM] [Jack Sen]: And it’s up to ppl whether they believe it was one or two.
[12:36:46 PM] [Jack Sen]: For the one your readers now have proof.
[12:36:53 PM] [Jack Sen]: The other I just don’t have, as my acct. was shut down.





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    John de Nugent
    306 South Steel Street
    Ontonagon MI 49953

    Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689

    (Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)


    Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

    Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



    Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA

    Need secrecy? Then start a

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    your new secret email address.





    ¦How to donate & recent donors

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    This log is to confirm to those who send me useful items “cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts ” that I did receive them.


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     PayPal: to

    This is my dear “M. Huffstickler,” about to sing an Irish art song at a speech I gave in Michigan





    winter (Marine EGA “ eagle, globe & anchor “ in the window)



    I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn. 😉


    Almost 3.8 MILLION hits on Google


    checks to “John de Nugent”

    cash in a greeting card (or aluminum foil)


    US postal money order (or Canadian postal money order in US dollars)





    even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

    IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL!aluminum-foilus-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-250-euros-germany-aluminum

    Amazon gift card

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    First, go to (not or or any other Amazon site)
    Then click on “Gift Card” on the top of the page, followed by a click on “Email” at the “Ways to Send” menu.
    Finally, choose a card and amount. That’s it!





    I and Margi since 2005


    Many supporters have contacted me asking if there is a quicker and easier way to donate to my work. The good news is, yes there is.

    If you already have a Paypal account, you can get a PayPal reload card, and then send me by email or phone call the numbers off the back and amount.

    (Ask me then for the proper email address for Paypal ” they banned me   ” and Andrew Anglin and others ” BUT I have several friends with PP ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦.. 😉 )



    Or get a PayPal account yourself and send funds that way. Rather than filling out forms and re-inputting your card details over and over again, you can donate simply by providing your email and password.

    Yes, it really is that simple. The solution is to set up a personal PayPal account. You will only have to input your details once and then attach your credit/debit card to your account.  When making a donation in the future, you only need your email and password and it is all done automatically.

    It’s quick, easy and hassle-free “ no more filling out endless forms. Please set up a personal PayPal account here:

    Once your account is set up, please go to the “Wallet” section and add your credit/debit card and then enjoy the ease and speed of contributing to my Solutrean work in the future.

      “sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

    –Vanilla gift card

    From a fellow fmr Marine, this ”Vanilla” Gift Card for $50: “John, Happy Christmas and Bright, Prosperous and Healthy 2017! — P[]”

    “Moneygram or Western Union outside the US (also pls send an email with the number and AMOUNT)


    I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

    What is my religion based on?







    ¦ ¦.Actual donations

    –3 August 2017 check from P in Florida

    –2 August 2017 check from K in Ohio

    –31 July 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

    –25 July 2017 check from G in Nevada

    –22 July 2017 PayPal to from M in Florida

    –19 July 2017  book The Chief about press baron Wm. Randolph Hearst from S in Idaho

    –17 July 2017 cash from C in North Carolina and a check from J in Utah

    –14  July 2017 cash from E in North Carolina

    –13 July 2017 cash from M in Oregon

    –11 July 2017 donation via PayPal from B in New York

    –10 July 2017 check from J in Utah

    –9 July 2017 donation from C in Maryland via Stripe

    “5 July 2016 50 Euros ($55) via PayPal from C in Germany to

    –5 July 2017 donation via PayPal from J in Australia

    –1 July 2017 check and letter from a brave, intelligent comrade and author in San Francisco, California with possible cancer

    Also cash from P in Florida and a birthday card! 🙂

    Also, a Stripe donation from J in Pennsylvania


    –30 June 2017 check from J in Maryland

    –29 June 2017  PayPal from L in Australia

    –28 June 2017 book on national socialism from C. von Kanwetzburg


    –27 June 2017 PayPal from J in England, P in Connecticut,  B in New York, and P in Maryland,

    and a check from J in Utah

    –15 June 2017 cash from M in Oregon

    –10 June 2017 donation by check from G in New Swabia

    –5 June 2017 cash in foil, letter and nice card from S in Germany

    May 26, ’17

    Dear Mr de Nugent,

    The thought of your going hungry for lack of funds nearly breaks my heart.

    [] You could wring the neck of the oldest hen and cook the old girl, but that heartless idea did occur to you too, I should think. 😉

    It is sad and also telling that a man of your calibre and education and culture has to live the life of an outcast.

    But such is life in Weimarica, courtesy of jews  (I do not capitalize this word, any more than I capitalize the word “criminal”) and white race traitors, who are worse than the aforementioned.

    If a mighty wizard were to use his magic wand and say: “jews be gone!” what would you hear next?

    A deafening roar, a stampede of filthy white race traitors running to fill the empty shoes and take the place of the jews.

    And I am sure of it.

    Interesting times indeed.

    A brave new world where poverty is the price you pay for integrity and the worst sort of low-life is always on top. Duh!

    On this sombre note I bid you adieu for now for now.


    –1 June 2017 via PayPal from S in Germany

    –30 May 2017 cash wrapped in aluminum foil from L in Massachusetts

    –25 May 2017 check from J in Utah

    –25 May 2017 donation from J in Australia via Paypal to

    –19 May 2017 donations from J in Maine and Z in Pennsylvania via Paypal to

    –11 May 2017 check from G in Montana

    –10 May 2017 Cash from M in Oregon

    –9 May 2017 Cash from C in Rio Blanco 😉 , Florida and from V in Germany

    –8 May 2017 Cash wrapped correctly in aluminum foil, accompanied by a nice card and letter — from repeat donor S in Germany

    –5 May 2017 Paypal from J in Australia

    “27 April 2017 Check from J in Utah

    –27 April 2017 donation via Stripe from D in Australia

    –26 April 2017 cash donation in the recommended aluminum foil and beautiful gift card from repeat donor M in Germany

    Accompanying note in German

    English translation

    Hello, John!

    I wish you a beautiful beginning of spring. Keep on fighting! Let me know when the card and content (20 euros) have arrived.

    Germany awaken!

    With comradely greetings,

    Sebastian [XX]

    –25 April 2017 Paypal to from L in Scotland

    “21 April 2017 cash donation by M in Oregon
    “21 April 2017 Stripe donation by B in Denmark

    –13 April 2017 check from G in Utah

    —-13 April 2017 book from S in Idaho

    –11 April 2017 cash from donor “Chad Bigly” 😉


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