How many videos of children being sexually abused must a cop be forced to watch? Time to arrest, line up, and shoot the paedos!!

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I 100% support this policewoman

And the comments ridiculing her are way off base.

She actually knew, via her police work, the girls being abused and had to watch hundreds of hours of them being raped and forced into sex — even after repeatedly, urgently requesting a transfer to other duties.

What normal person, seeing a child you knew and cared about being raped, would not “freak out”?  What normal woman and mother?

This is not like an adult soldier seeing other adult soldiers die in combat, which is to be expected. “They shoot at us; we shoot at them.” People die in war. And rapists and murderers kill adults. Cops can handle it.

But seeing a child you know being raped, and crying and quivering in fear, who is not a hardened, adult soldier who volunteered for war…..

I have a number of supporters who have told me they were molested as kids, as I was, and it is profoundly tragic and deforming for the child. It shatters them. It fries their brain and soul, and the damage can last an entire lifetime.

Many have “arrested emotional development,” and stay stuck emotionally at the age when the abuse happened. I mean a woman of 23 who literally acts as if she were still eight, and wants to have stuffed animal toys and do coloring books. 🙁 🙁

And unconsciously to choose to overeat so as to 1) be obese and 2) not wash so as to be unattractive to male rapists. 🙁 🙁 🙁

Slow death on live tv to all paedophiles.

You know what you are doing to innocent little kids.






……See also

From “damaged goods” to victor — my 1984 speech and today

Courageous woman exposed sickening sex cult designed to create a secret Marine Corps drug-and-hitman network

Reading this was for me — as a survivor myself — as bad as reading the book Hellstorm is for any national socialist, to think how Germany descended from almost heaven under NS down to hell.

I spent hours verifying dozens of specific details in this “Unshackled” story. This book proves there is a vast US Deep State program to create MK-ULTRAs — future hitmen and hitwomen — by raping little white kids.

And it was German Jews such as, specifically, Henry Kissinger, who started it. They wore “Nazi” uniforms while raping these white American kids, and deliberately talking to them in sadistic and gloating terms with their heavy German accents!

These vile Khazars programmed the white American kids to “remember” being “raped by German Nazis”!!!

MK-ULTRA and “Unshackled — A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control” by Kathleen Sullivan

The worst abuse, however, is the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE program, a level of horror even more unimaginable than the unspeakable abuse in Unshackled.

….which, in Unshackled, included a young mother -the authoress — being forced by her own father, also an MK-ULTRA and hitman, to either slit the throat of her own little baby girl or, if she refused, watch as he tortured it to death.

She had to herself kill the only thing she had in her life in order to complete her total brain-fry. The baby was not registered anywhere, and thus could be killed with impunity and the body destroyed.

Other white babies are sold live to paedophiles for abuse, the filming of child-porn videos, and possibly snuff films at some point.

If the kid is and stays “cute,” then it is kept alive for abuse for years; if not, paedos pay big money to be allowed to torture and kill them for $50,000.

National Public Radio did a show, which I heard, in the late 1980s or early 1990s on this — a Mexico-based, secret child-rape and child-killing “ranch” for psychopathic American monsters.

Blond children are especially in demand, and are abducted especially from the Upper Midwest, which is full of German, Scandinavian and Finnish kids.

If you can imagine there could even be any abuse worse than a young mom being forced to kill her own baby to prove that her obedience programming is completed and successful, then you will understand the inner circle of hell that is the Manchurian program.

The purpose of the top level of the Manchurian program is to create puppet generals, admirals, police chiefs, media moguls, bankers, and presidents.

In order to be entrusted with great power in the real world,

….they must never be able to remember, due to the built-in Horror Filter — the human brain’s useful ability to block — to repress — unbearable memories — the degrading and ineffable things which the Jew Deep State did to them.

OTHERWISE, any US president would make a plan and suddenly take the Jews down in a bloodbath.

Though two forms of well-established therapy helped me, it was only the teachings of Eckhart Tolle which allowed me to be completely leave the status of damaged person.

Truly, a traumatizing past can be the mortal enemy of your present. Ask any Vietnam or Iraq vet.



In the end, we must see that we are living in denial on the Jews’ trauma planet. Jewry is, as Jesus said, the spawn of the Devil (John 8:44).

And there is no measure too radical to end this. But first we must become fully conscious and stop dreaming.





  1. “If you can imagine there could even be any abuse worse than a young mom being forced to kill her own baby to prove that her obedience programming is completed and successful, then you will understand the inner circle of hell that is the Manchurian program.” (JdN).

    Reading the above paragraph in your post, I was reminded about another famous “obedience training”: the history of Abraham and Isaac in the Old Testament.

    I feel there are parallels in evilness and implementation methods in both cases, and it is apparent that the purposes, while being different (or perhaps not so different depending how you look at it), are nevertheless, in both instances, nasty, evil, and destructive.

    And in both cases, the objective is to take possession of persons who are slavishly capable of anything – ANYTHING.

    • Thank you, comrade. That is an excellent comparison: Abraham being ordered to slit the throat of his own son, Isaac (and being willing to do so) and what the author of Unshackled, Kathleen Sullivan did as part of this Jew-run program.

      An astounding book from 2007 by Ariel Toaff of Bar-Ilan University, in Tel Aviv, Israel, “Blood Passover” which confirmed (over the course of 130 pages of scientific writing with many footnotes) the truth of the three-thousand-year-old accusations of Jewish ritual murder of children, uses an illustration of Abraham being about to kill Isaac on the cover.

      Ariel Toaff

      Toaff’s father was the Grand Rabbi of Rome, Elie Toaff

      This is the same rabbi who welcomed Pope John Paul II (himself a crypto-Jew) in 1987 to his synagogue as part of the Vatican II church’s bootlicking toward the Jews

      Ariel Toaff’s revelations were devastating because even Wikipedia once admitted (it no longer does so) he was “the world’s leading authority on Italian Jewry in the Middle Ages.”


      Ariel Toaff (born 1942) is a professor of Medieval and Renaissance History at Bar Ilan University [Orthodox Jewish!] in Israel, whose work has focused on Jews and their history in Italy. [….]

      [Wiki on Bar Ilan University: “Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew: אוניברסיטת בר-אילן‬ Universitat Bar-Ilan) is a public research university in the city of Ramat Gan in the Tel Aviv District, Israel. Established in 1955, Bar Ilan is Israel’s second-largest academic institution. It has some 33,000 students (including 9,000 students in its affiliated regional colleges) and 1,350 faculty members.

      The university aims to “blend tradition with modern technologies and scholarship, and teach the compelling ethics of Jewish heritage to all… to synthesize the ancient and modern, the sacred and the material, the spiritual and the scientific.”[1]”]

      Toaff’s book, Pasque di sangue. Ebrei d’Europa e omicidi rituali (“Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders”), was published in February 2007. The book analyzes the cultural and historical background to a notorious 1475 murder trial in Italy. A group of Jews were accused of murdering a young boy, later known as Simon of Trent, and using his blood for Passover rites. The accused were tortured and confessed to killing the boy, who was informally venerated as a saint by Catholics until the 1960s. The consensus of scholarship has dismissed cases such as Simon of Trent’s as a blood libel against Jews.[5]

      The book sparked intense controversy, including calls for Toaff him to resign from or be fired from his professorship, and questioning of his research, historical method, and motives[6] as they relate to his writing of the book. Threats were made against his life,[7] and some sought his prosecution.[8]

      The book was widely criticized for providing material that anti-Semites might capitalize on, though Sergio Luzzatto praised his intellectual courage in reopening a dossier that had lain under a taboo.[1] While Toaff framed his analysis in hypothetical language, and phrased his speculations in conditional language, the reception of the book often tended to translate this caution, according to Hanna Johnson, into the indicative language of accepted fact.[1]

      Toaff promised not to give in to pressure and defend his work “even if crucified”.[9] In response to a statement from Italian Jewish leaders that consumption or use of blood is prohibited by Jewish law and tradition, Toaff stressed that he was not implicating all Jews, but only “a group of fundamentalist Jews [who] did not respect the biblical prohibition [against use of blood].”[10] However, Toaff did eventually pull his book from circulation

  2. Yes, mind bending and control techniques have a long, jewish history.

    Yet, they keep telling us that its the “nazis”, who “obviously” must have infiltrated all the USA as well as the rest of the world, who are doing this….in 2018!

    Jews really are master-liars and priests of evil.

    One is even tempted to have some admiration for them….they managed to build a world based on many lies, in spite of lies having normally “short feet”!.

    Truly, masters of the art, no others even come close.

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