…..Spiritual reading
April 30
We want to commend the dolphins to you today. You have all given them thought, you know their importance. We don’t need to tell you what you already know. And yet, they are your greatest teachers and guides today (and on many others, if given the opportunity).
Such an amazing line of evolution. So sweet, so powerful. Please think on these beings who share your planet and allow their way of life to enhance yours today. Fluidity is so important. Look at the places where you move with angularity, where you are blocked, where there is no flow of body, mind or heart.
These are the places we encourage you to work with today, to approach with dolphin brains and hearts.
Let the dolphins’ suppleness soften and strengthen your energy so that you may begin to move with a grace and beauty somewhat like theirs.
There are many amongst them who are, like you, working to open and evolve and hold the energies that are needed on the earth right now. They are your allies as well as your teachers.
And as your consciousness grows, you have much to share with them. Face it: you all have a big stake in the unfolding
of the next few years.
We don’t want to say too much here because it is necessary for you to begin to hear and understand that which is all around you, whispering guidance, sending love. Although it has been possible for a time, in the end, we cannot be intermediaries. Words are becoming obsolete (despite the fact that they will be in use for a long, long time to come) and are no longer the best means of conveying an idea, an emotion, a truth.
We have worked with words because they are the most accessible means of communicating with all of you, but it is time to take some tiny steps toward weaning yourself of your dependence upon them.
The dolphins communicate at the highest of spiritual levels without resort to language. They do it directly, and it is time for them to begin to connect with humans in this most pure of forms.
So today, we ask that you open yourself to what it is that the dolphins have to teach you as an individual.
Allow yourself to be your own conduit. As you do this, not only will you learn something about your life and how to let it flow more smoothly, but you will have made your own connection.
Many of you doubt your ability to do this; you are all perfectly capable. The dolphins can carry most of the burden at this point. All you really have to do is intend, ask, and open. They will do the rest.
We want to say to anyone who is feeling skeptical that this is real: it is a great deal more real than most of what you interact with day in and day out.
Please do not dismiss what we are saying to you today. If
nothing else, hold out the possibility that it is true. And test it for yourself.
We love you and send it all with blessings. — E. West
….This time the world
What I had learned by this exact moment, down in the Bunker, 76 years ago, was that no strictly political approach, and not little Germany by itself, could possibly turn this thing around.
It will come from the new religion, destined to unite the whole world against the jews.
George Lincoln Rockwell was a very intelligent man, not just a street brawler and orator.
with his Icelandic wife
Commander, United States Navy
He had studied at the Ivy League’s Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
My father knew his brother.
By the way, “Providence” was my favorite word for God, in German, die Vorsehung.
This is of course a noun, more than a person, It refers to the fact that God has created nature and her iron-clad laws to help and guide us. There is no help for the coward, procrastinator and whiner!
If you are unwilling to fight, you are unworthy to live!
What a “coincidence” that it was my ancestor Thomas Angell (from whom both my mother and father descended) who IN 1636 co-founded this city of PROVIDENCE! 🙂
Thomas and his master, Roger Williams, had fled Puritan, Calvinist and thus judeophile Boston and Salem (the town where they had landed from England in 1635) because the evil practice of baptizing mere infants into Christianity, or into any religion, was abhorrent to them.
On the Continent of Europe, people called Anabaptists were being burned alive just for saying this! That a baby cannot make an intelligent decision!
Thomas gave land from his orchard to build this, the first Baptist church in North America, where only adults could be baptized. If a religion has to force kids into it, inducting babies by force who cannot even talk, there is something alien (semitic!) and completely wrong about it!
So G.L. Rockwell studied at Brown, right up the hill, called now College Hill.
And guess where much of Hitler’s private library (with many books about Jesus and religion) was kept after WWII?
In the John Hay Library at Brown, right off ANGELL STREET! Rocky, as a university student, saw this building every day.
So many thing have been signs that my task in this life is a newone, to create a new world religion to
1) unite all races against the jews, and
2) make us Whites again into Aryans, the noble ones, a new people with a new consciousness, a higher breed by whom the yellow, brown and black nations will wish to be lovingly and wisely governed.
This will serve the peace, prosperity and freedom of all mankind!
In the nuclear age, there is no alternative to this!
Alexander Mercouris recently did a very grave video about a new article on the Sputnik website by Dmitry Medvedev. the former president and prime minister of Russia.
Let me be blunt, blunter than Medvedev, and state plainly what he really means:
America, by its insane attempts to encircle, economically crush, overthrow and enslave Russia, is going to cause World War Three.
I urge you to listen to this video and read Medvedev’s article. Here they are, just below. And take this away: I, John de Nugent, am not now “just into religion” or “no longer interested” in race, politics, and world problems. In fact, I am more interested in the pressing global problem of nuclear annihilation than any other WN! My short-term goal is to head off a looming thermonuclear war triggered by the wicked old fool, Joe Biden!
Earthlings must change from egoic and violent humanimals to clear, peaceful, intelligent, cooperative humans, just as on other planets, or be wiped out!
You might ask:
How do I feel on the 76th anniversary of the day I terminated a mostly good but partly horrible incarnation?
Well, the good part was amazing!
But from 1942 on to about 1948 it was mostly Hellstorm. 🙁
We lost four million DURING the war, and twelve million more AFTER the war!
On the other side, I grieved and grieved, and then made up my mind that the next time, with Christianity becoming moribund, I must create a new world religion to depsychopathize the world.
And many Arabs and others despise Islam – make no mistake about it! They only fear being executed if they leave it!
So many jews are also sick of Judaism and only the constantly hyped fear of “another Holocaust” keeps them in line and supporting an Israel which they know is wicked. Most jews refuse to move there!
Did 12 years in solitary for exposing the evil Israeli nuclear weapons program at Dimona. (I have corresponded with him.)
Pedophile Christian priests — Kamala Harris as California Attorney General refused to prosecute them.
Remember this powerful 1991 and huge hit song by R.E.M., “Losing My Religion”?
Christianity is now dead for most Whites, even in its last bastion, America. But remember, itt was not yet on its last legs back then, in 1889-1945.
But now it is seen as empty fairy tales, and does not answer the searing questions of life:
Why really am I here? What happens to me when I die?
Why does evil usually win? Is there really a loving god?
(Photo from a year ago) Why did Margi get Stage III throat cancer after never smoking or drinking?
In what way is “God love”?
[Verse 1]
Oh, life is bigger
It’s bigger than you and you are not me
The lengths that I will go to the distance in your eyes
Oh no, I’ve said too much, I set it up
That’s me in the corner, that’s me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you and I don’t know if I can do it
Oh no, I’ve said too much, I haven’t said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
[Verse 2]
Every whisper of every waking hour I’m choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool
Oh no, I’ve said too much, I set it up
Consider this, consider this, the hint of the century
Consider this the slip that brought me to my knees, failed
What if all these fantasies come flailing around?
Now I’ve said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
But that was just a dream
That was just a dream
That’s me in the corner, that’s me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you and I don’t know if I can do it
Oh now, I’ve said too much, I haven’t said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
But that was just a dream
Try, cry, why try?
That was just a dream, just a dream
Just a dream, dream
Remember what I said to Leni Riefenstahl?
And just like the last time, when I look around, I see no one else who can or will do it!
The new faith is based on 1) reincarnation and 2) destroying our own inner jew, the egoic mind.
This accursed egoic mind…. I have reviewed often my disastrous failure in the 1923 Munich putsch….
13:05-15:20 (end) how incredibly naive I was to think that some conservative Bavarian politicians, just like the RINO Republicans today in America, would heroically do what was right for the nation at the moment of truth, when action alone could save us, rather than do only what was safe and profitable for themselves!
The worm Gustav von Kahr, a conservative whom I trusted and released after arresting him, single-handedly thwarted an uprising that could have led to a Third Reich in 1923, not 1933.
And then we could have crushed the vile, murderous Soviet Union while it was still weak and devastated from four years of civil war.
In 1923 it was anything but the highly industrialized, stupendous war machine of 1941!
And in the 1920s all the US presidents (Harding, Coolidge and Hoover) were extremely anti-communist Republicans, and not the red-loving FDR!
Von Kahr (anything but noble in actions, his family had only recently gotten a mere title of nobility) received his karmic payback in 1934, on the so-called “Night of the Long Knives”, but the damage had been done.
I saw, as the rifles flashed and 16 beautiful men fell dead all around me, that most white people, whatever their IQ and education, were moral idiots, killing their defenders — and helping their mortal enemies!
And before the Great Depression hit, in October 1929, we had no effect on the masses.
Wow, after knocking ourselves out, we got a whopping 2.6% in the May 1928 election 😉
Why does it take a crisis, a disaster, a Great Depression, or a Joe Biden and CARAMEL HARRIS, to wake Whites up?
The problem is in us!
There is light coming.
You who read these lines are on the verge of becoming Aryans with me.
We will not fear death, only dishonor.
We are immortal!
Last night, yet another sign came. I called Margi in to see it.
As several books have pointed out, in this electronic age it is relatively easy for “the other side” to send us messages electronically.
This was my computer last night at 10:47 pm.
It has a read-out in German because my keyboard is in that language.
Notice the message below the time?Mixed in with the German is, for some reason, a message in French….!
Passage du Fuehrer (15h30 MEZ)
“Passing of the Führer (3:30 p.m. Central European Time)
Wow — okay, God, I get it. 😉
Osserva bene.
Il secundo è Stalin 😉
Il secondo invece è una zecca piena di Ego.Ha criticato Lutero,ha criticato Platone e infine ha divulgato un odioso libro:”Hitler 666″.
Oggi se ne viene con questa foto un po’ strana:”Noi siamo i ControRivoluzionari” scrive e quelle pareti bruciate????mmmhhhh
Allora è uno sporco Ebreo e lo vedo dalla sua faccia.
Sembra cattolico e critica allo stesso tempo la Chiesa di Bergoglio.
Avverto il suo Ego e il suo veleno.
E nessuno commenta i suoi post,nessuno,ha pochissimi amici.
Observe well.
The second one is Stalin.
The second instead is a mint full of Egos. He criticized Luther, criticized Plato and finally published a hateful book: “Hitler 666”.
Today he comes up with this somewhat strange photo: “We are the CounterRevolutionaries” he writes and those burnt walls ???? mmmhhhh
Then he’s a dirty Jew and I can see it from his face.
He seems Catholic and at the same time criticizes the Church of Bergoglio.
I feel his Ego and his poison.
And no one comments on his posts, no one, he has very few friends.
Is this hideous Bavieri a Lubavitch jew? I see his black hat and sinister expression …
Questo orribile Bavieri è un ebreo di Lubavitch? Vedo il suo cappello nero e la sua espressione sinistra.
Non lo so John, è italiano.
Ma non mi piace.
È sinistro dalle cose che posta.
Non ascolta nessuno;sta lì a scrivere e a divulgare certi libri.
Libri pseudocattolici contro Lutero,Hitler, Platone..e porta una croce al collo.
Ma non mi piace il suo sguardo.Per niente.Ego assoluto.
È contro i comunisti,contro i socialisti nazionali..
Un fervente Cattolico.
Cosa ti sembra?
Sono le cose che lui posta.
Per lui le medicine tradizionali(omeopatia),le religioni pagane e il Nazismo sono frutto del Demonio.Le Tradizioni????mah.
“Lutero e l’ascesa di Hitler”
Queste persone non possono essere recuperate…
Io lo vedo come un Ebreo che si nasconde dietro il Cattolicesimo.
Sono i peggiori.
What does it look like to you?
These are the things he posts.
For him, traditional medicines (homeopathy), pagan religions and Nazism are all the fruit of the Devil.
Traditions ???? Bah.
“Luther and the rise of Hitler”…
These people cannot be recovered …
I see him as a Jew hiding behind a facade of Catholicism.
They are the worst.
Yes, and either that, an outer jew or an inner jew, full of ego, lies and hate.
Io adoro questi messaggi…
Li leggo da quando ci sei tu nella mia vita,sono molto chiari..
I love these messages …
I’ve been reading them since you have been in my life. They are very clear.
Vi voglio tanto bene 🙂
There are rights that come from God and the order of nature, which transcend any government.
No one on earth has a right to tell you, for example:
You can’t speak your mind freely
You can’t move around freely
You don’t have a choice as to what goes into your body
What the government and these corporations are inflicting onto the people via the Virus Regime is not only tyrannical, it is outright satanic.
It is not only not outrageous, but it is actually appropriate and necessary to just say it: this is satanic.
Trying to force someone to inject themselves with a substance that they do not want inside their body violates the very most basic natural rights of man.
When Tony Montana arrived in Miami from Cuba, he said: “this town is like a great big pussy just waiting to get fucked.”
This is the attitude that foreigners are always going to have when invited into a country that they have no ties or bonds with. Why would any of them not be expected to exploit the situation?
This concept Westerners have of society as a purely commercial enterprise makes it difficult to understand anything, really. In order to live in a society, it has to mean more to you than “something that I drain money from for personal gain.” If you have large numbers of people with no connection at all to the society as a whole, it’s going to lead to the society being progressively bled dry and eventually collapsing.
Yes, and China, which is now in a way crypto-National Socialist, just keeps getting stronger and stronger
White people need to remember:
Biden at its worst:
Based man tells the truth
Jewish strategy
No vaccine!
If no one cared about the hurt feelings of the Jews, they would be completely powerless. All Jewish power is based in their ability to claim that their feelings are hurt, which then makes it so no one can talk about them, and they can get away with every crime.If people were allowed to talk about the behavior of Jews, they wouldn’t be able to get away with anything.
Take this poster design, spread it far and wide among your contacts, across all relevant networks and platforms, both online and offline. Get involved yourself, hit the pavement, force the message into the commons, make it part of public discourse. Expand the Overton window, normalize our struggle!!!
This design has the power to awaken and provoke the sleeping, complacent, and apathetic masses into ACTION! The statement is simple, YET, it sets up an exponential feedback loop – a viral snowball effect:
Statement: “there is a war on whites”
Function: claim victim status for whites
Problem: Jews, BIPOC/Minorities etc want to retain a monopoly on victim status, precisely because victim status has SIGNIFICANT strategic value. It is used, through the manufacturing of narratives, to manipulate and exploit crowd psychology (elicitation of sympathy) into endowing groups that possess victim status (whether real or fake/manufactured) with the moral license required to attack other groups (“oppressors”) with impunity in the name of “equality” and other pretexts (it’s all about power).
Do you get it? Do you fucking get it?
When our enemies, as well as the traitors and useful idiots, inevitably attack this poster, IT REAFFIRMS THE TRUTH OF THE POSTER’S STATEMENT, red-pilling bystanders and onlookers who would otherwise remain asleep if not alerted by such a strong and disproportionate response to a statement that would not produce anywhere near the same results when paired with virtually ANY other identifiable group.
Repetition, repetition, repetition. Forcefully prescribe this within the public sphere, memetically, until it becomes self-perpetuating.
Excellent, powerful — will use it.
We must become our own best version in this struggle!
We must outwit the (((enemy))).
The following image is a perfect example for it. At first it seems to be against “anti-semitism” (which is just a jewish psychologicalweapon anyway to shut down critcs), but at the second glance it exposes the jewish power structure:
Thank you — excellent!
I would only wish the corroborative links at the bottom be brighter and more legible. The meme is making a big assertion and being able to back it up doubles its effectiveness.
Everything helps in the fight against jewish supremacy:
Abortion of white children is a crime. Let the female perpetrators feel the shame and the pain.
Never let a feminist women lie to you (warning graphic comic, but true nonetheless)
When you build a wall between you and degenerate people in your life, you take control of your life. Excoriation of losers, users, and enervating life suckers is an exercise in self sovereignty.
1) your cell phone has a block caller. Start using it
2) dump so-called friends who take and never give
3) recognize the traits of narcissism and sociopathy, wall off these fuckers
4) work for what you have, and never let anyone know what you have. Get the fuck off fagbook, shitgram all these social media where you can’t escape losers
5) start being ruthless walling off people who don’t know what reciprocity means