How the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 is like the Ukrainian Crisis in 2022

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Coming on top of the terror attack in Moscow which murdered 144 Russian civilians, and which Russia blames on the American CIA, now warmongering British FM David Cameron admits the Ukraine War is really about “hurting Russia.”
He says (esp. at 1:30:32-52), the exact same three lies from the exact same script as US senator Lindsay Graham:

“1) Putin is a dictator who wants to invade other countries.” On that, look at the attached map; many Ukrainian citizens ARE ETHNIC RUSSIANS who speak, think, and feel Russian. It was two true dictators, the communists Lenin and Khrushchev, who redrew the map and put them overnught and totally against their will into Ukraine in 1922 (eastern Ukraine) and in 1954 (Crimea).
And Putin, no angel but, guess what, who IS in politics ??? is no dictator.
He is incredibly popular for saving Russia from the terrible economic collapse of the 1990s, and he just won re-election honestly. Even WESTERN opinion polls showed his support at 87%. He rules by being popular, not by fear or stealing elections.

Putin visits Mariupol, no longer shelled  by the Jewkrainian Army after eight years of hell.



t2) Cameron: “The war is an investment in US security to degrade the Russian military.”
First, Ukraine is not in New Jersey. 😉 It is located right on the Russian border, and is BIG, the size of Texas, and had 46 MILLION people, and lots of industry and agriculture, with incredible topsoil.
The Russians see Ukraine the same way that John Kennedy saw Cuba, as a hostile country and a huge threat. It is 250 miles from the Kremlin, the same as the stretch from Philadelphia to Washington DC. A NATO missile from Ukraine could hit Moscow in TWO MINUTES.
So if this Russo-Ukrainian War escalates even further, then far from supporting US national security, it can lead to a nuclear WWIII, which will END the very existence of the American people!

And 3) the Russian military is not weaker but instead far stronger than ever before. “Russia has lost half its military equipment.” This is an arrant lie. The Russian Army is advancing everywhere while Ukraine (as even the MSM now whine) is out of men, missiles, jets, drones, anti-aircraft systems, and tanks.
What disgusts me, as a patriot and as a veteran (Marines and Army) is that I heard this same sort of stinking pro-war BS for decades, beginning with how Lyndon Johnson got us into the unwinnable Vietnam War in 1965, claiming how if we did not fight in the jungles of Nam, the North Vietnamese would fight us in the streets of Los Angeles!

Then came the same malarkey from Dubya in 2001 as he got us into unwinnable Afghanistan. And in 2003, with Afghanistan nto won, Bush League still got us into Iraq as well, claiming it had mythical “weapons of mass destruction” which threatened the US……
We lost all three lie-based wars, with so many veterans being killed or wounded, and coming home very sick (esp. from Agent Orange in Nam or depleted uranium from tank shells, plus inhaling smoke from “burn pits” — the open-air burning   —  on our bases of the base’s trash — with the fumes blowing into the tents of our personnel). And so many, many got PTSD from the horrors of war AND dejection because the war was profitable for Wall Street but either pointless or totally unwinnable.
All that sweat, blood, pain, loneliness, separation from the wife, the kids, or the fiancée/gf, plus the grief from seeing buddies die for f—ing NOTHING…..
But a war with Russia, backed by China, would be far worse. It would be the absolute END of the United States.
Napoleon, Hitler Germany, the Poles, Swedes and Mongols, all powerful nations in their day, suffered disaster when they attacked that gigantic and tough country, Russia, which is over a thousand years old.
When Napoleon captured Moscow, the Russians burned their OWN city down and his soldiers froze!
Actually, Americans, by not stopping the current russophobic madness, would also bear responsibility for all of Western civilization being wiped out in a nuclear war. The majority of the people in the northern hemisphere would die for a lie.
There would no longer be electricity, food in grocery stores, gasoline, medicines, or much else left other than many very hungry and sick people.
Oh, and armed gangs of liquored-up, seriously bad guys would be roaming around, raping women (and men), and stealing food.
Then would come the die-off of the survivors of the initial nuclear blast and fires …from the radioactive fallout.
Finally, we would suffer five or more years of “nuclear winter,” with NO direct sunlight ever, just dark. gray skies filled with fine dust.
The 2008 movie “The Road” depicts a dimly lit, gray, overcast, and chilly world with temps in the thirties most of the year. Forget even SEEING the sun.


This means 90% of our crops (and plants and trees) would die. And so would our oceans, which via plankton generate 80% of the world’s oxygen.
The fish in our lakes, ponds and rivers would perish from toxic, radioactive dust.
And, hunters, the deer you shoot for sport and for food would die of starvation. Forget venison.
John Kennedy was IMO our last real president, a man who did not take anyone’s orders. But he did take us to the edge of nuclear war in 1962 after Cuba, 90 miles from Florida, accepted Russian missiles. (My father, a Marine Corps reserve captain, was called up to active duty. I was eight and remember it.)
Ukraine is the same thing in reverse — US and NATO forces are on the borders with Russia!
Again, add to all this the 144 dead civilians just killed in the capital of their country, 250 miles from the Ukrainian border.
And here we see US Sen. Graham and our ally, Britain, saying the goal is to “use Ukraine to weaken Russia,” to HARM it. And they also admit to wanting to overthrow Putin, whom the Russians trust, follow, vote for, and LOVE.
Putin, with his people behind him, will not back down about Russian national security, or a major threat right on their border, any more than John Kennedy backed down over Cuba in 1962. Watch “Thirteen Days” (an excellent docudrama with Kevin Costner) about how close we got to WWIII. I know — I remember the fear!!!



1 Comment

  1. Are you aware John that it’s nearly at a point where soldiers are rendered obsolete in modern warfare.
    The U.S has spent trillions on it’s millitary to get to this point, drones and robots have almost rendered foot soldiers obsolete.

    And combined with advanced modern weapons all thats need is an army of a few hundred thousand low i.q useful idiots.
    A lot of modern weapons don’t require a huge amount of skill to use and as long as their are enough mechanics and engineers to maintain and fix the machinery then hardened well trained foot soldiers are not needed.

    I have a friend who’s father was in the millitary about 30 years ago, he’s retired now but he still has a lot of knowledge and expertise in the modern millitary.
    This started becoming evident in the 90’s that foot soldiers would become almost obsolete with major advancements in technology, such as drones,robots and other advanced deadly weapons.

    If their was a nucleor strike it would not come from Putin, it would come from the zionists or zionist controlled terrorists and foreign governments.

    And they would probably target the Kremlin in Moscow and Russias main millitary weapons facilities to inflict maximum damage.
    Most of the Ukraines fighting age young men are dead now, so Zelensky is sending off 16 and 17 year old Ukranian boys and girls to be slaughtered and blown to bits on the front line.

    These are 16 and 17 year old kids are not old enough to vote or buy alcohol legally.
    But they’ve been sent off to be slaughtered on the front line, sent into the meat grinder.

    The average lifespan for a Ukranian soldier on the front line is 4 hours till their slaughtered.
    And our sick evil politicians are supporting and providing weapons to this monster and his Jewish terrorist government.

    There will be no winners in this war except the jews, Russia has suffered enormous losses as well from the enormous amount of U.S modern millitary weapons used against their army.
    The U.S Canada,Australia western Europe and even some eastern,European countries have given the Ukraines terrorist government hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons and billions of dollars in money.

    By the time this war is over 2 white countries will have lost a whole generation of their young people. Millions of their young men and old men and young women will have been maimed and slaughtered.

    Then Zelensky will bring in millions of Indians and middle easterners Africans and muslims to replace the Ukrainians.
    So as usually it’s only the jews who will benifit from this war and mass slaughter of white European people.

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