A comrade and longtime generous donor wrote me:
John, I almost feel like I need a guide to how to interact with normies and their huge egos in trying to talk with them about reality and also socially interact with them. How do you do it, and how do we wake them up on the Jew question and all the evil? I say this because being too blunt will scare people away and they will take the Jews as victims of hate if we are not careful.
God bless you, brother.
I replied:
Yes, indeed, the truth can scare people, and off they run. This is because they are egoic, and now mor than ever before. The most egoic people on earth are now deep inside their brains.
As Eckhart Tolle explains, people live in a post-Christian, materialistic world of scientism (a belief that science knows everything and that any faith in a higher world or an afterlife is medieval old nonsense). They do assume that what they are is just a brain, which is matter, a thing, a gray organ full of fat, blood, and neurons. The brain then produces the mind, another THING.
And the mind is just a jumble of thoughts, opinions, memories, and various desires…..
So an attack on their libtard opinions is interpreted as an attack on who they are, on their brain, and against their mind. It comes across as a threat — unless we are careful.
And the less egoic we are, the more we can help them.
People really do identify with their opinions, unless they are in a period of doubt. For them, their opinions are who they are. Their ideas are who they are, and their villains and heroes are statues standing in their great hall of beliefs.
A liberal is a human who identifies himself as a „lover of humanity“ and an „opponent of racism, hate, and irrational, medieval ideas.“
But what is this „identification“ with something or someone?
As Eckhart Tolle explains, the word „identify“ comes from the Latin „identific-„…. and this from two Latin words, „idem“ and „fic-” or its other form, “fac-.“
„Idem“ means „the same as“ and „fic“ means „to make.“
So to „identify as“ means literally „to make yourself the same as“ some group and its ideology.
In mathematics, these are interchangeable: 2 = 6/3 and, likewise, 6/3 = 2.
I = liberal Democrat; liberal Democrat = I.
Trump = bad. Bad = Trump
Of course, Hitler = MEGA-bad, cosmic-level bad 😉
It feels so wonderful, doesn’t it, to not live in a world of cruel, brutal Nazis. For all the world’s problems, at least we have no Gestapo kicking down our doors. And good old America, which is still around, saved the world on D-Day.
And it can save us again — from Bad Vlad and his Russian war machine. 😉
Yes, the good guys won in 1945…..
And so to disprove my comforting liberal notions is to attack ME, and my peace of mind…and to make me worry instead that the jews are preparing a global nightmare for mankind.
Worst of all, if I listen to you, I can end up in hot water as you probably will!
So we are seen as attacking their beliefs, their security, and, in essence, assaulting THEM.
This, however, is very false. If I say the races are not the same except for skin color, I am NOT attacking the person with whom I am conversing — just a wrong notion that someone (the jews) put over and over into his head. In fact, I am caring about them and seeking to liberate that person from a dangerous delusion.
In America, if you think blacks are oppressed victims, and potential friends, you can end up being around them (and, if a woman, dating one) and then getting robbed, beaten, raped, or killed.
If you think the government is like a parent that loves and protects you, you will take a vaxx that can cripple and kill you.
Athletes dying right on the field:
…or you go off to fight Russia — and get nuked!
The libtard’s feeling of being attacked come from ignorance of the real truth that he (and you and I) are not merely our brain, but eternal souls who are having yet another of HUNDREDS of earthly incarnations, and that he, you and I are far more than just an American, or a Dane, or a right- or leftwinger, or a man or a woman, or a kid or an old geezer. 😉
After all, TALKING ABOUT HOW TEMPORARY IDEAS ARE, most of us were raised to embrace liberal ideas and we sure changed! ALL of us were told (even by the conservatives in our countries) that Adolf Hitler was evil, and certainly incredibly extreme to go and slaughter the jews in death camps, and yet WE woke up and here we are now — on this website!
So ideas can change.
Because we are not our ideas. Ideas come and go. We do not.
The terrible problem with „identifying as“ something or some group is when you or I say to our interlocutor that „the jews are evil monsters,“ because this becomes, for him, an attack on who he „is.“ Actually, it is on who he THINKS he is….
He even feels: „You are saying I’m wrong!!“
No, brother, only that the idea which the jews FORCE-FED you is wrong….
…because THEY are malevolent liars, out to deceive and rule the world.
So don’t be mad at me, who cares about you — and our ailing country!
But the egoic mind lives totally in this world of unsettling change where nothing is certain and permanent.
Jobs, friendships and marriages do collapse. Cars we „love“ get stolen. Women (such as my late wife, who led a radically healthy life) — get cancer and die… and the body of the woman I once hugged and held hands with, whose lips I kissed, is now literal ashes and bone chips in a box from the crematory, sitting on a little table in my office ….
And a man running for president with Secret Service and police everywhere gets shot while dozens of bodyguards and snipers do nothing for two whole minutes….
There is very little or even no security in this world.
So if we identify totally with this nasty world as it is and long has been, and feel that we are an inseparable part of it, of this mix of stability (good) and utter chaos (bad), we will always be jumpy, insecure, nervous and apprehensive.
On this world, it’s truly „one damn thing after another.“
So any challenge to the opinions of a typical egoic earthling is taken by him as an attack, and it shakes his inner peace, which is not very solid, but in fact extremely fragile.
I remember how it felt when my faith in the Jehovah’s Witneses got very wobbly.
Actually I always had my doubts, while appreciating certain good things about the JWs, but I suppressed them. In fact, in 1974 I volunteered to work at the JW world headquarters in New York City. There I went out of my way to meet the top two JWs, the president (Nathan Knorr) and the vice-president (Fred Frantz), and I got the real vibe of the place.
But I sensed that my very first impressions of the JWs were unfortunately true — that something was really „off.“
So I left that religion. But I felt weird and empty for months. I missed those certitudes. And I missed my old JW friends.
And so I began searching for a new cause and purpose in life, and new friends.
The next phase was the US Marines, who were that new cause and new friends. The Marines are in fact more than a military organization; they are truly a kind of brotherhood that sees itself as the best in the world.
The reality is that while they are elite and do have a certain camaraderie, they are also professional killers for a completely corrupt government, and they get killed or crippled a lot.….
…for a government which, on further investigation, turned out to be more than corrupt, but full of satanic, evil, child-raping jews whose goal is world genocide.
So I moved on to where I have been since 1978 — to national socialism.
But I had to find out why people are in denial of reality and find the truth threatening, especially our NS truths about race and the jews, truths which are so urgent that they can save their very lives.
And a man came to my door in 2016 with the answer, found in the books of Eckhart Tolle, which he dumped into my hands.
In the meantime, regarding your question here:
John, I almost feel like I need a guide to how to interact with normies and their huge egos in trying to talk with them about reality and also socially interact with them. How do you do it, and how do we wake them up on the Jew question and all the evil? I say this because being too blunt will scare people away and they will take the Jews as victims of hate if we are not careful.
This document is amazing. It is not spiritual at all, because it takes people just as they are (egoic), and shows how to motivate them (imperfect as they are) to do what you would like them to do (as long as it is in their as well as your interest).
This is a world-famous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. It came out in the 1930s and still is one of the best books about not scaring people off, but gradually winning their trust and overcoming their fears.
Finally, I wish to show this video again. This is a German and a Frenchman in WWI who do not see the other person as ONLY a thing, a biological being, or as just a category (France = enemy), but also as a human being like themselves.
This is the opposite of the egoic mind. This is seeing other people clearly, without any delusions, positive or negative.
And while war may be a tragic necessity, and perhaps you must kill someone in it or sacrifice yourself, your soul is eternal.
And the Eternal God notes every brave, kind, and noble deed we do, like these two young men, who in the decisive moment can calm down out of the frenzy of war and choose when it is okay to turn the killing switch off. 🙂
One final note:
Until this very day, here in this town, I have not sought to convert people, but only to create good will and identify those who have the potential to be good supporters. What I hate is to induct people into the mental suffering that comes with being a white nationalist at this juncture in time, because this means a grim and depressing awareness of the power of the gigantic jewish war machine which has been built up against our race — and yes, the jews do control almost everything and everyone.
I do not like to preach — or let them conclude on their own — that we are doomed.
I prefer instead to start my movement and give them a real hope of victory, both in this world, and then not go to the real thing called hell as a coward but be welcomed into heaven with all the brave!
Der Volkslehrer beleuchtet auf seiner Seite die Hintergründe des Verbots von COMPACT seitens des Bundesinnenministeriums respektive des Bundesinnenministers Faeces, und zwar:
Na, da hat Attila Hildmann aber ordentlich ins Schwarze getroffen (er hat VOR dieser Information schon einen Sprachbeitrag gemacht und genau das vermutet). Das COMPACT-Verbot beruht u.a. auf einen Artikel der den medialen Einfluss des jüdischen Orden B’nai B’rith (Söhne des Bundes) thematisiert (Der Orden gründete auch die einflussreiche Lobbyorganisation „ADL“).
Nur einen Tag vor dem Verbot, wurde hier auf diesem Kanal auch ein Beitrag über die B’nai B’rith veröffentlicht, damit man die Entstehungsgeschichte des Ordens welche als Geheimbund von 12 jüdischen Freimaurern aus Deutschland gegründet wurde kennt. Hier nun nochmals für alle (und Oli), die sich über die B’nai B’rith informieren möchten:
Ein Artikel der sich mit dem medialen Einfluss des jüdischen Ordens auseinandersetzt und dann auch prompt ein gesamtes Presseorgan verboten wird – genau mein Humor.
Aufpassen, mit wem man sich da anlegt.
Oli berichtet in aller Kürze auf frei3:
(Dauer 2 1/2 Minuten)
Anmerkung Tantchen: ich kann bestätigen, daß Attila Hildmann schon lange Herrn Reichelt für befangen und auch sein Anliegen nicht für ehrlich hält, genau aus oben genannten Gründen.
In my opinion the problem is that the Jews control all information that is available to the public. The Internet, which has only been around for 30 years, initially broke free from the grip of Jewish censorship. However the Jews have largely patched up this hole in their fence. In conclusion, we need to find a way to transfer information about the Jewish problem to others that cannot be blocked. Given the fact of our First Amendment, we Whites, who have always been an innovative people, can surely accomplish this.
It is in the interest of the high-tech superpowers Russia and China for the Jewnited Snakes regime to face a strong, fierce internal opposition movement.
– Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –
Die Aktuelle Kamera bringt das Staats-Dilemma in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD) mit wenigen Sätzen auf den Punkt. : – D
(Dauer 2 1/4 Minuten)
Aktuelle Kamera 62 – Compacte Vereinsmeierei
Anmerkung Tantchen: die ‘Aktuelle Kamera’ war während der DDR-Zeit das Nachrichtenmagazin schlechthin – stattlich staatlich daher kommend, versteht sich selbstredend.
(DDR = Deutsche Demokratische Republik)
Eheleute Elsässer berichten in aller Kürze über den Überfall der politischen Polizei des Bundesinnenministeriums. Bei derlei handelt es sich gewissermaßen nicht um Faschismus, sondern ganz klar um Bolschewismus – das nicht erkennen (wollen?) dieses wesentlichen Unterschieds begünstigt den Feind, weil folglich nicht die notwendigen (Verteidigungs-)Maßnahmen ergriffen werden (können!).
Bei Eheleuten Elsässer bleibt schiere Unsicherheit zurück und die Erkenntnis, in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht mehr sicher zu sein. Darüber hinaus wurde Frau Elsässer von der Staatsmacht dedemütigt – doch höret selbst, denn nebst des Artikels sind zwei kleine Interviews zu studieren.
So geht Faschismus: Das Ehepaar Elsässer erzählt, wie die Faeser-Truppe vorging
Man stelle sich vor, was hier für ein Theater los wäre, wenn so etwas in Ungarn unter Orban passiert wäre! Die gleichgeschalteten System-Schreiberlinge würden förmlich schnappatmend durchdrehen.
Deprimieriend — in diesem Endstadion geht der Jude angesichts der Feigheit der Massen und mit psychopathischem, sadistischem Gelüste zu roher Gewalt über. Dass man diesem (übrigens gebildeten und feinen) Ehepaar, alles andere als Rohlinge, die Autos und alles Bargeld wegnimmt und es “verstaatlicht”! Da sieht man die Judenhand, die angeborene Diebesrasse.