How to write a slanted agitprop article for the MSM 101

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….Every sentence a lie or twist

I know David Irving — and am glad he and his pulled this successful meeting off. (I also know a German lady comrade who knows Melahoui, Rudolf Hess’s male nurse, see below, and I and Margi know very well Spanish NS leader Pedro Varela.)

The point of running this article is to highlight in red the lies and loaded/hostile word choices. It is what the judeo-bolsheviks called agitprop, agitational propaganda. And young souls gobble it up, which is why democracy cannot EVER work. They cannot critically analyze defamation or demand any verification. If their masters or friends say it, they believe it.  I will end this with a brilliant but evil man’s wry observation:


On young souls:




  • John D. Nugent I am well known for my belief that reincarnation is a proven fact.…/jdn-interviewed-by-ekp…/ Well, part of that fact is that “young souls” are humans who were animals in a recent life. But some animals are very nice, caring, compassionate and fun creatures, as with this dog, and they become in turn very nice humans. The problem that remains with such young souls is gullibility. They can become today’s card-carrying Democrat liberals. 😉

    • John D. Nugent Well, sure, I know all about it. But then it is time for the old soul to stop identifying with the self. None of us are special in any way except if we totally embrace the principle of we, not me. “Suffering comes from ego,” said the Buddha. The mistakes of earlier lives, if faced, can make us rocket forward in new growth! 🙂  And sucky time like now, with moral horrors everywhere you look, and disgusting, repellent behavior, cowardice and stupidity, can trigger in us 30 times faster growth than if we lived in an ideal, orderly universe! The glorious challenge is now! 🙂
  • heil-sunrise-ocean-white-woman


The return of the Neo-Nazis: Notorious Holocaust denier David Irving tells secret rally ‘the RAF are war criminals’


  • Neo Nazis held secret meeting in four-star hotel in South Kensington
  • Event attracted 120 Right-wing sympathisers, including women and teens
  • ˜Best friend’ of Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, was also a guest speaker 
Far right: Convicted Holocaust denier David Irving addressed fascist sympathisers and neo Nazis at a secret meeting in London yesterday

Far right: Convicted Holocaust denier David Irving addressed fascist sympathisers and neo Nazis at a secret meeting in London yesterday

Irving, a historian [note below they turn around and deny he is a historian!] who famously lost a libel case [before a Jew-friendly judge] after denying [no, refuting] the existence of Nazi [this is a Jew word; we do not say “commie” or “pinko”, do we, in serious publications? The correct word is “National Socialist”] gas chambers, was the star speaker at an event that attracted an audience of 120 Right-wing sympathisers, including women and teenagers.

Behind closed doors at a four-star hotel in South Kensington, the discredit [defamed] author gave a speech condemning the Second World War Allied bombing campaign over Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe as ˜a war crime’.

Irving’s contentious speech was titled: ˜Saturation Bombing in World War II “ who is to blame?’

An invitation to the event, obtained by The Mail on Sunday, states: ˜David Irving is the world’s MOST respected historian, he’s the world’s TOP expert on World War II.’

But he was widely discredited [because Jews own all the MSM media] after his high-profile libel trial and being sentenced to three years imprisonment by an Austrian court in 2006 for denying the Holocaust.

The secret meeting will add to concerns that far-Right groups are trying to garner support in London and Europe amid a rise in austerity and Islamic terrorism. [Nice little illicit link there; most pro-white Europeans loathe Islam,  muslim immigrats and their behavior!] 

It comes just three months after The Mail on Sunday exposed a similar meeting of far-Right figures from around the world, organised by the same group, who call themselves the London Forum.

Anti-fascist campaigner Gerry Gable condemned Irving’s appearance at the latest in a ˜growing series of closed international far-Right extremist conferences’.

Former Spandau prison worker Abdallah Melaouhi, self-described ˜best friend’ of Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, was also a speaker at yesterday’s event.

Also present was Arkadiusz Rzepinski, leader of the Polish nationalist party, NOP, in England.

The invitation told those wishing to attend the meeting to call a mobile number at 8am yesterday. Those who rang were told to meet at South Kensington Tube station at 11am, where they were greeted by retired teacher and known fascist supporter Michael Woodbridge.

They were then led to the four-star Rembrandt Hotel, opposite the Victoria and Albert museum.

Mockery: Extremist Michael Woodbridge spotted at rally yesterday wearing an RAF jacket

Mockery: Extremist Michael Woodbridge spotted at rally yesterday wearing an RAF jacket

Meeting: One man and woman who attended the secret meeting in London which had notorious Holocaust denier David Irving speaking

Meeting: One man and woman who attended the secret meeting in London which had notorious Holocaust denier David Irving speaking

Attendees filed into the St James function room, which the group had booked out in a different name [it is the Jews and their terror that make such secretiveness necessary], from 11.30am “ some wearing tweed and blazers, others in khaki trousers and black T-shirts with the logo of fascists groups including the far-Right Greek group Golden Dawn.

Among the paying attendees were British National Party members and Polish nationalist skinheads wearing camouflage “ complete with boots and chains “ [but violence is good if roasting Germans in Dresden alive, you see] who filed through the lobby past bemused hotel guests. About 10 women attended and one man brought his teenage daughter. [Oh, child abuse! Britain is the world’s best protector of innocent children! 😉

 It is depressing that such a meeting should take place in the 21st Century
Historian and broadcaster Andrew Roberts

In 1996, Irving sued Professor Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin books for defamation after being called a Holocaust denier. Irving lost the [rigged] very high-profile case, which cost him a reported £2 million.

At the trial the judge said [nice, neutral word, “said”, showing how clam and fair he was….] Irving had deliberately misinterpreted and distorted facts. The judge said: ˜It is my conclusion that no objective, fair-minded historian would have serious cause to doubt that there were gas chambers at Auschwitz and that they were operated on a substantial scale to kill hundreds of thousands of Jews.’

In parts of Europe Holocaust denial is a criminal offence [yes; they have no freedom of speech, supposedly a western value] and in 2006, an Austrian court sentenced Irving to three years in prison after he made speeches denying the Nazis used gas chambers. He later said he had revised some of his views.

The respected historian and broadcaster Andrew Roberts said: ˜It is depressing that such a meeting should take place in the 21st Century. The idea of treating David Irving as a historian at all is absurd. [Really? The Mail article itself so describes him, and so does everyone else. The man writes scholarly history books packed with facts and original research., and major publshing houses carried his works….] 

The extremist Michael Woodbridge, pictured top wearing an RAF uniform, with Blackshirt insignia (ringed) at a meeting in London three months ago

The extremist Michael Woodbridge, pictured top wearing an RAF uniform, with Blackshirt insignia (ringed) at a meeting in London three months ago

˜He doesn’t have the right to call himself that. Historians think of him as a Nazi propagandist and they have the backing of the High Court.’ [Stalin’s courts sent 60 million Russians to their deaths. Ah, the majesty of The Law.]

Speaking in German, with translation provided by Irving, Melaouhi told the crowd about his time working as a prison nurse. He attended to Hess between 1982 and 1987 when Hess was held prisoner in Spandau, Germany, for war crimes [which he especially never committed].

Hess, Hitler’s deputy who during the Second World War was held prisoner after his plane crashed in Scotland in 1941, hanged himself in 1987. [In other words, “What a loser”, in reality, Margaret Thatcher had him murdered after decades of the torture of total loneliness in a vast, empty prison…] Melaouhi claimed Hess was murdered and released a book about him, describing him as ˜a man of great vision, intelligence and compassion’.

In April, we exposed a similar meeting of the London Forum where the star speaker was Spanish self-confessed [“confessed” ? — try “proud”] Nazi Pedro Varela [whom I and Margi also know well]

He was arrested in Austria for praising Hitler in 1992 and declared to a baying crowd in Madrid on the centenary of the Fuhrer’s birthday: ˜There were never any gas chambers in Auschwitz.’

Also present was America’s leading peddler of revisionism, Mark Weber, 63, director of the right-wing Institute for Historical Review.

Gerry Gable of anti-fascist [leftist, pro-muslim-immigrant and pro-Jew] magazine Searchlight said: ˜This conference is another piece of evidence of a growing series of closed international far-right extremist Conferences.

˜The core movers range from elderly Holocaust deniers to well-educated men and women who are being trained in ideologies of hate and being made ready for potential acts of terrorism.’

[Ah, there you have it.]


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