Howard Stern really rags on Judaism; why does Duke support the Israeli narrative?

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Hey, Howard, tell  Mr Tough Guy on the left to stop publicly kissing a foreign country’s ass and threatening the whole world for not recognizing a “capital” that Israel does not even use itself as the capital!


Fascinating, actually… He really rags on Judaism

Howard Stern – Self Hating Jew | 1/2
In this clip Howard describes how much he loathes his jewish heritage. Airdate: 10-09-20

2 Rob Ryan and Brian Avran
Rob Ryan

Jim Gaul Aw shit, I was laughing so hard. I love it when he sends fake reporters to celebrities, and asks them if they think there are too many jews in Hollywood.


Everyday occurrence in Palestine. The incredible thing is that, according to Israeli author Shlomo Sand, the Palestinians descend from the actual Jews of the Bible (converted first to Christianity, then to Islam), and the Israelis from Huns called Khazars!



Israel is a War Criminal added a new video.

This small Palestinian kid cries: “Don’t take my dad,I need my dad”
He trys to free his daddy but occupation forces are stronger than his tiny little hands…

#israelTerrorist #TotalEclipseOfPalestine

John de Nugent History definitely informs us that after the death of the Huns’ barbaric leader, Attila, and their defeat by the Romans and Germans, the Huns fled east to Ukraine. This is exactly where the “Khazars” arose! How “strange” or not that David Duke denies this, and claims the Israelis of today do descend from the Jews of the Bible!!
Look at these cheekbones on these Ashkenazi Jews! That is not semitic, that is mongolian! Lucille Frank, wife of anal rapist-strangler Leo Frank…/lucille-selig-frank-1950…Manage
Netanyahu and family — what Arabs look like this? Clearly a Hunnish-Slavic mix.…/netanyahu-wife-sons-2…Manage
Look especially at the Jewish guy lower-center…/caucasus-khazar_jews_1876.jpgManage
So why does David Duke support the pro-Israeli narrative (which gets nutty American Born-Agains all in a tizzy), thinking the Israelis of today are the “fulfillment of Bahble prophecy” about the Jews “returning to their homeland”? Their homeland is in Mongolia!

Why I “bash” David Duke: his defamations, bad character, and lies ¦

Why I “bash” David Duke: his defamations, bad ¦

Michael Sokoloski Eran Elhaik and Shlomo Sand are two Israeli geneticists and scholars who blow away the €hosen People theory.


John de Nugent Indeed!


Michael Sokoloski The Khazar blood, though, a very small remnant, just as the original Turco-Mongol Magyar element is more or less gone in modern day Hungarians, and in much the same way that Anatolian Turks are not really Turkish (they’re 80-90% pre-Ottoman and Seljuk genetically).

Ashkenazim are basically fully Europoid – Germanic-Slav-Sarmatian – which is what most of modern Eastern Europe is.

There’s nothing special about the Joos, except in their upbringing. They look after their own, which is a good thing. Of course the Talmud is a nasty bit of stuff, though the secular Joos aren’t into it.

They’re just a Big Club, and we ain’t in it, to paraphrase George Carlin.

And yes, the Joos love Duke, because he insists that they’re special. LOL.


Duke is a $hill. The Joos actually love him for the Bauble Prophecy corroboration.

John de Nugent

Terry Miles Didn’t he literally lie to people for money online and then pretty much steal that money?
Michael Sokoloski I haven’t kept up with things, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
John de Nugent Yes, and he pled guilty!
John de Nugent Interesting how the media keeps highlighting Duke and the new Duke, Spencer, and has given me the total silent treatment since 2010. I turned a US Army Corps of Engineers public meeting on an Israel nuclear fuel plant and a cancer epidemic upside down, but the media did not breathe a word of it — though I was sitting right next to the Pittsburgh main newspaper’s reporter!
This story is about a cover up “Zalman ¦
I am the only man on earth with over 3 million search results on Google — and yet NO Wikipedia article. (It was DELETED!)
And the ADL has no article on me either! A man who in 1990 ran in, and nearly won, the Republican primary for US Congress as an open white nationalist in the suburbs of the capital of country music, Nashville, Tennessee!


Michael Sokoloski I was on the ADL list 25+ years ago. Not sure what else. The SPLC has a dossier on you, so that’s something to brag about. LOL
John de Nugent Michael Sokoloski Well, as for that, I actually got two rather friendly calls from Heidi Beirich of the SPLC in 2013, who is not Jewish, btw, but of German ancestry, and also is straight. I think by her tone that maybe she, kinda, liked me.  She was very friendly, and also corrected a factual error at my request. But the ADL policy is total silence about me. I guess Abraham Foxman did not think I am cute. 

Michael Sokoloski The Joos really were insignificant until the British Empire took up the flag of Christian Zionism – long before the 19th c.

Blake’s poem “Jerusalem” comes to mind. People thought he was nuts (he was), but it was a poignant step in the €hosen Theory. I do dig his artwork, I’ll admit.

Evangelicals et al. took up the banner within the heir to the British Empire – the Zio-US Empire. They think they are using the Joos, who will finally be converted when the Bauble Prophecy is realized. The Joos are using the Evangelicals in order to further their Eretz Israel scheme. It would be funny if it weren’t so damn dangerous. LOL

Filipe Abrantes These mongrel Palestinians always play the victim anyway.

Michael Sokoloski The Palestinians are, more or less, the genetically authentic descendants of the ancient Jews of the Levant, so it’s quite ironic that European faux Joo$ have come to take their land.

Even though I empathize with the Palestinians, with the above in mind, it makes me chuckle a bit.

Filipe Abrantes I don’t. I’ve seen how these people treat us when in Europe.
Michael Sokoloski They shouldn’t be in Europe, except for a handful in a small enclave making yummy Middle Eastern cuisine. LOL.


……A short commentary on Trumps latest SNAFU


Okay, I admit it: Trump is a Russian agent.   I tried really, really hard to deny it, but now I can’t continue anymore because I am presented with an absolutely incontrovertible truth: only a Russian agent infiltrated to the highest levels of power in the USA, the White House, could have done what Trump did a couple of days ago: recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  That, truly, was the dumbest and most self-defeating thing a US President could possibly do, and Trump did it.  Ergo, he is a Russian agent!

I hereby congratulate the SVR for training Trump and the GRU for hacking the US election! This is an absolutely brilliant operation and a huge success!

You think I am exaggerating?

Then read the full text of the Final Communiqué of the Extraordinary Islamic Summit Conference and notice the following parts:

Reject and condemn in the strongest terms the unilateral decision by the President of the United States America recognizing Al-Quds as the so-called capital of Israel, the occupying Power; reject it as null and void legally, and consider it an attack on the historical, legal, natural and national rights of the Palestinian people, a deliberate undermining of all peace efforts, an impetus to extremism and terrorism, and a threat to international peace and security ( ¦) Reaffirm the centrality of the Cause of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif to the Muslim Ummah ( ¦) Consider that this dangerous declaration, which aims to change the legal status of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, is null and void and lacks any legitimacy, as being a serious violation of the international law, and the Fourth Geneva Convention in particular, and all relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, particularly the UN Security Council resolutions No. 478 (1980) and 2334 (2016) ( ¦) Hold the US Administration fully liable for all the consequences of not retracting from this illegal decision; and regard it as an announcement of the US Administration’s withdrawal from its role as sponsor of peace and its realization among all stakeholders and an encouragement of Israel, the occupying Power, to continue its policy of colonialism, settlement, apartheid and the ethnic cleansing it has been practicing in the occupied Palestinian territory in 1967, and in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif at its core; ( ¦) Declare East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine and invite all countries to recognize the State of Palestine and East Jerusalem as its occupied capital.”

Let’s sum it up: this document, signed by representatives of 57 member states, with a total population of over 1.6 billion, categorically condemns the USA, declares that Jerusalem is central to the Islamic world, accuses the USA of violating international law, holds the USA fully responsible for all the consequences of this action and declares that the US is no longer considered a sponsor of the peace process.

Bravo Donald!  The military defeat of the USA in Iraq and Afghanistan and the political defeat of the USA in Syria just needed a little something to truly make the USA irrelevant in the Middle-East and thanks to you, Donald, that has now happened!

JdN: Trump and his Orthodox-Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner

Some would argue that the USA was hated and despised anyway, so why not make the Israelis happy?  The answer is simple: while the Donald and the Neocons might not care about the consequences of their actions, the few US allies left in the region (Jordan, KSA) are now placed in a terrible situation: they now look as if they were allies of Satan himself!  OF COURSE everybody in the region knows that the US is an Israeli colony and that the Israel Lobby pulls all the strings, there is nothing new here.  But at least there was the tiny little fig leaf of the so-called “peace process” putatively “mediated” between the Palestinians and Israelis by the United States.  Now even that tiny little fig leaf is gone.  Now the equation is extremely simple


Bravo Donald!  You did what only a very shrewed and brilliant Russian agent could do: you have made the USA a pariah in all of the Middle-East, the entire Muslim world and, well, much of the rest of the world too!

Spasibo Donald!



  1. @ Michael Sokoloski,

    I personally think the Jews have been powerful since the dawn of civilization in Sumeria. Regarding the Kazars, I think they had Neanderthal blood and were related to the Jews before they adopted the Jewish religion. I think the religion is what mostly makes them Jews, but I think their blood made this religion be attractive to them. I’ve read that the Kazars had monopolized the slave trade. That would fit with both the religion and the blood.

    @ JDN

    The Jews control publicity. Duke is a kosher anti-Semite, as can be seen in the fact that he never talks about 9-11 (which was Jewish). You are not controllable. You are not a kosher anti-Semite but a real one. They want you to have no publicity at all (“may his memory be blotted out.”

  2. Duke is a total shill, along with all those who cooperate with him. They are there to tune out all real opposition. I’ve seen it from the inside.

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