ENGLISH defeating defamers; outside the box; warriors loathe queers; learning from Jehovah’s Witnesses

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A comrade wrote me that he was planning a major trip to the British Isles to research the origins of American country music in the Scots, Welsh, Irish, northern English and Irish, Kelts all or Kelto-germanic.

He wrote:

There were certain stringed-instruments, such as the mountain dulcimer, that the Anglo-Saxons brought with them to northern England & Scotland which found their way to Appalachia in the 1700s through the Scots-Irish (or Ulster-Scots, as referred to overseas). There’s some belief that the mountain dulcimer originated in Sweden and ended up in Germany and Holland prior to those times. The banjo came from the American Negro slaves.

At some point, I’d very much like to visit that part of the world where my ancestors originated (Wales, Northern Ireland and northern England). \

John, here is the Scotsman James Malcolm’s version of “Auld Lang Syne,” with words by the Scots poet Robert Burns.

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I answered:

I think this is a wonderful project! Country music and hockey are the last bastions of our race in popular culture. And I will use that Jim Malcolm version of “Auld Lang Syne” in the blog today. And I love his Scots accent! Thanks!

By the way, I like this country singer below and it is pure coincidence that her last name is Nugent. 😉


Comment on my Tennessee videos (go down two-thirds here: https://johndenugent.com/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent):

I recently watched your 1990 Tennessee video’s — good stuff. Are you planning on running for office again?

I replied:

Yes, I will run and win, but not on their terms again………….not like 1990.

Another wrote:

If you run for President, John, please follow the following guidelines in your ads and in your speech:

1. Be strong and bold and forthright in your support of the White Race. This you do very well.

2. Be professional. This means don’t call your opponents names (like calling the abomination in the White House “Obamination”). Don’t sound “extreme” or make “extreme” ads. I use quotes around “extreme” because the use of this word is a prevalent jew tactic to demean and undermine strong White men. David Duke probably has the tone to emulate. Although the people in the U.S. government are certainly extreme in their actions, they SOUND and APPEAR mainstream, even conservative. They are so because this is what gets people elected and listened to in today’s jew nation.

Image is important. A professional/PRESIDENTIAL image. In fact, in jew politics image is all that is important. What we need is an ELECTABLE man of SUBSTANCE. To be electable, you must have the expected non-extreme presidential IMAGE. Just the way it is.

I think your two 2008 Presidential ads are too “extreme” (with the nude photos and so on). I think they would backfire on you — way too attacking. Undercutting is more effective than blatant attacking.

I answered:

I would agree with your advice with anyone else except this outright illegal alien, this narcissistic bisexual, this CIA fraud and puppet, this incompetent dilettant, And I would treat him like a president.

I would never, for example, go after Colin Powell this way. Or after either Clinton.

My strategy this time is total delegitimization. I want the man to be the laughing stock he already almost is with everyone, and ensure that our people sees that the US government per se no longer even exists, not really since FDR in 1933 and this was driven home in 1963 when the Jews murdered the last man who was not their puppet, John Kennedy.

(Even Nixon, for all his antisemitism, saved Israhell in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Everyone was terrified of the Jewish hidden hand after Dallas.)

What happened in Dallas was a coup d’état, exactly as New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison said to the jury investigating the JFK assassination, and sown memorably in Oliver Stone’s movie “JFK.” Just like any third-world nation, we had a coup in 1963.

No amount of eagles, flags and SUVs can make this skinny negro into the president he is not and cannot be. Add to this his rank inability.

He is NOT the President of the United States. The presidency is vacant.

And I do not treat him like a president. This is essential to preventing martial law, a shutdown of the Internet and an attack on Iran.

This is a radically different ball game, a different head game.

I played by THEIR rules in Tennessee.

Never again.


* * *

A Jew (claiming to be a WN) wrote me that as a “seemingly intelligent person” I knew very well that Russia was still in the Jews’ pocket and not to trust Vladimir Putin. Rothschild in London is still the king of Russia, sez he.

I retorted:

I only SEEM to be intelligent. Actually, I believe everything anonymous intel types like you write, because I know you love me. 😉

Just one question: Cui bono your argumentation? Do you FEAR where I am going with this, icy, cynical Jew?

If Putin is in your pocket, Hebrew, why has USrahell not attacked Iran? For over nine years now, since 2001, you have not DARED attack the second and third branches of the “Axis of Evil” (Iran and North Korea) which your speechwriter David Frum orated about using the mouth of Birdbrain Bush.

Come on, run more mental circles around this poor goy. 😉

The Russian nuke over Tel Aviv will settle this debate.

Tob shebbe neandertalim harog may be their motto. Remember the 40,000,000 Russians you Jews killed under the bolsheviks.

If Putie is in your pocket, why did your Jew Khodorkovsky just get six more years in Siberia?

That blond hair, those blue eyes, that German-speaking habit he has….

* * *

A WN lady comrade wrote me to not slash back at my defamers. She added:

So what I am getting at is you worrying about what Jim Ring thinks about you or what NA people say about you is counter-productive. Who cares what people think about you as long as you are being true to yourself? I Iearned the hard way that you can’t change or control other people. You just have to keep doing what you are doing and not worry about what they think. Creating and producing is the key to overcoming their negative views. Bitching about them in public not only gives them free advertisement, but makes you look weak and insecure.

My opinion on why there are no women in this Cause is because we have been so desperate to find others with our views, that we have tolerated people and things we should have never tolerated. This infected our Cause and allowed criminals and psychopaths and sociopaths to infiltrate and infect. We have a large amount of absolute women-hating closet homosexuals chasing off any decent women that come around. We literally have fake racialists pretending to care about the White race so they can be part of a scene or taboo sub-culture. We have Christianized moralists preaching their brand of morality and chasing off educated Whites. The list goes on and on and on!
* * *
JdN: Virtually all girls have fantasies of being a princess, and of meeting a “knight in shining armor” — a heroic, strong and loving man – whom they someday can gladly marry. They want to be respected and cherished for who they are: the graceful gender, and the mothers of mankind.
.* * * (back to lady comrade’s letter to me)
I can’t tell you enough how much the online slander and gossip damages our whole operation. Decent, normal outsiders look in and think we are all a bunch of freaks. Criminals and social misfits look in and find here their new home. 🙁 Obviously, our enemies are partly to blame as they know that character defamation works and are also taking part in it. So let’s stop this nonsense so we can accurately identify the REAL enemy.
Our race has a huge problem of being gullible and believing everything we read or hear. That is why we are plagued by Christianity; that is why we allowed the Jews to take control of us. Our own people get sucked into the online drama and take it for gospel!
You seem to have a grasp on the importance of spirituality, so you should take the time to look deeper and rise above.
I replied:

I basically agree with almost every strongly worded statement you just made, and especially about our race being gullible. I have often written on how the word “blue-eyed” also means “naive” in many northern European languages..

My counter-attack on Jim Ring is due to him actively defaming me. Defamation can absolutely kill careers, not so much of writers but certainly of leaders and any who seek to proclaim values for our people.

Hitler was defamed as a homosexual too, and even as a coward, despite two Iron Crosses. It was even said that he was in Pasewalk military hospital in November 1918 when the war ended because he had had a nervous breakdown, not from suffering a mustard gas attack, as he wrote in Mein Kampf.

Convalescing in October 1916 at a military hospital in Berlin from being shot in the thigh….

It finally got so bad that he could see that serious inroads in his support were occurring. After all, courage and his war record were part of his image as a “fearless leader.” So he sued some of his accusers in court for defamation, and got affidavits from both his sergeant and his general that he had been a brave and in fact exemplary soldier for four years at the front. That credibilized his two Iron Crosses even more.

The Iron Cross, second class. Hitler never aspired to leadership throughout the first world war, just fought, thought. painted and wrote poetry. Suddenly, in 1920, with no leadership resumé at all, he took off as a leader. An astrologer told me once that Hitler had a “nothing horoscope.” The man was just a phenomenon that erupted, not explainable by any traditional factors.

In 1918, almost ready…………..

Pondering SA men in the 1920s about to march past him….the scorned water color painter….called megalomanic, insane, homosexual, a skirt-chaser and a Rothschild descendant, a tool of Rothschild, and an agent of Mussolini, Wall Street, the Pope, Stalin and Zionism.

A Canadian comrade sent me just two days ago a column (http://rense.com/general92/70m.htm, about 12th paragraph down) where Hitler was referred to as a “gay prostitute and street cleaner.”

In October 2007, about two months after we met for the George Lincoln Rockwell commemoration, where Margaret sang wonderfully the Stephen Foster art song “Why must the beautiful die?” (its official name is “ah, may the red rose live alway”[sic]), I spoke on this very topic of defamation.

http://www.youtube.com/johndenugent (See especially 02:00-02:54.)

There is a big difference between me and others in our Cause who suffer unfair defamation. I claim to be leadership material. Who I really am is highly relevant. I must and I will defend myself against defamers, and counter-attack, exposing their REAL character defects. When you discredit your attacker, you discredit his attack. That is just how it is in the jungle, and if I must act brutally, I will be the predator, not the prey. I WAS PREY ONCE, OF CHILD MOLESTERS. Never again.

What people want in a leader is also a man tough enough for war.

And yes, as you said, there is a huge segment of nerds and even some women-hating homosexuals in our Cause. I remember well a thread on VNN called “Are white women niggers?” Unbelievable……These skinny-shouldered nerds think they are Vikings and want every woman to give them oral sex on their knees at the drop of a hat or they are “bitches.”

What THEY are is WN whiggers! The do not love our race, because if they did they would love the people in it and treat them with respect.

No, they just hate blacks, Jews, etc. They ARE haters.

They hate me especially, but not because they really think I am a homosexual. Some have even met Margaret and one of my two biological kids, who both resemble me! To be blunt (and I relish saying this to those short, stocky, wanking nerds), I can get almost any woman I want and they cannot.

I have been with dozens of women and I have made them all happy, and they simply cannot. And that is why they seethe.

I relish it when psychopaths hate me, for I have sworn enmity toward that whole subhuman category.

Anyone who seeks to understand me must read my key article here:


I will destroy anyone whom I detect as a lying, sadistic, defaming psychopath.

That is my vow.

(And let views of this blog soar as they read this. 😉 This Cause needs a thorough house-cleaning.)

I can see that you are a fighter and you have a lot of depth. I liked your forthright remarks so much that I will publish them in my blog today, albeit without using your name and leaving out anything that could clearly identify you.

Here is Margi speaking at that same conference in October 2007 (and you can ask her if I am “gay” :


She always defends this man….

Best to you and your son,

John and Margi

(724) 353-0154

At an old-timer car show in 2008 here in 90% white Butler County, Pa. north of Pittsburgh

A comrade wrote that he was tired of me writing about being accused of homosexuality and about being molested a a kid.

I replied:

I have many new readers for whom all this unpleasantness is not “old hat.” And I cannot lead unless I explain my life and who I am. You will see soon, that character defamation will be the NUMBER-ONE line of attack against me in the Jewsmedia. It already is that way now with those WNs attacking me.

And my life was NOT perfect. The molestation is central to understanding who I was, and child abuse is now a huge phenomenon affecting tens of millions of white people. Some of my best supporters came to me, BECAUSE I stepped forward on this issue, BECAUSE IT HAPPENED TO THEM TOO. I can think of a Marine NCO who fought in both Iraq wars, yet was molested by his Catholic vice principal. As much combat as he saw, and as tough as he is, his voice cracked when he called me on the phone. He thanked me for going public.

In short, your advice is always good but, I must say, always conventional. This approach clearly has not worked as well as we really needed for Dr. David Duke, who has been waging a valiant fighting retreat, slowing, yes, the enemy’s advance, but not reversing it, and this traditional approach will not work now. Time is running out now.

In 1920, Hitler could have created yet another right-wing group. Instead, he hoisted a literally blood-red banner (reminiscent to one and all of the Soviets), called it (shocking the bourgeoisie to the core) a “workers party,” in German “Arbeiterpartei,” and and put in the center a symbol which was NOT rooted in modern German culture, but rather in ancient India, the swastika. He was a true innovator.

Flag of the USSR

Flag of the Third Reich

David Duke and I exchanged Christmas greetings a few weeks back. And I started to bring up my discoveries about the Gulf oil spill. David replied: “I just focus on the Jews.”

My task is to focus on US and who we are as white people. My task is to create a new people, de nouveaux gens, and then govern them and steer them through the nightmare that is coming, and inflict a perpetual offensive of horror on our satanic enemy.

In the end, prone to suicide as they are from an epidemic of incest and inbreeding in their families, they will destroy themselves. I have written extensively on this blog about this specific Jewish phenomenon of mass incest. (In fact, Wikipedia mentioned a Chinese traveler a thousand years ago who visited with the “Zim-Zim,” his word for Jews, and reported that they practiced incest on their children and were the most evil people on earth. I agree with my friend, Sorbonne graduate Hervé Ryssen, that the Jews due to their psychiatric and neurological dysfunction can be pushed in extremis by their nerves cracking to MASS SUICIDE.

Media baron Sy Newhouse. Why would “God’s Chosen People” look like THIS, so homely and freaky? Could it be from incest and inbreeding? The horrifying answer in Hervé Ryssen’s 400-page book in French, Psychoanalysis of Judaism, is YES. Ryssen says the entire fake “Oedipus complex” theory of Sigmund Freud was designed to hide the incest scandal among Jews.

French Jewish singer Serge Gainsbourg (born Ginzburg), composer of “Lemon Incest,” with his daughter……..

Nothing makes me better prepared for this task than understanding psychopaths, because they molested me. All my suffering for 49 years would be for night if I did not understand that our enemies are not blacks or Jews per se, queers or Hispanics, but instead the (high percentage of) psychopaths in those races AND ALSO OUR OWN (small but significant) percentage of psychopaths, borderline psychopaths and narcissists — i.e., non-sadistic psychopaths — in our own race.

And as I have stated on several occasions on this blog, we must innovate our way out of our crisis.

As a Croatian friend (and Tomislav Sunic’s wife) wrote as the title of a band of poetry:

The old life is dead.

So ist das.

Character defamation, as the honest Jew Jack Bernstein said, is the third major Jew tactic. The first is to ignore you. The second is to ridicule and twist your message. The third is to ridicule YOU.

Once they have done that and separated you from your followers, and AS A RESULT you have money neither for a lawyer nor for a bodyguard, then they frame you on some bogus charge or they outright PHYSICALLY kill you, as they IMO killed BP oil spill whistleblower Matt Simmons, who was saying on major TV that the oil is still flowing from many sources on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico into the water and the toxic river of oil has not been “capped.”

I am now at stage three: defamation.


=======================================Military Fury Over Gay Ban Repeal

I was sent this powerful article. It was en eye-opener even for me, because though in Marine boot camp the drill instructors used to refer to “Navy faggots,” I assumed that most of that talk was just Marine propaganda designed to get us willing to suppress mutinies by sailors. But the info below shows a serious problem in the Navy, and I might add that this exists in all the branches of the US armed forces. I had a Marine sergeant and motor-pool NCO come on subtly to me once, though I was too naive at the time to understand it, and also a Jewish Marine officer.

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Fury Over Gay Ban Repeal

By Brian Fitzpatrick
Numerous troops, veterans and concerned citizens have written WND to express their fury
about the repeal of the military’s ban on open homosexuality. We encourage readers, especially
those on active duty, to let us know what you think about allowing open homosexuality in the
military and how you plan to respond to the new policy. Following are excerpts from selected
letters arranged by topic:
Sexual assaults
• I was in the military from 1955-59 and joined the U.S. Navy when I was 17. My first
assignment after boot camp was on a large Navy base where I knew nobody except
a friend that joined with me. Within a week we were both approached, separately, by
a non-commissioned officer who was large in stature. He propositioned both of us on
separate occasions and was quite aggressive. To receive unwanted sexual advances
by another male was both repulsive and sickening. And this was back when the military
did not allow homosexuals to serve. Nevertheless, I was physically threatened by
disgusting advances from this person. My friend and I compared experiences and
agreed to go up the chain of command and report the incident. Unknown to us was
the fact that the “chain of command” consisted of other homosexuals of higher rank
who quickly buried our complaints. It was less than a week later that we were both
re-assigned to another base.
I don’t know if you are a homosexual and I don’t care.That is not my concern. But allowing homosexuals in the military is just plain WRONG.During my navy enlistment, I experienced the tension that exists between people of different sexual orientation and it was a very unpleasant experience for me. I sincerely hope that you will change your mind on this matter. If the existing policy is changed, I couldn’t in good conscience recommend anyone to join the military.
• In 1958 I was stationed aboard the destroyer U.S.S. Eaton. I was sent to the paint locker
to obtain paint from the 3rd class petty officer [JdN: a petty officer is like a sergeant in the Army or Marines] that was in charge of the paint. As I climbed into the hatchway, I was confronted by the P.O. that quickly put his hand on my privatesand said “Do you want to have a little fun before you leave?”
Being just 18 years old at thetime, and not really realizing exactly why he touched me in that way, I knew instinctivelythat it was wrong. I told him to keep his hands off of me, but he insisted. I found it necessary to defend myself, and although he was my superior, I hit him several times and got out ofthe hatchway. Ultimately, I was cited to have a Captain’s Mast for assaulting a superior. The Captain’s Mast was very fast, and when I explained why I hit the petty officer, my case was dismissed. Sir, this was in 1958. How many times do you think this has happened to young men in the military since?
• I entered the Navy when I was 17 years old. I was very naive at the time and was attacked
twice within the first year by “gay” sailors. Homosexuals by their very nature are promiscuous and aggressive and will take every opportunity they have to make advances on straight heterosexuals. It is their stated goal to see how many straight individuals they can subvert.I can’t imagine what it will do to our military readiness if they are allowed to serve openly.
Unit cohesiveness
• In combat in Vietnam many lousy commanders were shot in the foot or leg and a new
lieutenant was assigned. If the commander has a lover in a small group of men and the
‘lover’ never pulls a rotation on point [JdN: to walk up front in a patrol, the most dangerous position] do you think a fragging will happen? To one or both? Every decision will be questioned because of sex happening between the two.
• When I was in boot camp (Nov. 1941) one element of conventional wisdom was the
proposition that “liars, thieves, and queers” were to be driven from the company of normal
men. The methods for driving were not specified. I assume that same attitude prevails today.
You just can’t have that kind of corruption infesting a close knit group like a squad of Marines.
• Well, President Obama has succeeded in bringing back what we called the “blanket party”
back in my era in the service. “Gays” were never welcome in the barracks and in the showers
with straight men. When we found out someone was “gay,” they were given blanket parties,
and generally Section 8’ed out of the service.
• When I was in the military I was told, by my friendly drill sergeant, that my constitutional
rights had been suspended as long as I wore that uniform and the Army owned my worthless
butt 24/7. They proved that to me on more than one occasion. I can tell you that openly “gay”
or lesbians will not be trusted in combat by their fellow soldiers and combat, in the military,
[that] is where the rubber meets the road. That is just the reality of it.
• As a military vet, I can assure you the new policy will result in pitched battles between
the “straights” and the homosexuals. The president has no military background and the
other people favoring this bizarre move have never been in a shower with a large group of
sailors/soldiers. A “gay” in the shower will be carefully watched for any sign he is aroused by the sight of other naked men. When that occurs, the other men will take action. Thismove will debilitate the military when it leads to charges against men or women who willnot accept showering with those people they view as freaks of nature.
• As a retired Sergeant Major from the U.S. Army, I receive letters from the Department of the
Army requesting that I talk to young people about joining one of the armed services, the Army
in particular. Although, I have not actively recruited someone to join, I have talked to many youth interested in a career or just to join to learn about the world. I will now stop doing this in a positive manner. I threw out the positives of giving of yourself for service to the country and the defense of our freedoms and beliefs. With the passing of this law, I no longer believe our youth should have to live with this type of social engineering within the military services.
• You may have to ask Congress to bring back the draft just for national security.
• As a 26-year veteran I have advised my grandson, who wanted to be a Marine officer, to find
another dream. He agreed and has plans to go into another career. One look at the freaks in
a queer pride parade was all it took to understand that this kind of perversion will be in our military along with the harassment complaints filed by “gays”. Someone should track VA disability claims made by “gays” who contract AIDS while in service. This means that money will be spent on them that would be used to help wounded and others with claims not related to their perverted behavior. … MSgt, USAF, Ret.
• I spent six years in the Marine Corps. As a Christian, I would never have joined had
homosexuals been welcomed. It is ungodly and perverse to give the wicked a place in
our armed forces.
• Words can hardly express my outrage concerning the despicable actions of the Obama
regime in attempting to force the military to accept open homosexuals. It would do the
present occupant of the office of president to observe what our first President, the father
of our country, George Washington, had to say on this subject. General Washington
forbade homosexuals from service in the Continental Army. What does Obama know
about the military that Washington did not? I volunteered for the Army in 1969. I would
not so again at this present moment.

[JdN: These comments raise an issue of the utmost gravity. If this law continues, straight and mormal men and women will flee the military, and queers will pour in and take over more and more combat and leadership positions, just as they have seized large segments of the Novus Ordo (post-1963) Roman Catholic Church and even some Boy Scout troops. The most dangerous thing I can imagine is armed, weapons-trained, militant queers domineering a defenseless, unarmed, straight population. USN Commander George Lincoln Rockwell (who, for the record married an Icelandic girl and had two kids) stated that the homosexual network was as dangerous to America as the Jews. Here is an example of how a military can become detached from the people they are supposed to defend: In the 1970s and 1980s a huge anticommunist movement arose in Poland, called Solidarity [in Polish Solidarnosc]. The communist ruler of the country, General Jaruzelski, realized that he could not count on the regular Polish army, compsd of draftees from across society, to crush this massive and popular organization. So he used the smaller, extremely brutal Militsia, the communist militia. These troops had separate housing from other troops, shopped in separate supermarkets, and their families were not to associate with other families. This was a little, vicious thug army that felt separate from the rest of the Poles. Tragically, under comunism thirty-five million angry Poles were subject to total gun control and had no guns. So the tiny militia, an estimated ten thousand men, could terrorize 35 million, and round up the Solidarity leaders. (Only the breakup of the Soviet Union, an outside event, finally freed Solidarity.) The parallel is obvious: we could evolve into a situation
n of armed queers and disarmed straights.
The gravest issue of all is that there are very troubling indicators that Obama himself is a bisexual, which led to the Boy Scouts (often victimized by pedos) at their most recent jamboree to boo the bisexual negro:
Well, of course he would not go to the Boy Scouts Jamboree himself, since the Scouts are “homophobes” and a “hate group” ….according to the marxist SPLC… . Be glad this freak did not show up in person. Barack himself is a member of the gay club “Man’s Country” in Chicago, according to former NSA official Wayne Madsen: and has now appointed three lesbians to high office: Napolitano to Homeland Security, and Sotomayor and Kagan to the Supreme Court., and all three Jewish. (Hint: Look at the 1944 pic of his maternal grandfather, Stanley….., or the nude pix of his mother “Stanley Ann Dunham”….) This guy is anything but a boy scout! ;-)]

I was about to be interviewed on all four major networks at a downtown Pittsburgh studio i June 2009 after the James von Brunn/Holocaust Museum crisis broke for our Cause. I was amazed at the harshness of the TV studio lights and was gazing up at them when this shot was taken. The Jew-owned Pittsburgh Post-Gazette of course ran this pic on a front page, a typical hostile photo selection by a hostile jewspaper, meant to emphasize wrinkles. I face hostile Jewsmedia, defamatory government infiltrators in the WN cause (both US and Israeli provocateurs and “online trolls”), and psychopathic jealousy by mini-fuehrers who see me as “competition.”

• I got out a few years ago from the Navy after ten years in for family reasons. I have
considered rejoining now that those reasons are no longer a factor. However, with the
signing of the repeal of DADT [JdN: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”], no thank you. I have nothing against homosexuals on a personal level, but I’m not going to go through the sensitivity training, the forced acceptance of people who for the first few years are going to be “‘gay”‘ first” and a “servicemen second. I don’t have time for that. The life of a service member has
enough stresses; this is one more then was needed or wanted.
[JdN: This former sailor raises another important issue. At first, with the blacks back in the Sixties, it was “equal opportunity.” But then it turned into outright discrimination against whites, forced sensitivity training that consisted of mandatory white-guilt trips, and preference for blacks in hiring, promotions, government contracts and scholarships. The same exact path will now be followed for anus lovers and cock suckers. We will be forced into classes on how fecal sex, and men swallowing each others’ semen is better than fathering babies — is normal and we normal people should feel rotten for centuries of our cruel homophobia toward the sensitive dears. Finally, there will be programs to hire more queers to run our companies, police and military. It ends with the total end of the white birth rate, white marriage and the white race.]
Military culture
• After more than 25 years in the U.S. Army I’ve come to appreciate the unique culture we
have in the Army. But it appears that that culture is about to be irrevocably altered by some
who fail to see the bigger picture. It would seem that the powers that be have already decided
that openly homosexual people can serve in the military with no ill affect on the larger whole.
I certainly beg to differ based on my observations of the Army family culture. I’m not talking
about the usual issues many have already raised, such as trouble in the fox hole or in
communal showers between heterosexual and homosexual soldiers. While those are
legitimate concerns and will cause problems, what I’m talking about are those things that
draw us together as an Army family.
The whole military family culture is the base support for all we do. It revolves around the traditional family unit; not the homosexual lifestyle and certainly not homosexual marriage. … One more concern that the politicians, and especially the media, are blatantly ignoring is the fact that many of the foreign armies that have integrated homosexuals are having many problems. HIV/AIDS rates have soared in the Australian army since they integrated homosexuals; there are reports of commanders in the French army (as well as others) having to segregate homosexuals into their own “gay” companies in order to lessen their negative influence on the rest of the unit, just to namea few. Of course, they are not allowed to talk of this to the media and it is doubtful that any media outlet would conduct an unbiased investigation or report any negative effects of open homosexuality in any military force.
• I am a military man, have been in the service 18.5 years so far. My father served 20 in
the military and I am following my family’s legacy. Before my father died we used to sit
and chat about what our military has turned into. What used to be a proud, self-sufficient
armed might has been forced by military leaders in the past two decades to “make sure you’re
fired on first and almost killed, then we might not court-martial you if you fire back,” and
NOW they want to add “gays” to that??
I can tell you myself that I will be DISGUSTED if an openly “gay” man serves in MY military! My father used to tell me our military is the last safe haven from “gays”. There is just NO room in here for them and ALL of my comradesin arms agree! btw I am an Oathkeeper, a Minuteman, and I believe in God.
• What is the benefit to our military of repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?” None. The gamut
of being openly “gay” goes from the previously described type of “gay” person to the openly-in-your-face “gay,” cross-dressing, gender-changing radical people. Once the door is opened
to openly “gay,” there is no way to govern what type of “gay” a person can be without
engaging in some sort of discrimination. When someone is “gay” in the military and they
are disciplined for improper performance of work, the first thing they will claim is discrimination. This will needlessly tie up the personnel management system.
* * *

A Marine lieutenant who fought in Vietnam and then became a heroic civilian pilot with TWA sent me a beautiful, heavy brass EGA — the famous Eagle, Globe and Anchor symbol of the United States Marine Corps, which is called “first to fight for right and freedom, and to keep our honor clean.” (The Marines are also, according to polls, the most anti-“gay” branch of the service.) I served with three meritorious promotions in the USMC Reserve while at Georgetown and then was Guardsperson of the Year in my Virginia Army National Guard unit, where I was most proud of the fact that after pulling an all-night guard duty I shot expert with the .45 pistol 1911A1 and came in third in a battalion (600-man) 10-mile march. I was beaten by a 42-year-old Army Ranger officer and (if I recall correctly), a Navajo Indian and marathone, but neither had pulled an all-nighter.)

• I am a retired Navy chief petty officer and I am vehemently opposed to the DADT policy.
There has been much discussion about the showers and bathrooms, which is true. In the
Navy, you are berthed in close quarters. What is a person to do if he wakes during the night
and hears/sees two men or two women in the same bunk?
• I am a veteran of the U.S. Army 1992-96. This repeal is a huge mistake. Homosexuals should not be allowed to serve. The military is a conservative organization and people need to know that before they join. This is a disgrace that the Democrats are only doing to gain votes. I am sickened by it. Most people in the military, I’d guess, are Christian. This is a slap in the face to them. I can only imagine “gay” people and their partners flippantly walking into the barracks, having nasty sex in front of their roommates, etc. This is going to put homosexual activities in everyone’s faces!
The people running this country are evil and now they want our military to be evil too.
• I have a son in the National Guard who just returned from an infantry tour in Iraq and an
18-year-old daughter who has been talking about joining the AF. I am deeply concerned
with this outrageous policy to homosexualize our armed services and am especially peeved
at Senator Richard Burr, who “turned coat” on all North Carolinians to vote for this abomination. …
Not an iota of consideration was given to do a valid survey of our military or to receive input
from the electorate before ramming this ill-fated policy down our throats! No thought is EVER
given to the poor young people being seduced into this lifestyle as to how they can be assisted
to be reformed from it. It is a one-way trip DOWN into a depravity that leads many to
hopelessness and even suicide.
• If you have the ability to obtain a copy, I volunteer to critique the market research that was
used to provide cover/justification for this outrageous change in policy. For many years I ran
what was probably the largest market research department in the world. Based on an informal
assembly of comments about the DOD “research” it is VERY likely that work bordering on
fraud was conducted. If so, I can establish that claim as fact.

================Jehovah Witness-style activism works for our race in California

I have been talking for years now about how I spent six years, as a young fellow in tthe arly 1970s, as a Jehovah’s Wintess after my folks got divorced and my mother got custody of me, then took me into that religion. (I left it age age 21 in 1976.) And I have been advocating that we do house-to-hose “evangelizing” for our race in their modus operandi. It seems someone was listening.


I reminded those young fellas it’s easy to do that in SoCal because it has great
weather year-round.

So Cal A3P Goes Door-to-Door

http://american3p.org/wp-content/uploads/articletwo.png The Southern
California branch of the American Third Position prides itself on its
willingness to do the hard work that is necessary to grow a political movement.
This weekend was no exception for the group of young activists, as they took
their message directly to the homes of their neighbors in Garden Grove, California.

Splitting into two 2-man teams, the group was able to cover about 100 homes,
before retiring to a speaking engagement put on by a local Nationalist group.
The activists reported that the day’s results were very encouraging.

Asked to comment on the door-to-door campaign, one activist reported the following:

“Most people just wanted to talk. They wanted to talk about how bad it’s gotten
here, and they were really excited to have an opportunity to vent their
frustration with respect to a political establishment that pretends that they
simply do not exist. Certainly, they’ve never been paid a visit before by
representatives of a political party, as the other parties do not care about
what they’ve got say.

Door-to-door campaigning requires some courage, but the results are incredible. Right on the spot, we were able to sign up one gentleman as a full-fledged member of the party. And as nearly every home in our area has an Internet connection, many interested people promised us that they would immediately check out our website, just as soon as our conversation ended.

It was a great feeling, and the day was an absolute success. I really encourage
everyone out there to overcome any apprehension associated with door-to-door
campaigning and get out there and do it. You’ll love it. ”

The Southern California A3P asks that members and supporters in the local area
get involved and get active with their group.

* * *

I am pleased that these comrades are doing this. The Eternal Solutreans will do this systematically but also do other things that truly bond new people ideologically, and emotionally and spiritually, and offer them actual training in house-to-house work and giving speeches. JWs also train to deal with family issues and the various moral challenges of life.

Our race is fantastic at creating effective SYSTEMS. The Eternal Solutreans understand that.

What I did with the Washington-Baltimore unit of the National Alliance was adapt JW techniques tp our racial cause. It caused great enthusiams and growth.

With your support, the Eternal Solutreans will become a reality very soon. My life has trained me for this task, to use what has worked for others to create a new Aryan faith and tribe that will survive the Downfall of the inert white Walmart masses.

And this is my word to the Jews, using and adapting some words from an Irish patriot in 1915:

* * *

Our foes are strong and wise and wary; but, strong and wise and wary as they are, they cannot undo the miracles of God who ripens in the hearts of young men the seeds sown by the young men of a former generation. And the seeds sown by the young men of 1776 are coming to their miraculous ripening today. The regime should be wary if they would guard against such processes.

Life springs from death; and from the graves of patriot men and women spring living nations.

The hidden hand has worked well in secret and in the open. They think that they have pacified America . They think that they have purchased half of us and intimidated the other half. They think that they have foreseen everything, think that they have provided against everything; but, the fools, the fools, the fools! —

They have left us our September 11 dead, and while America holds these graves, America unfree shall never be at peace.

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