Huge Austrian, tv-like truther website to move into real television; spiritual reading

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“We are going on tv!” The beautiful Else Mittmannsgruber from Auf1 with the boss and founder, Stefan Magnet…. Mag. Elsa Mittmannsgruber is a sociologist, experienced journalist and former editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Wochenblick” [=”Weekly View”]


…”Auf1″ announces a big goal — it now wants to appear on “real” television to reach the masses

A German or Austrian comrade wrote to me succinctly:

Look, John!

[And what a feast for the eyes,] this blonde Germanic gal, Elsa!


I answered:

Yes, and how!

I think the whole Auf1 is just great.

Austria has always been more on the ball with regard to Jews and NS than its big neighbor. It is probably something in the Bavarian  blood, a Celtic-Germanic-Mediterranean mixture, creating a certain temperament, both in Austria and also in Upper Bavaria and in old Munich……


Girls in Styria dancing the Schuhplattel: Huh! Are GIRLS really allowed to do that?  😉 In the young miss on the right you can see an “Irish” face, but that’s from the huge Celtic element in the Austrians. 

Long before the Roman and then Germanic invasions, this country now called Austria was the epicenter of the great Celtic culture called “Hallstatt-La Tène”



The famous and adorable Hallstatt


What people don’t know is that in Austria in 1933, if there had been any holding of a free, and oh-so-holy democratic election, the NSDAP would have come to power in Austria too (despite being banned and severely harassed for years!) and win a landslide victory.

The Austrians were carried away and enthusiastic about the NS rise to power in the Reich, about the great upswing of the German economy under me, and proud that an Ostmarker (Austrian) like them had risen to become the leader, and indeed the BELOVED leader, of the whole, great German people.

Because of this — because we would otherwise have come to power peacefully and legally via the voting booth  — the Jews’ and the Vatican’s bootlicker, Dollfuss, putsched himself into power and made himself dictator with the basic theme ‘Save Catholic, Mary-venerating Austria from the neo-pagan German Nazis!’

As is well known, Austria was my home turf in the narrower, local sense, but long before I arose, it was full of anti-Semites and Germany lovers.

Well, there was a primitive group in Austria, especially in the more slavic east, with an aversion to the “Piefkes” (the North Germans), specifically among certain slimy Czechs in Vienna who felt and feel no inner connection to anything German.

Behind this antipathy, which is otherwise not to be taken seriously, there have been anti-German, foreign secret services from the very beginning, which have sparked divide-and-conquer intrigues against Germany and its different “tribes” (Bavarians, Prussians, Swabians, Rhinelanders, etc.) for centuries, starting at the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War in 1618.

It became a catastrophe of “1943-47” proportions for Germany! That was the first “Hellstorm” — 1618-48 — that insane civil war…. Protestants against Catholics, with the French and Swedish armies invading German soil where they had no business to be, spreading hate and committing mind-bending abominations…..and worst was Germans killing Germans, their own brothers. and over Gentle Jesus!

I was arrested once for thirty days for going to a Bavarian separatist-party meeting, where the speaker was a traitor in the pay of France, and I called him exactly this and then socked him in front of everyone present. Oooh, that felt good. 😉

Everyone knew from then on that my explanation of this scum and his secret financing was now out there:

Separatism is in the interests of enemy powers! This also explains the ban on reconnecting Austria to Germany by the Allies in both 1920 and again in 1945.

Today, egged on by the separatistic, jew-controlled Austrian state media, iot is fine to give those stiff North-GermaN “piefkes” the cold shoulder, but you should say with open arms “Refugees Welcome” in downtown Vienna or Salzburg to the coal-black, parasitic, raping Stone-Age negroes from Africa!

We know who is behind it – the Jew!

About that punch the separatist got, that wasn’t the first one I handed out.

I once gave a defeatist in the trenches in World War I a sock who wanted to undermine our combat morale.

Against a completely unforgiving enemy, the only thing that helps is to keep on fighting!

You can always have a different opinion from mine, but working for the enemy for money is treason — and that is the most serious of all the crimes in this world.

Murder kills oner person, but treason kills a whole thousand-year-old people!

And, as the German saying goes, when two people argue [in this case, Piefked and Bavarians, both being perfectly good Germans), the third party is wickedly happy… the Jew!

Back now to Auf1:

While this entrance into satellite tv looks nice, on the other hand, the question inevitably arises as to why the Jewish slave state in Vienna (approved by the New York headquarters of world financial Jewry) actually would allow this.

So do the jews in Vienna want to preserve the mere appearance of freedom of expression and critical journalism among the massessdo they do not revolt?

I donated a while back 100 euros to Auf1 ( ) myself by debit card. It does strike me that Auf1 is still allowed to have credit card donations, although this was long since banned in my case.

But the Auf1-ers no longer have PayPal as a donation modality, which, in itself, could be seen as a good sign.

I lost PayPal in 2011 for life because to the Jews I seem to be a particularly dangerous and sinister enemy. The SPLC, lavishly funded by Soros, which tolerates nothing in the name of tolerance, once described me as “ SO extreme”.

Not true! You can see how I tolerate this mini-penguin — even though he is half-black.

I will now blog about all this. Thanks, comrade!

Long live Germany — and also the 50 million German-Americans here who are fed up when negroes and drag queens are allowed to be “proud” and they are not!

This is an undreamt-of, restlessly slumbering MULTI-MILLION MASS of white people, disgusted with our Midwestern cities’ recent Negro chaos!


German girls in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Before 1917 there were thousands of thriving German clubs, orchestras, theaters (so there was high culture then, not just beer and oompah bands!), and German-language newspapers in the US!


Don’t worry.


1 Comment

  1. >>>
    Girls in Styria dancing the Schuhplattel: Huh! Are GIRLS really allowed to do that?

    Well, to take a comment made in jest and go off on a Table Talk tier tangent…

    I’m an American who has spent time in Germany (and am currently dating a German man). From what I’ve seen, the nature of the ‘Gender Issue’ is different within Germany than within the Anglosphere. Within Germandom, tomboyish girls tend to slowly ‘moderate’ with age. The little girl who wants to play soccer with her brother becomes a teenager who wants to do the Schuhplattel and by the time she’s in college she’s just a slightly laddish woman.

    Meanwhile America and the UK have both seen an immense increase in female-to-male transsexuals, females identifying as non-binary, etc. The majority of the increase in transgenders over recent years has been among women:

    This article delves into this issue in greater detail:

    Since FtMs and non-binaries are still fairly rare over there, no one cares that much about a few women doing the Schuhplattel. It’s considered a bit odd but harmless.

    That’s not to imply there aren’t gender issues in Germany. LGBTism has gone mainstream and places like Berlin often give off Weimar vibes. But the most visible form of gender non-conformance is male homosexuality / transgenderism. The female form isn’t as common there as it is here.

    Why does this difference exist?

    I’d guess that it’s partly cultural and partly biological. German’s food system is still significantly healthier than America’s and you don’t see as many severely autistic types walking around. According to the link, an extremely disproportionate number of FtMs are either autistic or have a history of sexual abuse.

    I also think there are spiritual reasons for some of these differences. I’ve noticed that a lot of FtMs have parents who describe themselves as ‘witchy’ or they have Masonic grandparents or great-grandparents. Freemasonry idolizes an androgynous god and, in my opinion, that is an open door for negative entities to enter into families as generational spirits and start ‘picking’ at children. Then there’s the issue of the Anglosphere’s underclass (which has a higher rate of abuse than the middle class or upper class and, to be quite frank, is far more neurotic than the German working class).

    …And there are a few cases where there’s obviously a past-lifey thing going on under the surface. But I don’t think that’s the primary factor driving the trans fad. Reincarnation has presumably happened for eons yet transgenderism has never been as common as it is today. Logically the rules of reincarnation didn’t change in the last 10 years.

    I’ve also done a lot of personal reading on gender & reincarnation cases. From what I’ve seen, individuals in cross-sex reincarnation cases are more likely to have ‘gender issues’ but many turn out perfectly normal. Nicola Wheater remembered being a little boy who died in a train accident:

    She grew up to become a happily married woman. It appears that in cases where the person died as a child or as an elderly person don’t tend to have significant gender dysphoria whereas cases in which the person in question died in the prime of life are more likely to experience it.

    And people often retain very particular behaviors from one gender to the next. If I’m right about who I was, then I was a mid tier ADC who did a lot of memo writing. And I’m still amazingly talented at writing overly wordy documents.

    Anyways, sorry to hit you with an endless wall of text. Just thought you’d find this interesting.

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