Hydroxychloroquine works!!!

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We just encouraged a helpful local with Covid (who was twice vaxxed, btw, yet tested positive and got very sick) to try hydroxychloroquine, along with zinc, vitamin D and doxycycline, and he was better in six hours!

In fact, he came over that very afternoon and did a ton of heavy snow-shoveling for us at 0 degrees F/-20C! 🙂



…..The Croatian who called Macron a murderer to his face

Croatian Slav and MEP boldly tells Macron at European Parliament session to his face he is a “murderer”!; man who believes he was Goering writes me again


We are now at the stage when I can call the Covidocracy what they are, and now enough of the Folk will agree:




And the Epstein-Maxwell scandal shows they are pedophiles.

And Fauci, Gates and Bourla show they are psychopathic liars.

The time has come when the Folk becomes radical.

It just awaits the Leader.

I saw some chatroom where some typical WN was saying:

“But today we don’t have a Hitler to lead us.”

Same as most Germans said 1919-1932! We have no leader!

Really? You knew exactly who he was and gave him 2.6%  of the vote in the May 1928 Reichstag election.

Maybe we need better followers!

An Italian comrade wrote:

Sarai tu a guidare l’America 🙂

Perché hai sempre voluto la pace.

Questo nuovo conflitto sarà una catastrofe per tutti,anche per quelli che hanno lottato contro il vaccino.

Non ci sarà nessuna speranza di sopravvivenza con una guerra nucleare moderna.

Non so come,non so come farai…ma so che riuscirai a Riportare la LUCE su questo pianeta e ad invertire la Rotta.



You will be the one to lead America 🙂

Because you always wanted peace.

This new conflict will be a catastrophe for everyone, even for those who have fought against the vaccine.

There will be no hope of survival with modern nuclear war.

I don’t know how, I don’t know how you will do it … but I know that you will be able to Return the LIGHT to this planet and reverse the Course.







  1. John, are jews smarter than us ? -They all seem to have high IQ and lack empathy. People believe their lies. Why is Satan so clever ?

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