Hypocritical, anti-white Sikh, Attorney General of New Jersey Gurbir Grewal, wearing his turban, restricts handgun permits for whites even further

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It’s ‘cuz he’s simply ANTI-WHITE. The Sikh attorney general of New Jersey says YOU can’t have a gun!!  Yet Sikhs themselves are a religion of warriors, hence they all carry DAGGERS, every adult male must wear a beard to show how manly they are, and almost all bear the last name “Singh,” which means “lion”! 
How “ironic.” I guess only non-whites should be warlike. 
Can you get a concealed weapons permit in New Jersey? No-Issue for ordinary citizens. New Jersey is a “MAY issue” state, but permits are rarely or never granted to the general populace.
As this Sikh says, “a general feeling of insecurity” (like living in a bad neighborhood) is not enough.
What is doubly ironic about this is that Sikhs as a people started off in India as an ultra-peaceful, unarmed religion. But after being massacred repeatedly by the muslim-turkish conquerors of India, the Moghuls, suddenly and conveniently their next “guru,” Nanakh, had a new “vision” that they had to turn into a warrior people, with the beard and the dagger, and be ready to fight at a moment’s notice.
But when whites also want to be safe IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY, this foreign, white-HATING, hypocritical Sikh says — NO!
It is just anti-whiteness, like Obama being “a muslim.” Obama never attended any church or mosque, except when the cameras were rolling. Islam was just a symbol of being against white Christians. Same goes for this Sikh.
The symbol of Sikhism — swords
A comrade wrote me:
“Yeah, but if he thinks that Indians will be top dog in a world without whites, he’s got another thing coming. I don’t think our (((enemy))) will let them live either.”
I replied: “Right, It is my coming mission to speak to the non-whites about how after us, they are next. I touched on this in my German/English-language video of 2014.https://johndenugent.com/…/AH-Damals-und-jetzt-Then-and… 
What is coming is to explain to whites and non-whites alike the J-Team menace — including the whole shebang, meaning Rabbi Laitman and the Habiru issues — and then offer honest, caring, Aryan leadership.
An honest, “alt-light” Jewess tells it like it is:

It is time to take a stand, and say to the peoples of color openly:

“You know very well which race you can trust most to be fair and rule you best. It is that race which founded the countries you are eagerly moving into.

Now the Aryan, as caring as he is strict, will take charge again, and this time without any Khazar greed as a colonial motive.

Aryan leadership will be for your own good — as well as for ours.”

The non-white politicos will, of course, reject it, wanting to keep their positions and being professional “anti-racists,” but the brown masses actually revere Hitler, are sick and tired of poverty, corruption, and meaningless ‘elections,’ and just want a better life.”

…..Betcha didn’t know almost all the top American inventors (sez Google) were black



….Black comedian

“We thought we were gonna have white slaves when Obama got in — vengeance day!”  (Jack Sen sent me this.)



¦ ¦Especially important blogs by John de Nugent

“Reincarnation facts

“Psychopathy in leaders

“Jews and Arabs descend from neanderthals

“WN biography of JdN

New York Times and Washington Post finally concede UFOs may be very real after two US Navy commanders step forward with 2004 incident that they saw and filmed with their F-18s

“UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

There is no question whatsoever for me that the Third Reich, knowing it would probably lose the war, evacuated its top scientists in over 50 U-boats to the Antarctic, equipped with the German invention of the snorkels (to get air while staying submerged for thousands of miles).

It is this military-scientific remnant of the Reich, a nuclear power, that would survive the destruction of the West in WWIII, dug in in the Antarctic and the Andes mountains of South America.

(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the “Nazi danger” was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)

This Reich (which has only five million citizens now) is not strong enough to challenge the US, NATO and Russia, just protect itself, and it has the nuclear weapons and other technologies to destroy any attacker. BUT IT CANNOT RESCUE US.

The Russians admitted in a major documentary on Russian state television that this is true, with testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform.

Does he look like he’s kidding? Or that Nazis with super-weapons is a laughing matter?   


“The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics


“The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars ” and a German final victory — marches toward its fulfillment.

“Solutreans “ the white first Americans

“The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

–Holocaust course

If four million Jews were gassed, each cremated body weighing six pounds of ash, that would yield 24 million pounds of ash, which equals 12,000 tons of ash… Where is this Mount Ash? ã€€

“Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” “ how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim

(See also https://johndenugent.com/?s=captain+ramsay)

“Youtube channel JdN


“The Normans “ white nordic aristocrats who intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class

“White safety zone “ Upper Peninsula of Michigan

“White South African tragedy

-For African-Americans (who actually are far, far more antisemitic than whites, and from direct, negative experience)

“Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia

“Hitler’s love for the British people

“My wonderful British grandfather and his eery return

Part 1 of 2 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBfrG5aMWj0

Part 2 of 2 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o3AwvcsDEA


“Who really was and is JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

–Hitler and his mentor Eckart were pro-Jesus, anti-Yahweh, and opposed to the Old Testament

–Hitler opposed atheism and prohibited its expression

“President Putin uses my website to send Trump a message


“The Obama White House calls me directly with a threat

“ “The Hebrews of the Bible (called Habirus by the Ancient Egyptians and Hittites) were roaming criminal hordes of semitic neo-neanderthals, who for their criminal traits were selected by the demonic alien Yahweh to be “his people” and rule the world — if they obeyed his plan. When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff.”


“Washington Post blasts JdN over his Leo Frank exposé

“My lady Margaret Huffstickler on Reichsmusik


If my site goes down, please try www.jdnmirror.com or https://www.europeanknightsproject.com/john-de-nugent/ If my Facebook account is suspended or deleted, please go to https://vk.com/johndenugent

¦..Contact and support

John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953


Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689


(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)


Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



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1 Comment

  1. It’s only because America is a Jew-run country that this Sikh was selected as Attorney General of New Jersey. You can’t tell me that there were no white Americans more qualified for that job than this Indian street-shitter. Like the anti-white Nikki Haley (real name Nimrata Randhawa), he’s just another Sikh puppet for the Jews, doing their bidding.

    The Jews plan to do to the rest of mankind what they’ve done to the Palestinians, and people had better wake up to that fact. Russia Insider recently posted this article:


    Source of the article:


    Movie referenced in the article about Israel’s media propaganda / brainwashing of the American public, regarding the Jews’ illegal occupation of Palestine. Narrated by former Pink Floyd bassist/singer Roger Waters:


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