Facing THIS reality of today, not 1933; spiritual reading

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A British comrade mentioned historian John Toland, who wrote a pretty good biography of me in another life. I met this Toland at an IHR conference in the 1980s…. He admirably interviewed 200 Germans and others who actually had known Hitler.

Critics said it was WAY too positive. 😉

Pulitzer Prize-winning historian John Toland’s classic, definitive biography of Adolf Hitler remains the most thorough, readable, accessible, and, as much as possible, objective account of the life of a man whose effect on the world in the twentieth century will always be felt.

From childhood and obscurity to his dramatic end, Adolf Hitler emerges, in Toland’s words, “far more complex and contradictory . . . obsessed by his dream of cleansing Europe of its Jews.”

So there Toland and I were, talking away. 😉

Reincarnation is a funny thing.

When someone writes something about me, it either rings true, and it feels right, or it just does not. Most of Toland is accurate,  though he throws in some de rigeur bashing in order to get published by the jews and stay out of hot water, so he wrote that I was “part-Prometheus and part-Lucifer.” 🙂

Oh yes, such a Lucifer 😉




But my mission now is very, very different, to turn a bunch of utterly pathetic, cowardly, treacherous “palefaces” into the Aryans they want to be and need to be, and urgently.

There is zero chance of an honest election we can win. (And there is zero chance for Trump either, who openly wants vengeance on his Deep-State enemies who have put him through unmitigated hell for eight years now, since 2015…. and likewise zero chance of a fair vote count for RFK, Junior, an open enemy of the CIA — he says the CIA killed his uncle — and a foe of Big Pharma…. Zero chance unless both of them totally sell out to jewry.)


Report: Former President Donald Trump addressed a large crowd at his Save America Rally in Pickens, South Carolina, on Saturday, where he vowed to appoint a “real special prosecutor” to investigate alleged corruption within the Biden family.

Trump’s statement drew a thunderous response from the audience.

“When I get back in office, I will appoint a real special prosecutor to investigate every detail of the Biden crime family of corruption. ” Trump declared, eliciting cheers from the crowd.

Trump went on to explain that he would not typically use such strong language, but after facing criminal investigations by the Justice Department in the classified documents case, he felt compelled to take a more aggressive stance. “The gloves are off,” he asserted.

“Joe Biden is a crook. He is by far the most corrupt president in American history.”

[Will then the Deep State let Trump win and dismantle them?]


In 1933, unlike America today, Germany was 99% white.

Half the German media was in conservative, German hands, and not run by jews. Alfred Hugenberg was the Rupert Murdoch of that era, but no friend of jewry.


Alfred Ernst Christian Alexander Hugenberg (19 June 1865 – 12 March 1951) was an influential German businessman and politician. An important figure in nationalist politics in Germany for the first few decades of the twentieth century, Hugenberg became the country’s leading media proprietor during the interwar period.

As leader of the German National People’s Party he was instrumental in helping Adol Hitler become Chancellor of Germany and served in his first cabinet in 1933.


The Reich President – the head of state and of the military — was an arch-conservative, Paul von Hindenburg, a revered war hero, and, though he thought me too extreme, we were on the same page.

The Germany army and navy excluded all jews from the officer ranks.

Finally, we had 430,000 tough stormtroopers, the SA, and one third of them were combat veterans of WWI.

German men were not aging, and did not suffer from low testosterone and obesity.

And we have in Joe Biden a US president who has openly mocked Americans owning AR-15’s, saying “WE [the goverment] have nuclear weapons and F-16s.”

Therefore, the situation today in America for the white race is massively different from Germany in 1933.

For this reason, no one should expect me to do the same thing at all as I did 1919-33, or wonder that I have delayed launching my movement.

We have just one chance left.


Do I like sending men and boys to their death for a losing cause? (Actually, we fought on for two solid reasons: 1) the Disengagement Movement to the Antarctic needed time to get all its U-boats and supplies underway in the Atlantic, heading to the far southern ice, and 2) to prevent the Red Army, with its rape command from Ilya Ehrenburg, from taking all of Europe. I thank especially the Waffen-SS in this regard, and its trainer, Himmler.)

By 2030 the White Baby Boom generation (b. 1946-64) will be dying out rapidly. My poor Margi was one example. 🙁

After we seventy-million white “Boomers” are gone — the last generation that remembers what a great white nation we once were — then hate-filled brownies will become 80% of America.

And the white 20% will have had their guns taken away.

Pray for me and for yourself.

Oh, and the Deep-State jew whose IP address I cannot block told me they will accuse me of being a wife-beater and alcoholic, and they will slander Margi, now in heaven, of having been a call girl and drug abuser.

Gee, you don’t think the jews would just make stuff up, do you?  😉

Did they lie about Hitler, the Holocaust, Leo Frank, 9/11, diversity is our strength, the Kennedy assassinations, Sandy Hook, the 2020 election, Russian collusion, racial equality, or that men can be women?

Believe me, I am not doing this for ME. 😉 At 69 I could just kick back and watch the white world burn. Only love keeps me going forward.


…..Spiritual reading for July 3

Perhaps you found yourself just a little bit bigger or wiser or stronger than you had previously imagined yourself capable of being yesterday. We hope so. Perhaps you accomplished a thing or two that had eluded you for some time, that seemed out of reach for one reason or another.

If this was the case, please find a moment or more to celebrate that and enjoy your success. And then slow down a bit. Today, it behooves you to move gently and with care. There is no particular danger, but you
will be better synchronized if you make your dance a slow, thoughtful one today.

Focus on grace and the correctness of each step you take. Prepare each move before you make it and leave yourself enough time to plan before you execute. Breathe slowly and deeply and with consciousness. This latter is the most important, of course, because it will underpin all your other efforts.

Today promises to be a day of great beauty and quiet happiness if you can align with the energies that are at work. Don’t expect to run through a lot of to-dos, or to put the finishing touches on a big project. It is an auspicious day to begin something new if you have given it much thought and have done your preparation already. Put it in gear and gently engage.

Don’t look for extremes—highs, lows, exuberance or tranquility. You will taste each if you are in the right space, but just briefly and never to the point that you lose your strong center.

This day can help you replenish and re-orient if you are drained or off-track. Ask for that soecifcally in your meditations or prayers and it will be given.

Attend to it, look for the new juice and proper direction. If you are paying attention, you will fnd yourself feeling just right.

Enjoy, and connect with your clearest places today.

We send you much love and many, many blessings.




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