I am filming today; RFK Jr schools Howie Mandel on the vaxx, Ukraine, and how Big Pharma has captured US regulatory agencies

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RFK Jr has a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving and being elected…just for what he says here, but above all for saying he would dissolve the CIA which killed his uncle and then his dad.



Kennedy is the kind of old-fashioned, sincere, liberal patriot that I knew as a kid, growing up in Rhode Island whereas the Demoncrat party of today is basically communism.

Among the few good things about the horrible WWII was that every young man had to serve, and this helped to masculinize young men even more than usual, for military discipline is basically no-nonsense, and no-excuses-allowed. And it also united the country; whether Republican or Democrat, Northerner or Southerner (this was still a very sore point back then), it was a life-and-death struggle, all our loved ones were in it, and 400,000 young white men never came home.

But we were also an 89% white nation, and Kennedy, like his father and uncle, is too liberal on race to understand that a multiracial America cannot work.

And who said this? The founder of the Democrat Party himself, Thomas Jefferson!


Still, I have great respect for Bobby Kennedy, Junior — for his idealism, courage and intelligence.

He is facing assassination like his father and his uncle.

And so am I.

I am filming my video to launch my movement today.

What happens after that? Due to FBI machinations, which were effective only because White earthlings are so egoic, and thus so corruptible, I have no money, yet a ton of bills, no secure housing, and, as of this week, no staff. I have sold off everything I had to finance the contuinuation of this website and my mission, and a French comrade has also dug extremely deep into his own pockets in a heroic way. Vive la France!

So yes, it is now just me, just as it was in the days of the German Workers Party in 1919, which had good intentions but absolutely no leader, no orator, no organizer, in fact, not even a used typewriter. They were drawing and lettering posters by hand. 😉 But they had love and they were brave.

And thus I am in a way like the white race — seemingly finished. But I keep on loving our race, and I knew before I reincarnated here in 1954 that it would be really tough. First, we have to conquer ourselves, and this also means prevail over our anger and the keenest disappointments, and THEN we can go out and change our world.

The Hitler reincarnation thing will prove a very two-edged sword, and also the giant ego of Trump-Patton. I still see Trump as a man who is a white nationalist and antisemite at heart, but to become president again, and to save his money and his freedom, as in his first term, he will sell out to the jews again, and agree to be their puppet warmonger and to confront Russia.

An Italian comrade sent me an excellent article by blogger Maurizio Blondet, saying that the West has attacked Russia 14 times in the last thousand years. Russia won 12 times. And 9 times Russian territory got even bigger.

If there is a conventional war, Russia will win — and then it is the US that will insanely go nuclear.

Just as the insane Patton defeated the Third Reich while actually loathing the jews and communism, the very same things we were against!

But with Trump, as with Patton, it is always about me-me-me….

Those who do not understand reincarnation are, as Goethe said, wandering around lost on a very dark earth. And the same goes for those who do not understand with Eckhart Tolle about the human ego.

Putin actually just said he would prefer Biden to win over Trump, because Biden is predictable — Trump starts out with tough talk, defying the Deep State, and saying and doing the right thing, but then he always caves in.

He caved in on 9/11, on Obama’s birth certificate, and on Russia. This is his character. 

And thus the Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy is heading for disastrous fulfillment — which I alone have been explaining since 2017.




Van Rensburg predicted in 1917 (during an era of white supremacy) that there will be THREE world wars, Germany will lose twice, and then, in the run-up to WWIII, a Black becomes president of South Africa and also of America.

Finally, a white conservative older man will become US president, always scowl, have fluffy hair like a wig, and he will start a war with Russia where “horror bombs” will explode, destroying both America and Russia. 

My goal is to literally save the white world from a 95% annihilation in WWIII. The life I seek to save is yours.


What follows is from Dr. Mercola.



  • In this interview with Howie Mandel and his daughter, Jackelyn Shultz, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s knowledge and poise shine through — even as his motives and integrity are questioned
  • Kennedy, who is running for president of the United States, remains respectful and is eager to have an open, honest debate — a trait he says he learned as a child
  • Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy was a frequent guest on CNN, MSNBC and other media outlets — until he started saying controversial things
  • He’s since been heavily censored, but his desire to speak the truth to the American people has prevailed
  • Kennedy shares the truth about his plan for solving the housing crisis and how regulatory capture is putting Americans at risk

In this interview with Howie Mandel and his daughter, Jackelyn Shultz, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s knowledge and poise shine through — even as his motives and integrity are questioned. Kennedy remains respectful and is eager to have an open, honest debate — a trait he says he learned as a child.

“I was raised in a milieu where we were taught every night to debate each other [and] hold opinions passionately,” Kennedy says.1 Now running for president of the United States, Kennedy says he’s a favorite among people under 35, women with children under 18 and other key groups — but not yet among Baby Boomers.

“They don’t like me because they get their news from TV. And people who get their news from TV are going to have a very low opinion of me because the television networks are, you know, uniformly against me.”2

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy was a frequent guest on CNN, MSNBC and other media outlets — until he started saying controversial things. He’s since been heavily censored, but his desire to speak the truth to the American people has prevailed.

Kennedy Shares Realities About the Ukraine War

U.S. meddling in the Ukraine conflict reveals that it is not willing to relinquish its imperialistic tendencies. But censorship has silenced any open discussion that goes against the official narrative on the war in Ukraine.

The mainstream media are clear in their message that the Ukraine war is the result of an unprovoked and unjustified invasion, but there’s a history to it. Russia has long been very clear about the fact that it will not allow Ukraine to join NATO, for the simple fact that it would place a NATO military presence right on its border. Russia wants Ukraine to remain an independent “buffer zone” between itself and NATO countries.

“The entire Russian leadership was horrified about the idea of NATO going into Ukraine just as we wouldn’t allow Russia to put bases in Mexico or Canada,” Kennedy says.3 Rather than promoting peace, the U.S. has pushed for the escalation of conflict in a war that’s not really about defending democracy.

“Eisenhower made this extraordinary speech — and probably we should regard it as the most important speech in American history — where he warned America about the emergence of a military-industrial complex that would transform our exemplary democracy into imperium abroad with endless wars and a surveillance state.”4

Lies About COVID Shots

Mandel tries to label Kennedy an “antivaxxer,” but he again shares the facts about his stance on vaccines, including COVID-19 shots. “If you show me a vaccine that was safe and effective that did what it was supposed to do, I would have no problem with it,” Kennedy says.5

“The problem that I have with vaccines I think is a problem that every American would have if they knew the truth, which is that vaccines are the only medical product that are exempt from safety testing,” he says.6 While they’re tested for efficacy, the safety component is missing:7

“The FDA requires that prior to license you have Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 efficacy testing … they don’t require safety testing … if a vaccine is going to save you from COVID but raise your heart attack rate by 500%, it is effective against COVID but it’s not safe.”

Kennedy said he didn’t get a COVID-19 shot because “I read the safety study, and the Pfizer study showed that there were … 23% more [deaths] among vaccinated people than there were among unvaccinated.”8 Meanwhile, Mandel tries to say that health officials never said COVID-19 shots would prevent COVID, but Kennedy provides several examples showing this to be false. Software engineer Chief Nerd tweeted:9

“Howie Mandel Tries to Rewrite History on the COVID Vaccine & Immediately Gets Schooled by RFK Jr. HOWIE: ‘They never said you won’t get COVID’ RFK JR: ‘I saw a tape yesterday of them all saying it … Can I play it for you?’ HOWIE: ‘Well, wait wait wait … It doesn’t matter what Rachel Maddow said.’”

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The Real Reason Why Doctors Didn’t Treat COVID?

Kennedy’s 2021 book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” became a runaway best seller, selling over a million copies, despite unprecedented censorship. He describes a coalition of sinister forces — intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media and the military — that used health crisis to impose totalitarian control worldwide.

He shares how COVID-19 lockdowns caused 3.3 million businesses to shut down, many of which will not reopen. According to Kennedy, 41% of Black-owned businesses that closed during the pandemic are permanently bankrupt, “and a lot of them had three generations of equity in them.”

Further, $4 trillion was shifted from the American middle class to a new oligarchy of billionaires.10 Meanwhile, the government fining people for spending time outdoors while refusing to treat sick COVID patients in hospitals defied all common sense and reason. Kennedy shares the underlying motives:11

“They weren’t treating people. It’s the first time there’s been a respiratory illness in history — if you go to hospital with a flu, they’ll give you something for all your symptoms — they said no nothing [for COVID]. Why were they doing that? …

Because there is a little-known federal law that says if there is an existing drug that has been approved for any purpose that is demonstrated effective against the target illness, it is illegal to grant an emergency use authorization for a vaccine for that disease.”

Regulatory Capture Is Putting Americans at Risk

Kennedy states vaccines are one factor in the epidemics of chronic disease and autism in children, but there are many other factors as well. He mentions atrazine, glyphosate, forever chemicals and high fructose corn syrup for starters, along with cell phone radiation. But while public health agencies conduct research on drugs and vaccines, they’re not looking into the underlying causes of chronic diseases facing Americans:12

“All our kids today are swimming around in a toxic soup and we have a public health agency — NIH [National Institutes of Health] — that used to be the premier public health agency in the world. It has a budget of $42 billion a year. It distributes that money to 56,000 scientists in research institutions and universities. We’re supposed to be doing research to protect public health. Why is nobody doing research to figure out what is causing these epidemics?

… If you try to do that research you’re going to get career punishment for doing it and the NIH will not fund it. What they will fund is … research on drugs to treat food allergies. They’ll fund research on drugs to treat asthma but they will not look at what is causing it and that data is out there.”

Describing the situation as “agency capture on steroids,” Kennedy uses the example of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which gets 50% of its budget from pharmaceutical companies. The NIH, meanwhile, owns thousands of pharmaceutical patents, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spends $4.9 billion a year out of its $12 billion budget buying and distributing vaccines.

“It is the biggest vaccine company in the world,” Kennedy says. The NIH actually owns half the patent for Moderna’s COVID-19 injection.13 Further, he says, “If you’re a scientist at NIH and you work on a product that then becomes a pharmaceutical drug, you get to keep royalties on that product for $150,000 a year. And NIH can keep 50% of the royalties.”14

Because most government agencies have been captured by the industries they’re supposed to regulate, democracy has been subverted, as they’re no longer working for the American people. They’re working for big corporations that are constantly putting profit above safety. But Kennedy, an attorney, says that, as president, he could go in and fix these corrupted agencies overnight:15

“I know how to fix these agencies. When you sue these agencies you get a Ph.D. on how to unravel them. I know the individuals in a lot of these agencies that are causing the problem. I’ve sued I’ve sued NIH, CDC, FDA, EPA, FCC [Federal Communications Commission]. I just won in the court of appeals against the FCC for lying to the public about cell phone radiation and the dangers of that.

Right now, I’m representing a thousand families in East Palestine, Ohio, whose lives were upended by the Norfolk Southern spill. And that’s all because of agency capture at dot that spill happened because of agency capture. It is a direct negligence by DOT [Department of Transportation]. I know how to fix these things. I’m going to go in there and I’m going to fix them overnight.”

Kennedy’s Answer to the Housing Crisis — Give Everyone a ‘Rich Uncle’

Kennedy also touches on the housing crisis, as young people and the middle class become increasingly pushed out of the American dream. A perfect storm of rising interest rates and high housing prices have priced many people out of the market.16

But there are other factors at play, including record-low inventory17 and competition from corporate investors, who purchase homes in cash about 75% of the time.18 Kennedy says he has a solution that will level the playing field and make home ownership more attainable:19

“I have an extensive plan for how to get this generation of kids in their housing … housing prices have gone up from $215,000 two years ago to $400,000 today. Interest rates have gone up from 3% to almost 8% …

I’m going to offer a law that will penalize large companies, large investment firms from owning multiple units of single-family housing so it will no longer be profitable. And that will release a tremendous amount of housing back into the marketplace.

… Right now kids are competing against Blackrock’s bank book so … what I’m going to do is I’m going to issue a new class of … Treasury Bills at 3% interest to people who are buying single family homes, particularly young people and teachers, and I’m going to fund that by issuing these Treasury Bills. I’m going to issue mortgages at 3% …

You know if you have a rich uncle who will co-sign your mortgage, you can get a much better rate because the bank is basing their interest rate not on your lousy credit rating but on your uncle’s fantastic credit rating. I’m going to give everybody a rich uncle — all these young people — which is Uncle Sam, which is going to guarantee your mortgage so you get that 3% rate.”

If you want to support Kennedy in his bid for president of the United States, be sure to visit TeamKennedy.com. For updates on the litigation Kennedy is involved in, sign up for the CDH newsletter, The Defender, on Childrenshealthdefense.org.


  1. Era il 2018, ma in alcune analisi fatte da una Dottoressa straniera ho visto gli stessi componenti del vaccino Covid..
    Anno 2022/23.
    Filamenti lucenti, Grafene…
    Questa è un’altra guerra…

  2. How many Americans will vote for Biden because of Putin’s endorsement?

    He is playing a deeper game than merely reverse psychology. He is stirring the pot with the Democrats themselves. Genius.

    • I agree, and it is really great to hear from you again. 🙂

      Putin totally vitiates the old stereotype of the Russian as a rude, crude, bore…and vulgar, pushy, bullying and dumb. This man is a gift to the whole human race. and I am proud I have backed him steadily in the face of the skeptics or worse (who claim Putin is a jew/pedo/commie) in my posts and on this website since 2006.

      Vlad KNOWS that if he is too nice to Trump, or to Tucker Carlson, it will backfire on these two men, whom secretly he wants to succeed.

      With Tucker (one BILLION views!) he pulls him up short at the start:

      “Is this a serious interview or a talk show?”


      With the question whether he prefers Biden or Trump to win, I see Putin having multiple considerations. To endorse Trump would be to hurt Trump, and commit “Russian interference in the US election.”

      So he says he wants Biden, which, he being Dr. Evil 😉 , actually hurts Biden and thus helps Trump.

      But Putin also had a genuine criticism of Trump in there: Biden at least is predictable.

      In other words, Trump — not so much.

      He says good stuff, but then (the Deep State applies pressure) he backs down.

      ….which is also my own often-stated conclusion.

      Better to not get one’s hopes up with any politician in Jewmerica.

      Putie is a formidable human being…and Biden beneath contempt.

      But neither will address the biggest issue, the 900-pound gorilla in the middle of the room, the jew.

      THAT is my thing. 😉

  3. John,

    bzgl. Russisch: Es tut mir leid, daß ich weder sprachlich noch finanziell dazu beitragen kann und ich bin mir wohlbewußt, was das Erstellen von Artikeln und Büchen zeitlich und ressourcenmäßig bedeutet. Dennoch hier meine Übersetzungsanregung hinsichtlich Ihrer zwei ganz großen Rußlandartikel.

    Es gibt einen Weltenplan der geistigen Welt, der u.a. von Helena Petrovna Blavatsky* sowie von Rudolf Steiner wahrgenommen und dokumentiert wurde und der als nächsten Entwicklungsschritt vorsieht, daß es zu einem spirituell-befruchtenden Gedankenaustausch zwischen den deutschen Völkern und Rußland bzw. zwischen den germanischen und den slawischen Völkern kommt.
    [* “Essential Teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner”,
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7z2WrxgZVU ]

    Die Gegenspieler, Ahriman bzw. unter seinem anderen Namen, Satan, sowie seine physischen Repräsentanten sorgen stets für Not, Zwietracht und Krieg zwischen Deutschland und Rußland, damit unter allen Umständen die Bewußtseinsrevolution verhindert wird, die Menschen auch weiterhin im materialistischen Weltbild verharren. Die materialistische Menschheitsphase soll zwar im Rahmen der Gesamtentwicklung notwendig gewesen sein, aber mittlerweile ist das Wiedergewahrwerden um die inneren Ursprünge längst überfällig und unabdingbar.

    Sie, John de Nugent, wirken bereits seit sehr vielen Jahren auf das Weltgeschehen ein, aufgeschlossene kritische Geister sowie Entscheidungsträger aller Ebenen weltweit verinnerlichen sich auf johdenugent.com Herrschaftswissen und aufbauendes spirituelles Goldwissen, substantielles Wissen, das in einer einzigartigen Form aufbereitet und zeitlich “konsumierbar” ist (nicht jeder hat die Zeit, um Bücher zu wälzen). Spiritualität und das Wohlergehen der Völker sind Ihre Mission.

    Ihre zwei ganz großen Rußlandartikel [1] haben nun das Potential, die Ost-West-Propaganda in Schutt und Asche zu legen, die Eisernen Vorhänge einzureißen und den Weg freizumachen für die deutsch-russische Annäherung. Diese Artikel sollten langfristig in alle osteuropäische Sprachen übersetzt werden, zuallererst jedoch ins Russische. Auch die Schutzengel der osteuropäischen/slawischen Völker sind davon beseelt, ihre physischen Repräsentanten zu einem umfassenden historischen Verständnis zu führen.

    Jede Sprache ist bedeutsam, das schrittweise Vorgehen erfordert jedoch, mit einer Sprache anzufangen. Russisch böte sich an, verbreitungsmäßig ist es das Englisch Osteuropas.*
    [**] https://alexander-puschkin-schule.org/extra/warum-russisch/ ,

    Sie, John, schreiben schon länger spirituelle Geschichte, die Übersetzung dieser zwei Artikel wäre nun jedoch wie ein Paukenschlag, der den nächsten Schritt des Weltenplanes ermöglichen würde, die deutsch-russische Annäherung und somit die Voraussetzung, um den spirituellen Austausch einzuleiten und den Weltenplan der geistigen Welt voranzutreiben.

    Wenn es die Möglichkeit gäbe, diese zwei Artikel ins Russische zu übersetzen, würde ein monumentaler Schritt vollzogen werden im spirituellen Weltenringen. Es ist nicht übertrieben diesbezüglich vom Schreiben von Weltgeschichte zu sprechen, denn Ihre zwei Rußlandartikel haben das Potential, eine Grundsatzdiskussion in Rußland zu entfachen.

    Sie sind höchstgradig medienkompetent und seit langer Zeit übersetzerisch tätig, ich erlaube mir dennoch meine Anregungen mitzuteilen:

    * Die beiden Artikel könnten sowohl getrennt als auch gebündelt veröffentlicht werden
    * Die deutsche und englische Version müßte ebenfalls in vielen Formaten abrufbar sein, die allererste Übersetzungsgrundlage könnte daher eine reine Textdatei des deutschsprachigen Originals sein (.txt): Sämtliche Grafiken, Bilder und Videos müßten und sollten entsprechend durch eingefügte Kurzbeschreibungen bzw. Inhaltebeschreibungen ersetzt werden (gerne auch ausführlichere Beschreibungen).
    * Darauf aufbauend könnte dann die Übersetzung erfolgen
    * Dann Verbreitung in möglichst viele Formate, mit zentraler Übersichtsauflistung aller Dateiversionen: Reine Textformate (ohne Bilder, .txt usw), PDF (A4, US-Letter), Epub, Videos, Hörbücher/Audiodateien, (auch das Audio-CD-Format berücksichtigend), Video-DVD in Russisch (ISO-Abbild zum herunterladen und brennen für den heimischen DVD-Spieler) u.a.

    Es muß endlich weitergehen mit der spirituellen Entwicklung in der Menschheitsgeschichte! Welch kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen nun noch kommen mögen oder nicht, die Saat wäre gesät für die deutsch-russische Annäherung.







    Zur Lage in der BRD:

    • Dann muss ich Putin in einem Video auf deutsch direkt ansprechen.

      Er verlor seinen älteren Bruder am Hungerstod während der deutschen Belagerung Leningrads. (Das heißt, der kleine Wladimir wurde erst nach dem Kriege geboren. Aber seine Mutter und der Vater werden ihm vom Bruder erzählt haben, von ersten Sohn, den er niemals zu Augen sah.

      Klar wird ihm beim Gedanken ans Hakenkreuz nicht warm ums Herz. Seine Mutter wird den ersten Sohn beweint haben.

      Aber in Dresden im KGB erlebte er die braven, fleißigen Mitteldeutschenm, die Dresden wieder aufgebaut hatten, und erfuhr, was sie im Februar 1945 alles erlitten hatten und zwar ohne geistig zusammenzubrechen!

      Putin: Deutsch gut, Nazi nix gut……

      Das kann man nachvollziehen, vor allem, wenn man Suworows fundierte Eisbrecher-These nicht wirklich kennt.

  4. John,

    die geplante Deindustrialisierung Deutschlands dürfte in nicht allzu ferner Zeit abgeschlossen sein, kontinuierlich seit Monaten und Jahren erscheinen Meldungen von Firmen die Pleite gehen, aufgekauft werden oder ihre Werke ins Ausland verlagern, u.a. Miele, Sihl u.a.[1] Die wenigen überlebenden einheimischen Alten sollen entsorgt werden.[2]

    Aus dem einstigen Land der Dichter und Denker wurde ein Land der Mobilfunkzombies, überall Mikrowellenstrahler an jeder Ecke, schädliche Mikrowellenstrahlung (Erbgutschädigungen, Geldrollenbildung [Verklumpung der roten Blutkörperchen, dadurch Thrombosegefahr und schlechtere Durchblutung usw.]), Passivtelefonie usw. Daß Mobilfunkmasten ebenfalls Krebs hervorrufen bei Kindern, Erwachsenen und Tieren, das interessiert praktisch niemanden.[3] Hat der weiße Mensch einen Todeswunsch, daß er sich und seine Mitmenschen so dermaßen ans Messer liefert und seine eigene Totalversklavung und -Vernichtung zu 100% selber umsetzt? Praktisch 100% der Bevölkerung handelt so, natürlich auch die ach sich so erhaben und überlegen fühlenden Mohammedaner, die ebenfalls ständig ihr NWO-Versklavungsgerät mit sich tragen, ebenfalls jede Warnung ignorieren.

    Das muß man sich wirklich verinnerlichen: Hätten sich die Menschen in den 1920ern freiwillig eine überlebensgroße Zielscheibe mitsamt Peilsender und Abhörmikrofon um die Schultern gehängt, die rund um die Uhr alle Gespräche an die Rotfront überträgt, soziale Graphen und Bewegungsprofile erstellt und zugleich systematisch die Gesundheit ruiniert? Wohl kaum. Die heutigen weißen Völker tragen jedoch glücklich und zufrieden ihr Versklavungs-, Sterilisations- und Gesundheitsvernichtungsgerät permanent mit sich und ignorieren jegliche Warnung und schädigen sich selbst und andere durch Passivtelefonie. Soviel zum geistigen Zustand der absoluten Mehrheit der gegenwärtigen weißen Völker.

    Ich habe bereits 2011 im Rahmen von 2 Jahren Jugendarbeit (mit Hausaufgabenbetreuung) die Auswirkungen mitbekommen, die permanente Senkung der Lernstandards, die Schädigungen des Konzentrationsvermögens usw. Auch in den USA muß es mittlerweile dramatisch sein.[4] Die totalle Ignoranz des Egobewußtseins führt die Menschheit wahrlich in den Untergang. Es braucht überhaupt keine Multikultis, die weiße Rasse will sich selbst mit aller Entschiedenheit vernichten, den Beweis findet man an jeder Ecke im Alltag.

    Rückblickend werden die Überlebenden sagen: Die Menschen wollten es so, weil sie nichts hinterfragten und jegliche Warnung ignorierten.

    Es gibt jedoch auch Lichtblicke: Dies ist ein unvergleichbares Juwel zum Thema Spiritualität, zur deutschen Sprache, ein absolut hörenswerter Vortrag aus dem Jahr 2018:
    “Die Lebendigkeit der deutschen Sprache ( J.G. Fichte)”,

    Ende der Predigt. 🙁


    [1] https://www.danisch.de/blog/2024/02/24/kakerlaken-statt-basf-deutschlands-abstieg-nach-ganz-unten/



    [2] https://www.danisch.de/blog/2024/02/24/die-deportation-von-oma/



    “Vortrag über Mobilfunk und Gesundheit”,

    ( Teil 1/6: https://youtu.be/wCrp52ojDyc?si=H88XaFMW80NXxTr8 )

    […] Gesundheitsgefahr Mobilfunk […] Teil 01

    […] Teil 02

    Die Wahrheit und Fakten zum Mobilfunk […]

    Vortrag: Dr. med Joachim Mutter zu 5G – total verstrahlt – Was hilft?
    DOKU: Mobilfunk – Die verschwiegene Gefahr [Dokumentation deutsch]
    Internationale Versicherungskonzerne ziehen sich aus dem Mobilfunkgeschäft zurück


    [4] https://www.danisch.de/blog/2024/02/24/verbloedung-usa/


    • Danke. Es gab in den späten Siebziger und frühen Achtziger Jahren einen irrsinnigen Bestseller in und aus den USA, Der wunderbare Weg.


      Peck beschreibt hierein, wie zu seiner Überraschung die Sündenlehre des Apostels Paulus (wonach alle Erdenmenschen durch Adams und Evas Sündenfall sozusagen zu Erbsündern wurden) etwas Wirkliches, einen eigenartigen Zustand, beschreiben will.

      Ich bin selbst zum Schlusse gekommen, dass dies ein Schlechtkarmaplanet ist.

      Im Gegensatz zu anderen Planeten, wo Schönheit, Ordnung, Friede und freudige Zusammenarbeit selbstverständlich sind.

      Klar, also, dass das flackernde Lichtlein in der Finsternis namens Drittes Reich nach ein paar Jährchen und Windböen auszuknipsen war.

      Aber das wusste ich 1954, als ich hierher zurückkehrte.

      Wir müssen uns wieder lieben.

      Uns vergeben, zu lieben lernen, und anspornen — denn wir schaffen das schon!

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