I guess there are no poor Whites! Oakland, Calif. to give $500 a month to Blacks and Hispanics, but explicitly NOT Whites; two East Asiatic senators vow to not confirm ANY white nominees at all (UNLESS they are LGBTQ)!

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The mayor of Oakland, California, Libby Schaaf, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program that will give low-income families of color $500 per month with no rules on how they can spend it.


The best part: “And it is the first program to limit participation strictly to Black, Indigenous and people of color communities.”

Because all Whites are rich:

Demoncrat Senators Tammy Duckworth (IL) and Mazie Hirono (HI) said they would vote against all Biden nominees who are not “racial minorities” … and they say they will only vote for a white nominee IF the nominee is also LGBTQ.

But after a firestorm the two mongoloids backed down:



  1. So long as Whites have a crappy car, job, house, wife, warm beer, a holiday once a year, then they are happy — and won’t do anything about the Whites dying out globally in 100 years time.

    Whites have to suffer a lot more yet before they do anything to push back.

    • So true, but true even more of non-whites. Blacks, Chinese, Muslims, Mexicans, Koreans — these are not moral giants, either!

      The whole planet is full of people like that. In France, this sort of self-centered, tunnel-vision person is called a Jean Foutre, a “Johnny Don’t Give a Sh–t About Anyone but Myself, My Family and My Friends.”

      I was sent the other day a photo of the front page of the 4 May 1944 issue of the Waffen-SS newspaper “Le Combattant,” published by Léon Degrelle for the W-SS brigade of Belgian volunteers which he commanded and which was then fighting and sustaining heavy losses on the Eastern Front.

      Here it is, and then I translate the opening paragraph of the article on the left.

      This was published one month and two days before D-Day, which everyone knew was coming. And these guys knew most of the Belgian people would welcome their Allied “liberators,” having no idea the All-Lies were the tools of the jews and their horrific New World Order would lead to the hell on earth in which we live now.

      *** (In French, first)

      Humanité mieux….

      On ne dira jamais assez à quel point notre peuple a été intoxiqué par la propagande juive ou d’inspiration judaique. À certains moments on se prend la tête dans les mains et l’on se demande: “Sommes-nous tous, oui ou non, dans une maison de fous?

      Car enfin, ils sont tout de même trop nombreux, cec compatriotes pour lesquels l’inconséquence spirituelle la plus manifeste et la plus continue est aussi la chose la plus normale, la plus courante qui soit à leurs yeux.


      [Title] “Humanity Better Than….”

      It cannot be overstated how much our people have been intoxicated by Jewish or Judaic-inspired propaganda [democracy, libtardism, Freemasonry, atheism, materialism, scientism, communism, etc.].

      At times we sink our heads into our hands and we ask ourselves: “Are we not all, yes or no, living in a madhouse?”

      Because after all, there are still too many of them, these compatriots for whom the most manifest and continuous spiritual inconsistency is also,  in their eyes, the most normal, the most common thing there is.


      Inconsistency — In WWII, miserable people dropping tons of bombs on the happiest people on earth, the Germans, so British and American jews could destroy THEM as well AFTER the war. London and Washington switched after May 1945 over to destroying their own people!

      When I met Margi in 2005, she was just getting started in our cause and was all bubbly to go out and “give people the truth.” I had been in this cause already for 27 years back then. I could only smile.

      First, I knew, we need to change people, and then and then only will facts, truth and reality begin to matter, or the higher things: duty, honor, justice and caring.

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