I have had it

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To a comrade who sent a $100 donation via Amazon gift cards, I wrote:

Thank you so much for the Amazon.com Gift Card, J []!

Today was the final day I gave to Donald Trump.

Americans are not interested any longer in him proving himself right, or pointing at some little section of the Wall he built. We want and need him to lead, to ACT, be president, not a debater, and to put his life on the line for our freedom, the Constitution, and the rule of law, just as our lives now are in danger from the one-party crypto-communist Democrat dictatorship that looms before us on January 20th.

Two different and very sincere men, both devout Christians and prayerful men, said to me when I ran into each separately that Trump was going to make some big announcement at 3 p.m.

Nothing  happened.

Maybe, and I hope this is not true, T has been just stringing us along to the 20th to get a better deal for himself.

“Look how I strung them along, because they trusted me, until it was too late and your boy Biden got in.”

Except it isn’t too late.

It sure looks as if he were betraying us to save his own skin, and enjoying meanwhile the ego trip of being adulated at his rallies as Mr. Tough Guy while devolving to Mr. Tough Talk.

It is time to show, in a world of poseurs what a national socialist can do — how we can FIGHT!

I will likely blog only briefly for the next few days.

You know, I put my mission off for months to let this guy win, and why? So as to keep our VITAL 1A and 2A for four more years.

Now no one can believe in this guy. And everyone can see that I was not the one to ruin his reelection.  I was quiet as a churchmouse for Trump.

The Jews, Chinese and white traitors did him in.

Sadly, and I hope I am wrong, Trump will stand before the world as the man who froze and lost his nerve at the moment of truth.

A female friend locally said yesterday

“Trump never blew my skirts up. 😉 

He trusted the worst possible people — Mad Dog Mattis, John Bolton…. Why on earth did he hire these swamp creatures? He underestimated the Swamp, and the economy was good for, hey, maybe two years max?

Then he bought into this Covid b-s. AND he let the blacks run wild. Not the tough guy he said he was.

Big deal –Trump is gone. I’m frankly tired of him. I do feel bad for Barron, though, and for Don Jr. and Eric Trump, and for this country under Joe Biden.” 😉

Staff writer Francois is working on yet another original piece.

It is about East Asians being shocked and appalled by the Biden thugs’ victory.

They fear China, and they saw Trump as gutsy and his America as the heroic superpower that would continue to stand up to the red giant.

I wanted to preserve the British Empire and said so 1924-45 exactly because of this day — when China, with its huge and industrious population, would rise up and seek to rule the world, bringing the white man down.

“The Jews of Asia” is exactly the title the Chinese proudly give themselves. A Chinese man named Han said this to me, in fact, in Alexandria, Virginia in 2005.

Red China has five times the U.S. population.

We Asians take over world next. Make white boy extinct. Grafffit at SUNY

And China is allied with our other mortal enemy, the jews.

It will take a new white man, certainly not someone named Trump, and no other Republicon, to defeat these two juggernauts.

And it will take social nationism, my word for NS 2.0.

Not just political, economic, racial and cultural reform — but a new birth of white spiritual power, virtue, faith and fearlessness in a world of blinded and castrated mice.

Let the games begin. We have all had enough.

















  1. Trump failed at the Alamo! It was all about polishing his own ego while letting his Patriot supporters either become victims of Communism, or having to rise up in revolution to fight the Communist takeover.

    TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2021
    Disappointing Mr. President
    United Airlines kicked every single passenger off the plane for singing the National Anthem
    [ https://populist.press/united-airlines-kicked-every-single-passenger-off-the-plane-for-singing-the-national-anthem/ ]
    “Americans are not interested in your being proven right Mr. President in what is common knowledge of the threats we face. We are interested in what you will do as a leader who was trusted to stop this in your putting your life, your liberty on the line, along with your fortune.

    The Lame Cherry repeats the reality, that after noon on January 20th if this President is not sworn in on a second term, he is as worthless as a proven loser and surrenderer as all of the forgotten weak who are upon the ash heap of history.”

    • Thanks. I just added this to my article:

      Americans are not interested any longer in him proving himself right, or pointing at some little section of the Wall he built. We want and need him to lead, to ACT, be president, not a debater, and to put his life on the line for our freedom, the Constitution, and the rule of law, just as our lives now are in danger from the one-party crypto-communist Democrat dictatorship that looms before us on January 20th.

  2. The Oath Keepers had better be prepared, because thousands of ignorant National Guard and Army soldiers are going to be hunting them down. Patriots are now declared terrorists and insurrectionists. Beware that Antifa/BLM will not be stopped!

    Joint Chiefs of Staff Issue Military-Wide Memo Declaring Biden Will Become 46th President
    January 12th 2021, 3:59 pm

    A military-wide memo was reportedly released by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Tuesday declaring that Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the U.S. military on Inauguration Day.

    “On January 20, 2021, in accordance with the Constitution, confirmed by the states and the courts, and certified by Congress, President-elect Biden will be inaugurated and will become our 46th Commander in Chief,” the memo stated.

    Breaking: DOJ And FBI About to be Unleashed on Trump Supporters After False Flag Capitol Attack
    War Room
    January 12th 2021, 3:00 pm

  3. Be very wary because the FBI is infiltrating to be agent provocateurs and to identify and tag decent Trump/Constitutional supporters as terrorist threats. This is open warfare by the most devilish people on earth.
    “The FBI is prepping to send out 4,000 agents to pose as Trump supporters
    These agents will wreak ABSOLUTE MAYHEM and may even kill people. Want to know how I know the FBI is doing this? Easy. Take 4,000 and divide it by 6. There will be your answer in plain sight, not only will the FBI do this, the Jews will direct it.”

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