I interview Simon Roche again on the Van Rensburg prophesy, seemingly more accurate than EVER!

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As per this article:

The Silence of the Skripals: UK Deep State blocks press reports w/”D-Notice”; UK media change articles, replace Fentanyl by Novichok; Skripal handler Miller linked to Trump-defaming “Steele dossier”

Trump should be FURIOUS at Theresa May and the Brit Deep State OVER THIS!!!! MI-6 and their puppet May lied about Skripal and conspired with the same “ex”-MI-6 agent Steele to bring Trump down!

The hideous new US Embassy in London is a satanic cube, just like the muslim Ka’aba in Mecca


and the cube that the powerful Lubavitch Jews wear on their forehead

This sets up the exact Van Rensburg scenario (see below) where, as foretold, the prophesied Trump-like, nationalistic US president with “hair like a wig” and a “permanent scowl on his face” ends up hating the Brits.

The Trump-hating Theresa May-Brits then do a secret deal with Putin.

The prophesied Trump finds out about it.

Remember: the US controls Britain’s nukes. The ONLY Brit nuclear deterrent is the Royal Navy’s handful of “boomer” submarines with US-made ICBM missiles.

The Trumpian US then lets Russia — after the UK Deep State has constantly defamed him in the vilest terms (the “Golden Shower”/urine sex with Russian whores nonsense) and ridiculed — nuke an utterly defenseless UK!

Maybe with a tsunami-causing mega-H-BOMB that drowns everyone in the relatively small, flat, coastal England!

The Russian 50-megatonne Tsar Bomb:

…..The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars — and a German final victory (but emerging out of hiding into a world in ashes    ) marches toward its fulfillment. Britain betrays America, Turkey betrays Russia, Russia invades Europe to “get in the first blow” — and “horror bombs” go off.


According to the 1917 prophecy of the militant Boer Nicholas van Rensburg,


after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = Mandela) and later a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), and recall that back in 1917 such notions seemed absurd and even unimaginable), with the black US president described as “a black boy,” THEN a male, white, older conservative will take over the reins of the state. He will have “hair like a wig,” constantly frown, and he will end up (against his will?) waging a catastrophic war against Russia.

Russia will be destroyed, and some European countries as well, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.

Germans and Boers in South Africa will be the only major white survivors of this useless war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.

They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War, and these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose them..

As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of elite German scientists and military to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (on neither Soviet Russia nor that of Putin).

What are his prophecies about the Tribe, who are certainly our worst enemy?

He did not mention them. He was a fervent Calvinist Christian, thus a typical Boer, and not anti-Semitic. Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps), and he loved and admired the Germans. He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — alone — the third one.

Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”.

But this scenario is incredibly sad — the pointless annihilation of 95% of the white race.
No more Russia, Europe, England – and as for the United States, according to Van Rensburg, they will fall to the status of an insignificant country and will take decades to rebuild from the rubble.
The 2009 movie “The Road” with the stars Viggo Mortensen and Charlize Theron (herself a Boer, though a renegade) and with a little South Africa boy, Kodi Smit-McPhee, also used, playing the little son, depicts a post-apocalyptic America during the nuclear winter that takes place after WWIII. No plants or trees can grow in the long darkness — the atmosphere is full of dust from 20,000 hydrogen bombs going off on major cities — so food production stops. Many humans resort to cannibalism to survive.


…..And now my NEW 2018 interview (as host on Resistance Radio) with Simon Roche, activist and spokesman for the Southlanders in South Africa (90 minutes)

The Southlanders organization (of which Roche, a non-Boer, is the key spokesman to the anglosphere) is operating under explicit international law to protect the white South Africans (both Boers and Brits) by withdrawing — under arms but peacefully  — to defensive perimeters in case a full race war breaks out in the nightmarish, black-majority South Africa.



Part 1 of 2


Part 2 of 2




……See also

…..The Normans — white nordic aristocrats who BORROWED FROM AND INTERMARRIED WITH JEWS  to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class.

Prescott Bush (r) of the Bush political dynasty — note the nose — with then-U.S. Congressman Richard Nixon

Ever since the Norman Conquest (done partly by my own de Nugent ancestors, unfortunately), England has been heartless toward the working people.

The Normans were Vikings who were ravaging France in the AD 800s, and captured even Paris. These Northmen were then given Normandy (henceforth called “Northman-Land” by the French, “La Normandie”) by the king of France as an outright bribe so they would stop marauding all over his country.

They learned French in Normandy, then cast about after 150 years of very boring peacetime for another land to pillage, conquer and milk dry.

Rouen, Normandy Jews then lent them the money to launch a vast expedition to conquer England in 1066, and in turn the Normans made them their ruthless moneylenders and tax farmers, using the Domesday Book to record what every Englishman was worth.

In the end, the profligate Norman lords went broke, then married their sons off to the hooknosed daughters of their Jewish bankers, and as a result England is ruled by lords and gentry like David Cameron with semi-semitic facial features and vile attitudes 0f barely concealed contempt toward the native, common British people:

They simply use and abuse them, or even rape and molest their children, and send off the grown young “Tommy Jenkins” (in Rudyard Kipling’s word) to kill innocent faraway peoples, or die or be maimed, for the sole benefit of their own parasitical Judeo-Norman wealth and power.

UK PM Theresa May, hooknosed and all smiles with South African President Ramaphosa, who is seizing all white farmlands without paying a cent.

The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmud


…..White South African tragedy

White South African Tragedy


  1. o yea what I typed is refering to the second interview you did with Simon when he was talking about Rensburg’s unspeakable american weapons.

    • Then please be more careful in the future in making comments. I do not tolerate sloppy writing or thinking, or inebriated comments, multiple typos, etc. You should show respect for other readers and me, the website owner.

  2. This is serious black-pill material. I love the Boers, but if only they survive that’s rather horrifying to contemplate.

    On the other hand, I look around and America is basically a corpse being greedily devoured. I’m in a minority-white area, though.

    Somehow, the prospect of moving the South Africa to participate in the retaking holds little appeal. But better just the Boers than no one!

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