I need your c-o-n-s-i-d-e-r-e-d opinion right now — what exactly is a “virus”?

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I have never said that this Gosia (and Robert Carbonnell in the Spanish language) are “gospel truth” ( = 100% accurate) and that every word that falls from their lips must be blindly accepted.

Furthermore, Gosia emphasizes that the supposed Taygetans are neither gods nor infallible, and she conveys their considerable frustration and even irritation that humans prefer to worship gods than do their own thinking and help themselves.

It hit me, back when I was a Christian (albeit a reluctant one, and specifically a Jehovah’s Witness) in 1970-75, that basically we as Christians were supposed to revert to a childlike state, and also to be like sheep!

Gosia actually says it is time for humans to finally “grow up” and “stop being children.”

And Nordics are extremely reluctant to intervene militarily as per the fourth scenario, the fourth possible outcome, of this Covid-5G-vaccine mega-swindle.

The Alpha Centauri event supposedly involved a direct Nordic intervention to liberate white earthlings who were being transported by a supposed “Dark Fleet” to a reptilian planet in order to be literally eaten there. These earthlings were then supposedly settled on a planet under Nordic supervision, and, it is said, they live there today.

To be clear, Gosia is talking here about what they are considering doing, but have not yet decided on.

Partly it would be in their own interest in this human-reptilian war, that earth not become a total reptilian firebase, and partly it would be out of compassion for us.

Gosia relays a fascinating explanation, which I will not go into today, of why earthlings are so shockingly obtuse and how it is not at all entirely our fault that this planet is a mess. This explanation would make it understandable that Nordics do feel some sincere compassion for some of us, as per the Staffordshire woman’s account:

Anyway, this fourth scenario, the one the Nordics intensely dislike, would entail a full-scale Nordic-alien invasion of earth. This means armed spaceships, yes, warships appearing in the sky, firing weapons and landing troops in order to destroy the major Cabal-ruled powers, which however also have serious weaponry, given them by reptilians.

Of course, if you want this invasion, remember this.

The majority of humans are the blinded fools we have always experienced.

I have seen it more than any other human being in the last 43 years, with Das Peepul being mentally armed to swallow every bullshit lie of the jews and then commit one suicidal folly after another.

I will never forget my father staring up silently at the night sky on election day in November 1964. The arch-evil Lyndon Johnson (who, I now know, was half-jewish via his mother, and had killed the closet antisemite John Kennedy so he could get nuclear weapons to Israel).

Das Amerikan Peepul voted in a landslide when I was ten for this murderer, who acted and looked totally creepy to anyone with eyes to see.

Not only did Johnson win in a landslide…


…but his negro-loving, open-borders Demoncrats took over both houses of Congress: both the House and the Senate as well.

Then came open borders, the welfare state, exploding crime rates, a drug epidemic,  civil rights and our defeat in Vietnam.

I was there.

And, being used to my dad as the strong and silent type, a survivor of many battles in WWII and Korea, I observed him just staring up at the night sky, rocking a bit on his heels.

How can they be so blind? — my dad was almost audibly thinking.

So I saw that humans are in the grips of utter blindness and a radical immunity to the truth, and this even is true among white nationalists.

Talk about “down-with-the-n—-rs” & “down-with-the-jews” and, sure, you got ’em.

But as soon as you talk how we are not alone in this vast universe, or about reincarnation (what happens when you die, kind of a relevant topic at this moment!) , you “lost ’em.” 😉 Why?

Because they refuse to even look at your evidence, which whether in white libtards, in white patriotards or in white nationalists — in the whole lot of them — is a dangerous, pitiful, and despicable thing.

Because wilful ignorance kills.

We must accept that, in the event the Nordics arrive in frustration and reluctance to liberate us, 90% of whites will fight,”Greatest-Generation”-style, FOR their jew oppressors and against their liberators, yes, tooth-and-nail.

AND the active WNs like us may be rounded up and killed by the regime on the first day as being a “fifth column.”

We are part of what Colonel Oliver North called the “main core” – the serious troublemakers who need to be dealt with so we can have “continuity of governance.”

So you still want the Nordics to save our sorry asses, since we cannot be bothered ourselves to do shit?

Be careful what you wish for.

War and martial law, and the fog of war and chaos, are great opportunities for the jews, AND LUCIFERIANS, and CHILD MOLESTERS inside this government, to go kill the people on their enemies list.

In 1940, when the Germans invaded Western Europe, the Belgian deep state rounded up fascist Léon Degrelle and his key Rexist followers, and 21 were shipped off to France to be tortured, among them Degrelle himself, and then killed, though Degrelle himself escaped execution by a miracle. As the Germans advanced, his jew-masonic enemies got cold feet about actually killing him, fearing reprisals on themselves by the victors.


Back now to the fourth Gosia scenario.

So many patriotards and libtards will fight to the death against their “alien” liberators.

And remember that for four generations now all blond, blue-eyed, nordic-looking people (human or alien) have been depicted as evil.

In Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, I was chatting in 2011 with a very nordic-looking white man about blacks and the jews, and Obama, and making real progress with him. But his wife, a short, dumpy, overweight, dark-complected Sicilian type, piped up and objected “You even look like a Nazi.”

Yours truly back then — I guess “evil is in the eye of the beholder.” 😉 The jews can and will mobilize a lot of people against anyone who looks “Aryan.” Among them are Blacks, Orientals, Hindus, Hispanics and black-haired, dark-brown-eyed Near-Whites (being often 1/4 Injun, Mexican — or East Asian due to a race-mixing GI dad or granddad stationed in Japan, the Philippines or South Korea ).


Matt Heimbach — here is the new “white man,” a Near-White. 

Others, during the attack, which will have to be sudden and ferocious because the US Deep State has weapons we do not even know about, will flee the alien liberators, causing huge chaos. And so there will be a simply massive destruction and loss of life.

Wouldn’t it be nice instead ….if white people just woke the f— up? 😉

And that is still my goal in my final attempt.

Anyway, the point is this: the Taygetans are way advanced over us and very compassionate in a realistic way, but not infallible or knowing what is the right course.

In fact, they and other Pleiadians have both won and lost battles to the reptilians and made mistakes, and specifically they neglected to do something regarding our moon in the 1960s, she says, leading as an additional factor to the current extreme zombyization of white mankind.

(This is another big topic.)

Now, back to my main reason for this blog.

In a very recent video, Gosia reports that the Taygetans have decided to debunk totally the theory that viruses are dangerous things that cause illness. In fact, she says it is the exact opposite. Viruses, she relays, are warnings, alarm bells by the body, to alert other cells that the body is under attack. Viruses are not the attack, but the alert system that screams about an attack.

And so this Covid-19 virus is not an attack, but a sickened body’s way of pulling the alarm……

I might add that the supposed Taygetans are also against vaccines, and say the answer to illness is de-stressing the immune system by active measures for 1) our hygiene and 2) mental and physical health.

So here is this video. I think partly adopting my suggestion to her about transcription, Gosia has put the words up on screen so you can BOTH read and hear them. 🙂

Please do research on this for me. Is this information credible?

Don’t even bother popping off some casual opinion. I will be furious if you do, because I know already very well what the jews and their captive, the American Medical Association, the WHO and Bill Gates say — that viruses are or can be dangerous killers.

If you agree with the jews, then explain why.

Or if you agree with these supposed Taygetans, then explain why.

All I know is this — that in January Gosia said that the Taygetans were certain that this Covid-19 was not the big killers the media claimed and that the whole thing was one big Cabal plot.

And in this they were absolutely right, and this was way back in January.


So these supposed Taygetans have a good track record cannot be simply dismissed (or whoever is behind all this, maybe good patriots hiding behind aliens, or the Deep State reeling us in with truths initially —  in order to deceive us in the end.) I still make up my own mind.




…..Very uplifting if true

This is a video in three parts where Gosia asks Taygetans  how life is on their planet, Erra, which is said to be similar to earth, about 20% smaller, somewhat cooler, and has many large islands, but no huge continents and no deserts. She also says there is no race-mixing, except with other very closely related advanced humans.

Ca a society be based on altruism, the joy of being a good person and loving to help others? She says yes. Can a planet operate without money, and if you need something, a house or a “car,” the local council will give it to you? Can whites live without crime (except Nordic males sometimes fighting over females)? 😉

You decide. I am presenting this because Gosia says a human wishing to liberate humanity must present the positive, real alternative to the awful hell that is our life now. I agree. We must show what we are fighting FOR, not just against.

And starseeds, at least, will feel in their bones that this content is not fantasy but true. And maybe they will do the brunt of the work in the months to come while the old earthling majority freaks out in despair, stubbornly insists we are definitely doomed, and commits suicide rather than kill our enemies.

I have known five WNs since 1980 (one of them was Dominic Lewitzke at Rockwell party HQ) who have killed themselves.

Another was gifted filmmaker Byron Jost, who stayed twice with me and Margi.

Look for that trend of stubbornly atheistic WNs murdering themselves to accelerate. 🙁

Wilful ignorance kills.

Btw, I feel certain that I am a starseed, a Pleiadian, but not a former Taygetan. This planet seems too “feminist” to me, and it does to most other Pleiadians. Yet, if this stuff is true, then I have enormous respect and gratitude for them. And, as I have written, the greatest leaders of great powers such as Spain (Queen Isabella), Russia (Catherine the Great), England (Elizabeth I) and Austria (Maria Theresa) were all queens: charming, feminine, but also made of hardened steel. 😉


2) By the way, this video criticizes “religion,” and I agree, if it means mind control and never getting self-control over your mind, heart and actions as a sovereign and free soul. An intriguing additional detail: on very rare occasions they die of romantic heartbreak, since their minds are very powerful and have a huge effect on their bodies. Nothing is suppressed, unlike on earth, where people routinely drown sorrows over love or  divorce in alcohol, marijuana, anti-depressants or foolish one-night stands. The body gets a full jolt from a suffering mind. As you can see, they are not angels, just humans like us who have progressed. Also, around age 13, kids begin to remember earlier lives, when they are already stable yet eager to learn.


Anyway, the main topic today is the viruses. Does the viruses video make sense? Explain to the best of your ability. Do some research to verify or debunk these claims that viruses are not causers of disease. My readers are advanced people. Let the hoi polloi WNs rant on further about jews and blacks, while adding nothing to their knowledge base. We know in a loving way that whites themselves, sadly, are the problem.

And the path of 1) unchanging opinions and 2) trying forever the same-old, same-old strategies which have failed IS indeed “the definition of insanity.” 😉

I wrote to a supporter:

I am eager to get informed feedback on this huge virus question. I do not want to go out on the world stage misinformed about viruses in general, nor about this particular one, Covid-19, and certainly not now. I have just one at-bat, there are two outs, it is the bottom of the ninth inning, we have three men on base, and are behind by three runs.  I need to go to home plate now — and hit the grand slam. With your help and prayers, I can, and this hell can end.



  1. John, according to Chabad.org there is no half-Jewish person. If it is via the mother it’s 100% jewish. If it’s by a jew father and a non-jewish mother it’s 100% a bastard and non-jew, a mamzer, no better than a goy.

    • And also it is important in which order you say it. First you say the good thing:

      “You are not jewish just because your father is jewish.”

      Then comes the bad part: “because your mother is not jewish.”

    • Yes, I know, and as you can imagine, I knew this decades ago, but others may not.

      However, half-jews via the father are all over the goy countries’ power structure, they self-identify as jews, often look like jews — and they help the jews.

      As for the Chabadniks with their strict definition, well, they are maybe five percent of all the jews.

      Jewish father, singer-composer Billy Joel, the daughter Alexa, who, I bet, is welcome in any synagogue, though Chadad says she is a shiksa, and her mother Joel’s ex-wife, former supermodel and race-traitor goy Christie Brinkley. Imagine if she had married another Aryan, and not had a daughter that looked so semitic….

    • Heh-heh.

      Now, supposedly this is the story:

      “Covid is a short form of CO-RONA VI-RUS D-ISEASE.

      The other name of corona virus is COVID-19, which was given by the World Health Organization on 11th February 2020.

      The 19 refers to the fact that the disease was detected in 2019, although the outbreak occurred in 2020.”

  2. I suppose the thing about viruses is possible. I always thought of nature as involving hacking methods – methods of overcoming their enemy’s weaknesses, and so I just assumed a virus was a plausible thing. I am no bio-chemist, and even if I studied that field, I would likely not learn anything, as no one can actually see these things.

    If there ARE Pleaidians, and they were devising a method for what to do about the ‘rulers’ and ‘droolers’ – my suggestion would be, create a computer virus. Gain entrance into all of the NSA’s databases, Microsoft’s databases, and find all of the people they are spying on, or would consider spying on. I’m sure these databases have all our information, including multiple emails, phone numbers etc.

    Next, I would contact every single ‘person of interest’, at some point in the future. There are only a few million of these individuals worth monitoring. Then tell them to visit a place within the country they live. Gather these communities into one place, and – of course – Fucking eradicate everything left. Leave not a soul elsewhere alive. Those who can think, have made their presence all too well-known. So it should be easy to find them, move them out of harm’s way, and then cleanse the lands. Nukes, whatever you got. No one, you hear me? No one left alive.

    Of course, that is if they exist. That’s what I would do if I were they.

    • Of course, I should say – That as the Day of the Mark of the Beast Approaches – as totalitarian rule draws to a point of no return, many – MANY more will wake up. There is a ton of time before time itself declares the apocalypse. From now until then, more are going to wake up. So there is no reason to begin the cleansing now. As with all things, timing is everything, and if they exist, then their timing should be superb.

      • And of course – should this happen, where people are mass-mailed safety locations – They would actually have to be in a generalized area (not a specific point), widely dispersed in a region with few others b/c no one is going to trust a situation where they are ‘sitting ducks,’ grouped into a little gaggle of fools waiting to be wiped out by a false flag.

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