I never told you I was in the LIFTwaffe?

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Somebody surmised I was a “one-rep wonder” in a photo of me doing a lat[issimus dorsi] pulldown of the entire stack ( = 200 pounds).


Three times a week I’m at the gym 

John Cassidy I have been doing same since mid January lost 1st 12lbs = 28lb near halfway point. Doing resistance training with personal trainer, intermittent fasting and organic apple cider vinegar.

John de Nugent Great, John. I find that the low-carb diet kills two birds with one stone: 1) I get plenty of protein, which bodybuilders need; and 2) with the Stone Age diet I lose weight without cutting back on calories. Since we have five months of winter up here, I hate running around hungry in cold weather.

Well, here you go, my skeptical friend, here are TWENTY reps ( = 4,000 pounds). 🙂

(Did I ever say I was in the Liftwaffe? 😉 )



(This blog was from 2018 but nothing has changed.).


  1. LMAO. Whoever it was who attacked you over the question how many times you can lift 200 pounds has either the IQ of a guy who got hit by a truck as a 13-year-old, suffering severe brain damage, or is on fentanyl/meth.

    • Thanks but slander, and believing it, is quite normal for earthlings.

      I just saw on VK a rightwing Frenchman slandering Hitler as a secret Rothschild bastard who created Israel to help the jews.

      I responded (in translation):

      Sorry, but this is one hundred percent false. He was not a descendant of the Rothschilds. Not a single historian even of the Establishment (which spreads and repeats all the OTHER jew lies, including and especially the Holocaust and about his supposed desire to conquer the world claims this, because there is no proof.
      Jews were strictly prohibited from even living in Styria and Lower Austria.
      And from 1939 on, having seen the cruelty of the Jews towards the Palestinians already in the Thirties, Hitler ended all cooperation about sending German jews to Palestine, having achieved his goal of getting most German jews as enemies out of his country and instead, wanted to banish the Jews of Europe to the island of Madagascar (then under French control, which was the Pétain regime). The intent was to isolate them under an SS regime and never, ever create an independent jewish state. It was to be an island that the Jews could never leave. Otherwise, they could have caused trouble elsewhere (as they do now) and then quickly returned to Madagascar if the police in the goy country were after them for their crimes. (By the way, I do not believe at all that Epstein was murdered or committed suicide. He was an effective Mossad agent who obtained blackmail information on American VIPs. Then, in my view, he had cosmetic surgery.)
      Hitler denounced the idea of a Zionist country as “a university and headquarters for every Jewish criminal in the world.” It’s right in Mein Kampf.

      I wrote a whole book on the Madagascar Plan. It was to be a prison island. And it was much bigger than Israel, and big enough to hold all the jews.
      Comrade, it is the Jews themselves who are at the origin of these lies! Because the jews do not want the goyim to have any real heroes.


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