I see NO evidence of any real rift between Trump lawyer Giuliani and vote fraud-hating American citizen Sidney Powell; Trump won by a landslide: +16% over Biden!

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……Giuliani-Powell rift?

I studied the Giuliani announcement and conclude that this, probably, is NOT a cause for alarm at all.

And the Jew York Times published literally nothing on this apparent non-story:


Were this truly some sort of rift, the Sulzberger presstitutes would be all over it, gloating.

Bloomberg talked about it, however, in a hasty story they cranked out that was full of lies and vilifications:


From the beginning, Powell has never been a member of the Trump legal team.

She has likewise never been a Trump personal lawyer — or Trump 2020 campaign lawyer.

This also means that during “discovery” she cannot be forced to testify about or against Trump in any matter.

She has always been an

outraged American citizen who hates vote fraud and election stealing by anyone!

And she is a top appellate (appeals court) lawyer who has been involved with 500 cases.

My only concern is with her claim the Venezuelans were key players in the Smartmatic/Dominion software vote- fraud scam. For me, it is an Antifa-CIA product, run by open Antifa Eric Coomer, not some Hispanic guys around Maduro. Was Nicolas Maduro the one who electronically stole my GOP primary victory in 1990????

Nope — CIA/Bush Mafia/US Deep State.) 

I am convinced it was the Republicans who stole my Tennessee GOP Congressional primary victory in 1990, btw. And George HW Bush, then US president, a former CIA director and decades-long CIA asset and vile, murderous assassin and rank pedophile, was then in power. Bush I was also deeply involved in the murder of John Kennedy, btw.)

From the “WN biography of JdN”

See 9:58 to 19:02





There were legal reasons why Giuliani tersely issued this technically accurate statement about the status of Sidney Powell.

It does not necessarily mean any rift between Giuliani/Trump and Sidney Powell.

Note what Attorney Lin Wood said.

He successfully represented the media-slandered Covington, Kentucky High School Nicholas Sandmann after that nasty Amerindian leftist Nathan Phillips viciously confronted him at the Lincoln Memorial (and Wood won Sandmann a huge, though undisclosed $$$ettlement from the lying CIA rag called the Washington Post),

Samantha Guthrie of NBC New with Sandmann (she was savagely criticized for being “nice” to him):

He recently spent several days with Sidney Powell, and said her evidence is overwhelming and invincible, Margi just told me.

BUT, but…… it will still take muscle to tip the scales back toward law, order and justice.

Right alone is powerless in a corrupt and cowardly society.

No one understands this more than I do.

And the bizarre voting behavior of Chief Justice John Roberts, previously an immaculate paleo-conservative who suddenly began voting libtard in key casess, show he is being “leaned on.”

If he can be, the Chief Justice of SCOTUS, so can anyone.

It is time that there be real-world counter-pressure, not to impose our injustice but to stop THEIRS!

Roberts — a FIRST IN US HISTORY — at the Obama inauguration totally flubbed the administering of the oath of office for Obama on January 20, 2009.

And I say, with 42 years of WN experience and 18 years spent in Washington DC, that something about Obama (such as maybe being a CIA killer and not even being a US citizen at all?) made the Chief Justice VERY nervous, even terrified:


Ideally, Trump will have

1) the backing of key military units,

2) the vigorous support of tens of millions of Biden-hating, gun-owning Americans, PLUS

3) righteous legal victories

…..in order to remain what he is by his landslide victory, the President of the United States.

And that means if Antifa can march to someone’s house, then so can we. In fact, five million of us with guns can come to Wash DC.

In 19 of 20 bellwether counties across the USA, Trump slaughtered the dismal, senile, crooked Chinese agent Biden.

DATA: Trump Won 95% Of Bellwether Counties, Making Biden Win Statistically Improbable

“Out of 3,000 counties in this country, there are 19 that have a perfect track record since 1980 of voting for the successful presidential candidate,” Cortes noted. “Donald Trump, on November 3, won 18 out of these 19 counties. Could these bellwether counties really have gotten it wrong all at the same time?”


Vigo County, Indiana (Ft.Wayne area), a mix of races and classes, with farmers, factory workers and college students,  is the best bellwether county  in terms of track record. It has picked the winner in every presidential election but two since the year 1902.


You will see me in action to this end of giving Trump needed muscle — because Trump gives me, free speech, and gun ownership more time.

Time to turn the tables — time to hold the corrupt, pedophilic, Deep-State Bidenite traitors, to use their own word,. “accountable.”


Can you donate today?  It is your own life — and your honor, and your standing with God — which you are saving.


I replied:

I am praying for her, for me, for you, and for us all.

As soon as Biden gets in, they unleash BLM and Antifa on us.

Five weeks after Obama got in — I had exposed on this website the nude pix of his slut mother, her jewishness, his homosexuality and his murder of four people who knew too much about his flagrant bisexuality — the Pennsylvania state police and Homeland Security, with a bearded young tough guy who looked like a Navy SEAL, came and in my presence arrested my assistant, Henrik Holappa, broke him in 87 days in solitary at the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility, and turned him.

He began slandering me to stay out of a Finnish super-max, terrified, understandably, of being raped and murdered (shivved [stabbed in the kidney with a sharpened toothbrush] or beaten to death) by black and muslim serious felons, told by guards he was a “white supremacist” and to “have some fun with him.”

They will be coming for me, for you, and for many others whom they especially fear in the first wave of arrests.

Starting January 20.




Getting big for the fights ahead.

I’m just like, as the media always say about Antifa and BLM protests,

“mostly peaceful”  🙂


  1. President Trump is apparently afraid and is talking giving the country over to the Biden/Harris Communists. A weak leader is no leader. As for the Antifa/BLM terrorists, they have been assured of safety as they engage in violence. Even the cops only play fake law and order games. No intervention is being done to restore Constitutional order in cities and states being controlled by Democrat Communists. If legal law enforcers will not do their sworn duty, then committed Patriots had better not wait any longer to go after these terrorists and Communists. This criminal election corruption has seemingly become a major distraction to keep “hopeful” Trump Patriots from acting against the Communists before they gain complete control of the country. Biden/Harris and comrades need to be arrested and Rosenberged for treason.

    Trump Tells GSA To Allow Biden Transition To Proceed “In The Best Interest Of Our Country”
    by Tyler Durden
    Mon, 11/23/2020 – 18:29
    “In what is the closest words yet to a concession, President Trump agreed to let GSA proceed with the Biden administration transition. In a pair of tweets, Trump noted:

    “I want to thank Emily Murphy at GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our Country. She has been harassed, threatened, and abused – and I do not want to see this happen to her, her family, or employees of GSA.”

    Trump added that while the election litigation battle continues…

    “Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will prevail!””

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed in 1953
    JUN 18, 2015 AT 12:00 PM

    • Thanks. I saw that…..

      I also saw that Trump’s Secretary of State, Pompous Mike Pompeo, just met with the Saudi Crown Prince Salman (you know, the one that chopped that journalist up into tiny pieces) — and so did Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at some secret location.

      Are they planning an combined US-Israeli-Saudi attack on Iran so Trump can lick the jews’ filthy, bloody boots to the max so as to stay president?

      Or is he going through the motions while not wanting any real war at all on his watch?

      How does China react to one of its main oil suppliers being annihilated?

    • President Trump did not have to “rescue” that woman. He didn’t even have the right to do so.

      That’s not only the law, it’s the rules that Democrats made. Now they have to live by them
      The Law Is There’s No Presidential Transition Until Congress Certifies The Election
      By Daniel Greenfield ——-November 17, 2020

      ‘”It’s dangerously irresponsible for Republicans to cast doubt on an election result, but not for Democrats. And it’s also dangerous for Republicans, but not Democrats, to block a transition.

      And yet the arguments that Barram made to block GSA funds back then hold up well today.

      “With legal action being pursued by both sides, it is not apparent to me who the winner is,” Barram had argued.

      “Until the results are clear, and as long as both sides are going to court, the results are not clear yet,” GSA spokeswoman Beth Newberger had insisted.

      The legal standard for authorizing a GSA transition is, in the words of the Democrats, the end of legal action over the results of the election. As long as legal action is being pursued, including a trip to the Supreme Court, the GSA cannot and should not release funds to a transition.”

      • Trump is certainly sending a bad signal to his supporters.

        Maybe he is deluding himself that he will start “Trump TV “and then win again in 2024.

        Unless he has an ace up his sleeve, which is possible, what I foresee is President Kamala letting BLM and Antifa rampage against all whites, possibly right after yet another false-flag or even totally fake (NO-victim) mass “shooting,” done by a “white nationalist,” a Proud Boy, etc.

        There will be no Trump TV because these mobs will physically attack the executives, the hosts and other on-air personjalities, and the secretaries even.

        Some day soon _Whites wil appreciate why we national socialists had our SA, our Sturmabteilung, our stormtroopers -. to protect us aLL; AND especially our public meetings and our public speakers from Red Terror!

  2. Threatening a federal official should be a federal offense. The corrupt FBI should go after these criminals. And since when are federal official decisions made based on extortion? If the woman is a coward, fire her and put in a brave Marine. Trump has caved for this wimp?

    Dems Threatened Govt Official, Her Family And Pets In Order To Obtain Govt Transition Funds For Biden
    In paragraph two of the letter, Murphy reveals she “received threats online, by phone, and by mail directed at my safety, my family, my staff, and even my pets in an effort to coerce me into making this determination prematurely.

  3. Political courtesy given to vicious political enemies is akin to being suicidal, not only for Trump, but also for all his supporters that put their trust in him. For the latter, it makes Trump a traitor.

    THE GREAT STEALECTION: Trump got 80 MILLION votes, not Biden
    Posted on November 24, 2020 by State of the Nation

    “Therefore, the Patriot Movement is morally obligated to fight for what was just stolen from them.”

    “Let’s face it: these United States of America are facing a highly consequential predicament as well as excruciatingly defining moment. Any person of conscience knows deep in their bones that the Democrat Party can no longer be permitted anywhere near the White House.

    A Democrat POTUS in 2021 would signal the end of the Republic. A highly vindictive and vicious Biden-Harris administration will surely make it a living hell for every Patriot and Nationalist, Conservative and Christian, Libertarian and Tea Partier, Republican and Independent, as well as for all decent, critical thinking folks who don’t want a “Sodom and Gomorrah” established in every state.

    Patriots, it’s time to take back the country from those who are determined to wreck and ruin it, and irreparably so. If President Trump is unable to do it, then We the People must do it, whatever that looks like.

    This holiday season is the perfect time to lay the plans which may be necessary to prevent Team Biden from irreversibly stealing the election.”


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