I strongly disagree with some details, but here is Gosia on Eisenhower’s encounter with Nordics in 1954

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Much of this will seem crazy to those who have no serious knowledge of the topic of ETs, specifically of reptilians Greys, and Nordics,  and no familiarity with my previous posts.

But it all seems to worry my Israeli hackers. Someone in Tel Aviv thinks their old “friend” is back, which is normal in reincarnation, and they are right.

This is Gosia, a very smart and personable Polish gal.



Her video is on Eisenhower supposedly encountering the Taygetans (Nordic aliens) in 1954 at Edwards AFB (and NOT, she says, Holloman AFB in New Mexico).

The incident is fairly credible, since Eisenhower, on vacation in Florida, definitely did invent some silly dentist appointment in California, 2800 miles to the west, and flew off to supposedly get a toothache fixed.  The media assumed it was bogus and something top-secret was going on.

There is no hard evidence that any of this account of  the meeting is true. However, much of it is very interesting and may be partly, mostly, or in some cases totally true.

I would certainly agree about Eisenhower being evil in view of what we know:

— his insane hatred for Germany, land of his own ancestors, and being mentored since youth by the jew Bernard Baruch;

— his horrible war crimes against German civilians; and

— his postwar Rhine Meadows death camps.

As for other remarks,  Gosia has said she got a “strike” recently for something that YT did not like. So she is very careful what she says. In other words she had better do some “Nazi-Bashing.” 😉

I am sure she got in hot water for this: notice “Illuminati/Khazarian Mafia” She has also blasted Covid and the vaccine, which she now refers to instead as “the shot” to avoid the YT algorithm that catches forbiden subjects. 😉

So here is the video.

I posted these comments below the video:

Very interesting, though in lower densities, and also to avoid banning by YouTube, not everything is said, or it is presented in a certain way.

As to Eisenhower being rude to the young alien, human, nordic-ET woman:

This rejection has less to do with Ike being “patriarchal,” and far more to do with Eisenhower being fiercely anti-“Nazi,” and clearly viewing this woman as being not some Nordic alien at all, but only as a human, German “Nazi” who was out to trick him. 

This supposed Rashell says she was one of the Vril girls, btw. In another video the idea is the Nordics sent some of the Vril girls partly because they did not want Germans or anyone having nuclear weapons, because they can destroy the whole planet, which higher species 100% do not view as being “ours,” partly because we are viewed as violent barbarians.

And most scientist believe that a large thermonuclear exchange — with hydrogen bombs, not atomic bombs à la Hiroshima — would do that via nuclear winter. In fact, even just a Pakistan-India nuclear war would probably kill half the planet off as dust dimmed the sunlight for three or more years and killed 50%-90% of the crops.

So if Nordics did not want Germany or anyone else to have “nukes,” it was not from anti-Nazi sentiments. It was because we are not to destroy this planet which they and other higher species use. Even when higher species do wage war, they do not do so in stupid ways that RUIN the planet they are fighting over.

Nor do they use nuclear energy, which can create gigantic radioactive disasters with staggering cancer rates, such as at Chernobyl, Ukraine and Fukushima, Japan. In fact, the greatest radioactive danger is from such plants, which can make the ground toxic for 10,000 years, and not nuclear bombs, the radioactivity of which declines quickly after three days.


…..See also


The Jews were originally roaming hordes of criminals, mercenaries, exiles (expellees) from Near Eastern countries such as Egypt, the Hittite Empire, Sumer and Babylon called Apiru (Hebrews) who were the perfect people as a gene pool of psychopaths for the demonic alien Yahweh to “choose” as his servant humans.



A neanderthal



the pedophile murderer Leo Max Frank: https://johndenugent.com/glory-to-mary-phagan-and-the-white-men-who-avenged-her-2/



.…..Astounding, very proven incident (and even Wikipedia agrees): hundreds of thousands saw British television news interrupted by, purportedly, BENEVOLENT aliens


What the below shows is that the best elements of the earth-surface race, which is who we are, the struggling earth-surface race, a MIX OF GOOD, BAD AND IN-THE-MIDDLE, ….can and must evolve to a higher level of heroism, intelligence, and tough love.

In the end, a wonderful civilization is possible:  at peace, rich frjm wise us eof technoiloigy, safe and happy.

THS IS MY MISSION — TO CHANGE THE PARADIGM OF HOW WE THINK. To make first of all the truth sacred… But it makes us uncomfortable at first to make a gigantic mental adjustment.

They have not lied to us only about the Jews and race, the Holocaust and Germany, and about Jesus being a Jew who wants Gentiles to be all-forgiving wimps … but about being “alone in the universe,” because those interfering with us need us to continue deluding ourselves that we are alone.  

As Goethe said:

There is no more abject a slave than one who thinks he is free.




Only truth can save us! 


As you read the below, think that I need your financial help to bring to fruition a new faith for Aryan mankind.




[Source: Southern Television broadcast interruption – Wikipedia ]


Thirty-nine years ago SOMEONE took over a British television program and broadcast instead an important message for the people of Earth.

The transmission occurred on 26 Nov 77 at 5:12 p.m. when a strange unknown voice overrode, took over, or super-modulated the TV signals from five transmitters that were monitored by the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) in England. IBA did not detect the intrusion.

The 5+1/2-minute message overrode a scheduled newscast read by Ivor Mills on Southern ITV, England, and was heard by listeners as far away as Andover, London, Newbury, Oxford, Reading, Southhampton, and Winchester.

Map of English cities reporting they heard the mysterious voice; Andover is west of Winchester, and also marked by a dot.



Excerpt from the book Paranormal Dorset by Roger Guttridge







IBA engineers at Croydon, Surry did not hear the override, and at the main transmitter at Southhampton, Hants monitoring system, there was also no evidence of the takeover. A police spokesman told AP and UPI that the message was taken seriously: “They were frightened and generally scared.”

The voice spoke slowly and deliberately, with a strange, inward authority, calm, serene, never scolding.

It said, as transcribed:


This is the voice of Gramaha, the Representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you.

For many years now you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet earth.

We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your worlds so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your world and the beings on our worlds around you.

This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into a New Age of Aquarius. The new age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.

[The following two paragraphs, found in the original transcript, were taken out when the sound recording was released.]

For many years your scientists, governments and generals have not heeded our warnings; they have continued to experiment with the evil forces of what you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the earth and the beings of your sister worlds in a moment.


The wastes from atomic power systems will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come. We, who have followed the path of evolution for far longer than you, have long since realized this — that atomic energy is always directed against life. It has no peaceful application. Its use, and research into its use, must be ceased at once, or you all risk destruction.



All your weapons of evil must be removed.

The time of conflict is now past, and the race of which you are a part could proceed to the highest planes of evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this.

You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning new age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

Hear now the voice of Gramaha, the representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you.

Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating on your world.

They will suck your energy from you — the energy you call money, and will put it to evil ends, giving you worthless dross in return.

Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within, that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you, and you will lead yourselves on to the path of evolution.

This is our message to you, our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light, and will do all we can to help you.

Have no fears, seek only to know yourselves and live in harmony with the ways of your planet earth.

We of the Asta Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the planes of your existence.

May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the Cosmos.


…..My comment

It is hard to know if this audio recording was real or fake, but the content is consistent what serious ufologists (and also anti-NWO activists) believe to be true.

One comment I have read is the video mus be fake because the voice has a British accent. This is of course, if one just stops and thinks, a ludicrous kind of objection.
If a high-tech civilization can fly faster than the speed of light acxross the galaxy, can it not train a person or even a computer to speak word in a British or any accent?
Many of us earthlings can learn to do so. I myself have a virtually perfect accent in German and even in the Austrian dialect, and can in fact imitate Arnold Schwarzenegger (or Adolf Hitler 😉 ) for laughs.
Some commentators have added that the accent is actually not a perfect British accent — and not American either — which might suggest authenticity – that non-earth humans did it and not hoaxers.


For more:

…….Recent donations


I thank those who responded to my very urgent request for funds.

I now have in François a paid, full-time writer cum website monitor wh watches for hackers, reporting intruders to my Russian webmaster, who is also paid by me.

–2 January 2021 100 euros (around 100 US$) and a very kind note from M in France

(There you see again how in indoor light my dark-blue eyes, like those of AH, seem grayish-brown) 

M wrote:

Dear John and dear Margi,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for bringing light into this darkest of times.


–2 January 2021 100 US dollars from W in northern Virginia


This comrade wrote:

To John and Margi,


for all that you do and have done for our Folk andCause

Aurë Entuluva! (Daylight will come again!)

All the Best,




–1 January 2020 $75 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


  1. Jesuits are very high in that Gosia pyramid. Above the reptilians and illuminati. Interesting.

    Speaking of human reptilians, which I still don’t believe in as much more than a parable, do you remember that very popular television series from 1984 called “V”? Even though it had enormous popularity they cancelled it after one season (I remember being disappointed about that as a young boy!). It was about reptilian aliens arriving here with human forms coming “in peace” but really to conquer and use humans as food. A resistance developed from those who learned their true form and intentions, thus lots of exciting storylines were written from that.

    The original writer is now trying to make a movie trilogy based on his original vision which he said was thwarted by the big wig producers and execs.

    The original show did fascinate and entertain me although I never did watch their attempted 2009 reboot which only lasted two seasons. I found it an immediate turnoff that they made the lead reptilian lady have a haircut shorter than most men, taking away her feminine beauty. Part of the popularity of the original show was the beauty of the main reptilian (when in human form) which would have been thwarted if they cut all her hair off!

      • And the Society of Jesus was founded by a Jew which makes it all the more mysterious.

        It is also what makes Degrelle more of a mystery to me, being that he came from a long line of Jesuits. In many photographs of him I also see some Jewish looking features. Of course having some Jewish DNA doesn’t mean one is bad. Indeed it seems the big jews don’t like the assimilated jews, especially if they don’t help further their nefarious agenda. I think Degrelle’s actions and accomplishments supercedes whatever Jesuit roots he had. I hate lies because sometimes they make it so hard to see things clearly. I can’t figure some things out.

        Sometimes I think even Himmler was a secret Jesuit, and he just pretended to despise them. Just a weak hunch that more research might be able to clear up for me but I do know the jesuits are well versed in the art of war and the art of deception towards a “higher purpose”. Himmler and Degrelle were close and crossed paths quite a bit so sometimes I wonder.

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