It’s good but naive and unstructured, and with genocide breathing down our necks, I am not very impressed. It is way too relaxed. “Do and believe whatever.”
Guess what? We are at war. A war of extermination. And are those old gods going to save us who (still, yes, a thousand years later) are “fighting amongst themselves,” as the priestess says?
But, of course, with the Icelandic Lutheran church having gone full libtard, who can be surprised that people are leaving Churchianity?
A transgender Jesus — with a beard and boobs both — cavorts on the cover of a Sunday-school book for kids from the Lutheran Church of Iceland. A Latino boy and black girl are overjoyed….
…..Transgender Baphomet
A comrade pointed out something very important to me — Baphomet (Satan depicted as a goat man) is a transgender man with breasts!
Note also the inverted crosses. Satanists HATE Jesus, a good reason to NOT hate him.
…….Duran/Tucker Carlson: Satan wants you to take your kill shot
A century from now, national-socialist Aryans will have a very hard time believing it ever got this bad. No, correct that. They will have a very hard time believing that we put up with this.
And grasping that egoic earthlings always, ALWAYS let things get incredibly terrible before they finally act.
I will say this: it is nerve-racking to me to therefore have had to wait from 1978 to 2021, 43 years, until this incredibly dangerous point that we are at now in order to launch my religion.
With egoic earthlings, they never wake up until it is nearly too late.
It is like fighting cancer only after a woman has a huge lump in her breast, or a man sees that he is peeing blood into the toilet bowl.
Or he goes on a diet only after a heart attack. You didn’t know you were 75 pounds overweight ?
Even though you could not even see your own toes on the scale? 😉
White Americans on the boardwalk in 1972
If you (that is, your sick, egoic mind) waits until things are critical, then you will have to fight desperately.
And you will lose millions and millions of lives by having done nothing until you have to fight, and then you must now do so while bieng totally unprepared. And that will cost you.
But so be it.
We will learn by oceans of sweat, tears and blood. What a man sows, that shall he reap. This is the real God, the tough-love God, who is speaking.
Stop whining. You brought this on yourself.
The time has come. And reflect on this new mandatory vaccine for the US military.
It means that all conservative Whites with a backbone, having refused the vaccine, will be gone, and we will end up with a bolshevik/minority/LGBTQ, heavily armed US Armed Forces facing us.
Your own egoic mind, by doing nothing, brought us to this state of affairs.
Rocky was warning us what would come back in frigging 1965! And YET he got in so few donations he had to go get his own dry-cleaning, which is how he got ambushed and shot! An assistant should have taken care of such menial and time-consuming tasks.
But Rockwell also knew this, that the white American could also be absolutely ferocious!
The movie “Jeremiah Johnson” was always recommended by Dr. William Pierce, and it was shown at National Alliance events at which I assisted when I worked for him 1981-84.
It is based on the true story of a white mountain man who killed the Cree Indians, one by one, who had raped and killed his wife.
Then he ate their livers.
I recommend it, too:
…..Recent donations
— 25 September 2021 300 euros (same as US dollars) via PayPal from M in France
— 23 September 2021 $50 from V in Denmark via PayPal
White people! Yes you, reading this post.
No one is going to save/help you. Only you can save yourselves. A God coming down to miraculously do what you can do for yourselves??? Lol. It’s not going to happen.
Looks like the sheeple are still looking for answers from an invisible being.
I get you.
As warriors we know that in combat, things get real. Fight or be killed.
You must take actin to save yourself and your mates.
But as for invisible things or beings, I think they can be very powerful…..
If you turn on a microwave and look inside, you will see absolutely nothing. Just a humming box.
But your mug of cold coffee sure comes out piping-hot!
Cell-phone signals are also invisible…. and radar waves…..
Air itself, unless polluted or in high humidity, is clear and invisible, too. But I make a habit of breathing some invisible oxygen every day — by doctor’s orders. 🙂
Can we see love?
No, but we sure can see its effects. 😉
I get you John. The microwave and love are indeed invisible, yet we know they exist .Praying for salvation from an invisible being is like praying to a God for a lotto win.
No god that I would ever worship would help a shirker and a coward!
Ho scoperto questo in questo film.
Baphomet è Loki in persona!
Tutta farina del suo sacco.
Die Deutsche Seele weint um die deutschen Soldaten
Man weint, aber man bedenke:
– Die als Helden Gefallenen erlebten nâdig nicht den traurigen Untergang des einst so aufgeblūhten und glūcklichen Reiches
– Einige, reinkarniert, leben gerade jetzt wieder, darunter viele als waffenschwere Amerikaner
– Andere kommen wieder für einen ganz langen rassischen Hâuserkampf im abendlandweiten Bürgerkrieg, der kommt.
Unsere Brūder werden wieder glänzen!
Sangiovanni rivela: “Spero tanto che le cose cambino”
Sangiovanni continua a stare in cima alle classifiche musicali con la sua Malibù. Nonostante il grandissimo successo, però, il cantante finalista della ventesima edizione di Amici è finito più volte al centro delle critiche per il suo atteggiamento definito da molti “poco virile”.
Le nuove dichiarazioni di Sangiovanni
In un’intervista rilasciata al magazine digitale Outpump, Sangiovanni, che ha più volte condannato l’omofobia durante il suo percorso ad Amici, ha deciso di replicare a tutti coloro che lo accusano di essere poco virile: “È brutto parlarne nel 2021 perché non dovrebbe più esistere, ma la mascolinità tossica per me è basarsi su tanti stereotipi, tanti limiti della mente, portati avanti da uomini e donne che riescono ad accettarsi come tali solo in determinati casi. In questa visione l’uomo chiaramente deve essere alto, bello, muscoloso…tutte cose che per me non esistono”.
“Credo che in ogni persona ci sia un po’ di tutti e due i sessi e forse alcuni lo reprimono per questa paura di essere visti come non idonei” ha aggiunto il fidanzato di Giulia Stabile “Nel mio caso riconosco di avere dei lati femminili e mi piacciono, sono me stesso sempre”.
Leggi anche
Scontro a distanza tra Rosa e Deddy, ecco cosa è successo
Sangiovanni ha infine concluso affermando: “Ho sentito anche dei commenti banalmente per il fatto che uso lo smalto, sembra che lo smalto influisca sulla virilità. Da un lato non capisco perché l’uomo di oggi debba essere per forza virile, dall’altro ugualmente non so perché lo smalto dovrebbe sottrargliela. Le critiche? So che non si arriverà mai a cambiare la mentalità di tutti, ognuno è libero di pensare quello che vuole, però io ci spero tanto che le cose cambino”.
Questa è l’Era di LOKI.
SanGiovanni(LOL)è fidanzato ma non durerà perché lei è ancora piccola per capire.
Poi il successo mediatico sarà il colpo di grazia.
Una Donna ha bisogno di un uomo vero e di valori veri.
Questa è una società tossica per tutti i giovani.
Una società che sbava dietro a questi esseri della TV spazzatura.
“Gli Ebrei tentati da Jahweh cedono al suo potere”(Loki e Jahweh)
Ma questo scrittore non sembra proprio un Satanista 😉
Poi la Salomè tagliatrice di teste 😉
Questa è la Verità.
Calcola che il numero 8 si basa sulla Dea Giustizia Maat,Dea Madre,al soffio vitale e al Sole femminile.
Ecco le brutture di questo popolo “materialista” che si è piegato al suo Idolo Yahweh.
È uscito fuori perfino da un sito definito “satanista”. LOL
Tutti odiano Yahweh 🙂
Ecco un grande Iniziato al culto di questa grande Figura “Eretica” e alla sua Mary Austin 🙂
Era pure un Gattofilo 🙂
La storia dei Baffi non l’ho capita 😉
Sembrano tutti Hitleristi questi cantanti anni 80.