Idiotic? Lazy? Cowardly? Only 1 in 6.5 parents report offspring vaxx damage to VAERS

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ICYMI: CDC just published a paper that admits that VAERS is underreported by at least 6.5X

This was easy to miss since it wasn’t specifically called out, but a CDC paper published a week ago confirmed (once again) that VAERS is very underreported, even when people are urged to report by HHS

Jan 6 Comment Share

It’s hard to keep up with all the data coming out of the CDC, but I try my best.

And sometimes, you strike gold every now and then.

Here’s one such paper that was brought to my attention by Dr. David Wiseman. It was written by authors from the CDC and FDA. So you can trust it:

COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in Children Aged 5–11 Years — United States, November 3–December 19, 2021

Now look carefully at the second paragraph in the “Review of V-Safe data” section:

Approximately 5.1% of parents reported that their child was unable to perform normal daily activities on the day after receipt of dose 1, and 7.4% after receipt of dose 2. Approximately 1% of parents reported seeking medical care in the week after vaccination; most medical care was received via a clinic appointment (441; 0.6%). Fourteen (0.02%) children reportedly received care at a hospital; information regarding reason for hospitalization was available for five children and included appendicitis (two), vomiting and dehydration (one), respiratory infection (one), and retropharyngeal cellulitis (one). Parents and guardians of all hospitalized children were contacted; two parents completed VAERS reports, and one revealed hospitalization was reported in error.

In short, 13 child hospitalizations (since one of the 14 was a mistake), yet only 2 VAERS reports were filed.

What is stunning is that even after the parents were expressly asked by HHS to report to VAERS, only 2 complied with the advice.

Of course, these are relatively small numbers, but it is evidence that even in a best case scenario, VAERS is likely to be underreported by at least 6.5. So we know they know. They just don’t want to admit it. Ever. Not even in the same paper! They just say at the end that VAERs is underreported and V-Safe is voluntary. They don’t quantify it for you.

If someone questions them on this, they’ll just say, “Those were small numbers and not statistically significant.”

Myocarditis rates

The paper tries to make you believe that the rate of myocarditis for this age range were only 11 cases in 8 million doses. Now contrast that with the 1 in 70 rate of myocarditis actually experienced at Monte Vista Christian School, a private school near where I live (teenage boys in this case).

They want you to believe the rate is 1 in 363,000 fully vaccinated kids.

What we see in real life is as high as 1 in 70 (in teenage boys).

See a difference? The CDC is reporting a rate that is 5,000 times lower than what we are actually observing in the real world. How is that possible? The CDC doesn’t want to talk to me about it.

As for death rates, I’ve written about this particular paper before. See New ages 5 to 11 year-old CDC study: Proof of bozos at the CDC, NY Times.

I explain in that article how the 2 reported deaths are more like 81 actual deaths (due to the more realistic 41 VAERS URF) which if we conservatively remove the 50 background deaths, you get 31 excess deaths in an average of 3M kids which is >10 deaths per million. This is 10X higher than any sane stopping condition (see this article where Paul Offit admits that a vaccine that kills 1 person per million vaccinated is unsafe for use in humans).

The CDC wrote “None of the data suggested a causal association between death and vaccination.” Sure, right. Whatever you say. No autopsy. See no evil. I get it.

I wrote earlier about even if you autopsy patients, trained medical examiners fail to associate a link for a variety of reasons. But if you take the time to do a very careful autopsy, those same bodies (where the vaccine was ruled out as the cause of death by trained medical examiners) now show that 93% of the time, the vaccine was a major contributor to the cause of death.

Computing the VAERS underreporting factor (URF)

For how the VAERS underreporting factor is calculated using very large numbers, see How to verify for yourself that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the COVID vaccines which walks you through the process and shows you that VAERS is likely underreported by at least a factor of 41. This reflects “real world” behavior.

What this means is that the adverse events that are really happening are at least 41 times worse than they are telling you.


Bottom line: it was nice to finally see the CDC admit to a minimum 6.5X VAERS underreporting factor, even if they ignored using that in the rest of the paper. At least we are making some progress. One baby step at a time.

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  1. Ci sono persone che non ammetteranno mai di aver sbagliato;loro ci credono anche dopo i Danni,forse anche dopo la morte.
    Da che cosa dipende?
    Dal livello di consapevolezza della propria anima…sono Umani/Animali.

    • Transl:

      There are people who will never admit they were wrong; they believe it even after the damage, maybe even after death ebsues.
      What does it depend on
      On your soul’s level of awareness…
      They are Humanimals.

  2. Mia cugina ha fatto la terza dose…ci crede e basta,legge i miei stati,le mie ricerche…
    Farebbe anche l’ottava dose..
    Io devo salvare mio marito,gli altri(in questo stato)si possono anche buttare dal burrone.

    • Transl:

      My cousin took the third dose … she just believes in it, though she reads my posts, my research …
      She would also do the eighth dose ..
      I have to save my husband; the others (in this state) can also be thrown from the ravine.
      Excuse me.

  3. Sei stato 10 anni a riflettere su alcuni errori dopo la morte.
    Immagina loro quanta strada devono fare…
    Dio è stanco.Questo pianeta deve evolvere con le persone giuste.

    • Transl:

      You spent 10 years reflecting on some mistakes after death.
      Imagine how far they have to go …

      God is tired of all this. This planet must start to evolve — and with the right people.

  4. La Natura è giusta nel suo insieme..fa una grande selezione.
    È il tempo della prova finale..
    Male e bene sono parte della stessa faccia.
    Ci rifletto da tempo..
    Dio è amore duro.

    • Transl:

      Nature is right as a whole..makes a just selection.
      It’s time for the final test ..
      Evil and good are part of the same face.
      I’ve been thinking about it for some time ..
      God is indeed tough love.


      Yes. It is important to stay serene in the coming times.

      But only the spiritual will be serene when the screams and war begin.

      The materialists and atheists will commit suicide instead of killing the enemy.

  5. After the relationship-destroying cleavage ideology feminism, the next tragedy catastrophe between women and men now follows, as part of the awakening process:

    “Vaccinated Women Are Now Lying About Their Vax Status As More Men See Them As Infertility Risk,”

    But one must also name it clearly: Again and again freshly “poisoned” can presumably also, for example in the context of intensive kissing, excrete/pass on toxic substances, and if it is only in the course of the natural cleaning process of their body, which excretes the toxic vaccine substances again over the skin etc.. This phenomenon is also called “shedding”, for many months reports have been published on how animals, children and adults react when they are in the vicinity of (freshly) vaccinated people.

    Suffering and misery wherever you look.


    In German: Die nächste Tragikphase

    Nach der beziehungszerstörenden Spaltideologie Feminismus folgt nun, im Rahmen des Aufwachprozesses, die nächste Tragikkatastrophe zwischen Frauen und Männern:

    “Vaccinated Women Are Now Lying About Their Vax Status As More Men See Them As Infertility Risk”,

    Man muß es aber auch klar benennen: Immer wieder von neuem frisch “Vergiftete” können vermutlich schon auch, zum Beispiel im Rahmen von intensivem Küssen, giftige Substanzen ausscheiden/weitergeben, und wenn es nur im Zuge des natürlichen Reinigungsprozesses ihres Körpers ist, der die giftigen Impfsubstanzen wieder über die Haut etc. ausscheidet. Dieses Phänomen wird auch als “Shedding” bezeichnet, dazu werden seit vielen Monaten Berichte veröffentlicht, wie Tiere, Kinder und Erwachsene reagieren, wenn sie sich in der Nähe von (frisch) Geimpften aufhalten.

    Leid und Elend wo man nur hinschaut.

    Auszug eines deutschsprachigen Begleitkommentars zu obigem Artikel (Quelle: )

    “[…] Geimpfte Frauen schwindeln jetzt über ihren Impfstatus-Status, da mehr Männer sie als Unfruchtbarkeitsrisiko sehen

    Frauen in New York haben damit begonnen, über ihren Impfstatus zu schwindeln, weil sie von vielen Männern für unfruchtbar gehalten werden oder Kinder mit Geburtsfehlern gebären werden. Ein Mann, der anonym bleiben möchte, sagte:

    “In Clubs behaupten sie, sie seien NICHT geimpft. Sie sagen Dinge wie ‘Oh, COVID ist Blödsinn’ oder ‘Ich will diese neue experimentelle Spritze nicht ausprobieren’.

    Nachdem sie jedoch mehrere Male mit ihnen ausgegangen sind, geben die Frauen schließlich zu, dass sie geimpft sind … und beobachten, wie die meisten potenziellen Ehemänner sie fast auf der Stelle verlassen.”

    Die Person fuhr fort, dass mindestens zwei verschiedene Frauen ihn fragten, warum er die Beziehung zu ihnen wegen etwas wie der Impfung abbrechen würde, und er sagte ihnen:

    “Ich will keine defekten Kinder und ich werde mich keinem Mädchen nähern, das mir von Anfang an ins Gesicht gelogen hat.”

    Berichte über Geburtsfehler bei geimpften Frauen häufen sich in der ganzen Welt. Eine sehr frühe Theorie, die von vielen angesehenen Ärzten geäußert wurde, war, dass der mRNA-Impfstoff mit einem Protein namens Syncytin-1 interferieren würde, das für die Schwangerschaft von entscheidender Bedeutung ist.

    Leider haben viele Frauen den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen der Massenmedien “vertraut” ( …)”

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