EXCLUSIVE If you or a loved one got the clot shot, what to do

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Unbelievable microphotograph from the German Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss (“Corona-Committee Foundation”) of a submarine-like nanotech device in the blood of a Covid mRNA recipient
The following article seeks to help people move forward after getting vaxxed with the Covid clot shot. There is a lot of info online about the damage done to our health by the shot, but very little discussing about what we can do to mitigate some of that damage. From specific diet and exercise routines, behavioural adjustments, and understanding as well the severe regret many people are feeling, there is much we/you can do to support people who have had the vaxxine.
Mitigating the damage done by being “vaxxinated” against COVID-19
By JdN Science correspondent
“Mate, can I ask you a bit of advice?” your friend asks, as he approaches you sheepishly….
“Well….I have this friend. He….thinks his wife might be cheating on him with one of her colleagues. There are signs she is seeing someone else, but he’s not entirely sure. Should he confront her? Should he….Again, this isn’t about me. I am just asking for a friend,” he concludes, as he dejectedly looks away.
We have all been placed in situations like this, when a valued member of our friends and/or family approaches us — someone they respect — desperately looking for much needed advice.
They do so in this manner as, although they know that WE know they are asking for themselves, they are just too embarrassed to admit it. That they put THEMSELVES in this position makes the shame and burden of regret sting more.
The same, in my experience, can be the case when a loved one regrets their decision to have gotten “vaxxed” against Covid-19 and comes to you looking for advice.
In this article I will address how one deals with this regret, and what we can do, moving forward, to mitigate both the psychological trauma and also the real and even lethal health damage done by the vaxx.
My thoughts
“You’ll never encounter ANYONE who regrets NOT getting “vaxxed” is something that’s ubiquitously scribbled across the Internet.
I call it a “vaxx”, instead of a vaccination for two reasons.
Firstly….so that the dangerously unhinged mask-wearing buffoon who puts an emoji of a needle on his Twitter bio doesn’t immediately label me an anti-vaxxer, I make the distinction between the “vaxx” and an ACTUAL vaccination.
I have been vaccinated during my life against many illnesses. But what we were forced into taking in 2020 was not a vaccine.
Secondly, I do so simply because I refuse to dignify something that is a scam at best, and an outright bioweapon at worst, a “vaccine.”
The fact that there are people, who aren’t being PAID OFF by Pfizer, that still believe that what the world was administered was an actual medical procedure, and not what it REALLY was, baffles the mind.
So it is the “vaxx”, and the misguided (I am being kind here) people who took the shot were “vaxxed”. They were vaxxinated with an experimental shot that has absolutely NOTHING to do with a genuine vaccine, which is something composed of an attenuated virus and that confers the recipient of said vaccine with ACTUAL immunity against diseases like tetanus or measles.
That there are still people out there, even on our side, that believe this was a “vaccine” they had to take for the “good of humanity” tells you all you need to know about the extent our oppressors went to, to get us to stick that dirty needle in our arms.
With that said, it is still fair to say that:
  1. Millions worldwide regret their decision to get vaxxinated.
  2. Most of these people are understandably concerned about the long-term ramifications of being “vaxxed”.
  3. These people are not all bad. If we view them as such, then we are no better than the scum who hate us for our choice.
  4. We need to help people, seeking to mitigate the damage done by their error, do so.
Dealing with the trauma, regret and moving forward with one’s life
Knowing how to handle feelings of regret, as well as conversations with people realising they made an error getting the vaxxination is quite tricky.
Even for someone who gives scientific and medical advice as part of his living, it can be quite difficult.
It IS especially tricky to navigate discussions with apolitical people who regret their decision to self harm because their health has already been negatively impacted.
Instead of the visceral rage people like us feel if they were forced to take the shot, “dupes” feel regret, and feel lied to, betrayed and even scared.
For some reason they tend to not be angry at the people who have actually harmed them, instead blaming themselves. I have noticed this over and over when dealing with people concerned about their future health.
Not only were they conned into something they knew was suspicious, they feel deep regret knowing they harmed themselves and now must endure the consequences of their actions.
In a way, and this might be a bit over the top for some, they also feel violated. Anger tends to come farther down the line with people that have been preyed upon.
If one looks at it from this perspective, I think it is fair to say that this feeling is not all that dissimilar to what someone experiences after being victimised by sexual assault.
Hear me out, as I have thought deeply about how viscerally furious my own response was to the idea that our oppressors were literally trying to FORCE me to put something into my body I DID NOT VOLUNTARILY CONSENT TO, just in order to be able to buy food….
“Oh, but you have had other vaccinations. So what’s the difference?”
Women don’t feel trauma after voluntarily having sexual relations with someone, yet being raped can psychologically devastate them. Why? Because they are being FORCED into something deeply personal.
*** JdN the Tara Reade story
Tara Reade was an attractive young staffer for then Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware. She says her 6’2″ boss accosted her in the tunnel under the Senate Office Building, and when she resisted him, he forced a kiss on her, and, reaching under her skirt, finger-raped her against a wall. After Biden became president, she fled in October 2023 for her safety to Russia.
My late wife Margaret and I watched her video and Margi, herself a victim twice of sexual violence in Washington DC, believed she was telling the truth.

Four interrogators look at Joe Biden denying Tara Reade rape — his head nods Yes while his mouth says No 😉

Fmr Biden staffer whom Creepy Joe finger-raped in 1993 defects to Russia! ….spiritual reading…. famous encounter with Nordics


That is how some people I have spoken to feel about their being FORCED to take the shot.
What makes something a pervert does to a woman on a night-time subway with his hand worse than being forced to stick a syringe in your arm with some unknown experimental poison?  Other than how society views sex crimes, there really is NO difference. They are both truly abhorrent and a violation of bodily autonomy.
As much as the left tell us that rape results in psychological trauma, and being coerced into being vaxxed, one of the first things a woman thinks about after being sexually assaulted is what if the bastard had AIDS and if she will get pregnant.
And understandably so….
If I were given the option I would — and this might sound crazy — prefer to be accosted with someone’s finger, than with a syringe holding some unknown agent being forced into me by the Jews in the federal government and Pfizer.
At least the nightmare of rape ends there….
Mitigating negative health outcomes    
Many people I encounter aren’t as focused on right versus wrong as I am with respect to the issue of bodily autonomy and obtaining consent before any medical procedure. Their regret is limited to their fear of possible long-term health outcomes for themselves. I get that.
If you know one of those people, perhaps you are one yourself, I will now outline ways in which you can best mitigate the impact of long term “Vaxxination” injury on your health.
Firstly, let’s look at the sort of people that lost their lives to, or suffered serious symptoms from, Covid.  You might recall the term “comorbidities” when talking about susceptibility to Covid.
Eradicating these comorbidities — with which hundreds of MILLIONS of Americans in particular are afflicted — or lessening their impact on your life, is one way vaxxinated people can safeguard their health moving forward.
Firstly, as I have written before, a diet free from processed ingredients, artificial and chemical-based preservatives (preferring salt as a natural preservative) is crucial to maintaining optimal health.
Stick to meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables, low levels of carbohydrate consumption, and using as little sugar as possible — and you are halfway to a healthy life.
Foods rich in antioxidants like berries, chocolate, coffee, and green tea, as as well as spices like turmeric, etc., can help to prevent blood clots associated with the vaxx by reducing cardiovascular inflammation and thrombosis, as well as improving overall blood vessel function.
Make no mistake, apart from genes and luck, one’s diet is key to longevity.
Maintaining a healthy, lean body weight into your senior years is the best way to promote positive health outcomes in general.
Avoid activities and behaviours that will increase your likelihood of hypertension and blood clotting. Do not smoke or vape at all, drink alcohol only in moderation (drinking in moderation can in fact thin your blood and lessen cardiovascular risks), avoid unneeded medication that is linked to heart damage, avoid stress, limit any dangerous exertions, etc (think marathons).
I also can’t overstate the importance of stretching and exercise, performing body squats and horse stance squats, getting down on your haunches in the Slavic and East Indian style on a daily basis etc.  This is how our ancestors were forced to sit when they met with each other in areas where the ground was wet or needed to rest on a hunt or out in the fields after planting or harvesting….simply because there was nowhere to sit, etc. They couldn’t pull up a chair, so they got down on their haunches and squatted like a village gopnik chatting with his mates or using the outhouse. 🙂
There’s also nothing better to get your juices flowing than banging out some proper slow-burn pushups, or if you can, do some chin-ups, dips or pull-ups. Slow and steady wins the race, as did the turtle in beating the hare in Aesop’s old fable, and how true in life.
Weights are good, but nothing overly heavy, as it is unnecessary.
Bodybuilders can’t walk for a reason once they are into their 40s and 50s. Their life expectancy should tell you all you need to know about overdoing the weights.
And you don’t need a six pack as it typically entails abusing your body for aesthetic purposes. It is good to fast, but not starve yourself and count calories like a 90’s fashion model. If a man has a perfect six pack and he is not making money off it (an actor or athlete), it typically means he is vain or gay. It certainly does not confer health, nor does having 10% body fat. You want to be slim, but don’t want to look like you have AIDS or are a vegan. 😉
Not ever over-exerting yourself is also of paramount importance, especially as you age and all the more so if you have taken the clot shot. Jogging to exhaustion is not good for you. The research is clear: jogging and overdoing the cardio strain the heart. (Again, think about marathon runners dropping dead after undertaking a task their body was simply not designed to do, athletes collapsing because of the vaxx or from a pre-existing condition, etc.)
So, no serious exertion.
But certainly hitting some bodyweight exercises hard for 1 – 2 minutes at a minimum of 3-4 times per week is a great way to get your juices flowing, and your blood pumping.
Hydration is also a very important component of keeping your body’s circulatory system pumping seamlessly and efficiently.
Water, coffee and tea, and the occasional tart juice are all great ways to stay hydrated. You should be drinking enough that you are frequently going to the bathroom. If you are going hours and hours without urinating, then you are dehydrated.
A dog only drinks when he needs to. Still, think about how many times a day a dog needs a walk? or a cat hits the litter box. Often.
You too should be getting up to stretch your legs and go to the bathroom every few hours. If you are not, then you simply aren’t drinking enough liquid, and moving around enough. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, stretch often, and just take care of your body physically and you will be fine. You don’t need a six-pack, but you do need to watch your waistline. Slim waist = longer life in both men and women.
Although one won’t be able to guarantee positive health outcomes and a long life by doing any of these things, if you follow this plan you will mitigate some of the risk associated with not only the vaxx, but from general aging.
Drinking turmeric and green tea won’t save anyone from the impact of turbo cancer, but it might keep the other nasty things associated with the vaxx at bay, while we live our lives to the fullest.
And yeah, lastly, do just that, live your live to the fullest as God intended. Healthy, happy and with a good heart.
I hope this helps you all.

…..See also:


Pitiful — but karmic and egoic; Peter McCullough MD on detoxing from the Covid vaxx


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