If Jones is “just a jew stooge,” why did he just tear into Netahyahu and Israel over Covid?

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This “Twilight Zone”-inspired video is one of the best and most urgent ever by Jones. And his attack on the Israelis and Netanyahu, throwing caution to the wind, is telling.

Missing Twilight Zone Discovered – Episode 666

Jones is as antisemitic as any of us, which I know from a close inside source whom I have known in turn for six years, but to avoid being totally deplatformed, Jones has indeed done some sickening nazi-bashing.

Putin, Russia-1 TV and this website on Sept. 11; why PayPal and YouTube REALLY deleted Alex Jones


…..Recent donations

This is a great time to make or keep up donations if you can. Some important checks to me (three) have suspiciously been delayed, perhaps because of my acid criticism of Michigan’s wicked jewish governoress Gretchen Whitmer.

Also, my stimulus check has not arrived, though it should have been automatically deposited two weeks ago.

And so I am now running on fumes. I had a huge wave of new readers after my major chemtrails article…..

READ THIS: Air Force pilot confesses who does the chemtrailing and how they keep it secret; why did California have 13 years of drought and fires 2006-2019?

….but I guess reincarnation and aliens scared most of these one-issue chemtrailomaniacs right back off again. 😉

“His chemtrails article was incredible, but the other stuff is really kooky.” 

The fact that my articles are factual is irrelevant. It’s kooky. 😉

And so the real issue, which my new religion squarely addresses, is the human egoic mind, which can deny the most obvious and the most urgent realities. And it makes us capable of MENTALLY justifying doing nothing.

Yes, even now.




  1. Jones’ critics are straining gnats. How many of them face mobs of the enemy with a bullhorn? The man has real balls.

    • Antifa with their usual “Nazi scum, off our streets.”

      I did many a great video in 2011-12 on how white-supremacist and antisemitic the premier Founding Fathers were. These are OUR streets, this is OUR country — and we have OUR guns to enforce OUR right to live here, in the land of our ancestors, men and women who built this country up with their sweat and blood.

      Nazi “scum,” they say, scum on two legs themselves who did nothing for their entire lives to protest the Epsteins, the Weinsteins and the Pizzagaters.

      the loverly Marina Abramovich

  2. Alex Jones will occasionally tell the truth when it comes to the JQ. I remember it was actually Jones who, after I had been a devoted listener of his for years, set me on the path to researching WWII truth. He did this by his occasional mentioning of Hitler’s arrest of the Rothschilds which I of course curiously looked up.

    That was the little nudge that set me into the true red pill. I dont know if Alex does that on purpose, as some sort of veiled signalling to hope his listeners take the next step, move past him, and discover the truth he can’t speak or whatever.

    But this was, of course, accompanied by the usual Hitler-bashing, in between bits of truth, things like that.

  3. Melinda Gates (Bill’s wife) wears an upside-down cross in an interview. I watched the interview in full-screen mode, and it sure does look like an inverted cross, although small, discrete, and hard to see. But as she moves around, you can see that the top vertical bar of the cross is slightly longer than the lower vertical bar, meaning that it’s upside-down. I’ve suspected that Bill Gates and his wife are satanists for some time now:


    In this video, titled “Plandemic Documentary,” starting at about 9:14, Bill Gates is mentioned, and is then shown in an interview wearing a black sweater with the collar up, and gesticulating wildly with his arms in the air, as he says with a smile on his face that the entire global population must be vaccinated for COVID-19. I’d be willing to bet money that Bill Gates and his wife are satanists, and have participated in blood sacrifices of children:


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