An Indian wrote this. It may be partly true, completely true or also misleading and designed solely to further “white guilt.”
The US was once 13 British colonies — and their growth depended on the hard work of the local white people (and some blacks), not on money from India, which only began flowing after 1765.
I should know– my ancestor Thomas Angell came here from England in 1635, and both my mother and father descend through different branches from him.
Angell gave the land for this beautiful church.
the interior
On the East Side of Providence
Margi’s ancestor, Jacob Hochstettler, came in 1738 to Pennsylvania from Markirch/St. Marie-aux-Mines, Alsace, a German area that now is part of eastern France.
Colonial America was not built by money from India — but by Aryan smarts, blood, sacrifice and sweat!
And when I was a kid, everywhere I saw white people hard at work!
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