I’ll keep on loving you

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My kitchen ceiling 😉

An Italian comrade sent me a photo of her sweet  newborn baby girl, and, appalled at how I live,  asked if humans were worth the sacrifice –or more worthy of extinction.

I answered:

Thanks for the photo of your new baby girl, so sweet! She is lucky to have a good mother.

Do humans (Whites and others) deserve to go extinct? This is a huge question. And Whites, led by psychopaths, can be awful, though with good leaders the opposite.

Our Reich proved that 80% of Whites do have fine qualities, just waiting to come out.

There is another aspect of this. And Jesus taught this:

Be aware that all earthlings make mistakes, even YOU. To become disgusted at them, we would also have to be disgusted and burned-out at ourselves! Well, then let’s all jump off a bridge!

Or we can show love and forgiveness to ourselves and to others.

Love them as God loves US, and forgive them as God forgives US.

And one can grow 30 times faster on a planet like this. One can learn with revulsion from treason, selfishness, lies, incompetence, avarice, miserliness, cowardice and negligence.

I know many men who emerged from a terrible childhood and today are superb fathers and husbands! I know the kids of alcoholics who never touch a drop! I know of cases where abused kids grew up to be the kindest, most wonderful parents!

Awful things — treason, selfishness, incompetence, avarice, miserliness, cowardice and negligence — can awaken in us patriotism, altruism, truthfulness, skill, generosity, bravery, and conscientiousness!

As Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler) said to me:

„John, we have to thank the jews! Yes, thank them for the Versailles Treaty, the Weimar Republic, and the Crash of 1929! If the war (WWI, 1914-18) had never come and the Kaiser had stayed on in power, there never would have been radical change, a quantum leap — and we never would have soared to the level of the Third Reich and known glory and happiness!“


  1. È vero, non tutto il male arriva per nuocere..bisogna toccare davvero il fondo per arrivare in cima.Il Dolore ci rende più forti..in un pianeta dove puoi imparare trenta volte di più.
    È stata la nostra libera scelta prima di reincarnarci.
    Come disse Gesù a Nicodemo.
    E Gesù probabilmente conosceva tutto il suo percorso e quello che avrebbe dovuto affrontare..attraverso il dolore e il “sacrificio”

    • Translation from Italiana:

      It’s true — not all evil things harm us..And we have to really hit rock bottom to get to the top. Pain makes us stronger..on a planet where we can learn thirty times more.

      It was our free choice before reincarnating.

      As Jesus said to Nicodemus — be reborn from the Spirit.

      And Jesus probably knew His whole path in advance and what He would have to face..through His pain and “sacrifice.”


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