Illegal aliens in the infantry? It didn’t work for Rome

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The Goths turn against and sack Rome in AD 410

Tucker Carlson with Col. Douglas Macgregor:

The downfall of Roman Britain and the whole Empire came because Germanic people were very good soldiers and even generals in the later Roman Empire but many were NOT loyal to Rome.

Arminius was a good early example, a Roman officer, born German but raised in the capital, yet he decided he was a German first and slaughtered THREE Roman legions.

Alaric was a germanic general of the Roman auxiliary troops who in the 400s also turned against Rome. This Gothic military commander is infamous for sacking Rome in 410 CE, which was the first time the city had been sacked in over 800 years.

The Britons originally invited Saxon troops in — but they liked the land and came back as conquerors.

1 Comment

  1. Pretty obvious, who the illegals in the US military are supposed to fight, isn’t it?! That measure should wake up quite a few more normies. Welcome to the no normie left behind (not even the sleepiest) “great awakening” production.

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