Inverse pentagrams
EU poster depicting the Tower of Babel
Congressional Medal of Honor — started in the US “Civil War,” this medal honors the best killers (99% of them just trusting, gullible, decent, patriotic and unwitting) of those opposed to the NWO
The Pentagon
I spent 18 years in Washington DC, and the whole place gives off an aura of evil. And there is no more selfish, superficial, treacherous, materialistic, narcissistic, vain, conformist, slavish, careerist bunch of people on earth than Washingtonians. As Harry Truman said:
……Contact and support
Anyone who sees this and still thinks this battle can be won without religion is still not paying attention. The Jews, Muslims and Masons all are powered by religion.
I am creating a new Aryan religion so we have a fighting chance. The Trump and Le Pen cases show politics is a false hope. They either control or quash you.
¦ ¦.Actual donations
–10 May 2017 Cash from M in Oregon
–9 May 2017 Cash from C in Rio Blanco 😉 , Florida and from V in Germany
–8 May 2017 Cash wrapped correctly in aluminum foil, accompanied by a nice card and letter — from repeat donor S in Germany
–5 May 2017 Paypal from J in Australia
“27 April 2017 Check from J in Utah
–27 April 2017 donation via Stripe from D in Australia
–26 April 2017 cash donation in the recommended aluminum foil and beautiful gift card from repeat donor M in Germany
Accompanying note in German
English translation
Hello, John!
I wish you a beautiful beginning of spring. Keep on fighting! Let me know when the card and content (20 euros) have arrived.
Germany awaken!
With comradely greetings,
Sebastian [XX]
–25 April 2017 Paypal to mhuffstickler@outlook.com from L in Scotland
“21 April 2017 cash donation by M in Oregon
“21 April 2017 Stripe donation by B in Denmark
–13 April 2017 check from G in Utah
—-13 April 2017 book from S in Idaho
–11 April 2017 cash from donor “Chad Bigly” 😉
…….British comrade writes me
A very active and courageous new comrade in England read this first.
Then he wrote me:
I’m only just getting into your works properly although I’m very aware of your good name floating around truth/nationalist circles but to have just read that has blown my head away. It has also left me feeling emotions I don’t think I’ve experienced before.
I’m very aware of the rabbit hole and I’m very wise to the depths that it goes, but after diving into such a deep and vast article, it was both a sheer thrill and excitement to read whilst also producing a total lump in my throat. It left me sitting in silence, with eyebrows drawn down, staring at the same wall for a good few minutes before I replied.
I’m further intrigued about the mysticisms of the German homeland and its exploits and contamination at the hands of Satanists.
As for the [MK-ULTRA] programme itself, well, you think you can imagine the most horrific things happening in this world. But you will never truly begin to imagine just how dark, just how cold, just how vile, deep and evil it will go. Not just the willingness to let it go there but the sheer f ” “g pleasure these entities gain from it.
Your article has put me in a very dark frame of mind, but not in a bad way, and of course it’s no criticism but instead a much-needed, emotion-invoking piece that is very much welcomed.
We need to feel these emotions for us to grit our teeth, for us to clench our stomach muscles, and tighten our bodies up in pure anger and defence, and wanting to stop these horrors in their tracks.
The article itself was amazing and the plethora of information you gave, not just from your writings, but the extra links and images you offer, walked me through it with ease and enjoyment, and it was a wealth of information that I’m still coming back to after sending you this email.
I’m hoping to start writing myself soon and it’s something I’m nervous about as I have a lot of learning to do but it’s also an arena completely alien to me, one with many intellectuals and seasoned writers like yourself. I’m a die-hard, no-nonsense nationalist, and I stand for a lot and have a lot to say and a very different way of looking at the world. I just hope I can make a decent mark in this circle without being out of my depth. I’m a [tradesman] so all I’ve known all my life is hard manual labour. Writing is now a daunting prospect which I will soon commence.
God bless you, sir, and speak to you soon.
I responded:
Thank you for your encouraging praise. 🙂
What I underwent and survived proves two things: 1) that angels watch over all those who strive fanatically to do what is right, and 2) that even the most excruciating trauma imaginable can be overcome.
Right now, suicide statistics for whites all over are appalling.
Constant zombie and vampire movies have made things even worse.
Rather than love, ego dominates — and couples fight and break up constantly.
There is so little true empathy left.
It is a microscopic portion of the population that is tormenting the other 99.9%.
We must be transformed inside, and love and believe in ourselves again — and we can win this.
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