IMO fake document (an online image, not an original) claims Putin’s mother was jewish; Obama’s fake documents

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An Australian comrade is still out to prove that Putin is a jew, one of many over the years.

He commented:


Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (Russian: Спиридон Иванович Путин; 19 December 1879 – 19 December 1965) was a Russian chef, who worked as the personal chef of Vladimir Lenin and also cooked for Joseph Stalin. He was the paternal grandfather of Vladimir Putin, president of Russia.[1][2]

There are heaps of photos of Vladimir Putin surrounded by jews, and lighting the jewish hanukkah candles. But seriously, Vladimir Putin is an intelligent man and he knows about Russia’s history and Jewish bolshevism. And he is an admirer of Lenin, and the brutal Jew run soviet union. If Maria Putina Shelmova is his biological mother, then those are not the facial features of a Russian women.

Beady-looking. bulging, psychotic-looking eyes.

At the same time, many publications write that President Vladimir Putin is Jew by nationality of his mother. There is a document – an application for issuing a new passport of Russian citizen Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich of December 30, 2000, which indicates the citizenship of the parents. According to official data, Father – Putin Vladimir Spiridonovich – Russian, and mother – Shelomova Maria Ivanovna – Jewish.

Here is what the Russian philologists wrote – The historical origin of the Shelomov family from the Hebrew male name Shlomo. The ending of the last name means that it was a member of Solomon. Solomon was the most revered Jewish king

It is quite normal to be a Jew; there are lot of decent Jewish people. Anyone should know & be proud of his/her ethnic roots. The only bad thing here is when someone hides his/her ethnic roots, misrepresents him-/herself as if someone another, bears malice… Putin is one who hides his maternal Jewish roots.

The word conspiracy theory was created by jews in the early 1960’s. I don’t just say stuff if there wasn’t a large amount of credible evidence to support my claim.


*** I replied:

I have covered all of this many times. None of it is new to me. The jews also say Adolf Hitler was a jew! See, he was so brilliant, and so good at propaganda, and he had dark hair (while all Germans are  blond ??? 😉 ) , so ipso facto Hitler was a jew. 😉

Hitler was racially a Kelt, not a German, Jew, Rothschild, Illuminatus, British or Wall Street agent

and, pretending to be conservative antisemites, “reveal” that Stalin was too, in both cases against all evidence, and in both cases with the purpose of undermining support for the persons among antisemites.

Hey, I remember FBI assets saying, and slanderous fools parroting, that even George Lincoln Rockwell — with his dark hair and eyes — was a jew!

(And they cooked up the further specious reasoning that Rockwell had diabolically chosen the swastika and even the word “Nazi” — as in “American Nazi Party” — in order to harm and in order to discredit our cause amongst Americans and especially the then-dominant WWII  generation that had fought Hitler.)

First, anyone who resists Jewmerica is resisting the jews.

And Putin is resisting Jewmerica. This is a fact.

And the jewsmedia demonize him.

There ARE indeed crypto-jews out there, among them presidents Frank Rosenfeld (1933-45), faux-cowboy Lyndon Johnson (1963-68), and Barack Obama (2009-17), plus the almost-presidents Al Gore and John Kerry. (I have blogged on the evidence for all these beliefs. and I personally met Kerry’s cousin Veronica twice at her home in the south of France, VERY jewish-looking.)

Al Gore in 2000 (I have an inadvertent connection to one-time backers of Al Gore, which is a whole other story.)

But the most relevant thing is that these genuine crypto-jews all implemented (in effect loyally) the jew agenda —  open borders, muslim influx, gun bans  for Whites,  LGBTQ, white guilt trips — against the Goyim!

For all his corn-pone Texas accent, the ranch he bought with  ill-gotten money, and the cowboy hat, Lyndon Baines Johnson’ mother was the crypto-jewess Rachel Baines. And Lady Bird, his wife,was also a crypto-jewess. In fact,LBJ looked uncannily like Golda Meir, the PM of Israel 1969-74 (


But Vladimir Putin is the exact opposite. He goes against the jew agenda.

And, yes, there are some good jewish people out there, and even heroes who denounced the Talmud and the hatred of Gentiles, and they may lose their lives for saying so, killed by other jews.

I have all covered your points many times. Not one of them is new to me.

To be photographed with jews or wear the kippah does not make anyone a BIOLOGICAL jew. 😉 It means: “At this stage, I as a politician cannot take on the jews, nor can my country, so I pretend to be their friend.” 

(In this regard, can you imagine Viktor Orban, the PM of Hungary, a small and and locked country with ten million inhabitants, going full-Hitler on the jews? He cannot, so he does not. In fact,  even Germany was too small to take on the US, UK, and USSR.)

The passport photo can be faked so easily by Putin’s enemies. And Russian nationalists feel as we do and are very anti-jewish. So to claim that someone who is, by all objective measurements, saving white, Christian Russia since 1999 is secretly jewish would be a slur designed to sap support from him from the political and nationalist right.
As for Vladimir’s face, it has been increasingly puffy for a good five years now, because he is 72 and obviously has some medical condition causing his face to retain fluid. So he does look more and more a bit round-faced and even Chinese (but not jewish).
In photos of him as a young KGB officer, he looks very slavic, and has blond hair and blue-gray eyes, like many or even most common Russians from that northwestern area near the Baltic (and like also the nearby Baltic peoples and the Finns).

I’ll  call this the flavian map. (“Flavus” in Latin meant blond, and was a common Roman name because many ancient  Romans WERE blond, unlike now.) Tver, the original city of the Putins, is in the second-blondest region of Europe.



A fair depiction of fair-haired ancient Romans was in the HBO series “Rome”:

Mural from Pompeii in southwestern Italy shows a Roman children’s religious procession (pagan) for some god or goddess. Note the hair color. Then as now, white kids are often blond at that age.

A heroic blond, slavic Pole:


Blond Russians:

Roman Fillipov, a Russian pilot, died defending the fiercely anti-Israeli Syrian government, who was shot down by Turks in 2018:


Putin in 2003 with German chancellor Gerhard Schröder:

As for the mother, it is simply wrong to think or claim that all modern Northern Slavs have blond hair. She does not, but neither is it black — it is dark-brown (and 90% of white Americans and Aussies are natural brunets). And her nose is very straight, not hooked. And where is that classic jewish smirk in her face or eyes? She looks like what she is, a working-class Russian wife and mother.

How about the father, Vladimir? Is his nose hooked? Nyet. In fact, it is the typical ski-jump nose of someone from that area. I see it in Finns (and in Finnish-Americans in this town), kind of an elfin or ski-jump upturning of the tip of the nose. The jewish nose, however, is rounded outward and hooks sharply downward.

A Finn who stayed with us had this kind of nose, a bit birdlike and upturned.

On the grandfather, Spiridon (Wiki) — Yes, he was a cook, and from age 12 on to the end of his  life, he cooked.

He did not sell stocks, become a lawyer, doctor, jeweler, pop-music songwriter, journalist, movie critic, or brothel owner, as a jew might.


Spiridon Putin was born to Ivan Petrovich Putin (1845–1918) and Paraskeva Matveevna Putina (née Golubeva; 1844–1906), a Russian family in Tver Governorate, Russian Empire. At 12 years old he worked with his cousin at an inn in Tver, and at 15 years old he moved to Saint Petersburg to study cooking.[2]

Putin worked at the famous Hotel Astoria in Saint Petersburg, where he once served Grigori Rasputin. Rasputin gave Putin a gold ruble as he was impressed with the cuisine and noticed the similarity between their names.[2]

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Putin fled to his ancestral home in Tver Governorate. He later returned to Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), after which he moved to Moscow.[2] In Moscow he became Vladimir Lenin’s chef. After Lenin’s death in 1924, Putin cooked for his widow Nadezhda Krupskaya and her sister until their deaths years later. During this time he also cooked occasionally for Joseph Stalin. Putin most likely served in the employ of the NKVD, the secret police predecessor of the KGB.


[JdN: This can mean little except for the fact that the Soviet secret police, for the most obvious reason, wanted total control over the man who prepared the meals for the supreme leader, Joseph Stalin.

And, similarly, Wernher von Braun, the NS Reich’s chief rocket scientist, joined the SS, but he was never active in the SS  at all.

It was because of the sensitivity and importance of his ballistic-missile work that Himmler wanted to be able to keep a good eye on him, and also keep tabs on how fast he worked. Wernher von Braun  was, in fact, suspected of dragging his feet (like other aristocrats with the “von” prefix,  often jealous of what the commoner Hitler had achieved and his popularity) and WvB actually was BRIEFLY JAILED by the Gestapo. So his SS membership was  pro forma and did not protect him.

In East Germany, ten percent of all the population were informants for the secret police, the Stasi, but often against their will. And at least two of the three people that betrayed me between 2008 and 2023 were under proven FBI pressure — and facing a dire future if they did not betray me.]


After Krupskaya’s death in 1939, Spiridon worked as chef in a Moscow Communist Party boarding house at Ilyinsky, Moscow Oblast.[2]

Putin continued working as a chef until shortly before his death in Moscow on his 86th birthday in 1965.[1][3]


What this proves is that his father was a cook, and like all cooks — he cooked. Suppose he had refused to cook for Stalin, what would have happened to him or anyone else who disobeyed an order? Field Marshal Tukhachevsky, a  fervent communist and good general (even if for a wicked cause),

was indicted in the Moscow Show Trials of the late 1930s  and “confessed” to treason and to working for NS Germany. Stalin was both exterminating all suspected enemies and instilling rabid fear in everyone. It is all found in this 25 May 1937 document, literally splattered with the field marshal’s own blood. You can see two dots of blood on the margins, upper- and lower-left.
So “Comrade” Stalin  was shown this “confession “of “guilt.” If you then asked for the death penalty for “treason,” they just might spare your wife and child.
Maybe grandpa Spiridon sort-of believed in at least the ideals of communism, and sort-of did not. Communism began internally collapsing by the late 1980s because everyone in Russia knew that the communist economy did not work. There were shortages of everything, including housing, this in the biggest country on earth —  a nation full of trees to turn into lumber!

But now even if Putin were part-jewish, in what way does Vladimir Putin advance the Jew agenda?

I repeat, and I suspect you may duck this:

In what way does Putin advance the Jewish World Order?

The jews have clearly chosen America, not Russia, as their chosen instrument and enforcer. Many countries fear and obey the US Deep State, the crassest example being Germany, which let the US blow up a vital, $10-billion natural-gas pipeline, “Nordstream II.”  This has exploded energy costs, crippling the German industrial economy, but the Germans are a vassal state of the CIA-run Judeoamerica and say nothing..

Were Putin a lackey of jewry, then he would do what America says. He would let Ukraine enter NATO and the EU, and acquire nuclear weapons. He would retire as president so a “pro-Western” politician could take over and “restore good relations with the West.” Putin would leave so his successor could bring in tens of millions of Muslims  and negroes, and promote gay pride, drag queens, and discrimination against Whites in studies, jobs, and promotions.

Instead, he does the opposite of what the jews want.

Now how do you explain that the western, jewish-controlled mainstream media demonize Putin? This is the same media that also demonize Syria and Iran, overt enemies of the Jewish State of Israel…..

Years ago, a German comrade wrote me that the Putin-admirers and the passionate Putin-haters sometimes agree to just avoid the topic. 😉

What counts is this:

If the White American people assert their God-given right to replace the current jew regime, how will a Russia react that has advanced weapons, a good navy with many submarines, and can reach the USA?

Would not a civil war on US soil be in Russia’s interests?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

And,.besides, everyone has some jewish DNA, because for 3,000 years individual, decent jews have seen the hate, incest, crooked practices, greed, and worse, becoming disgusted at judaism, then sincerely left it, and married a gentile. 

This was actually posted by the Jewkrainian president Zelensky on his Twitter page.
Johnny Zygotic
Victory Orvalhall
At the same time, many publications write that President Vladimir Putin is a Jew via the nationality [ethnicity] of his mother. There is a document – an application for issuing a new passport of Russian citizen Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich of December 30, 2000, which indicates the citizenship of the parents. According to official data, Father – Putin Vladimir Spiridonovich – Russian, and mother – Shelomova Maria Ivanovna – Jewish.
Boril Rusland
Victory Orvalhall
Boril, as far as ive looked at it and checked up on whom he panders to alot more than others
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Victory, interesting IF this document were true…. unlike the Obama long-form birth certificate, which was a total fake. And even if true about the mother, IF, IF true and not a slander and fake doc put out by Putins’ enemies (and many Russians are antisemitic), this does not mean he identifies with the jews.
Dwight Eisenhower was German (yes, German and not jewish; forget the West Point yearbook spoof; no jews were allowed into West Point back then, and his mother was a Jehovah’s Witness), yet Eisenhower, for all his German blood, hated and killed Germans by the millions.
Here it is again, and yes, btw, the mother is listed as “Evr,” meaning “Hebrew” (jewish) in the Russian language.
Victory Orvalhall
These fuckers love to play games with the world cause they know the outcome. They are earths plague.
Victory Orvalhall
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Victory, illegible, and wearing a yarmulke does not mean jewish, just being afraid of their power. Many goy politicians have put a beanie on to appease them.
Victory Orvalhall
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Victory, I saw it already above. Remember as you type and post things on VK, a massive Russian website, one which lets us publish WN and very antisemitic content, that the supposed half-jew Putin controls VK. Why does he not ban all this? ….
Okay, I have been in this cause for 43 years. So I will remind you that Obama too put out a long-form Hawaii birth certificate, back in 2012, showing him as supposedly born in Hawaii when he was definitely born in Kenya, in Africa, not on US soil, and so he was ipso facto ineligible for the presidency.
The legendary sheriff Joe Arpaio (of the main county in Arizona, Maricopa County), who hated Obama for letting illegal aliens in, ripped that fake Obama birth document to shreds. (See my next post for details on this.)
The fact is that we do not KNOW that this supposed Putin passport application from 2000 —supposedly filled out when he was the President of the Russian Federation — that this explosive document is even authentic, or do you know it to be authentic? …….
The WNs who were “turned” by the FBI — Carlos Porter and the Finn Henrik Holappa, who left our cause and married a Red Chinese — say in order to stay out of prison for hate speech, that I, John de Nugent, am a wife beater; a homosexual; a swindler; a pedophile; a nut; and a lazy bum who never worked a day in his life.
Is it true merely because it is online?  
Then if everything online is true, Hitler had only one testicle, and using it, had sex with his own niece, too, and also chewed the carpet and foamed at the mouth when he was angry…. and he had a nervous breakdown in combat and was in the Pasewalk military hospital for going nuts in 1918, not from a blinding, tormenting British mustard-gas attack.  …..
So is it true because some perfect stranger whom you do not know from Adam put it up on the Internet? …..
Now ask yourself this: Why is supposed half-jew Putin arming Syria, a sworn and fierce enemy of ISRAEL? Why did Russia start armed air patrols between the Russian and Syrian air forces to protect Syria from Israel?
And why did Russia just state that the Golan Heights, which Israel stole from Syria in 1967, still belong to Syria? (The US since Trump has “recognized” this land theft, but not the supposed half-jew Putin.)
The Ukrainian regime is ENTIRELY jewish —  Timoshenko, Poroshenko and Zelensky, three jews in a row — yet the supposed half-jew Putin is against it and in fact invaded it. ….
And why is Russia under Vladimir Putin not knuckling under to the US? The truth is exactly as Bobby Fischer said (a half-jew and Chess World Champion who turned radically against Judaism): it is America that is the jews’ tool to conquer the world.
Anyone who resists Jewmerica is resisting the jews. And Putin is resisting Jewmerica.
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Sheriff Arpaio proved Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate was a fake, and a bad one: ARPAIO INVESTIGATORS: BIRTH CERTIFICATE 100% A FRAUD

Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation of the “long-form” Obama birth certificate got very little coverage in the mass media. Below is a transcript of an interview with the lead investigator. Use the link to hear the interview. I worked for American Free Press 2005-06 and did things for its predecessor newspaper, The Spotlight, 1987-92.


AFP Interviews Sheriff Arpaio’s Lead Investigator

By Pete Papaherakles

“There is now absolutely no doubt that Obama’s long form birth certificate released by the White House is a complete and utter forgery,” said Mike Zullo, the lead investigator in maverick Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, during a lengthy interview (below article) with AMERICA FREE PRESS on August 3rd. It’s important to understand the story behind it as well as who Zullo and his investigators are. This AFP writer had the opportunity to speak at length with Zullo to find out how he and the rest of Arpaio’s posse came to their conclusion.

Five people make up the Cold Case Posse, which was tasked with investigating Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate. Three of them, including Zullo, are police detectives. The other two are attorneys. In over ten months they have put in several thousand hours of investigation at no cost to the taxpayers, according to Zullo, who says he puts in 60-100 hours every week.

“I worked as a detective in Bergen County, N.J. for five years,” said Zullo. “This is across the river from New York City, an area that includes over a million people, with 70 police departments. In addition to street crime, the area has a high degree of mob crime and white-collar crime. After that, I worked for seven years as an investigative detective with legal firms and with my own firm. Since 2005 I have been working with Sheriff Arpaio in Maricopa County as an investigator. That’s over 20 years of investigative work.”

The investigation into Obama’s birth certificate began with an affidavit signed by 250 citizens of Maricopa County, who were concerned about its authenticity. Looking to clear the president, Arpaio put Mike Zullo in charge of dispelling these rumors. In the process, however, the team found some anomalies with the document.

“Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Sheriff Arpaio demanded we do thorough research, leaving no stone unturned, without preconceived ideas,” said Zullo. “We really were not looking to what we found. After six months we had to announce that probable cause existed indicating that forgery and fraud may have been committed. What was presented to the American people as the president’s long form birth certificate was really a manufactured electronic file created in cyberspace. When run through even basic computer software it breaks down into nine layers, which can be manipulated and moved around. A real scanned paper document cannot perform this way.”

Arpaio called for a congressional investigation into this scandal, which he exclaimed was “bigger than Watergate,” yet no action has been taken thus far. The national media remain silent or dismissive on the matter. Instead they have attacked Arpaio’s reputation with allegations of racism toward illegal aliens and inmate abuse.

What little media attention was given to the birth certificate issue was primarily for the purpose of ridiculing Arpaio and casting doubt on his findings. One method was to point out that the so-called electronic layers produced in the document were merely the result of something known as “optimization,” whereupon computer software finds the best way to compress a document’s digital information, thereby making it easier to view on the Internet.

As a result, Zullo had to have experts run an additional 1,200 tests proving once and for all that layers produced by scanning and optimizing a document are totally inconsistent with the layering of a fabricated document. “As far as we are concerned, our analysis of the digital portion of this investigation is finished. We do not believe that this document could ever survive judicial scrutiny.”

On July 17th, Arpaio held a second press conference, where he announced that new discoveries indicated the birth certificate was a fraud. He related how the posse had gone to Hawaii to locate 95-year-old Verna K. Lee, the signatory on the birth certificate. Mrs. Lee explained to the investigators what the mysterious pencil marking codes on the birth certificate mean.

“No one knew what these codes meant until we traveled to Hawaii to find her,” said Zullo. “She was the supervisor of the birth certificate documenting section at Kapiolani Hospital in Hawaii in 1961. All birth certificates went through her. These codes refer to handwritten numerical pencil markings that are found in several boxes of the document. The number “9” was written both in entry #9 on the birth certificate, which asked for the father’s race, and in entry #12b, which asked for his occupation. This code meant that an entry was ‘not stated.’ In other words, that box was never filled out by the applicant. The birth certificate passed through three sets of eyes, including Mrs. Lee’s. That meant that three people had verified that this entry was never filled in.”

Zullo added that Mrs. Lee told the investigators that those types of mistakes never happened on her watch. “Yet on the birth certificate released by the White House, these entries are suspiciously filled out,” said Zullo. “The father’s race is written in as ‘African,’ and his occupation states ‘University.’ This is indisputable evidence that the document is a forgery.”

Mrs. Lee told investigators that the term “African” was never used to denote race in 1961. “Negro” or “black” were the only terms used at that time. The term “African” would not be used by the government until 1989, according to Zullo.

“The second major development was that we documented how easy it was to obtain a birth certificate in Hawaii in 1961,” said Zullo. “Actually it is still almost as easy. All one needed to do was to claim that they witnessed an unattended birth outside of a hospital within one month and to provide a legal identification and proof of residency.”

Zullo continued, “No other state in the U.S. has laws as loose as Hawaii’s regarding the registration of births. Many Japanese used this loophole to obtain U.S. citizenship in Hawaii at that time, and many others have used this loophole to this day, causing major birth certificate fraud problems with the Department of Immigration and Naturalization.”

Both Zullo and Arpaio have been very clear in stressing that they are not accusing Obama himself of anything at this point. They are merely stating that the document presented by the White House is a forgery.

Zullo said the investigators are now looking into the origin of the forged document. “We know what computer the document resided on 20 minutes before it was uploaded to the White House’s website. We know the make, model and serial number of this computer. We just have to pinpoint the person using the machine at that time.”

For a man who has fought crime all his life, Zullo had this to say about his discovery: “I find it troubling that Americans have become so desensitized to criminal activity in this country. We have proved conclusively that this birth certificate is a forgery, yet millions of Americans are ready to reelect Obama without even looking at the evidence.”



AFP: What prompted Sheriff Arpaio to establish the “Cold Case Posse” and investigate the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate? Were you guys out to prove that the document was fraudulent?

M.Z. What prompted the investigation was that 250 people from Maricopa County had signed a petition asking Sheriff Arpaio to look into the matter. This occurred as allegations of a fraudulent birth certificate were starting to escalate since it’s release by the White House. Proving the document a fraud was the last thing on our minds. As a matter of fact we thought the allegations were silly and were hoping to clear up the issue and move on. We really were not looking for anything like this.

AFP: When did the investigation begin and how long did it last?

M.Z. It began sometime in September or October of last year. We held our first press conference on March 1 when we were positive that there was probable cause to declare that the document was fraudulent. We had conducted extensive research by this point and could say with confidence.

AFP: You have said in your first press conference that the Cold Case Posse was a volunteer group that put in 2,200 hours over six months. Has that number grown?

M.Z.: For the past 9 months I have personally put in 60 to 100 hours every week. The others have put 500 to 700 hours each over the same period. This has cost the taxpayers nothing. All our time has either been paid by donations or has been volunteered.

AFP: What prompted the second investigation that led to your second press conference in July?

M.Z. The investigation never stopped really. In fact it is still going on. The significance of this press conference is that we had uncovered key evidence that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the document presented to the American people by the White House was a total forgery. This was the culmination of the scientific evidence of the investigation. This part is now complete.

AFP: How many people made up the Cold Case Posse? Was Jerome Corsi one of them?

M.Z.: Five. Three were police officers with extensive experience as detectives. The other two were attorneys. We also had seven or eight people who checked documents. Jerome Corsi was not part of our team, although he provided much knowledge and expertise.

AFP: Can you elaborate on your professional background?

M.Z.: I worked as a detective in Bergen County, N.J. for five years. Keep in mind that this was the metropolitan area across the river from New York City out to Newark and Union City, N.J., an area that includes over a million people with 70 police departments, an area that does not have as much street crime as it does mob crime and a high level of white collar crime. I was also involved with major narcotics investigations.

After that I worked in the same area for another seven years as an investigative detective with legal firms. This is where I really honed my skills on how to build cases with an ironclad legal foundation that can’t be taken apart in court. I also started my own investigative firm for much of that time.

In 1993 I moved to Arizona. Since 2005 I have been working with Sheriff Arpaio in an investigative capacity, where I have clocked in over 14,000 hours. That’s over 20 years of hard core investigative work.

AFP: In your first press conference you announced that you had probable cause for fraud and forgery. I believe that the main conclusion at that point was that the birth certificate was created online, that there never was a paper document. A document when put through Adobe Acrobat can be broken down to 9 layers, unlike a scanned paper document What do you say to those people who claim that a paper document can also have layers due to optimization enhancement?

M.Z.: This challenge was brought up after our first press conference on March 1.  Although we had already stated that we were aware that a scanned and optimized document also breaks down into layers, that point was lost on many people.  As a result, we took the document to two experts who, independently of each other, ran approximately 600 separate tests each on the PDF file purporting to be the birth certificate and control documents to see how they performed under all forms of digital compression and with many different software programs. One expert performed the tests on a PC with a Windows operating system and the other on a Mac. They both proved conclusively that layers produced by scanning and optimizing a real document were totally inconsistent with the layering of a fabricated document. The Obama document has eight one-bit layers and one eight-bit background layer. A real scanned and optimized document has only one one-bit layer and multiple eight-bit background layers. As far as we are concerned our analysis of the digital portion of this investigation is finished. We do not believe that this document could ever survive judicial scrutiny.

AFP: In your second press conference you said that you proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the document presented to the American people by the White House was a total forgery. This was the result of locating 95-year-old Verna K. Lee, who was a signatory to the original certificate. She told you that the code “#9” meant that the entry was not stated. In the certificate submitted some of those were filled out. Was that what clinched it for you?

M.Z.: This was not the only development although it was a major one. No one knew what this code meant until we traveled to Hawaii to find her. She was the supervisor of the birth certificate documenting section of Kapiolani Hospital in Hawaii in 1961. All birth certificates went through her. This does not refer to entry #9 on the form. It refers to handwritten pencil markings that are found in several boxes on the document. The number “9” was written both in entry #9 of the birth certificate, which asked for the father’s race, and in entry #12b, which asked for his occupation. What this code meant was that an entry was “not stated,” in other words that that box was never filled out by the applicant. The birth certificate passed through three sets of eyes, including Mrs. Lee’s. That meant that three people had verified that this entry was never filled in. “Mistakes like that never happened on my watch,” Mrs. Lee assured us. Yet on the birth certificate released by the White House, these entries are filled out. The father’s race is written in as “African” and his occupation states “University.” Another problem of course as verified by Mrs. Lee is that the term “African” was never used to denote race in 1961; “Negro” or “Black” were the only terms used at that time. In fact, the term African would not be used by the federal government until 1989.

The second major development was that we documented how easy it was to obtain a birth certificate in Hawaii in 1961. Actually it is still very easy to do, although slightly modified since then. All one needed to do was claim that they witnessed an unattended birth take place outside of a hospital within one month and provide a legal identification and residency. No other state in the U.S. has laws as loose as Hawaii’s regarding the registration of births.  Many Japanese would also use this loophole to obtain American citizenship in Hawaii at that time, and many others use this loophole to this day causing major birth certificate fraud problems for the Department of Homeland Security.

AFP: How has the media responded to these press conferences? Have you gotten any coverage?

M.Z.: We have gotten absolutely no national mainstream coverage of our findings. Whatever little local media coverage we got has usually been negative or distorted.

AFP: You have been careful to say that you do not accuse the President of collusion with this forgery. Can you elaborate?

M.Z.: Our investigation has nothing to do with the President of the United States. We are not accusing him of being complicit in any way or of even having knowledge of this. All we are saying is that the document officially submitted by the White House to the American people is a forgery. It may be possible that after a Congressional hearing, all legislation passed under the Obama administration is considered null and void.

AFP: You have called for a Congressional investigation. Has there been any progress in that area?

M.Z.: No. Many say that the upcoming elections will decide this and if he loses the elections it will be a moot point. However, there is much more to it than that. There are severe ramifications here that extend beyond the President. If his presidency was illegitimate, then laws passed by him will also be illegitimate and will have to be declared null and void. We are looking at four years of legislation here.

AFP: You said that the investigation is still in progress and that the scientific part of the investigation is now over. What areas of the investigation are you conducting now?

M.Z.: We are looking into the origin of the forged document. This document originated in a certain computer which sent it to the White House to be posted on their official website. This was done by a particular individual. We know what computer the document resided on 20 minutes before it was uploaded. We know the make and the model of this computer. We need to connect this information with that individual. The document also had to be approved by the White House before being released to the American people. There are only three reasons someone would produce a forged birth certificate. They either did not have one to start with, they wanted to remove existing information, or they wanted to add information. We feel in this case that it is a combination of all three. If the White House had a valid document to start with, why have they spent a million dollars in order to conceal it?

AFP: What is your ultimate goal?  When do expect the investigation to be complete?

M.Z.: The investigation will continue as long as it takes to get to the bottom of this. A crime of immense proportions has occurred here against the American people and they need to find out what happened. This is a glaring misrepresentation of what the Founding Fathers intended as qualifications for the Presidency. Under no circumstances can the President of the United States not be American born. Americans cannot pledge allegiance to a President not born in America.

AFP: Do you have any final thoughts?

M.Z.: I find it very troubling that Americans have become so desensitized to criminal action in this country. We are a nation of laws, yet these laws are being violated on a massive scale in all areas of society and we don’t seem to care as much as we should. The examples are endless, from Washington to Wall Street to everyday life. In Arizona we have a massive illegal immigration problem where the rights of average Americans are violated and border patrol guards are risking their lives everyday. Yet our government is just letting it happen while protecting and even rewarding those who enter our country illegally. As we approach the election season, millions of Americans are contemplating reelecting a president whose birth certificate has been proven to be a total forgery. This is a scandal much bigger than Watergate, yet most Americans don’t seem to be care enough to find out. This is not the America our Founding Fathers had in mind.

Peter Papaherakles, a U.S. citizen since 1986, was born in Greece. He is AFP’s outreach director. 

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Again, why is Russia under Vladimir Putin not knuckling under to the US? The truth is exactly as Bobby Fischer said (a half-jew and Chess World Champion who turned radically against Judaism): America is the jews’ tool to conquer the world. Anyone who resists America is resisting the jews. And Putin is resisting Jewmerica, even willing to go to NUCLEAR WAR with it.


  1. I have a question why doesn’t Putin care about Jewish bolshavik torture starvation and slaughter of 30 million Russians.
    And why does he admire the Jewish communist butcher Lenin, and has said positive stuff about the sadistic mass murdering Georgian tyrant Stalin.
    Stalin killed around 30 million slavic people in mass genocide, with executions, mass enforced famine and sent to the grusome hellish gulags.
    Vladimir Putin is just another dictator who only cares about Jewish money and power.
    He’s not much better then western politicians, send millions of young Russian men to be maimed and slaughtered in the meat grinder.
    This war is going to kill millions of slavic people and Vladimir Putin is just another scumbag dictator.
    The last politician that cared about his people died in 1945, and their will never be a decent caring leader like that again.

    • AS I have explained on this website,

      1) communism did do some impressive things over 70 years; it defeated the Wehrmacht; it built the Moscow subway and created an excellent public education system with top scientific and engineering schools and military academies;

      2) Putin was ex-KGB, and though the KGB, like all of Soviet society, soured on communist economics because it kept almost everyone poor, still, there was some pride as well. The understanding from the peaceful fall of the USSR in 1991 on was that if the communists left power without violence, they would not be persecuted or prosecuted. (This was also attempted in the cases of the military juntas in Argentina and Chile. The deal was “leave peacefully and no one goes to prison.”)

      So everyone knew about the awful stuff that the Marxists did, but why bring it up? It was depressing — and it was also over.

      Also, by 1942 Stalin was resurrecting the national pride of the Slavic Russian people, and for two reasons: 1) to defeat the Germans, and 2) to create a non-jewish power bloc within the Communist Party to oppose all jewish attempts to retake all the top positions. An offshoot of this was Stalin’s decision that no jew may be the number-one person in any organization, department, school, factory, etc. This Russian-nationalist bloc made sure that this policy remained in effect for decades after Stalin had died. This bloc, which was strong in the KGB, actually loved the Russian people, and it saw also how much better Western economics were.

      3) Putin understands that shaming a whole nation is what the jews do; it is they who are behind white guilt. Russia needs national pride, not shame over the 70 communist years; so he emphasizes the heroic and good side even of things that were bad. Now I must say that I have never seen Putin actually praise Lenin or Stalin, maybe at most acknowledging some Soviet advance. So where did Putin ever say Lenin or Stalin were good people?

      One of the then new president Putin’s first visits in the year 2000 was to drive to the dacha outside of Moscow of the anticommunist author, dissident, and Nobel Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who did 11 years in the gulag, and whose Gulag Archipelago hardened Western antipathy toward communism.

      Them, in 2003-04 Solzehnity wrote a two-part,1,000-page book “Two Hundred Years Together” about the relationship between the Russians and the jews. The second half was very critical of bolshevik jews as jews, and detailed their role in the mass murders of dozens of millions of slavic Russians (and others.)

      So what did President Putin do? What was his reaction — this former KGB officer’s reaction — to this Russian who was bashing both communism and the jews?

      In 2007 he returned to Solzhenitysn’s dacha and awarded him the highest medal of the Russian Federation, and had a large statue erected to him, which he inaugurated.

      Also, Putin has carried out the exact opposite of a meat-grinder ( = human wave) strategy in Ukraine. He has been extremely cautious about spending human lives, and relies a lot on artillery, missiles and drones. In fact, the main criticism of Putin is that he is not aggressive enough, that he is going too slow in Ukraine, and this reinforces the Russians in seeing Putin as a great man but sometimes too nice, both of which is true.

      And in what way is he a “communist dictator”? First, his economy is capitalist, not communist, and is flourishing; second, Putin is at 80% approval, even in western polls, and does not rule by fear; only parties and “foundations”
      funded by Soros or the CIA (USIA) have been banned. In fact, Putin answers to a Security Council.

      I asked you in an earlier exchange for proof that Tony Blair was part-jewish; I requested evidence, but got none.

      • It would not be shaming Russia for communism, it would be exposing one of the greatest genocides in human history that was funded by the jew Jacob Schiff.

        Without jews, bolshevism would never have have happened and fascism was a defence mechanism against brutal jewish communism.

        • But there WAS shame in this, because, out of conviction or careerism, many ethnic Russians DID become complicit in Soviet crimes. It was never just “good Russians”and “bad jews.”

          What went on was, as we say in America, “a can of worms” for everyone. The consensus of almost all in 1989, after three years of Gorbachev, and his glasnost and perestroika, and then the Berlin Wall fell, the biggie — the feeling even of the communists, was that communism had failed Russia (except at war and at control), and the Motherland, after 72 years, had the right to switch to something new.

          The best way was to move on from the past. It is like a husband and wife who separate and then get together again — “Let sleeping dogs lie.” Focus on the now. Never bring up certain old, traumatic, painful arguments or other things that were said or done. Don’t reopen old wounds.
          And this policy of just moving forward is the only reason why the Soviet Union almost totally peacefully disappeared. Otherwise it might still be around. The Russian people are infinitely better off this way. And Putin, as a former KGB officer, was the perfect person to reassure the communists who were being urged to bow out: “Don’t worry. No Soviet official will be put in prison for what he did in obedience to Soviet law and state authority.”
          “Look, comrades, we ALL did things, we all HAD to do things, that we regretted then and also now. But let the Motherland now be united around having a brighter future.”


    • Unfortunately, communism did have its positive sides, war-making and control, which is how it withstood the Reich’s onslaught with three million battle-hardened men.

      Also, the USSR kept a tight lid in its large muslim population, while supporting the Arab countries against Israel.

      It’s like watching “The Sopranos” — Tony is both a human being, husband and father, and, in his day job, a murderous thug.

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