Wearing face diapers as fraudulent as their victory claims, Biden and jew-married Kamala gloat
Here is my favorite jewsmedia word now:
Wearing face diapers as fraudulent as their victory claims, Biden and jew-married Kamala gloat
Here is my favorite jewsmedia word now:
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First trip for Bidenski is a trip to Israel and pay homage publicly at the Wailing Wall whilst wearing a kippah. “Oh vey, I vill obey.”
Yes. This 6’2″ Irish-American with blue eyes is a perfect example of how it takes goy scum, the 5% of Gentiles who are psychopaths and crave power, fame, riches and every vile kind of perverted sex, in order to make the jewish master plan of white genocide work. Thus 1/4 of 1% of the human race dominate the other 99.75%.
(This quote was ascribed to Cicero, a fierce enemy of jewry, by Taylor Caldwell, once a best-selling conservative authoress whom the jews deep-sixed after she passed on.)
Esseri disgustosi-contrari alle leggi della Natura,a quelle Universali,contrari a Dio.
Ma davvero credono di sfidare i progetti di Dio.
Hanno dimostrato di essere abili calcolatori e sbagliano a fare i Conti proprio ora?
I Neanderthal che li hanno votati torneranno all’età della Pietra,loro invece da dove sono venuti!
La loro arroganza ha superato ogni cosa…
Biden,pedofilo e incestuoso!
Disgusting beings – contrary to the laws of Nature, to the Universal ones, contrary to God.
But they truly believe they are challenging God’s plans.
Have they proved to be good calculators and are they wrong to do accounts right now?
The Neanderthals who voted for them will go back to the Stone Age; they will go back to where they came from!
Their has arrogance surpassed everything …
Biden, pedophile and incestuous monster!