In a way, this is the worst thing Biden-Harris so far has done! UK provoking Russia with Black Sea incursion plan; a 2008 interview

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The White House under these two clowns has become an absolute disgrace. I am ashamed as an American that such an indignity  was inflicted, and pointlessly, on the prime minister of Japan:

— a major country that is

–friendly to the US,

–allied with it (especially against China and North Korea), that has a

–gigantic economy (third in the world after the US and China!) and a

–big, modern military, much of it using very expensive American-made equipment, the sale of which creates many, many high-paying American defense-industry jobs,

Japanese F-35  flies over Mount Fuji. Nippon signed a $23 BILLION deal to buy these American-made fighter jets ($122 million each) in 2018.

And I will add that, compared with certain other nations, the Japanese are basically a very

honorable people with whom I myself have had many positive dealings.

What is wrong with this picture? Literally everything.

And, btw, where are the Marine guards who have always guarded the White House?

Why is an Army guard there instead? What is up with that?

Are the Marines, who loved Trump — who often posed in the Oval Office by the fireplace with a Marine Corps flag next to it, and had Marine generals as his Chief of Staff, and as his  Secretaries of Homeland Security and of Defense — maybe just appalled beyond words by the presence of these two low-IQ usurpers and jokers, Caramel Harris and Beijing Biden, in a presidential palace which Trump rightfully won for a second term, and by a 15% landslide, in November 2020?

It has always been understood that in the event of a mutiny, the Marines would defend the President of the United States. They actually are a smaller version of the US Army — soldiers who use Navy terminology– but are deliberately kept separate, physically and psychologically. If a mutiny breaks out on a US Navy aircraft carrier, and 5,000 sailors revoledt against the captain of the ship, guess who would be ordered to crush the revolt? The Marines.

Many countries have two armies, with the second and smaller one being 1) super-elite and 2) super-loyal to the regime. During the Third Reich, the Waffen-SS was created as exactly this, a second Army, fanatically loyal to the leader, aggressive and excellent. The Soviets had both the Red Army and also the KGB Border troops, ruled by hard-core communist officers…..

In my 66 years, I have never seen anyone but Marines guarding the White House. They have also  guarded all US embassies since 1946.

Marine guards in formation with President Kennedy. The uniform has not changed one atom sinve then. Marines are very big into tradition.


Marines guard the Oval Office when the  president is working there. If the Secret Service were ever to join a mutiny, or try to facilitate the assassination of the president, which is exactly what happened in Dallas, Texas in 1963…

Secret Service agent protests as he is ordered to dismount from President Kennedy’s limousine seconds before he is shot.


…..the Marines would defend their commander-in-chief to the death.

Marines are indoctrinated to NOT feel kinship with the Army (called “dogfaces”), Navy (“squids” or “Navy faggots”or Air Force (“Airedales”). In Marine bootcamp I never heard one unkind word about the Soviet Union 😉 , but there was constant Marine ragging on the other services.  A former Army warrant officer put it well: “In the Army, it was about serving the country, freedom, the Constitution and democracy. In the Marines, it is about serving the Marine Corps.” This is deliberate, and it means the Marine sentries WOULD fire on any other American servicemen if so ordered. Their main job is to be LETHAL and LOYAL and protect the President.

So for this and many other reasons, this incident below is absolutely mortifying, childish and amateurish, yes, unprecedented in modern world diplomacy.

And rest assured, the diplomats of the entire world, including those of Russia and China, will have taken note with a laugh of this chaos, this diplomatic slight — this incredible lapse of protocol.

The US under Biden-Harris is now officially a joke to the world.



It Was Worse Than We Thought: NO ONE Met Japanese Prime Minister at the White House Door Except Stationary Army Guard

[source: I have added my comments in blue. ]

In a highly disrespectful and embarrassing move, it was the always insecure Kamala Harris who, also being outranked, welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to the White House on Friday.

“President” Joe Biden, 78 and openly demented, was apparently taking a nap, so “VP” Kamala Harris welcomed Yoshihide Suga, the first foreign leader to visit the Biden White House. This was an open slight; Harris is below Suga’s rank. He is the national leader of Japan, not some second fiddle. But it was way worse than we originally reported. No one met Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga at the door when he arrived. The only one standing there was a stationary Army guardI guess no one knew they were coming.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga (C) arrives at the White House in Washington on April 16, 2021, for talks with U.S. President Joe Biden. The president held his first in-person meeting with a foreign leader since he took office in January amid the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Kyodo News via Getty Images)

Compare and contrast:

Conservative Treehouse reported:

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

Once Prime Minister Suga was inside the White House he was shunned for the greeting by his diplomatic peer, Joe Biden.

Instead, Kamala Harris was dispatched to deliver introductory remarks. Beyond the inappropriate form, the subtle message of Kamala Harris being the acting head of the executive branch was on display.

Then, when Vice President Kamala was sent down to greet the Japanese Prime Minister she spent more than a full minute trashing the US as a violent place as Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga stood next to her, waiting, waiting, waiting to be introduced.

“Good morning! I briefly want to discuss the tragedy that occurred in Indianapolis last night. Yet again we have families in our country that are grieving the loss of their family members because of gun violence,” Kamala Harris said as the Japanese Prime Minister stood next to her.

After ranting for more than a full minute, Kamala Harris finally welcomed Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to the White House.

What a disgrace!


.….Another great Duran video: the UK sending warships into Russia’s Black Sea sphere of influence after the US cancelled its incursion! Who is running NATO?

This is no different from the Russian navy putting an aircraft carrier or heavy cruiser off Scapa Flow in Scotland, or the mouth of the Thames, OR, for that matter, the coast of New York or the huge US navy base at Newport News, Virginia. With Ukrainian forces massed on the Russian border, this is encouraging the Ukrainians to do something insane.

The situation now is just like that of August 1939. Poland was crushing its large German minority and constantly violating the German border. (Because of the outrageous Treaty of Versailles, which the Germans had to sign becaus they were being starved to death by the Royal Navy AFTER surrendering, and they were also being threatened with an Allied invasion and occupation of their country.) So you had millions of Germans who found themselves inside Polish territory, and being severely oppressed or  even killed. Why would Hitler put up with that? Would the US not react if Mexico began massacring the 100,000 Americans living in retirement in Baja California?

In the same way, the Ukrainians seek to crush the ethnic Russians of Crimea and the two republics of Donetsk and Lugansk AFTER the100% jewish Kiev regime had banned the Russian language, Russian schools, and had begun applying to join the anti-Russian, US-led NATO and the EU!

Is Putin just going to sit there and let the Ukrainians do this to his people?  What respect can he have for the UK and US when they announce contradictory policies, and what fear of them now that Russia is a near-superpower again, with his own military being again modern and huge, and he also has the superpower China backing him up?

Is Putin, or “Klutin,” as Biden dodderingly called him, about to forget the American usurper recently calling him in public, on ABC News, a “soulless killer”?

The Mouse Threatens The Bear: After US Pull-Back UK Sends Warships to Black Sea

…..The Van Rensburg prophecy

It specifically says that Turkey and Britain will enrage Russia. Turkey will be crushed in 24 hours and in Britain — shockingly — not one soul in England will survive. The US does not lift a finger for Britain.

Then the war goes nuclear between the US and Russia.  Then the German Reich re-emerges to rule whatever is left in a post-apocalyptic world, with 90% of the world dead from the war, infrastructure collapse, and starvation caused by nuclear winter and a 90% decline in crops.

My goal is to stop this.


Miriam Delicadom, a Canadian from British Columbia….

….did a video in 2008 with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot. Cassidy being very anti-JWO, btw, though between the lines — she talks in code about “Rothschild”, her original YouTube channel was CLOSED.

Their topics were aliens, both good and wicked, and Americans, as a deranged superpower, heading toward a nuclear war which, however, CAN be avoided.

Here is an audio of her with Cassidy. She believes that American Indians know better what is afoot than Whites, which is probably very true, since the jews are clearly brainwashing Whites and seeking their genocide.

Here is the transcript of her interview:

Especially important blogs





  1. If there is a full nuclear exchange, Germany and Israel would become radioactive wastelands. I bet the Jews would still moan about another 6 million. The Western leaders are at fault by going back on their word of not expanding NATO right up to Russian borders, thus able to spy deep into Russia, making the Russians uneasy.

    The former Warsaw Pact countries were meant to be independent, not EU members and NATO partners. Russia won’t tolerate the Ukraine joining NATO or the EU. This would threaten Russian warm-water ports in the south.

  2. Like the Marines, the Army used to have a brownshirt as part of their uniform complement. The politically-correct Army eliminated this outward symbol of solidarity with the working man in 1981. An ugly, mint-green shirt was its replacement. All the NCOs hated it. I’m glad the Marines kept it.

    • Thanks.

      Another example of this Pentagon “naziophobia,” but with a far more damaging effect than the yucky mint-green color on that shirt (I remember it from my own Virginia Army National Guard days, 1980-81), is that it took the US War/Defense Department generations (1917-83) to adopt the sensible “K-pot” or “Kevlar” (which the jewsmedia called the “Fritz helmet”).

      It protected the temples, and the side and back of a soldier’s head, far better than the ridiculous WWI doughboy helmet (the “Brodie” helmet, adopted from the Brits)…

      ….and also the only somewhat less dumb WWII-Korea-Vietnam-eras helmet, the M1.

      With all the grenades being thrown in modern infantry warfare and shrapnel from mortar and artillery rounds flying in every direction, one would think our masters would want soldiers to get LESS head wounds by adopting the German helmet. But no.

      If Germans, or worse, “the Nazis” invented something, we HAD to reject it.

      (The Army also rejects stuff just because their Marine rivals do it — a lethally silly interservice rivalry that costs precious white American lives…..And how many young white men join the Marines over the Army just because so many Army uniforms since the 1950s suck?)

      My Marine dad told me the British Commonwealth division in Korea (Brits, Aussies, Canadians and Kiwis) fought very well alongside the US Marines. But they were still wearing the shallow-soup-bowl helmet from back in WWI, getting constant lateral head wounds or even being killed. Worse, the Brits often wore a felt beret! Now THAT is criminal.

      Sean Connery in “A Bridge Too Far”: a beret looks way cool, but a serious head wound or death? not so much…..

      My father: “Not wearing your steel ‘pot’ was a court-martiable offense. It was a way for a coward to get a slight head wound and then be sent to the rear, to safety, instead of staying up on the front lines where he was needed to fight.”

      But we Americans were not all that much better than the Brits; we did not finally dump the WWII MI helmet and get the K-pot until the Reagan Administration (and the 1983 invasion of Grenada)!

      66 years of being obtuse, of being too proud to use the German-style coal-shovel helmet, and our guys taking serious head wounds!

      The egoic mind on display………. 🙁

      As I have also often written, the rise of Red China has come from them (very quietly) adopting so many things from OUR national socialism. The Chinese are pragmatic and don’t worry too much about offending the jews.

      And someday they will tell them “we know you jews — Sassoon and Rothschild — were the ones wjo were really behind the Opium Wars, the greatest humiliation in our 2500-year history. We may be allies temporarily against the long-noses, the white men, but we are not friends, jews. We read you like an x-ray, and you cannot whine about your Holocaust to us Chinese. You holocausted us with your opium for a hundred years.”

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