In Brittany, France, a white lady has had to sleep in her car for two months while local politicos buy a hotel for black/muslim MIGRANTS for 1.5 million euros

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A normal Breton lady [and NOT some schizophrenic street lady off her meds, or doing drugs and booze] sleeps in her car in Scaër (29): At the same time, the Department of Finistère will buy a hotel for migrants for 1.5 mio euros

Here is a case revealing the shocking priorities of local elected officials who use public money as they see fit. While a 61-year-old woman, a native, is currently sleeping in her car, no longer having the possibility of having accommodation, the department of Finistère has just positioned itself to acquire a hotel, to house migrants. Explanations.

Currently in Scaër, Dominique Le Goff, a 61-year-old Breton, has been sleeping in her car for months, since the death of her husband, and the sale of her home. Despite the requests for social housing, the various municipalities are not giving any positive signal. The newspaper Brut interviewed her,  Ouest France had already mentioned her case while  she was sleeping, at the time, in Commana.
*** Scaër, Brittany

You can sign a petition to help this lady find a home.

No accommodation for a 61-year-old Breton woman in Finistère? The Department and its elected officials (right-wing majority, led by Maël de Calan) obviously do not care. In charge of child protection, the department of Finistère will acquire a hotel in Brest for the reception of unaccompanied minors (MNA). The place will be dedicated to welcoming young migrants awaiting assessment of their minority. This is the Bellevue hotel in Brest, whose 26 rooms will soon be occupied by migrants. Total amount of the operation? 1.52 million euros.

The president of the department of Finistère,  explains to the Telegram  : “  The annual cost of taking charge of the accommodation of an unaccompanied minor in a hotel amounts to between 12,000 € and 14,000 €. For 52 young people, the sum exceeds €700,000 each year. In two years, we will have reimbursed the investment, without degrading the quality of the public service rendered”.

On average, this year, 167 migrants, real or false minors, are accommodated daily in hotels in the department of Finistère.

Dominique Le Goff, whose misfortune is undoubtedly to be Breton and to benefit from no associative complicity, she sleeps in her car.  If you don’t see the problem, there really is a problem… But don’t forget…

Federal Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire announced from Paris that the Macron government will create 5,900 accommodations for refugees and asylum seekers and allocate them 2 billion euros.



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