In case you doubted liberals have become Antifas, and civil war is ahead, “beating Trump is just the beginning…prosecute him, Amy Barrett, too, and all Trump supporters”

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Incredible Trump derangement syndrome from this 6’4″ German-American. No surprise he was raised a Unitarian (not to be confused with Aryan. 😉 )

His critique of Bush and his Iraq war in 2005, when I saw him on the then non-Antifa MSNBC, was spot-on. But that was then, and this is now, a phase of pathological hate and the will to destroy anyone conservative.

Prosecute this mother of seven, number-one graduate of Notre Dame law school, federal judge, and onetime Supreme Court clerk

*** On “Ike”

If you thought the German-American Eisenhower from Kansas had to have been a jew because of his policies, think again. (He WAS under the tutelage of jew financier Bernard Baruch. but several of his brothers were fiercely anti-FDR, and against the US entering WWII.)

Ike in the center of his Kansas family; his father was a railroad mechanic and his mother was a Jehovah’s Witness, not a jewess.

Always the narcissistic one — Ike at the left


The Eisenhauer (German for “iron hewer/miner”) family migrated from Karlsbrunn in Nassau-Saarbrücken, to America, first settling in York, Pennsylvania, in 1741, and in the 1880s moving to Kansas.[2] Accounts vary as to how and when the German name Eisenhauer was anglicized to Eisenhower.[3] Eisenhower’s Pennsylvania Dutch ancestors, who were primarily farmers, included Hans Nikolaus Eisenhauer of Karlsbrunn, who migrated to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1741.[4]

Hans’s great-great-grandson, David Jacob Eisenhower (1863–1942), was Eisenhower’s father and was a college-educated engineer, despite his own father Jacob’s urging to stay on the family farm.

This was OBVIOUSLY just the normal joking-around and kidding in his yearbook. No jews were admitted then to West Point or to Annapolis.

Arrogant Ike (here with his wife) was perfect to be recruited by the jews.

Baruch with Ike and another lackey.

Ike told FDR  (and his wife) how much he “hated the Germans,” so he was hired as a five-star general, and all his good German qualities (tireless work, detailed planning and precision) went into making D-Day a brilliant, total success  — for jewry.

Ike virtue-signalling to his other masters, his first master being his own egoic mind 

A pathological liberal, he exclaimed when Truman nuked Japan that he felt all sorry for the Japs, who HAD committed very serious atrocities as a policy. Forty  percent of Allied prisoners perished in Japanese POW camps; just 2% in German camps, and this was from war wounds.

… The japs would tie Marines to a tree, gouging out their eyes and cutting off their testicles. (See the man in the half-dark in the center.) This was a realistic scene from the HBO series “The Pacific.”

But Ike felt no mercy for the White Germans, his own distant kin…. German soldiers, after they had honorably surrendered, were trucked into giant “camps” without tents, food or water, where thousands died every day — one million total. Official photo of the US Army Air Corps, July 1945, two months AFTER the surrender. 

Margi, herself half-German, in 2013 at the monument in Bad Kreuznach to the slow-murdered soldiers

Pathetic: leftist German cops bully and harass those patriots who gather there every year to honor the dead.

Gerd Ittner, a regular speaker here, and friend — slammed up against a police van

Are all these cops JEWS????? 


The jew is not the main enemy, but the egoic mind in us all.

The jew uses our own mind to destroy us.

Going back to the equally deranged German-American Keith Olbermann, now an Antifa of the keyboard, last year he went off in a vicious tweet on a working-class hunter in Mississippi for shooting a white turkey (for food, as it turned out).

How a sports broadaster — like Olbermann — can go off on a hunter is beyond me. (Are turkeys now an endangered species? In 2018 there were 245 million of them.)

The hunter is literally named Hunter Waltman, also of German heritage. He is seen here on the left with a hunting buddy and of course the murdered Holocaust victim. 😉 Funny how Olbermann cares about white turkeys, not humans.

Olbermann foamed this screed to his one MILLION Twitter followers, scaring the hunter:

“This pea-brained scumbag identifies himself as Hunter Waltman.

and we should do our best to make sure the rest of his life is a living hell.

And the nitwit clown who wrote this fawning piece [about the hunt] should be fired.”

Living hell, eh? Fired, eh? Nitwit & scumbag, eh? Prosecute all Trump supporters, eh? Imprison Amy Barrett?

Be careful, Keith.  We nitwits, scumbags and Trump supporters, we “deplorables,”  will defend ourselves, and millions of us have military experience.


….How thin the b-s is wearing

I had a funny experience recently. A tradesman told me he liked me despite my being a “white supremacist.”

Then he himself started ragging on BLM and “the blacks,” who have “f—ked up Milwaukee” ….

And he called the NFL “a bunch of spoiled n—ers running around and ‘taking the knee.’ ” 😉 (He is a Navy veteran.)


I can see the scary old labels like “white supremacist” wearing pretty thin with the average White American as BLM shows its black supremacism.

Next task is making the white masses truly “woke” — woke to the JQ.

The fact it is Soros (George Schwartz) who is funding BLM with $33 MILLION is the magic link. I have seen this one fact, by itself, turn the tide.

And how perfect that Schwartz is a “Holocaust survivor”!

How much trouble he and fellow “Holo survivor” Abe Foxman of the ADL (protected by kindly Polish Catholics) have caused!


But, as this blog says, the most despicable and dangerous enemy is the traitor and sell-out of our own blood.

Michael Collins wipes out torturers and traitors


We wrongly lower our guard around a regular, aw-shucks white guy like Ike from Abilene, Kansas……

What a heart-warming grin…..


Presence is when you quiet your mind, as Eckhart Tolle says, stop the incessant mental chatter, and just witness what is before your very eyes.

Don’t think. Make your mind go blank and just LOOK.

As Eckhart Tolle points out, in some ways animals are superior to us. They do not think and think and think. They look, they see “friend,” “foe,” or a loved one in danger — and, totally focused, they act.

Brave mom sees, focuses and acts in one second — no-mind — when hostile negro approaches:

We earthlings have not learned to control and use wisely our marvelous minds, even turning them completely off to focus on a mortal threat and the moves it is making.

The guy on the right is no angel, but the guy on the left is a devil. Can you SEE it?


This wise putty-tat comes up while I read Eckhart Tolle for some TLC and “no-mind.” 🙂

Miyamoto Musashi of Japan, a samurai (technically a ronin, a samurai without a master he served) was highly familiar with Zen Buddhism. He once fought eight swordsmen from a samurai school at once with eight strokes — the greatest feat by far of any warrior in all of human history, to be that surrounded and not run, but stand and win.

Swish, one down, swish two down, swish, three down, swish, four down, swish, five down, swish, six down, swish, seven down, swish, eight down.

Bodies in every direction. One man standing. Incredible.

He wrote:

“When surrounded, every second your attention is refreshed. Snap-see; snap-see; snap-see, snap-see.”

Miyamoto revered Boddhidharma, the great Aryan Buddhist monk who brought the martial arts from India to East Asia.

This was Miyamoto’s painting of him, showing his light beard as a white man and nordic, slanted outer eyelids.

This upper eyelid look:    /[eye]   [eye]\
…seen too in this awful man 😉
Inline image
When danger approaches, be no-mind.
Focus, see, and act.
I see the jews triggering in November a civil, political, and racial war.
I see that advanced Aryans shall win it.
I see that only advanced Aryans CAN win it — while the Egoic Whites do nothing, or futile things, AMATEUR THINGS, and are wiped out.
We will be the last men standing. We are the Endsieg — we the final victory, you because you are reading me now.
Look, and see both hell and our victory. 
The spirituality I am talking about is how to win this war.


  1. The intent of Eisenhower’s heart for Germany was pure evil. This is also the intent of the American Communist liberals against Conservatives. Their hatred is so satanic, they have no rational, law-abiding thought. Destroying opposition or dissent is what the worst democrats have vowed to do if they obtain control of the government. This election is really an extension of their revolutionary overthrow. Antifa/BLM terrorism is their constant strategy of attack and will continue until stopped. Those that get arrested and released are already hardened criminals, paid mercenaries. Even if Trump overcomes election stealing, he will still have to choose to fight, but with the necessary power backing.

    The Human Problem: Making the World Safe for Democracy American Style
    General Dwight D. Eisenhower, August 6, 1945 in a radio speech to the vanquished German people:

    “The coming months are going to be hard for you. You will just have to be tough – there is no alternative. Every sign indicates a severe shortage of food, fuel, housing and transport. It is therefore up to you to alleviate your hardship by working very strenuously and helping one another. The prospects for this year’s harvest look good. But people in the cities will have to go out and work in the countryside. There will be no coal available for heating homes this winter. To meet your basic requirements in the next few months you will have to go into the woods and cut your own firewood. A third priority is the provision of living accommodations. As far as the weather allows, damaged property must be repaired to offer as much protection from the winter as possible. To this end, you will have to collect scrap material over the widest possible area and gather dead wood in the forests.”

    The above was extracted from the extensive essay at

    • Thank you, Ruth.

      This narcissist was ungallantly stomping on a defeated foe, on civilians — men, women, children, widows, the aged — to ingratiate himself further with his jew masters and reach his long-term personal goal of being “The President of the United States.”

      Like Faust, he sold his soul to the Devil. And when he died, he got the karma that was awaiting him.

    Il Comunista Diego Rivera ha fatto questo murales?
    Guarda l’uomo biondo al Centro!(sei tu?)
    A volte il Cuore(come la vera Arte)fa cose che Schiaccia di colpo la Mente Egoica.
    Ecco perché Rockefeller ha cancellato il suo murales…non era per Lenin e gli altri comunisti!
    John de Nugent…colpisce ancora!:)
    “L’uomo che controlla l’Universo”

  3. Quindi questo murales è stato totalmente sostituito a New York.
    Rivera ha raffigurato al centro l’Uomo operaio…((Socialista Nazionale))
    Da un lato i comunisti e dall’altro lato i Capitalisti liberali.
    Se ci pensi bene è così attualmente nei rami del potere.

  4. In the USA there seems to be an ongoing effort by dems/commies/jews to steal the election with ingenious schemes involving mail sorting machines, as described in the jimstone website, best reached typing in his url in the browser search window.
    If the communists that the usa has helped to establish (communist revolution in Russia?, nourished, and even defended (ww2), happen to “win” the elections, what they intend to do by any and all means, americans will get a taste of the “meal” they prepared for the world, and karma will finally hit home with horrible bolshewism.
    But it will not stop there.
    If the USA falls, many other countries will follow and fall too.
    The USA is therefore a prized prey for the communists.
    How dumb the usa fostered and helped bolshewism instead of combating it from the start.
    There is ample information available about the horrors of bolshewism.

  5. “The jew uses our egoic mind to destroy us”
    (And our inventions against us, as he has boasted)
    Well said, but thats only the beginning.
    Remember the enthusiastic jewish bolshevists enjoying themselves in the soviet union torturing gentiles and christians, and the singer you wrote about not long ago who was lamenting that no one was left to torture…
    That is what will follow, beware of your “friendly jewish neighbor or politician” for they might happily help turn you in to the fema camps or worse. Thats their jewish duty.
    When the conditions are right, the rats will come out of their holes for you.
    People will be astounded and not understand.
    “But we loved Israel so much…”
    And webmasters like stevequayle will scream “its the nazis massacring us”!

  6. Wikipedia:Nel 1999 Tarro sostiene una falsa cura nota come biocorrezione di Vitali Vassiliev ed insieme a lui pubblica un articolo; è una cura senza fondamento scientifico che promette di guarire da diverse malattie,che sembra essere praticata in alcune cliniche soprattutto in Israele(ma va?),dai costi di decine di migliaia di euro.
    WikiJews distrugge la Reputazione di questo Medico.
    Attualmente in prima linea contro la Truffa Covid..soprattutto in questo momento!

  7. Many images of Keith Olbermann I have seen where he is passionately shouting in front of these blue & pink colors representing bisexual pride. I assumed that he insisted on having that flag behind him whenever he gives a dissertation like some perverse despot in his own world.

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