In defense of hunters

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A comrade and vegetarian was upset by this photo of a UP girl with a deer she shot, called her a bimbo, said hunting was a “blood sport,” and that Hitler, as a vegetarian, would have been appalled at this photo.

I replied:

Blood “sports”? People up here have been eating what they hunt for generations. One deer is a good 75 pounds of meat for a white family.

And, by the way, no helicopter comes and transports the deer carcass away for you. You have to either haul out the 150-pound deer yourself or dress it on the spot, and then haul out the 75 pounds of meat for a half mile or more.

Were it not for human and animal hunters, deer (like rabbits) would starve to death, a ghastly demise that happens anyway to a third of them every winter.

Deer eat grass, nuts, twigs, alfalfa, corn, fruit and fungi, and thrive and breed rapidly.

There would be a population explosion without hunters, both two-and four-legged. And this would lead to a much higher death rate for humans who drive cars. My own Crown Vic was damaged by a deer who leapt right in front of my car at 55 mph. Margi and I could have been killed.

Everyone up here, or in Pennsylvania and other northern states, has experienced a deer literally attacking the car. They wait by the side of the road (fearing the wolves and bears in the forest, plus the mosquitos at dusk) and then jump in front of it. They have no common sense, or any idea of multiple options, and when nervous, deer simply jump forward as their default setting.

Do you also hate wolves and bears? Or just pretty white girls who cook and eat what they hunt, and save them from starvation? And have you asked a deer if it enjoys being hunted and killed by other animals?

A human’s rifle bullet is a pretty quick death in comparison.

And, finally, if a race war breaks out, you will thank God on bended knee that there are white men who know how to kill on the first shot with a rifle.


  1. Bè in effetti è così anche qui con i cinghiali! Distruggono tutto e sono pericolosi perché ti attaccano in maniera letale!

    Personalmente non sarei capace di sparare, può darsi per legittima difesa.

    Ci sono sempre buone ragioni per uccidere,disprezzo chi lo fa per Gioco! E poi…non tutti possono essere Vegetariani(o peggio vegani)come un branco di pecore!

    Sono scelte strettamente personali e molto ponderate.

    Una mia scelta personale non deve ricadere egoisticamente sugli altri!

    • Transl:

      Well, in fact it is so even here [in Italy] with wild boars! They destroy everything, and are dangerous because they attack you in a lethal way!

      Personally I would not be able to shoot them, unless maybe in self-defense.

      There are always good reasons to kill, but I have disdain those who do it for fun! And then again … not everyone can be a vegetarian (or worse, a vegan) like a flock of sheep!

      These are strictly personal decisions and must be carefully considered.

      But our personal choice must not be imposed selfishly on others! [end]

      Thanks, and I agree.

      I would add, with Eckhart Tolle, that any cause, no matter how justified — vegetarianism, and political and religious goals — can become a vehicle for the egoic mind. Before you know it, you are feeling morally superior to others.

      What is shocking to me is that the Romans under Nero and later emperors, instigated by jews, burned Christians alive……

      …but then, when Rome became Christian, Christianity adopted Roman methods and Christians began burning their enemies alive too!

      The Cathars believed in many true things, such as reincarnation, and, “even worse,” in religious freedom.
      They denied the divinity of Christ and the authority of the pope; and the Roman Catholic Church declared them heretics in 1176. IMO, “worst of all,” they taught that a good and loving god was the God of the New Testament, and the creator of the spiritual realm, whereas an evil god was the God of the Old Testament. Yahweh, in their view, created our physical world as a kind of hell. (This is certainly an understandable viewpoint, and many secular and pagan observers over the centuries have also made similar observations.)

      Many Cathars identified this Yahweh, “the Lord” of the jews, with Satan himself!

      The Albigensian Crusade resulted in their defeat, capture, and the slaughter of about 19,000 men, women and children, plus another 200 were burned alive.

      Spread of Cathar-type ideas from Eastern Europe:

      So Rome never really became Christian. Christianity, instead, became Roman!

      Hence the term “Roman” Catholic has a sinister association….

      But the Byzantine, Orthodox Christians were almost as bad. Here they are killing 100,0090 Paulicians in 843 for their Cathar-type views:


      Every cause, no matter how noble or at least sincere, can become something hideous when people infected with the egoic mind take it over.

      Americans stop “Nazi barbarism” in Dresden. P-51 Mustangs dropped leaflets urging civilians and hospital patients to congregate along the Elbe riverbanks to be safe from the bombing of the city. The next day they returned, and flew up and down the river, strafing these same civilians.

      The great early WWII revisionist Maurice Bardèche wrote in 1946 that the American GIs and officers desperately NEEDED to believe in the reality of the Holocaust fraud just so they could sleep at night after seeing the bombed-out cities, smelling the cadaver odor wafting all over these cities (John Kennedy remarked on this in his diary), and seeing German women sell themselves for food.

      “Well, sure the Germans are suffering, but look what THEY did! They gassed six million jews!”

      This is all the egoic mind at work, telling you to ignore reality for something that will please it, that will puff up this nasty IT, this he egoic mind, which loves to see itself as right while everyone else is soooo wrong. 😉

  2. There are no longer any real coherent habitats for animals, and conflicts are inevitable. Humans have urbanized all areas and destroyed them with roads, natural migration is no longer possible at all.

    Obviously the lady is proud to have killed this animal and to present its maltreated body like this, she even smiles. This is indeed degrading and is evidence of severe mental underdevelopment. If she had wanted to document it, she would have simply taken a photo of the animal alone, not staged herself and on top of that grinning cynically.

    The core of the National Socialists (Hitler, Himmler, etc.) were indeed far ahead when it came to animal protection (also organic farming, criticism of vaccination, etc.) [1] [2] Plant proteins can be digested much more easily by the body and are beneficial for the coming development of mental consciousness.


    • Actually, until agriculture a few thousand years ago, hunting is how white humans survived for tens of thousands of years. Were all our Cro Magnon ancestorrs guilty of “severe under-development”?

      In the superb film “Ice Age Columbus,” you see a Solutrean clan in the Ice Age, in Europe, in southern France, at the time of the glacial maximum.

      Times were very tough, and this pushed some Solutreans to cross the Atlantic along the then-existing winter ice shelf to hunt for food over in North America.

      And when the hunt was successful, all Whites rejoiced. Starvation was postponed. White men who could hunt successfully found mates, but those who failed at the hunt were scorned by women.

      5:53 to 17:52

      It was not “blood sport” — IT WAS ABOUT SURVIVAL. You, I, we all descend from successful hunters, not sissies.

      The Establishment wants a white guilt trip — “Whites stole the Indians’ land” — so they denigrate this theory (by the former head of anthropology at the Smithsonian!) which says whites were here first (and, by implication, that Amerindians from Mongolia then genocided them). This Solutrean Theory flips the whole guilt trip around 180 degrees. AND THAT MUST NOT BE ALLOWED…..

  3. Thanks for the answer. There were or are certainly people in the past who hunted and ate meat. But a number of serious scientists also report of others who did not eat meat. Current trends are all too easily projected onto past cultural epochs. There are also a number of ideals of masculinity attached to meat consumption, including those of masculinity and strength. Quote advertising slogan of the 1970s and 1980s in the FRG: “Meat is a piece of vitality.” („Fleisch ist ein Stück Lebenskraft.“)

    But the hunter-prey principle will one day be overcome, whether with vegetable proteins or with synthetic meat for those who prefer classic meat. The fact that our body has an enormous flexibility and makes the best use of all the food it gets does not mean that all food is equally beneficial. A flexible focus of consciousness or awake-conscious projections/transitions are favoured and promoted by certain foods; the exclusively physical consciousness perception will belong to the past in the future. Hitler and Himmler were highly spiritual; in addition to their love for animals, they also knew about the future probable spiritual developmental routes of mankind. According to a biography of Hitler by Werner Maser, Hitler was often served pseudo steaks (vegetarian minced steaks etc.) in the presence of others.

    The time when humans had a natural regulatory function is long gone: Man has thoroughly destroyed extensive contiguous animal habitats, especially also in North America. Then come complaints, as with the negroes in Africa, who have left a few small spots/reserves for the wild animals and then wonder when the elephants return to their old habitats because their habitat has been taken from them. Migration is no longer possible. Here in the rest of Germany there are no natural regulators at all anymore, one bear was murdered immediately when it was sighted a few years ago. And the young lady in the photo doesn’t seem to be just happy because she has secured so much meat, for her it seems to be more of a “sporting” activity.

    The taboo subject of the white Native Americans of North America is well known to me, among other things through your site. There is plenty of evidence that the whites were there first, in North and South America; and I certainly do not glorify the Indians. The reality is indeed extremely complex, in addition to other physical factors (other planetary inhabitants, shape-shifters, their alliances with the Allies, etc.), there are also subtle factors (generation of suffering energy, etc.), which are well documented on your site.

  4. 1. La Vegetarier-Bund (Società Vegetariana Tedesca), fondata nel 1892, venne soppressa dal regime nazista (riaprì nel 1946). Chiusura bizzarra, se Hitler ne fosse stato un sostenitore.

    2. La politica hitleriana non promosse mai il vegetarismo, né a beneficio della salute pubblica, né per motivi etici. Il non promuovere pubblicamente questa sana alimentazione è significativo, da parte di un leader che rinforzò rigorosamente altre politiche salutiste, come una legislazione che condannava il fumo e l’inquinamento, o le misure a tutela delle donne in gravidanza e partorienti.

    Hitler non era vegetariano;furono i suoi medici a prescrivergli occasionalmente – per migliorare le condizioni della sua salute – di seguire una dieta priva di carne.
    PS,ovviamente tutto questo segue la propaganda attuale, però mi piace tirar fuori la Verità dai nemici che si lasciano scappare sempre qualcosa!

    • Transl:

      1. The Vegetarier-Bund (German Vegetarian Society), founded in 1892, was suppressed by the NS regime (reopening in 1946). Bizarre, this closure — if Hitler had been a supporter of it.

      2. Hitler’s politics never promoted vegetarianism, neither for the benefit of public health, nor for ethical reasons. Failure to publicly promote this healthy diet is significant, by a leader who rigorously reinforced other health policies, such as legislation condemning smoking and pollution, or measures to protect pregnant and pregnant women.

      Hitler was not a vegetarian; it was his doctors who occasionally prescribed him – to improve his health – to follow a meat-free diet.

      PS. Of course all this follows the current propaganda, but I like to bring out the truth from the mouths of his enemies, who always let something slip out! 🙂


      Thank you, dear comrade, for this.

      I also objected to cut flowers, then and now, for killing the plant.

      Yet I was capable of having 200 hardened and dangerous enemies killed in 1934, and I had a guillotine set up to execute traitors by the thousands, and the Feldgendarmerie hanged thousands of deserters.

      our universe is both yin and yang; and so one cannot be always gentle; nor always harsh: each situation demands the proper mix of the two great energies.

      Unlike my last life in the gruff and teutonic Germany, which had been united and led by a martial Prussia which was the Sparta, not the Athens, of Germany, in this incarnation I have experienced here in the superpower America a nice mix of Whites — keltic, slavic, old-mediterranean and germanic, and I have come to see here how tact and diplomacy benefit the Americans.

      And both these virtues, tact and diplomacy, are yin. 🙂

      In the I-Ching, which Carl Jung loved, that approach is called “the wisdom of the mare.” 😉

  5. To Emy: Source documents, at least a single source? I’m not informed about the Vegetariierbund, so I don’t know if it was one of the infiltrated organizations at that time or not.

    And: Didn’t the National Socialists introduce the first animal protection law in the world? On how many more fronts should Hitler still have fought? What was the level of development of the people at that time regarding animal protection? Snakes, worms etc. trampled, fur animals in cages etc.? Hitler knew very well that mankind at that time was not yet mature enough to question the consumption of meat.

  6. As my comment on the Debussy embed from John’s “A little birdy told me” article has precipitated this current article, please allow me to post here my original comment(s).

    June 23, 2020 at 8:33 am
    While appreciating Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, I can’t but stop thinking of that pic. of the murdered beautiful deer in my minds eye. Almost expect the sound of a gunshot to brutally end the fauns enchanted afternoon while listening to the music, kinda ruined it for me.
    Sorry John, I hate so-called blood ‘sports’ and I hope the Bimbo with the gun gets hers. …Payback, Karma!

    After John posted his rebuke, I then followed up with …
    June 23, 2020 at 9:33 am
    Re: photo of slain deer posted above.
    Remember John, Adolph Hitler was, like myself, a vegetarian, and would have been repulsed by that photograph…
    Hitler feeding fauns.

    Well, I suppose it was a bit unfair of me calling the young lady a Bimbo.
    I, similar to the commenter above, assumed by her posing with the slain deer that she just enjoyed killing for a thrill.
    Thank you John for giving extra information I was not aware of. I just hope that young lady had the humility to bless and heart-fully thank that beautiful animal for being food for her family.
    To be truthful, if I was starving I would eat meat to stay alive. I have been a Vegetarian for almost 50 years now …by choice at age 18, having come from a heavy meat eating Aussie family. …and I certainly aint no soy-boy. I avoid all soy products.
    Also I do not proselytize vegetarianism or feel “morally superior to others” at all because of my vegetarian diet.

    Sadly, I’ve read that some deer in certain areas of the States are infected with a type of mad-cow disease. I fully approve of humanely ending the misery of suffering animals if need be, starving or whatever.
    Thanks for giving this subject an airing John. All the best…
    Cheers Phil.

    • Thanks. Some thrive on a veggie diet, others IMO wilt. 😉

      At the Himalayan Institute, an ashram in northeastern Pennsylvania, run by Swami Rama, over the course of ten months I saw some men look really emaciated on a soy/tofu/veggie diet, like marathon runners.

      Women seemed to thrive on it. But then, huge muscles and a warlike physique are hardly their natural calling. 😉

      Unlike my last life, I eat a keto diet this time with a lot of meat, cheese, bacon, and low-carb vegetables, and lift weights daily for large muscles, like cops — a necessity for me in a town with Antifa and others of a confrontational nature.

  7. Dear John de Nugent,

    I appreciate your analyses and contributions very much, the wholeness of your publications is unique. In the context of nutrition, however, there is an objection: if a malnourished person also eats meat, would you reproach him or her for “eating meat”? A malnourished person who does not eat meat is not a vegetarian or vegan, but a malnourished person. You refer several times to weaklings / linnets and act implicitly as if these physically weak people are representative for vegans.

    Vegetarian or vegan nutrition considers protein supply and protein combinations, e.g: Wheat protein (pasta etc.) and lentils, corn and beans, pea protein, lupin protein, hemp protein and many more. There are numerous examples of vegan top athletes and strength athletes/bodybuilders who follow a vegan diet, with detailed video interviews, e.g:

    Talk | Patrik Baboumian


    Why are vegetarians and vegans responsible for the fact that the background powers want to prepare for future poverty and propagate vegan nutrition for dishonourable reasons? I really don’t mean that provocatively and I know how precious your time is, but, in the sense of constructive criticism: Is “vegan” a derogatory term for you? What can vegans do about Kyle Hunt and Sinnad McCarthy’s dishonorable behavior? [1][2]. You could list countless character rags who are also meat eaters, but it would be unobjective and thematically irrelevant to call them “meat-eating” or “meat eaters”.

    [1] „UPDATE Does Kyle Hunt control Bitchute? Screeching by flat-earther, vegan, doxxing wife“ during a show; chat by Brian Ruhe & me, character-assassination survivors

    [2] „Brian Ruhe steps up stinging counter-attack on flat-earther, vegan trolls Hunt & McCarthy“


    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    ich schätze Ihre Analysen und Beiträge sehr, die Ganzheitlichkeit ihrer Publikationen ist einmalig. Im Ernährungskontext gibt es jedoch einen Einwand: Wenn ein Fehlerernährter auch Fleisch ißt, würden Sie ihm dann vorwerfen: „Fleischesser“? Ein Fehlernährter, der kein Fleisch ißt, ist eben kein Vegetarier oder Veganer, sondern ein Fehlernährter. Sie verweisen mehrfach auf Dürrlinge/Hänflinge und tun implizit so, als ob diese körperlich kraftlosen Menschen repräsentativ für Veganer wären.

    Vegetarische oder vegane Ernährung berücksichtigt Proteinversorgung und Proteinkombinationen, z.B.: Weizeneiweiß (Nudeln etc.) und Linsen, Mais und Bohnen, Erbseneiweiß, Lupineneiweiß, Hanfprotein und viele mehr. Es gibt zahlreiche Beispiele von veganen Hochleistungssportlern und Kraftsportlern/Bodybuildern, die sich vegan ernähren, mit ausführlichen Videointerviews, z.B.:

    Talk | Patrik Baboumian


    Was können Vegetarier und Veganer dafür, daß die Hintergrundmächte auf zukünftige Armut einstimmen möchten und aus unehrenhaften Gründen vegane Ernährung propagieren? Ich meine das wirklich nicht provokativ und ich weiß, wie kostbar Ihre Zeit ist, aber, im Sinne konstruktiver Kritik: Ist „vegan“ eine abwertende Bezeichnung für Sie? Was können Veganer dafür, daß Kyle Hunt und Sinnead McCarthy sich unehrenhaft verhalten?[1][2]. Man könnte unzählige Charakterlumpen aufführen, die auch Fleischesser sind, aber es wäre unsachlich und thematisch irrelevant, diese als „fleischessend“ oder „Fleischesser“ zu titulieren.

    [1] „UPDATE Does Kyle Hunt control Bitchute? Screeching by flat-earther, vegan, doxxing wife“ during a show; chat by Brian Ruhe & me, character-assassination survivors

    [2] „Brian Ruhe steps up stinging counter-attack on flat-earther, vegan trolls Hunt & McCarthy“

    • Thanks.

      I brought up the veganism of Hunt and Sinead in the context of ego… acting superior and denigrating others.

      It is like the excessive nordicism that I stopped by 1935. Of course blond hair and blue eyes are attractive.. but not as an excuse to act superior to others who may be doing far more for the folk community.

  8. Mit Sicherheit besser als Massentierhaltung.

    Ich bin dafür, dass jeder, der Fleisch essen will, selbst das Tier halten bzw. jagen, töten und schlachten sollte.

    Menschen, die “nur aus Spass” jagen, verachte ich zutiefst. Aber die Jagd um etwas auf dem Teller zu haben ist besser als Fleisch aus dem Supermarkt zu kaufen.

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