In France, violent demonstrators show up at every rightwing rally to shock the masses by smashing and burglarizing businesses

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In Nantes and Rennes, we are used to seeing the so-called “black blocs” appear during demonstrations. A procession controlled by the unions advances quietly until the moment when demonstration always, always gets out of hand.

“A group of around 200 people masked and dressed in black”  ( Ouest-France , Ille-et-Vilaine, Friday January 20, 2023) breask the windows of banks, insurance companies, and companies that do temporary work and real estate. In Rennes, these Black Blocs also know how to loot clothing stores that offer fashionable brands. For sure, a job for the craftsman who specializes in the rapid repair of windows and display cases.

Several questions arise: where do these young people come from? Who are they ? What game are they playing? Whom do they work for? Who manipulates them? What do they live on? They appear, they disappear, they are very mobile…

After the demonstration on Thursday, January 19, the mayor of Rennes, Nathalie Appéré (PS), condemned “very firmly the damage, theft and violence committed  by a group of thugs, who attempted to mislead the popular demonstration to commit their misdeeds, despite the mobilization of the police  ” ( Ouest-France , Rennes, Friday January 20, 2023).

“Beautiful” images for the 20-hour news

Since then, we have gotten used to it… One certainty, these “people” are doing the government a favor because they provide “beautiful” images for the evening [8 pm] newscast. Anything that can contribute to discrediting a social movement is good for those in power. Those who remember remember seeing the Black Blocs at work in Notre-Dame-des-Landes recall how they were installed in a farm which they burned down when the “struggle” ended. The other demonstrators hated them… and vice versa.


Illustration photo: DR
[cc] , 2023, dispatches free of copy and distribution subject to mention and link to the original source

2 answers

  1. How come the police never arrest those they call the Black-Blocs? During the demonstration of retirees, in defense of their retirement pensions, on the Champs-Elysées only elderly people, who were demonstrating peacefully, were gassed… while the Black-Blocs, who ransacked the Arc de Triomphe, weren’t bothered!

  2. It’s surprising that we don’t know much about them. Are they convicted felons? What is their social origin, and their job? They show up to ruin demonstrations (of the Yellow Vests and others). I saw several of them (about thirty) arrive by car at one of the first demonstrations of the Yellow Vests at the Bastille. All were dressed the same as a militia, with violent slogans, megaphones, and backpacks. I quickly understood that they were there to ruin thngs. The CRS [riot police, normally brutal] looked away without budging. [Police minister] Darmanin never did anything to repress them. On the other hand, he dissolved [the anti-migrant, pro-white] Génération Identitaire, which never duid anything violent. This still raises questions.




  1. Work until you die in your 70s, 80s, or 90s.
    The bankers rig the system to keep you in debt and working. If too many people retire the system wpuld crash. The pension black hole will suck you in, and 96% of people will have to work until they die.

    You can live off the grid if you and willing to downsize and live frugally.

    People who have nothing will survive the best.

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